Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 26

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26. Runway

‘I should have avoided there.’

Encred thought again about yesterday and today, which only exist for him.

‘No, avoiding it is not the problem. ‘I was too concerned about the blow.’

Avoid what to avoid and hit what to hit.

Haven’t we heard over and over again that split-second judgment is important?

From countless swordsman teachers and from Rem.

“What can you do if you look carefully thanks to the heart of the beast? “If you choose the wrong option, you just end up in trouble.”

It felt like Rem was standing next to me, giggling.

I’m sure Rem would have said something if he knew.

Encred pondered the moment over and over again.

‘Today we take a slightly different route.’

Change your route every day. It was the privilege of those who had a repeating day.

“We are going to capture the enemy’s scouting party beyond this meadow. how is it?”

Today again, the scout squad leader was leading everyone into the abyss.

I had no intention of stopping him.

No, Encred knew that changing the scouting route would be useless.

It’s the same no matter what other route you take.

‘This area is already full of troops ambushed.’

There are a lot of enemies centered around the tall grass field.

If you want to survive, the answer is to return to normal as soon as you open your eyes.

‘There’s no way that’s possible.’

Doing so is disobeying orders.

In severe cases, disobeying orders can result in summary execution.

Does that mean I should abandon these nine and desert alone?

Is that how you have to survive?

‘Is that why you learned the sword?’

Knight, general, hero.

Even now, I dream of something like that and swing my sword.

But is the answer to just abandon them, knowing that they will be exterminated?

Is that really the best?


There are things no one can compromise on.

Encred knows that he is neither a good man nor a saint.

But this was something he could not compromise on.

Some would call this a belief.

Some would call this stubbornness.

And Encred won’t care what others say.

‘It’s something I decided to do.’

If I had lived according to the standards set by others, I would have given up everything and taken a position as a vigilante in a quiet village somewhere.

Abandon the option of running away.

Other than that, my goal was to find a way to escape today.

fight again Shed blood and kill enemies. This time, I used my sword as a shield to block it and it broke.

I was hit on the head by a spear.

The world spun round and round.

Naturally, death followed.

I’m not sure if the cause was the spear blade striking my chest, or the spear breaking my head.

It’s repetition again.

Die again and die again.

By experiencing life-threatening battles over and over again, I digested what I learned through sparring.

I reflect on what I knew.

During all that time, Encred kept only two things in his mind.

One is, how can we fight more?

How can the two escape from this day?

Going towards tomorrow.

Encred knows that constant effort is needed to achieve that moment.

Because two days passed like that.

But this time things were a little different.

‘I can’t see the road.’

No matter where you go, there are only enemies.

Grasshoppers, katydids, grasshoppers, long-legged grass that obscures the eyes, and soggy soil filled with moisture, you wouldn’t know why they would ambush a force of that size.

‘They’re terrible bastards.’

Moreover, they are all properly trained soldiers.

I’m not a mercenary who fights for money.

They are not conscripts who were brought in reluctantly.

They are all salaried soldiers.

And some people treated this group of soldiers as elite soldiers.

Only in large-scale battlefields will elite soldiers be used in a different sense.


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In a battlefield like this, a professional soldier is considered an elite soldier.

If those who only practice fighting while filling their stomachs and swinging spears are not elite soldiers, then what kind of soldier can be considered elite?

‘It’s a pain in the ass.’

If you attack them by surprise, you can kill up to three or four of them.

But any more than that is too much.

It is especially difficult to fight while running away, leaving behind a group of soldiers armed with crossbows.

‘Power enough to kill everyone.’

Would it be possible to repeat this day over and over again?

To have that much power?

No, no.

I know because I tried it.

Today was the first time I repeated it, what was it that made me try to overcome that stabbing soldier and move on to tomorrow?

‘There are limits to learning in stagnant time.’

Encred knows himself well. In order to improve your skills and feel the joy of growth, you need a good teacher and opportunity.

But that didn’t mean I was wasting my days repeating itself.

Hearing training, swordsmanship, and combat recovery.

Repeat and repeat.

Although slight, growth continued.

“I am confident in archery, but my skills are small, so my hands shake when I get into a melee.”

Enri spoke from the side. This is something I’ve heard a few times.

He said that although he has a small liver, he is still quite good at shooting an arrow.

“Are you good enough to hit an apple on your head from a hundred paces away?”

I made a joke to cool my head.

“Going beyond a hundred steps is impossible, but taking within thirty steps is worth a try. “If you place an apple on top of the scout squad leader’s head, I will try to guess.”

“It’s a shame, there are no apples.”

“Yes, that’s a shame.”

Enri knew how to enjoy a joke.

“But really, if I can get within 30 paces, I’m pretty confident. “I don’t know about the apple on top of the head, but hitting the head.”

Enri added. He had a pretty serious face.

“If you hit each head with an arrow, you’ll probably win ten of the enemy’s soldiers.”

Encred said, glancing at Enri’s arrow sheath.

The flat leather arrow sheath worn on his belt contained approximately ten arrows.

A leather strap was wrapped around the thighs and waist to keep it from shaking, and then the string was wrapped around ten arrows and tied.

Later, if you just loosen the string, you can pull it out and use it.

As a former plains hunter, Enri seemed skilled at handling a bow and moving arrows.

“hey. What are you giggling at? I’m on a reconnaissance mission. Anyway, tsk.”

The scout squad leader in front rolled his eyes. His tongue clenched too.

Of course, Encred didn’t care.

There have been several instances of that kid interjecting one word at a time during the repetitive day.

‘It would be a good idea to start by grabbing two arrows.’

A grim-looking soldier walking behind the squad leader winked at Encred.

It seemed like he was telling me to just stay there and not answer.

Same as before.

There was no need to blush, so there was no need to argue.

‘Then it will be much easier to conduct a surprise attack from here.’

A virtual battle continues in Encred’s mind. The information collected through repeated todays made the virtual battle quite plausible in my mind.

Eventually, you die. In no case, you will die.

Even if there is a clear difference in skill with the opponent, the difference in numbers is too large.

I wonder if this side would have an advantage even if it were an armed force.

‘Not that either.’

What would Rem do?

There will be nothing to worry about. He must have gone in with two axes in both hands and swung them vigorously.

With Rem’s skills, he couldn’t kill all 100 people.

It would be possible to kill enough people and escape.

He is so agile and has unconventional skills.

‘It’s funny that a guy like that is just a soldier.’

Actually, Rem doesn’t seem particularly dissatisfied.

In some ways, it seemed like he was the only one in the troublemaker squad who was greedy.

It seems like you are the only one who wants to be more than a squad leader.

What happens when you think of squad members who aren’t here?

Encred changed his mind.

A snake swished through the short grass.

The height of the grass that was being stepped on was gradually increasing.

It was proof that we were approaching the tall grass field.

‘I am not Rem.’

Imagine the virtual battle again. And then a thought suddenly occurred to me.

‘How skilled is the squad leader?’

By now I was too distracted to see clearly.

I just recognized it as not bad.

The scout squad leader, the grumpy-looking soldier, and Enri.

Even the rest of the scout squad.

My thoughts continued and I came up with an answer.

“I don’t have to protect it.”

“… … yes?”

Enri asked back from the side as she muttered to herself without realizing it.


It was stupid. Until now, Encred had been trying to get through this alone.

He fought with the concept of protecting everything alone, and reacted passively when encountering the enemy.

So I thought I had exhausted all my options so far, but there was one thing left.

A tool that can completely change the game.

Crack, clap, clap.

Encred bent his neck left and right.

There is still some time left to reach the grass.

Encred walked forward, grabbed the shoulder of the grim-looking soldier, and pulled him.


He reflexively strengthened his body.


“You were staring at me earlier, right?”

know. It’s not a glare, it’s a look that asks for understanding.

However, just looking at a friend whose face is a weapon is like glaring at them.

“No, hey, that’s not it.”

“Why is your tongue so long?”


Encred swung his fist. The grim-looking soldier tilted his head back and dodged.

“… … What are you? “Did you turn?”

The scout squad leader in front asked with a sense of absurdity.

“Come at me.”

Encred ignored it and kicked the opponent’s ankle. The grumpy-looking soldier eventually avoided that too and frowned.

“He seemed like a sensible guy.”

“Because I have sense. “I guess he read your mischievous eyes, right?”

Rem admitted.

Encred may be the best on the continent when it comes to hurting people with words.

“Go for it, you bastard who doesn’t even look back at a cow that passes by.”

Indeed, it was so.

With just a few words, the soldier’s face exuded skill and skill.

“Come on, let’s get a few hits. you.”

Encred fought him.

Instead of pulling out a sword, use your fist as a sword and your foot as a blunt weapon.

Hitting and hitting were somewhat similar.

No, to be honest, I was a little pushed back.

‘Fight well.’

By the standards set by the kingdom, it was at least a level from intermediate to advanced.

“You said you were the lowest-ranking soldier?”

A soldier who looked like he was about to fail at mating repeatedly spit out blood from his burst lip and asked.

“that’s right. “The lowest level.”

“I heard they will give you money if you get promoted, so what are you doing?”

Encred also knows. That he was not at the level of the lowest-ranking soldier.

When I entered the military, I was not at the lowest level.

I just didn’t feel the need to raise the level.

Because you clearly know your abilities and limitations.

There was no need to label him a low-level soldier.

Of course, things are a little different now.

If the opportunity arises, you will be promoted.

However, I just don’t think it’s the top priority.

The criteria for distinguishing between third-rate, second-rate, and first-rate mercenaries.

The standard for grading our soldiers.

What does it matter?

“You fight well. you.”

Encred was honestly impressed. Yes, you should do at least this much.

My skills are better than I expected.

When it comes to actual combat, he will be the type that fights better.

If only I had a chance to fight properly.

“What are you doing?”

The scout squad leader’s face turned red as he watched the two fight. He opens his eyes and opens his mouth. It seemed like he was going to attack En Creed at any moment.

Before that, Encred opened his mouth first.

“This is Dalian. “It was a good warm-up.”

The reconnaissance squad leader was about to say something when he stopped, responding to an answer that was more than just shameless.

I was almost speechless.

“Just leave it alone. “Because I didn’t have any ill feelings.”

A soldier with a scary face stopped the squad leader.

Encred shrugged his shoulders.

“Watch your mouth. Troubleshooting squad leader. “You will have to pay for your tongue later.”

“That’s a matter for me to take care of.”

Encred answered and turned around to return to his original position.

Enri came close next to me and looked at my swollen cheekbones and said.

“Didn’t you say you were the lowest-ranking soldier?”

“That’s right.”

Is that really that surprising to everyone?

Several nearby scout squad members also glanced at Encred.

“You fight so well.”

“I trained hard.”

It wasn’t wrong.

Haven’t you worked hard through repeated today?

Despite this commotion, the scout squad leader went into the long grass field.

It was clear that there was a pot of honey hidden in there. If not, did she hide her lover?

Sigh! Crispy.

Hearing the same sound, he realizes that the enemy is approaching again. She welcomes a new day. This was the beginning.


Encred spoke with chapped lips and tapped Enri.

“Over there, shoot.”

I wanted to see your bow skills. Enri didn’t react right away.


It seemed like they froze when they heard the word “enemy.”

I haven’t seen anyone properly shoot an arrow since then. As he said, his liver may have been small, but when the battle broke out, he was busy moving around.

Still, when I saw him fire a few shots at rapid fire, he seemed to have a good posture.

‘I can’t do it as a squad member.’

Those who move together must respond to commands, but the relationship is not established in that way.

Encred pondered about his position.

‘Let’s put this behind us for now.’

In the end, I repeated the same thing.

Something that causes you to struggle and die.

Encred repeated today several more times.

In the meantime, I was able to check the squad leader’s skills.

not bad.

Where did you learn proper swordsmanship?

“I will always accept a challenge.”

During the day, the child got a little excited because we had a few fights and played with him moderately and lost.

Encred dealt with the squad leader several times and learned his habits and patterns.

‘I have little practical experience.’

That may be the reason why the grumpy-looking soldier sticks with her like a babysitter.

So what is the relationship between the two?

I asked quietly.

“The son of someone I respected in the past.”

A soldier with a grim expression suddenly blurted out something.

This guy was a man overflowing with loyalty.

Everything I was here for was for this kid.

He was a real nanny.


“Don’t you know that fallen nobles are not treated as nobles?”

The scout squad leader was a fallen nobleman.


After ignoring what they said, Encred looked at the sun rising above his head.

It is the sun at noon.

The wind is moderately cool.

Neither hot nor cold.

The scouts are all wearing light armor.

It was natural to move quickly.

Simple armament and light armor.

That’s the basics. Organize your troops’ weapons, skills, and possessions.

Everything else must be recognized as well. Encred put everything he knew about the current situation into his head.

Weather, wind, location, situation, allies and enemies.

If I could actively move all of this, it seemed like there would be a way out.


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