Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 259

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259. On how to deal with idiots (4)

“Did I say that idiots end up sticking together? “You didn’t?”

Rem said after seeing one of those blocking the way.

He wore a black robe to hide himself, but he could tell who he was just by looking at his bulging belly and open mouth.


The corrupt priest snorted.

Rem did say this before leaving. I ran into that fat idiot at the market, and the way he looked at me was strange.

He also said that that idiot could join hands with another idiot.

It was the moment when the prophecy came true.

Of course, there were tricks used to make the prophecy come true.

“Call me Prophet Rem.”

My legs were tangled and I hit my butt. It was like an arrow had passed over my head, but it was worth bragging about.

First of all, it happened just as Rem said.

Encred sang whatever Rem wanted.

“You idiot Rem.”

“Could your ears be broken? “A prophet?”

“Originally, a prophet and an idiot are the same thing.”

“You didn’t just make it up?”


That’s my usual thinking. Encred was proud and honest, and Rem gave up the title of prophet, saying, ‘Let’s stop talking about pestilence.’

“There are many foolish and foolish people in the world, and it is the servant’s duty to send such people to God’s side so that they can repent and be born again.”

Auddin recited a prayer. It sounded like he was going to beat them all to death.

For some reason, just looking at that corrupted priest made him seem like he wanted to kill him.

Encred took a step forward.

He was the leader of this group. His left hand was placed on the sword pommel of the sword belt worn around his waist, and he was resting on his other leg.

To someone who didn’t know him, his posture might have been casual, but to those who were used to cutting, it was a well-prepared posture.

On the other side, behind the pot-bellied, corrupt priest, a man came up and asked.

Overall, he was a man with a solid posture and seemed to have no flaws.

“The author who commissioned it asked me one last question, do you have any intention of joining the Black Sword?”

Conciliation in the midst of this? I’m sure it will go well.

Kreis snorted inwardly. Then, he carefully looked at his opponent.

He was a man one head taller than the pot-bellied priest.

Like Encred, he also took a step forward and revealed that he was in charge.

He was a guy with fierce-looking eyes. A long sword, fierce eyes, and an attitude that seems annoying at first glance.

A mercenary so named because he is good at planning and killing his opponents.

Kreis guessed the other person’s identity just by looking at his appearance.

“Preparing your sword?”

Encred also heard because he had ears.

I thought he was a famous mercenary. I developed a similar interest. His arms were hanging down, his legs were slightly apart, and his eyes were fixed on his feet and legs.

I slightly turned my body into the optimal position to draw my weapon.

He knows how to fight and has skills. That was Encred’s decision.

“Do you know me?”

the mercenary asked. There was no pitch in the voice, so the speech sounded rough.

“I didn’t know you were corrupted enough to receive a request from the Black Sword.”

Kreis said, pretending to be surprised.

Although it wasn’t a particularly great provocation, the other person frowned. He seemed offended.

“… … “You have a knack for playing with your tongue.”

“You have a knack for selling yourself for a few gold coins.”

A mercenary with fierce eyes, a tall figure, and a sword as big as his own height.

It is commonly said that he is stronger than Yeongji level.

A mercenary who could be said to be of semi-knight level.

The reason he was especially famous was because he was well prepared for every fight.

That’s how the nickname came about.

Kreis scratched his opponent’s insides. An excited partner is easier to deal with than a cold one. It was a simple reason.

“I told you. “Those idiots will have no idea.”

A pot-bellied priest was talking behind him.

Kreis wanted his opponent to get excited and rush in, but it didn’t work out as expected. His left hand only lifted as he readied his sword.

Then, people’s heads rose one after another from the hills on the left and right.

These troops had already ambushed us two days ago. Some were from the Black Sword, and the rest were mercenary units of the Swords of Preparation.

I vaguely heard something about the black opponent preparing.

I also heard that Jebi Kal was attacked.

Also, I thought I was different from the black swallow knife-like idiot who was preparing.

Why would you do such a stupid thing, relying on scrolls and such?

Unless you become a knight, you cannot survive the countless arrows.

So there are only fifty archers prepared. The mounds on the left and right are steep. There must be some among them who can climb that hill.

To prevent this, two heavily armed ten-man units were stationed around the mound.

More than seventy troops moved to capture less than ten people.

Is that all? A group of mercenaries called Nandaginda, including the preparing sword himself, supported me reliably.


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It was hard to get this far without getting caught, but the fight should actually be easy.

That is ‘preparation’.

He said with his sword hand raised in preparation.

“Things you don’t even know are worth your life.”

How long can I last with a black sword?

Mercenaries must be smart and quick-witted to survive for a long time.

He was that kind of person.

And Cryce stuck his head out from behind Encred and spoke.

“thank god. I was wondering what would happen if a bunch of wizards came, but it turned out to be more sloppy than I thought. “I guess he didn’t get much?”

Kreis said, putting his thumb and index finger together and making a circle.

Encred was proud of Chrys, who was once again sticking his tongue out like this.

Aren’t you using the right method to turn your opponent’s mind upside down?

“I will personally skin and kill that damn bastard.”

The sword preparing said.

Kreis opened his eyes wide, pretending to be scared, and responded by sticking out his tongue.

“Either way.”

Sometimes childishness can be fatal.

That was the case now.

“That bitch… … .”

Kreis definitely made the opposing commander’s eyes turn.

‘Hmm, that’s good.’

This is excellent craftsmanship. Encred was impressed.

And in the meantime, Kreis shook his head.

I was wary of orders because they always create variables.

‘Well, no matter how black the sword is, it won’t have dozens of wizards with it.’

When I saw him scrolling the other day, I naturally had such ominous thoughts.

However, in Kreis’ opinion, the opposing forces were too weak. So, the level was low and the number was small.


The answer came at the same time as the question.

‘You don’t know your true skills yet.’

All of the company members, including Encred, fought well enough for rumors to spread around them.

He also played an active role on the battlefield. The colony was also destroyed.

‘But what if this spreads through the mouth?’

That’s what rumors are. It tends to increase and become exaggerated. And the idiots who believe they are smart will recognize the falsehood of the rumor and devise a strategy.

If it were Kreis himself, when the rumor spread, he would first frantically search for the truth.

Even from Black Knife’s perspective, it was unfair.

In an attempt to dominate the Border Guard’s nightlife right away, a group of guys called the Gilpin Guild exercised their influence.

However, when it came to planting a spy inside the castle, the resourcefulness of the man named Marcus was unusual.

Contrary to rumors that he was a warmonger, internal crackdown was thorough.

There was a rumor going around among merchants that the border guard standing army’s work intensity had become more intense after his arrival.

Of course, this was also a misunderstanding.

Those who were distressed by Encred’s training simply tried to work more faithfully and stay at the gate or patrol for as long as possible.

Anyway, I didn’t know about the black knife. Not only did they misjudge the skills of everyone, including Encred, but they were not even aware of Kryce’s existence.

Kreis, on the other hand, recognized his opponent’s stupidity and, in some ways, even understood it.

‘Well, where could there be such a crowd of quasi-knight level monsters?’

Not the Knights Templar.

Marcus also took advantage of the lack of information to his advantage on the battlefield.

Also, there would have been many people who doubted Encred’s skills even after that.

‘More than anything, the skills of the company members would not have even been rumored.’

A semi-knight-level strongman, a group of archers, and other mercenaries who know how to fight.

Even if they are not at the level of a semi-knight, they have at least one leg up on being powerful at the territory level.

So it wasn’t sloppy. The black sword just doesn’t know them.

‘I was a bit overprepared.’

Kreis thought and snapped his fingers.


Of course nothing happened. There’s no way the finger snap could be heard beyond the mound.

“… … what?”

Ragna, who was watching from the side, asked.

“Are you going to have to go to the temple too?”

Rem also asked. Kreis cleared his throat loudly and spoke.

“The timing is a little off.”

Kreis had no shame. It could be like this. So he spoke confidently, and immediately after he finished speaking, the place on the hill became commotion.

“What the f*ck?”

“It’s an ambush!”

This is the cry of an ambushed enemy soldier.

Some of the archers turned back.

It was already too late to fire a salvo from top to bottom.

Some of the armed troops next to the archers immediately turned around. Then, before I knew it, I rushed towards those who were behind me.

“How dare you!”

One of the enemy soldiers bravely stepped forward and swung his sword. He was a mercenary who used a bastard sword.

He held the sword with both hands and lowered it. It wasn’t bad workmanship.

The person across from me had bare hands.

He ran forward as if meeting a flying sword, and then fell into the opponent’s arms.

Sigh! Snap! There was a sound like that. The mercenary wielding the bastard sword fell forward, and the man in his arms pushed him out.

Torres wiped the blood from the dagger he had taken out on the collar of the man he had killed.

There was thin leather armor on top of the Gambison, with the emblem of the frontier guard emblazoned on it.

“Oh, it’s not too late.”

And on the other side, there was a man who walked quickly and jumped between the enemy soldiers.

With a huff, he pulled out his sword and stabbed it, and the speed was like lightning. Both the foot that narrowed the distance and the sword that was drawn out were very fast, and by the time it was visible, it was punching a hole in the neck of one of the enemy soldiers.


One mercenary stumbled and fell to his knees, clutching his neck. Red blood flowed between his fingers.

Since my throat was pierced, it was wrong to live.

Zimmer did his best and stopped.

“Stupid thieves.”

He opened his mouth. Because the hill wasn’t very high, I could see his face.

“Well, I guess it’s over?”

Cryce muttered sarcastically.

For a band of thieves to hastily raise such a large number of troops is incredible.

The black sword shows the power of the group.

In particular, he was not an idiot and hired a quasi-knight level mercenary.

This wasn’t normal. In reality, there is a gap between the level of a semi-engineer and a semi-engineer.

How many talented people are there like that?

I thought there would be so few in the North that you could count them by hand.

However, they just didn’t know the other person too much.

Well, it’s hard to believe it until you actually see it.

Kreis thought so.

“It’s a bit disappointing.”

Encred muttered.

Kreis ignored it.

He often imagined ominous things and prepared accordingly.

So I prepared it.

The border garrison and Martai army began to occupy the area near the ambush site.

Caught behind, the group of archers with swords at the ready fell into a state of panic.

‘f*ck, hit me from behind? So what’s ahead? ‘Is there a way out?’

does not exist. From the beginning, everything was predicted and predicted, starting with location selection.

Torres held onto the back of the archer and was deeply impressed by Kreis’ brain.

‘The big eyes aren’t normal either.’

The means prepared by the sword in preparation over the mound are over.

Those who occupied the mound were the elite of the elite, the slaughterers of the frontier who were obscured by the existence of Encred.

The face of the sword being prepared was rather expressionless.

On the contrary, the expressions of the group of mercenaries holding on behind changed in real time.

“I’m sick.”

Some people feel anxious.

“Damn, if I kill them anyway, it’s over.”

Some people have a fighting spirit.

“Shouldn’t we get out?”

Someone suggested a realistic alternative.

“Now, who’s the asshole now?”

Kreis asked, and a deep curve appeared between the expressionless, preparing sword’s brows.

“This is something that should have been resolved through force from the beginning.”

A large man stepped next to the sword being prepared. I looked behind them and saw that there were about twenty in number, but none of them were very capable.

Of course, this is true when compared to ordinary soldiers.

“Only attack those who are confident. “Kill them all.”

Boom boom, the mace held in both hands of the person running forward looked quite threatening.

All you have to do is gain victory here before the battle on top of the hill begins.

Despite his dull appearance, he is a mercenary with a sharp mind. He may have developed a unique sense in this area after wandering around the battlefield for a long time.

“I think that’s right too.”

Next to him is a woman licking her lips. His tongue was long and seemed to reach his chin.

It was a female mercenary whose tongue and face were grotesquely long from top to bottom.

She held three throwing knives in each hand.

It was a copy of the whistle dagger.

Rem growled as he looked at the approaching guys.

“I will do it first. “Just step forward first and I’ll hit you with an ax to the back of your head.”

Encred was about to step forward but was told to do so.

Changes in perception and perspective, a new evolution of the sixth sense beyond the five senses.

With the help of all that, Encred became a moron for a while.

So, I predicted the future.

Among those who attacked, there was not a single great person who could withstand Rem’s axe.


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