Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 264

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264. What does the black knife do?

“Okay, how was it?”

Edin Molsen’s father asked.

Because he was sitting at his office desk and only moving his mouth without raising his head, the man who was Edin Molse’s bodyguard had to look at the top of his head to answer.

Howie stood up straight and opened his mouth.

“I’ve opened Will. You’re at least an associate knight level.”

Climb, open, reach, awaken, achieve.

There were many ways to describe the use of ‘will’, but one thing was important here.

That means he uses ‘Will’.

A boy with black hair and blue eyes. I wanted him, but there was no need to get him right away.


The quill that was writing something crunchily stopped. The Count’s head lifted up. The change in emotions was clearly visible in his eyes.

The escort thought it was an unusual occurrence, and the Count asked and fell into thought.

‘I knew he was the subject of a lot of rumors, but he was ‘Will’?’

This means that you have truly reached the level of a semi-knight.

In reality, the differences between ‘semi-knight’ and ‘semi-knight’ were very different.

It makes no sense to compare a simpleton swordsman with someone who uses ‘will’.

However, the world used to label him as a semi-knight.

So, what I meant was that if ‘Will’ wasn’t there, I could barely get along with the driver.

The Count knew very well how useless that was.

The Count, who had completely put down his quill, sat down in his chair with his back straight.


I repeated in my mind the words I had said out loud. It wasn’t my will. It happened naturally.

Isn’t this something that can’t be easily overcome?

Originally, it seemed like he was well above the level of a squire.

On the continent, a semi-knight was usually at the level of a squire.

So, those who train their body and mind without ‘will’.

Some of them realize their ‘will’ even while leading a debauched life.

Another person may become a semi-knight after living a life of poverty comparable to that of a monk and knowing nothing but discipline.

What they all have in common is that they all have the minimum military pay and are renowned for their military power.

So, being a squire was synonymous with being a swordsman who was fiercely good at fighting.

Considering this, how absurd is the term ‘semi-knight level’?

But it’s not even that high, it’s now at the same level as a semi-knight, isn’t it?

Howie studied the Count’s face. Aside from the change in his eyes, his expression remained the same. He just adjusts his facial muscles in an indifferent and pretentious manner.

The Count said with a light smile.

“It turned out to be fun.”

The count abandoned most of the plans he had been making alone.

“How did you see it?”

I ask again about the escort’s insight. Howie thought for a moment.

How much should I say?

I don’t know what’s inside this guy. He was an incredible human being.

‘Crazy guy.’

Although he is a noble of Naurilia, he formed an alliance with the Hurrier family of Azpen.

He was here as proof of that.

In name he was a guard and gourmet of the Earl’s family, but in reality he was a member of the Hurrier family.

Therefore, the quasi-knight of Azpen is his original identity.

This is the result of things twisted this way and that by the higher-ups, but it is none of his business as he, a junior knight, has no political insight.

I just clearly recognize one simple fact.

That this person was planning something and that Azpen also accepted it.

‘Does this child also have his father’s affection?’

I don’t see anything like that.

Before I knew it, the dazzling sunset had passed through the window and entered the office. It is the time when orange light surrounds the surroundings.

Howie chose what he could say and did it.

“He was a very difficult and difficult person to deal with, and he had a strange influence on those around him.”

“Is this because he is a guy who gathers people and puts them under him?”

That wasn’t it. The type was a little different.

“Not really. Just.”

Howie paused for a moment. How should I say this?

“Even without meaning to, everyone around him seemed to enjoy seeing them and being around him.”

Howie thought of a mixed race giant.

I say she’s a wandering Teresa, but if you can’t recognize her, you’re just blind.

She was originally an enemy. She was clearly in a different group and had an accident, but where is she now? Who does she stay with? How is that possible?

It’s something you can’t understand with your head.

Also, what were the people around him doing?

Finally, Howie also noticed a change in Edin Molsen.

He tried to talk about his son, but the count spoke first.

“I said you were aiming for a black knife?”

The sunset touched the left side of the Count’s face. At that moment, the Count’s face appeared in two eyes. Starting from the part where the sunset separates them, they are two completely different faces. Among them, there was no face that showed concern, concern, or even interest in his son.


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For a moment, it occurred to me that the word ‘did’ was not correct, rather than what the black knife was aiming for, but the guard did not say anything.

“I heard so.”

“Yeah, that was really fun.”

“Okay, then I’ll just leave.”

Howie suddenly felt nauseous.

Those thoughts came to mind again and again as I dealt with this guy.

How far can human malice grow?

What can you give up for your ambition?

If someone opens the path to becoming a knight, how much are you willing to give up?

‘Family too? Even children?’

Should we offer everything up as a sacrifice and move on? For ambition? Or should we stop for the sake of humanity?

The count in front of me looked like he wouldn’t stop. He seemed to have no thoughts of children, family, or affection.

As the guard opened the office door and went out, he saw a person standing guard at the door.

It was a man wearing a black helmet and flowing silver hair.

He moved his helmet, and the guard responded with a gesture of his chin and entered the dark hallway where the setting sun could not reach.

The count’s escort in black helmet closed the door.


The count looked at the closed door and clenched his chin.

My mouth was bored. She took out her pipe, took a bite, and snapped her fingers.

A fire broke out, pushing away the sunset light.

The Count smiled as he moved the end of the pipe to light the fire that had risen from his fingertips.

The bitter, inhaled tobacco smoke entered the lungs and was spit out from the throat, forming smoke around the mouth.

The mixture of sunset light and smoke looked like orange smoke.

“Black knife guys.”

That won’t be fun.

If you are really a semi-knight, not a semi-knight.

From what I heard from the escort, if all the guys around him are formidable guys.

They will never get what they want.

‘It’s okay if I succeed.’

What if the black sword hits Encred and his group? At that time, all you have to do is weigh it on the scale and proceed.

However, it seemed like that wouldn’t happen. It’s a vague premonition, but such premonitions are rarely wrong.

“It might be fun.”

The Count was lost in thought, and Edin Molsen was nowhere in his mind.

* * *

As soon as Encred grabbed his wrist, the opponent pulled back with all his might.

Of course, the wrist didn’t move.

It stopped like a still life. Veins bulged on the back of her hand. It’s because I’m holding on too tightly.

Even though everyone around him seemed like a monster, Encred’s strength was not inferior to them either.


I pulled my wrist back and broke it. My wrist was broken after being twisted at an abnormal angle. But not even a moan could be heard from his opponent’s mouth.

The crowd was overwhelming.

The market was half people and half goods.

Few people around me paid attention to this place.

“Sibeol, what happens if you step on it?”

A peddler with a stall shouted fiercely.

“No, there is no way to walk!”

The road needs to be widened a bit.

Would you have spent Crona for that too? There were traces of that.

Construction to widen the main street was also underway.

The territory will be expanded.

The hunchback with the bent wrist stretched out the other hand.

Encred struck forward with his right fist before the opponent’s elbows were fully extended.

It was a speed that was invisible to the eyes of ordinary people, that is, Chrys who was nearby.

All I could hear was a popping sound followed by a popping noise.

Esther was a little surprised by the blow, barely feeling any shaking even though she was in Encred’s arms.

‘It’s gotten neater?’

As a witch by nature, she couldn’t tell what the change in Encred was, but that was what she felt through her instinctive intuition.

After breaking the hunchback’s jaw.

He was wearing a thick robe, so Encred grabbed the hood of the robe and took it off, revealing a guy with a bulging back and bushy hair.

The process of breaking the wrist, extending the fist, and removing the robe took just a few breaths.

But as soon as this short process was over, a projectile flew out.

The eyes of the sixth sense have been opened. Encred opened his palm and swung at the incoming projectile.

One of the flying projectiles was dull and hit the floor at a right angle.

It was a dart.

“They are formidable guys.”

Encred, who was tapping the dart with his toe, opened his mouth.

“…Are you going to grab me and say this?”

Kreis said with absurdity. What is so difficult?

Ester jumped out of Encred’s arms. Several people around were surprised to see the leopard come out and land on the ground.

Some saw the fallen hunchback, others saw him with a sword in his hand, and others also saw Encred and Chrys.

Although the two wandering peddlers did not know their faces, the Border Guard natives could not have known them.

“It’s a knife!”

“It’s an attack!”

“He’s an assassin!”

Oh my gosh, does an assassin come out as soon as I see him?

That shout aggravated the confusion.

It was a mess, with crowds everywhere, screaming, shouting from some merchants, and even the owner of the stall trying to protect his goods.

Encred thought and expanded his senses to his surroundings.

There was nothing to catch.

This was the reason why I said the opponent was formidable.

‘I didn’t feel it until I stabbed it with a dagger.’

The person who threw the dart must have hid in the crowd as soon as he threw it, so we couldn’t find him.

That’s how much hiding skills are in your body.

If there were only a few people, it seemed like he could catch a glimpse of it, so Encred concentrated.

Where are you?

I asked with my heart and mobilized my senses of sight, hearing, smell, and touch.

When I added my sixth sense to what I saw, heard, and felt, I was able to vaguely know the direction.

It is a gentle life.

It was the moment I focused on that.

Boom, something flew out from behind. It was slower than a dart, but heavier.


With that thought in mind, Encred suddenly turned around.

The flying projectile was caught in the eye. Through training and training, I could clearly see the thrown object through my eyes, which had greatly developed visual acuity.

It was a leather pouch.

Encred did as his strange intuition, a purely instinctive feeling, told him to do.

As I pulled out the gladius, I twisted my wrist so that the wide side was facing upwards, and then hit it upward with all my force in line with the flying bag.

Boom! Babbababbabang!

The bag that was hit exploded in the air, spewing out what looked like iron spikes in all directions.


Is this your first time seeing something like this?


A few thorns fell down.

Because it was winter, everyone wore thick clothes, so it was rare for anyone to get stabbed.

But it couldn’t stop the confusion from getting worse than before.

“Damn! Everyone go into the building! If you remain, you will be considered an enemy!”

The cries of a soldier patrolling the market were heard.

It was appropriate. In cases like this, it would be better to suppress them with violence and suppress them with coercion.

Encred didn’t move. I just take a quick look around.

Kreis looked around and stopped in place, thinking it would be safer here.


Meanwhile, two more darts flew, one of which was aimed at Kreis.

The flying dart becomes a line and touches down. The longer line continued, and within Encred’s senses, the line’s arrival point and trajectory were determined.

My concentration exploded. It is one point of concentration.

Sensitive senses, concentration, and bold heart are in harmony.

Encred moved like a sequenced stunt.

He dodged the dart aimed at him by just nodding his head, and stretched out his hand to catch the other dart in the middle.

It was all done in one movement, in one breath.

If the assassin who threw the dart saw this, his hair would stand on end.

So much so that my bladder starts shaking and I want to run away.

Of course I would have seen it.

Encred snatched up the dart, grabbed the end, and waved it with two fingers.

‘Look at these bastards?’

Are you targeting Krys?

In the meantime, another dart flew by with a time difference.

It was aiming for Esther, but the leopard had already dodged it.

How many humans would be able to beat an animal based solely on nimble movements?

All that remains is the fact that the dart stuck in the spot where the leopard was was aimed at her.


Esther expressed hostility, and Encred still kept his senses open.

The assassins, or rather the group of assassins, were very skilled people.

‘I intentionally spilled the beans and threw a bag of iron thorns.’

Didn’t they apply poison there? Do you think it was applied?

I felt life here and there and then it disappeared.

“Don’t push! Don’t push!”

“Don’t step on it!”

“Are you pushing me because you think it’s who I am?”

“help me!”


“Ugh, come out, come out!”

And the market became even more crazy.


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