Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 260

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260. On how to deal with idiots (5)

This was a conversation we had before leaving Martai.

“You have to cheat and beat them.”

Whether it was the black sword or the priest, Kreis had firm beliefs about how to deal with assholes.

Encred agreed with him.



With a cheerful answer, Wangnuni prepared many things.

The result was this.

“Hurry, kill them all!”

The pot-bellied priest who had secretly reported the whereabouts of Encred and his party up to here shouted.

Where did that pot-bellied priest get the information about Encred and his party?

‘Well, that was stupid.’

The priest trusted the beggar boy who was selling information in exchange for a few fairy tales.

I believed it too easily, really too easily.

Afterwards, Kreis also predicted an attack by the Black Sword.

To be precise, they selected a good place for a sneak attack and surprise attack along their route and took the lead, and looked at the sky to roughly guess whether it would be a cloudy day.

It was okay if it snowed, but even if it didn’t, it was okay if it was a cloudy day.

After some mishaps, the intention was to make it easy for a group called Black Knives to attack.

‘As expected, I think it’s stupid.’

Kreis doubted whether the group called Black Knife was truly a great group of thieves.

Do these guys do things like that?

Are you sending some mercenaries and hoping that this group will die?

Of course, this was due to a lack of information.

Jebigal did not live to tell us anything, and it is difficult to gauge the skills of Encred and his party by only hearing rumors.

In particular, it was not yet possible to understand the capabilities of those under his command.

Kreis could see Rem lightly kicking the ground and moving forward.

And then Rem disappeared.


He cried as the ground he cold tore apart.

At the same time, a single line remained, and that line cut off the head of the guy holding the mace.

“You’re prone to getting sick!”

This is Rem’s voice heard later. Kreis’s eyes could not see all of the barbarian’s movements, but he could guess everything from the results alone.

A brilliant mind made it possible.

‘The mace was struck from above, and before it could fall, the ax was used to cut off his neck.’

This happened because the hands and feet were several times faster than the swing of the mace.

The reason why I said the ax blade sharpens well was because the opposing mercenary wore a helmet that covered his face, and he tore it off entirely.

The blood of a mercenary wearing a mace was sprinkled on the thin white snow. The white snow began to melt into red blood.

On top of that, new snow fell again.

Encred surveyed the battlefield. Kreis looks at the results and guesses the process, but it all seems to him.

“Do not surrender!”

Rem ran over excitedly, and Dunbakel and Teresa also moved next to him.

One of the mercenaries gave a warm greeting to Dunbakel and Gumyeon.

“You bitch! Traitor bitch!”

He shouted and stabbed his long spear towards Dunbakel. Her skills didn’t look bad.

At least it’s better than the previous Dunbakhel level.

But also, that was it.

Because Dunbakel is not the stupid beastman he used to be.

Her body seemed to tremble and bend. An afterimage of her remained as if she had multiplied into three in an instant.

This is possible because he has excellent athletic ability. This is an afterimage created by briefly kicking the ground left and right.

At the same time, the scimitar is pulled out, cutting through the falling snow and air and reaching the opponent’s head.

Every moment seemed to be split and cut in Encred’s eyes.

This is thanks to the keen senses.


The scimitar broke its head and escaped.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. what?”

It is Dunbakhel who only answers after killing him.

‘I think he’s starting to resemble Rem more and more.’

Encred was worried about that, but left it at that.

In any case, he is a person who finds his own path and walks. Encred cannot criticize such a person.

While they were watching with their arms folded, several more mercenaries attacked, and among them, Teresa grabbed two of them.

“f*ck, where did this monster come from?”

The opposing mercenary shouted. She was an elongated female mercenary who threw daggers.

Teresa blocked all of her daggers with her shield.

One of them changed direction and flew out of the air as if under a spell, but Teresa turned her body and blocked it with her pauldron.

The defensive technique of using the armor she wore was truly Teresa’s strength.

In addition, applying pressure with a shield and beating the opponent to death with a thick sword were also skills.

She did so.


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With his dagger throwing skills, he struck the head of the surviving female mercenary with the blade of his sword, causing brain drain and blood to flow from the shattered skull inside the helmet.

The crushed eyeball burst and something clear came out and mixed with the blood.

“I am Teresa the wanderer. “If you want to die, go for it.”

She opened her mouth. I saw several people stiffen at her brief words.

No matter how much experience you have, it is natural to feel fear in the face of overwhelming violence.

It wasn’t long before the mercenaries died.

It was time for something similar to a battle to begin from above, but they saw those who led them being annihilated.

Of course, my motivation completely disappeared.

“Hey, surrender. There is a shortage of workers in the estate these days. “If you properly prove your identity and serve faithfully, your status will be restored within two years.”

Torres cajoled them. Anyway, they are a tribe that follows gold coins. Since I have decided to clean out the monsters and beasts, it would be beneficial to take them as prisoners and use them as meat shields.

All you have to do is select the good ones among them and accept them.

It was a suggestion made because the calculation was fast.

“Hang on, surrender.”

A soldier said as he lowered his wooden longbow.

In the end, none of the soldiers ambushed on the mound fired an arrow.

After seeing that the mercenary was dead, the pot-bellied priest immediately ran back.

He played with his feet the most desperately he had ever done in his life.

It made me wonder how that body could be so fast.

A thick forearm blocked his path.

“100 million!”

The surprised priest hit his butt. The shock coming from his butt even shook his head. He lifted his head up, resting on the dirt floor.

In his eyes, he saw a soldier as big as a bear.

‘this guy.’

They say Zimmer hit him, but he also had his own people in the estate.

He gave the truth.

This is the guy who originally hit him.

However, because Zimmer glared at them and threatened them, he couldn’t even make a threat to them.

That was unfair.

Afterwards, people he thought were his people encouraged him.

Of course, it was all Kreis’ work.

Since he was an idiot who couldn’t discuss being human in the first place, he hired a few thugs around him who made a living off of scraps.

It was a trick that brought the pot-bellied priest to this point.

why? There is one reason. It is much better to deal with threats than to leave them alone.

It didn’t matter how rotten this priest was.

The problem is your status as a priest.

The best thing was to kill it and bury it.

So I brought it here on purpose.

If the best way to deal with an asshole is to ignore him, the next best option is to ask.

So, from the time Audin slapped him in the face, Kreis portrayed the current situation.

Moreover, the black sword and the greedy priest, aren’t they a perfect match?

It was a bit unexpected that things went as planned so easily. The other person was such an idiot.

“The Master of Radiance said that the job is to reveal and reveal again. “Have you done that?”

Auddin asked. The pot-bellied priest answered without stopping.

“Of course I did that!”

He must have been so scared that his voice trembled and his tongue was twisted.

“We had to light up the world, not just Crona.”

Auddin muttered, trying to say that he was not a priest and that he had helped underprivileged children and even raised some children who had lost their parents in the temple.

And Audin already knew about it through Kreis.

This priest revealed Crona, and also revealed the woman.

He said that he was a priest who took some of the girls who lost their parents as his lovers.


Auddin raised his palm and struck it down.

The priest’s eyes and tongue protruded forward as the palm of his hand struck the top of his head.

Blood flowed from every orifice, including my ears.

Auddin believed in God and hated those who used that belief as an excuse to commit ugly acts.

There were some who could not be disciplined because of previous distrust.

I had the confidence to turn around and leave them behind.

‘I can’t do that anymore, no. I won’t do that.’

Because there is someone by my side who overcomes his limitations and moves forward.

Now, I can no longer turn away from truth, life, beliefs, faith, and belief.

‘I will live. father.’

Without giving up on the life that God has allowed.

With the Lord’s permission, I will live by beating my enemies to death.

So I will also punish those who break my faith.

It’s not an easy task, and if you get it wrong, you’ll just die.

But you won’t die like that.

Every day is a day of learning.

Apart from teaching, Auddin also learned.

To Encred and to Chrys.

“Seeing the light you showed me, I too will shine.”

Auddin prayed to his captain even though no one was listening.

It is a prayer directed to humans, not to God.

It was very awkward, but it was also natural.

The Encred watched and let go.

‘You crazy bastards.’

And I cursed inside.

At the very least, shouldn’t you leave behind the person you’re dealing with?

What was so exciting?

Even Audin runs quickly, cracks the priest’s head, and sees himself.

I could see eagerness in those eyes. Eyes filled with hot fire.

‘Gomtaeng is excited to fight.’

Because the meaning was not clearly conveyed due to the distance, Encred was mistaken.

Needless to say, Rem went wild.

Ragna also did not rest.

The guy who would normally just watch suddenly came forward and swung his sword.

The blow was as impressive as ever.

It is a sword that strikes diagonally from top to bottom. It seemed like an eagle rushing toward its prey.

Of course, it was a sword strike that reminded me of being faster than an eagle.

And it rose above the road just as much as it hit it.

Where Ragnar’s sword moved, the sword being prepared was divided into three pieces and scattered on the floor.

Ragna looked at his sword immediately after swinging it and was unusually impressed.


It’s a sword I like more than I thought.

It was indeed the work of a dwarf.

Encred also wanted to use the newly created sword technique in practice, and wanted to swing the sword he received from the dwarf.

“It’ll be over soon.”

As Kreis said, which sounded empty, it ended quickly.

Rem split five or six pieces in an instant, but there was no spark from the fire axe.

There was a significant difference between the two groups.

In fact, it was as if Kreis, an expert in ominous imaginations, had overprepared.

Even if there were a group of archers, the outcome of this fight was already decided.

In the process of killing and dying, Saxony also stepped forward and captured a mercenary.

He was a young man with a smooth face.

This guy also had a name.

“I will do anything if you let me live.”

I don’t know what Saxony suggested when he caught her, but it was something he said while bleeding profusely from being stabbed in the thigh.

“I will take this.”

Saxony’s demands are rare. Encred received a lot from him.

“take it.”

I didn’t ask or question the purpose.

To be honest, no one was interested.

In Dunbakhel, I clearly felt the change in my skills.


“When I get back, let’s have a fight.”

He spoke to Encred with eyes that were more passionate than ever before. It seemed like my blood was boiling.

“It’s good.”

Since these were welcome words, Encred nodded, looked around at everyone, and thought to himself.

‘You crazy bastards.’

It was resentment towards those who did not leave their share.

The Black Sword’s first attack and surprise attack was in vain.

Kreis thought it was all their fault.

‘You’re so kind.’

Of course, from now on, I will do things that are far from being kind.

If even one of them hits, someone’s life will be in danger.

Ominous imaginations ran wild, and Kreis came up with a suitable countermeasure.

What should I do? It was an unavoidable problem as long as I went to the battlefield and followed the human called Encred.

At the same time, Kreis made a decision.

‘You can’t run a business that loses money.’

His goal is still the same. It is a noble lady’s salon.

Even if it is a short-term contract, bring Encred to the salon at least once.

Welcoming guests.

It was exciting just to think about it.

The party cleaned up the traces of the battle.

Torres and Zimmer, who had come to meet us once, exchanged greetings with the group again.


Encred said and Torres nodded.


The snow stopped quickly and the group walked diligently. As he stood in front of the border guard, the wild horse nudged Encred on the shoulder.


“Oh, would you like to take a look around?”

“Okay, do whatever you want. “It’s dangerous if you just come to the territory, so I’ll call you later.”

“good. Look around and have fun.”

Encred continued to mutter to himself towards the horse.

Rem, who was looking at this silently, muttered.

“As expected, it looks like it will turn into a person. Let’s ask Ester.”

No one answered.

After entering the Border Guard, the group headed straight into the barracks.

It was already evening.

Rather than staying out for another day, I decided to walk inside and rest, but it was late in the day.

Of course, there was no scuffle in front of the castle gate.

“Are you here!”

A soldier whose face had become familiar through training opened the side door.

They were not happy to see Encred.

The training that had been rested for a while was about to resume, and the complexion was dark.

“I’ll check tomorrow morning to see if you’ve been playing around.”

Encred was a member of the unit and did his duty.

Therefore, I did not forget the work of the training company commander.

“… … yes.”

The soldier was going to convey this joyful and welcome news to everyone. There was truly unbearable joy on his face.

My cheeks were shaking, so it seemed like the joy was too much.

“Aww, I’m tired! “Let’s take it easy!”

Kreis said and headed into the barracks, while Teresa continued to look at him with passionate eyes.

“Shall we have a fight and then take a shower?”

Encred said. Teresa nodded.

The two sparred, and although Teresa lost, she was satisfied.

It was worth following him because he was a man who would do this much.

As long as I fought against interest, an unknown sense of satisfaction came to me.

Afterwards, I woke up in the morning and gave a short report to the battalion commander, and last night, I fell asleep with Esther in my arms.

The leopard and human just slept in silence, as if they had nothing else to say.

“Let’s start training.”

I started the day as a training company commander, and it was after lunch.

“A guy named Gilpin came out there. “It seemed urgent.”

Encred tilted his head. Was Gilpin visiting at this hour?

But as soon as I heard this, something that happened before came to mind.

So, when a proc came to visit.

As I went to greet my friend Gilpin, I also saw the fairy company commander standing next to him.

“Where are you going, fiance? “Without even saying hello.”

The company commander asked.


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