Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 262

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262. Are you an onion?

“What you need to do when walking like a snake is to expand the range of motion of your joints.”

Encred learned snake walking from Audin, added the swallow knife sword technique to it, and mixed it with the swordsmanship he learned from Ragna and what he had seen, learned, felt, and experienced so far.

The concept was simple.

‘Yugeomsik blocks, sheds and scatters.’

It is a swordsmanship that prioritizes making the opponent tired of his efforts.

Lionesis Oniak, who was the first to compile five sword techniques, defined it that way, and those who later mastered the sword technique followed the same method.

‘Do we really have to do that?’

He may not be the first to have thought this, but Encred may have been the first to create a shape, put meaning into it, and turn it into a sword technique.

That’s how it was made.

Let’s create a gap by spilling and hitting at the same time.

The idea is to scatter the opponent’s attacks and push your sword forward.

The idea is simple, but in order to actually implement it, it required keen senses and many years of sparring experience.

It was from Encred.

However, if you swing your sword like this, you cannot use your full force to cut and stab your opponent.

To be precise, it is difficult to apply even half of the force.

So is it a problem? If you run out of power, you can fill it with something else.

All it would take was for the weapon to be a bit sharper.

Even if you just brush against it, you can get a cut.

Encred put a whetstone on his sword. sharpened the blade

Tutor, a sword that was reborn from a magic sword to a famous sword, was sharp enough to make up for the lack of power.

So I did that. A weapon was used.

He rode the opponent’s sword to the side, struck it, and came back.

The result was this.

“You’re one-eyed.”

As Encrid spoke while standing silently, Meelun covered one eye with her palm and blinked the remaining eye.

While trying to avoid the sword, he fell and landed on the floor.

Why are there all these guys?

What the hell is this guy?

No, but what was that a little while ago?

Complex thoughts arose one after another.

Instead of rolling her head, Meelun kicked the ground and rushed at her.

It looked like he was kicking the ground with his buttocks, but in reality, he was using the elasticity of his knees to jump forward from his fallen position.

It didn’t matter that I couldn’t see in one eye.

The fighting sense accumulated over many years guided Frock’s hand. It allowed me to estimate the opponent’s location.

‘It spilled.’

In the meantime, I also know what tricks the opponent’s sword did. In that case, all you have to do is hit it so it doesn’t spill.

All it took was one step to lunge, and Maelun’s forearms seemed to swell to twice their size.

At the same time, the forearm appeared to flex.

The thick loop sword held in that arm also blurred like a mirage and struck down.

Encred felt the flying sword. He opened his five senses. He used his newly acquired sixth sense to read the trajectory of the sword strike.

I straightened my sword. It was a quick attack and defense that would not be visible to the average person, but to Encred, it was just a sword strike that could be felt so clearly that it felt like it could be grasped.

The power felt from the loop sword was greater than before.

It was a trick.

I wondered why he was acting so ignorantly to bulge his muscles.

Just as Encrud was about to throw away the blade, the loop sword’s trajectory changed.

Encred then twisted his waist around his ankles to match that trajectory, and applied what he learned from Balaf style martial arts to his sword.

It was a momentary wit.

By adding force to the rotation, I struck Frock’s sword face.


The meeting of metal objects always brought about noise.

A loud noise erupted. Along with the vibration, an intangible shock rushed towards the two, but it had no effect on either of them.

I endured it with my trained body.

Meelun was not embarrassed. He didn’t even look down on his opponent.

Using the bounced force, he turned his body half a turn and swung his sword sideways, and Encred drew a curve in the air with his sword as if dancing and brought it to meet the opponent’s sword again.


Sparks flew between the two along with a friction sound.


Afterwards, the crushing sound was mixed between the fricative sounds.

Encred stepped back and waved his sword down to shake off the blood on the blade.

“… … you.”

Meelun, the proc across from me, blinked.

What is this really?

After her previous fight with Encred, Meelun worked harder than ever to improve her skills.

There was a time when I almost fell because I cut off three of the cult members.

He cut down monsters, cut down monsters, and even wandered around the demonic realm.

Everything was for today.

It’s to suppress people who dare to interfere with my work and achieve my desires.


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Frog’s desire is sometimes frighteningly persistent.

Meelun’s desires were simple and clear.

Enjoying a sense of accomplishment after defeating an opponent.

The person in front of me was just the right person.

It was a being that was weaker than itself but struggling.

However, my efforts to gain a deeper and deeper sense of accomplishment than ever before were not worth it.

No, my efforts paid off, but the opponent was different.


He was here because dealing with someone much stronger than himself was far from Meelun’s desire.

Considering his talent interpretation and various experiences, it makes no sense for him to lose.

Even now, my fighting sense says so.

But what is this? What on earth?

My skills now have grown significantly compared to before.

However, the guy who had barely competed with me before took my eye with one sword.

And this time.

“Where is my arm?”

Suddenly these absurd words came out.

There was, but not anymore.

I only used the sword twice, the first time I became one-eyed, and the second time I became one-armed.

So, my arm was cut off. The piece of flesh cut below the elbow while holding the sword was strewn on one side.

A hand holding a loop sword was seen, writhing and bleeding.

The proc’s regenerative ability is amazing, and the cut section is already growing in shriveled flesh, but right now it’s missing its weapons and arms.

Frog, who was both absurd and betrayed by his desires, lost his mind.

His eyes rolled around, and his long tongue came out from his open mouth and licked.

“Are you going to do more?”

Encred saw that Chrys was safe. I had already confirmed that he was curled up in the corner of the hall without even tying it up.

In other words, no one was killed by this proc.

There was also something I wanted to ask.

It’s like asking who was responsible for collecting the money.

Will someone like you come again in the future, or will it end here? I wonder if it was the Black Sword’s trick, or if the Count has been manipulating the territory for a long time.

There were many suspicious things.

The answer was simple. You should just ask that proc.

That’s how we watch.


Behind the scenes, the fairy company commander called himself by a nickname. I think that’s better than my fiancé.

And I found out why he had called me by looking at the prog.

A proc named Meelun reached into his chest armor and pulled out something.

It was a small leather pouch. The flat one looks perfect for putting in a boxer case.

Pick it up and roll it over your mouth with one hand. The strap of his pocket came loose and something that looked like powder entered his mouth.

“be careful.”

The fairy warned, and soon Frog’s eyes turned red.

Preoccupied with only one desire, the sense of accomplishment of victory, Proc made a choice he would regret when he woke up.

He took the medicine, and soon the effects of the medicine took effect in his body.


Frock screamed and ran away. It’s much faster than before.

Encred had been in a stance with his right foot back since Frock was dusting off the powder.

Cryce’s eyes widened as he looked at the rushing Frog. The fairy company commander took a step from behind.

After giving directions, Gilpin, who was outside the door, hit his butt in shock.

Encred’s sixth sense became more sensitive than ever before, allowing him to perceive everything around him.

As Concentrate One, a single point of concentration, was also activated, everything around seemed to slow down.

I felt like heavy, solid air was surrounding my body.

The powder Meelun shed scattered in the air and reflected light.

Before we knew it, the proc had expanded. It’s right in front of you.

Encred was holding his sword diagonally.

After closing the distance, Proc stepped forward.

‘Even if I cut it.’

The body that came after that would hit me like a stone.

It was a tactic unique to Frock, giving flesh and taking bones.

Boom! Sigh!

A loud bang erupted and one of the two hit the wall.


Only then did Kreis shout. He couldn’t even see the process of the fight, but he could see that Proc had suddenly taken the drug and started going wild.

When the two collided, the wood on the floor of the mansion was broken and dust was collected, causing Kreis to lose sight for a moment.

Beyond the dust, a blurry figure waved its hands left and right and opened its mouth.

“Why are you calling me?”

‘Oh, f*ck. ‘I thought I was hit.’

When Kreiss sighs in relief.

The fairy company commander was so surprised that he opened his mouth without realizing it. He awkwardly took his feet off his feet. He also placed his hand on his sword.

“What about a little while ago?”

She reflected on what she had seen.

Feet fly away. En Creed ran the blade of his sword against his opponent’s shin.

Frog’s skin is slippery.

It’s shedding using that characteristic. Of course, it could never be said to be an easy task.

Even if you were slightly off track, your head would be broken by a kick, or if you hit your shoulder, it had the power to break your bones.

So even shedding it could be considered a feat, but it didn’t end there.

Encred then pulled out a short sword in his left hand and used the blade as a blunt weapon to strike Frock’s armor.

By striking precisely at the heart area, it shattered the armor and shocked it.

Is this process amazing? surprising. Reaction speed and coping style.

“It has increased tremendously.”

Sinard decided that he would no longer be able to easily guarantee victory.

Of course, I don’t know if we fight with everything thrown at us, but it’s at a level where we can’t guarantee that we’ll easily win through simple sparring.

‘I guess they’ll be trickier than the barbarians?’

Looking at the surprised fairy, Encred just shrugged his shoulders.

“What do you think you know?”

Then he asked. Encred heard the company commander’s cry when he saw the powder. It was a knowing tone.

“It’s something I saw recently.”

“Let’s start by cleaning up the surrounding area.”

Kreis, who came to his senses, approached and said.

Encred nodded.

Then he broke down the wall of the mansion and looked at the proc stuck between the bricks.

Although his heart did not explode, he fainted from shock.

Regardless of whether the drug’s energy is struggling or not, Frock’s weak point is the heart. Encred was aiming for exactly that.

Therefore, the difference in skill was clear.

“But the captain is really strong.”

Even though I knew this, it was surprising. Kreis said and Gilpin, who had been watching all this, left her mouth open and unable to say anything from earlier.

He didn’t even get up from the position where he fell on his butt.

Aren’t they monsters that have nothing to do with Suje himself?

There wasn’t much he saw, or really saw. But if you tell this story to people around you, will they believe it?

‘I can believe it.’

Does this make sense?

What kind of article does that author have?

No, isn’t he just a company commander?

But he fights so well that it makes no sense?

“I’ll just go back.”

Encrud captured Proc alive. If it doesn’t die, it will regenerate, so capturing it alive is correct.

I also want to resolve some questions and curiosities.

Encrud draped a frock over his shoulder, with the fairy company commander and Chrys following him next to him.

As I walked out of the mansion, a cool breeze passed by my cheek.

It wasn’t a very long battle, but the sweat flowed. The wind flowing over my cheek was very cool.

As sweat flowed down my temple, the fairy company commander reached out and wiped the sweat away.

That’s what I’m saying.

“Are you an onion?”

Encred wondered what this meant.

“What do you mean by that?”

“It shows a new charm every time, so I thought it might be an onion that reveals new flesh no matter how you peel it.”

Encred became very curious.

What on earth is a joke in the world of fairies?

Is this a normal fairy?

Or was the fairy company commander ostracized even in the fairy world? Am I here because I got kicked out for making jokes like this?

I glanced at Kreis to see if he heard it too, but he didn’t seem to hear it.

“Oh, I have a lot.”

He was walking through the bag that Frog had brought with him.

“Didn’t you hear?”

Encred asked. Kreis raised his head, which had been bent as if it were going into a bag.


You didn’t hear. I heard but did not listen. Knowing that it was a technique used by Kryis, Encred also imitated it.

“What is powdered medicine?”

I heard but did not listen. I turned the material.

“there is. It’s a pain in the ass. “Onion fiancé.”

The fairy company commander didn’t care and gave Encred a refreshing title.

Can I swear?

Encred thought for a moment and closed his mouth.

You can find out about the medicine by asking Kreis later.

“Onion fiancé, what do you think you said with your eyes just now? “Your eyes look like you’re looking at an apple growing in a swamp?”

“… … “Swamp apples?”

“The only apples that grow in swamps are rotten and diseased apples.”

I interpreted it as a swear word.

Encred, the fairy company commander, seemed a little excited.

I didn’t ask why you were doing that.

Just act like Kreis.

I heard but did not listen.

“Hey, fiance. “You look like you don’t want to answer what I’m saying right now.”

“Ester came to meet you.”

Encred said with joy when he saw the leopard in front of the barracks.

Just as he said, Esther was waiting in front as if she had come to meet him.

Encred’s steps were light.

In the past, I barely held out against Proc Mae’elun, but now it was very different.

It was enough to just have a light drink.

That much has changed. Encred thought that way as he looked at Esther.


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