Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 261

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261. Even if you strike gently, the blade does not turn into a ball of cotton.

“Was the recruiting office fun? “Have you seen any good ones?”

The rapier swordsman nodded in response to a question from a close friend he had not seen in a long time.

“there was.”

“… … really?”

I wasn’t the type of person to say something like this after seeing someone of considerable talent.

Who was the last guy who told me my friend was a good talent?

He was a writer who showed outstanding talent even among gifted students.

Even within the empire where all geniuses gather, there are only a handful of people that this author recognizes.

But then you suddenly say something like that? There was no way I wouldn’t be interested.

Didn’t you say that you came after wandering around the continent, that is, the kingdom?

For the man in front of me, this job, that is, his job as a recruiter, was a kind of vacation.

This is something I did to relax as I have a habit bordering on workaholicness.

So it was truly rare and unexpected for something like this to come out while on vacation.

This was not the answer to a question asked as a casual joke.

In the inner courtyard of the Imperial Gateway Territory, the two sat in a small room with only a round table and a few chairs covered with wool cushions.

One is the man in charge of the territory, and the other is a training officer who returned from vacation.

Prosecutor Rapier spoke plainly about what he saw and felt.

Even though he calmly stated only the facts, there was little heat in his eyes.

Seongju thought it was like a quiet speech.

“So, it’s a talent you can’t see, but you were able to deflect intimidation?”

Prosecutor Rapier was so surprised that he only relayed the facts, except that he kept saying ‘Huh?’ while being in the rain for half a day.

“He is an interesting guy.”

The commander of the Gateway Territory stroked his chin. He poured the whiskey in front of him into his mouth.

It was a solo song called ‘Farmer’s Tears’.

The liquid that tingled my throat and showed off its existence reached my stomach and warmed my insides.

“Aren’t you a good prog?”

Procs who are good at their work was an expression that was created to refer collectively to progs hired by the empire. It was slang.

So, you’re calling a proc who can survive and do his job while wandering the continent alone?

It was a question that set the standard for the level of skill.

“It’s a prog.”

The rapier swordsman, who was twirling the glass in his hand, responded with an attitude that he had nothing to think about.

“There is no way.”

Are you saying it’s not even at Proc level? Or is it not possible to use procs or something like that? Of course, the answer was the latter.

Seongju also had that kind of insight.

Was it special that you realized ‘Will’? Yes.

But there are even more unusual things, strange things that couldn’t be conveyed through just facts.

‘Also how to use a sword.’

It has developed unbelievably. changed. It grew and evolved.

This is something I saw with my own eyes overnight.

If someone had told me, I wouldn’t have believed it even if I was beaten to death.

‘It would be more comfortable to think that I was tricked by a spell.’

If it’s a prog that’s good at work, it’s a proc that only goes around the outskirts.

‘How much sum can we endure?’

This would be an unlikely opponent. Encred was like that now.

The rapier swordsman held up his glass and held it up to the lamp.

The brown liquid contained within was created over a long period of time and process.

That’s why the name is Farmer’s Tears.

It meant that you had to work hard enough to get the tears out.

This process was necessary for ordinary soldiers, squires, and semi-knights.

‘Time, effort, quenching.’

The process is clearly visible to the eye. The discernment of a man who served as a training officer selected such things.

He was a man recognized even among prog talent readers.

Looking at it from that perspective, I could see the effort made by Encred, but it didn’t make sense.

Time is fair to everyone.

Therefore, it is important to consider talent.

If you spend the same day training, it is right to nurture the one with superior talent.

So, what is this Encred guy?

It’s something outside of my common sense. He is the owner of an unknown explosive talent.

This is his conclusion.

‘If not, then he went into some other world, practiced day after day, practiced for several years, and then came back.’


The man laughed.

I dismissed it as a truly absurd idea.

Easier said than done. It’s easier said than done to train day after day. It’s really, really easy if you say it in words.

But who will endure that?

We are in the position of seeing diverse talents and nurturing them.

No one would be able to endure such a process.


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What if I endure it?

‘If there is such a person.’

Whether it was an empire or something else, I wanted to make his will bloom with my own hands.

It was a talent that was worthy of being desired.

He once said in an academic book written within the empire, ‘What is the greatest talent?’

The alcohol in the spinning glass still reflected the light of the lamp.

The man poured his drink into his mouth and collected his thoughts.

‘The best talent doesn’t break even after death, and looks forward no matter what.’

Not knowing frustration.

That was his conclusion.

Of course, if it is not supported by physical talent, it will simply fade away.

Have you ever raised someone like that once or twice?

They tried to force talent into their bodies by only looking at their inclinations and talents. Has that happened once or twice?

They all just failed.

In order for the talent he thought to grow explosively, whether it was the devil of a curse or the goddess of luck, Sinbi had to help.

What if that happens? What if there really is such a person in the world? What if a person with such crazy willpower, who can overcome things that are beyond common sense and bordering on torture, rise to the rank of knight, whether acquired or innate?

‘A monster is born.’

As the rapier swordsman thought, the man’s face flashed through his mind.

Black hair, blue eyes.

It’s an unusual appearance. It was an appearance that will not be easily forgotten.

* * *

“There’s someone looking for me.”

Encred answered while looking at the fairy company commander. Gilpin, standing next to her, was looking at her, sweat literally dripping down her face.

However, rather than immediately intervening, he only glanced at Encred and the fairy company commander to see if he had noticed.


The fairy company commander nodded and stood firm.

It seemed like it would follow me wherever I went.

Should I refuse? There was no need to do that. So I left it alone.

Encred turned to Gilpin.

He was wearing a fur coif, and sweat was running down his face.

It looks like he ran diligently. Her face was also flushed, and the chest of her thick fur robe was heaving.

“Whoa, please help me.”

Gilpin said, and Encred suddenly remembered the name of the Frog who had found the Border Guard at that time.

I didn’t forget that name. He said he would come back, and he would keep his word.

Aren’t they proxies because they stick to what they say?


The thoughts that were inside came out of my mouth without passing through my head.

Gilpin’s eyes widened. The pupils got bigger. She seemed quite surprised.

“… … How did you know? The guild leader has been captured. also.”

It sounded like he was emphasizing the word ‘again’.

Externally, the guild leader of the Gilpin Guild was a bald man wearing a coif, but they all recognized Cryce as their superior.

The Gilpin Guild started as a criminal guild formed by ignorant gangsters who did not know how to read.

Even though the color has changed a little now, the original temperament is no longer there.

To them, their superior was the guild leader. So, that means Chrys is the guild leader.

And the guild leader’s superior is none other than Encred.

“If it’s dangerous, just go and call them. This is Captain Encred. Don’t forget your name. If you meet him on the market floor, keep your eyes peeled, and especially if you see a gray-haired barbarian next to him, just run away. “If you make eye contact, run away.”

Because of how much Kryce emphasized, everyone in the Gilpin Guild knew Encred’s name and face.

Of course, Rem and others.

He also repeatedly emphasized not to attack them by mistake.

And Gilpin saw Encred fight.

It was natural for him to find this place as soon as something happened.

“let’s go.”

Encred spoke and immediately walked away.

‘Wearing armor and carrying weapons on a regular basis are also part of training.’

This is advice I received when I first started working as a mercenary.

Encred did just that.

Since I was inexperienced with weapons, I followed the advice faithfully.

That habit was still the same.

He wrapped his body in a bandage of demon leather armor, wore a demon sword Tutor on his left waist, and a gladius given to him by a dwarf on his right waist.

In addition, he carried five throwing knives in a knife sheath strapped to his chest.

Since I couldn’t get a whistle dagger, I left the special scabbard in my lodgings.

If you wear Gambison, chain armor, and a helmet, it is no different from being fully armed.

So it was okay to leave like this.

“Uh, are you leaving?”

The soldier guarding the barracks asked. Encred said, walking not very fast.

“Let’s go for a short walk.”

“me too.”

The fairy company commander was next to me. Then he added a fairy joke without even a hint of laughter.

“Don’t you know that spending time together increases your level of loyalty?”

“Is that so?”

“The woman who was filling the bathtub told me this, and I think it’s great advice. So I think we should spend time together.”

In the meantime, what a joke.

Encred answered indifferently.

“What if we want to at least train together?”

A normal woman would have kicked this man’s shins right now.

You asked me to spend time with you, so you asked me to train? Why not eat something delicious together, look at the sunset, and whisper love?

But Sinar was not an ordinary woman, much less a human being.

The fairy walked and opened her mouth.

“That’s not bad, but how about taking a look at the market? There are a lot of interesting things coming into the border guard market these days. “There were a lot of problems.”

The territory has not been empty for several months, but about a month at most.

How much would it cost if a problem arose in the meantime?

Thinking, Encrid and the fairy walked, and Gilpin followed behind, thinking, ‘What kind of nonsense are these two talking about?’

What are you going to do with Frog right now?

However, the two of them walked so fast that I had to half-run.

It feels like I’m just walking. Why is it so fast?

That’s when Gilpin chases after him.

“You said Frock came, right?”

Encred asked.

“Huh, yes, that’s him then. Whoo, whoo. “The one with this white scar on his neck.”

Gilpin answered breathlessly. I said this as I lifted her head and stroked the skin on the right side of her neck with my hand.

The guy who came to Gilpin Guild the other day to collect money.

This is someone whose name I have not forgotten.

At that time, all we had to do was kick them out.

No, I barely managed to do that.

So what now?

“There it is!”

What can I say, it was a little funny.

Same place, same situation as back then.

Should we call Cryce, who was caught, a fool?

I knew it intuitively.

Entering the mansion, passing through the corridor, there was a door blocking the way.

Did you learn anything from the previous fight?

The door was wide open.

Previously, this door was kicked down and the whistle dagger was thrown.

Leaving behind the overlapping memories, Encred raised his left hand, showed his palm, and opened his mouth.

“How are you?”

It’s a greeting.

I saw Froc sitting on a chair inside the hall with Kreis next to him.

“f*ck, what kind of friends are we? “Are you glad to see you after so long?”

Meelun also greeted me. Of course, it didn’t seem as welcoming as Encred.

I was just excited because Encrid seemed to clearly show the difference between me and the person I fought with before.

And I didn’t think there was any need to waste time.

As soon as I asked how are you and the other person opened his mouth, he already jumped forward. The sound of someone hitting the ground followed.

Even though Encrid rushed in at an alarming speed, Meelun did not panic.

That guy is a fighter who is good at creating irregularities and variables.

Because I’ve experienced it before.

Before Meelun could even finish saying “Nice to meet you,” she took out her loop sword.

I put my hand on the hook and struck down the thick blade.

It is a blade that stabs down based on Frock’s strength.

Encred on the other side also drew his sword. The sword, drawn like a flash of light, rose upward from the left waist belt. Soon the silver of the Loop Sword and Encred’s sword met.


A strange noise continued.

Meelun planned to press down with force, then come close and crush the head with his fist.

But he couldn’t get his way.

The sword that was struck flew to the side. It was as if someone was pulling from the side.

‘What the f*ck?’

A curse came out, and the tip of the sword, which had turned into a snake, came before my eyes.

A blade made of blue iron was stuck in the eye of Proc, who was good at his job. To be precise, the blade passed through the eye.


Frock screamed.

Encred looked at the guy who had been hit in the eye and rolled backwards, and shook his sword in the air.

Frock’s blood dripped onto the floor.

The gap was clearly shown with just one number.

Above all, it was my first time using a new sword technique in combat.

‘It works.’

There was joy and joy together.

Encred raised his sword again.

He thought while making Yugeomsik.

‘Just because you hit it gently, the blade doesn’t turn into a ball of cotton.’

And that became the first technique of Yoo Geom-sik that he created.


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