Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 257

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257. On how to deal with idiots (2)

Cryce did as Encred told him.

‘How to deal with the black sword.’

Didn’t I tell you to look for something like that?

Kreis pondered and racked his brain.

It is an established fact that the black knife is doing tricks.

So, what will they do?

No, before that, how did you find out that they had such intentions?

easy. It was because the other person told me.

So they were kind.

‘Or they’re idiots.’

I was leaning toward the asshole, but that wasn’t the important thing.

“If you think about it, it’s like that, right?”


“these guys. I kindly told the captain that I wouldn’t leave him alone, and I cut off the guy who said that, okay? “Send someone again.”

Kreis said that and walked towards the sunlight.

Kreis continued as he pulled on his coat to block out the cold morning air.

Meanwhile, Encred was holding his sword and swinging it around.

To Kreis, it looked like he was taking a ladle into a stew and stirring it. It was literally at the level of scrambling.

“This time, I kindly sent a child who doesn’t belong to me to tell him not to kill me. Actually, I think they are very gentle children, don’t you think?”

“Those who steal?”

“Or you’re an asshole.”

The other person is an asshole, and a kind asshole at that.

Nevertheless, Kreis continued to have ominous imaginations.

This is because of the environment in which one grew up and the inherent characteristics of the person.

‘And what if I send an article?’

Will you be able to survive if the knight level comes?

Encred was seen training. Behind that, I could see the closed door to the dormitory.

A stone wall made by pouring mortar into pebbles and a dull brown door in between.

Inside, there is a savage sleeping in a heated stone and fur because it’s cold, a gomtaeng who beat up a priest just yesterday because he didn’t like it, a troublesome human who wanders around as he wants, a gangster who suddenly disappears, a mixed-race giant who is a former cult member, and a beastman who is a former thief. there was.

‘Is it worth it to love a knight?’

For a moment, something called hope entered my ominous imagination.

This is nonsense. A knight is a knight. They are monsters and a disaster.

Kreis shook his head.

“So what are the measures?”

Encrud was holding his sword and swinging it from side to side, taking his steps and putting them back together, trying to make some kind of movement.

To Kreis, it looked like a dance.

A dance performed while stirring stew.

Kreis said as he looked at his captain and had sinister thoughts running through his brain again.

“You have to do everything you can.”

It was literally like that.

It was announced that the opponent would attack kindly.

‘If I were a thief.’

What if I am the leader of a group called Black Knives and want to kill them?

‘The captain is a quasi-knight who realized Will.’

In addition, all of the company members under his command are monsters.

The dwarf likens people to metal through his insight.

Due to their unique sensitivity, fairies often liken others to animals and plants.

And Kreis saw my company members as gold coins.

‘How many coins is it?’

Unmeasurable, I cannot yet estimate their value with my own knowledge.

In one way, it’s an asshole that only causes damage, but in another way, it’s a mess.

‘Unparalleled power.’

If you look at it from an external perspective, it must be judged by its enormous military power.

Afterwards, Kryce’s head, spinning tightly, estimated what the opponents, the black sword guys, could do, would do, or would most likely attempt, and that came out of his mouth.

“Assassination, surprise attack, poison, appeasement.”

There were four main things.

Encred wasn’t a fool either. He paused his sword for a moment. The next movement does not immediately follow.

I had tried to imitate a snake’s walk and failed.

“I think the problem may be the way back.”

“What are the measures?”

Still asking the same question, Kreis only asked for one thing.

“Torres is the company commander, or is he now the battalion commander? “If I ask Battalion Commander Torres for support, will he lend me his troops?”


Is there anything I won’t lend you?

However, the period may be an issue. You won’t be able to leave the territory empty for too long.

There would be no need for Encred to point out something that even Krys knew.

Martai is also lacking in hands.


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So, plans to hire mercenaries and turn them into private soldiers are also in progress.

This time, it was a big deal.

The plan is to pour out the Crona earned to wipe out all the monsters and beasts in the Grateful Forest area.

Encrid thought about Martai’s response, the fight against the colony, and the time of training.

What can border guards do to ensure the safety of trade routes?

‘What if I expand my work area?’

What immediately came to mind was something vague. I needed to think a little deeper.

“If you get a weapon from a dwarf, are you going to go back?”

“As soon as I receive it.”

If there is no problem, that’s what you should do.

“All right.”

Cryce disappeared early in the morning.

Encred was on time again. So, the sword and your time.

At dawn, I practiced the isolation technique together with Audin.

His words remained in my heart.

“What do you train your body for? If you have found the answer, the next question is ‘what’? “I think I already told you how to do that, didn’t I?”

Auddin was a good teacher.

What he meant was to think for yourself.

He said he had already laid that foundation.

Encred was neither dull nor stupid.

The problem was that my body didn’t always move as I wanted.

So, now?

‘For moving forward.’

face tomorrow I can greet you.

The mindset is still the same.

The only thing that has changed is that the boat is more enjoyable than before.

Encrid swung his sword. It didn’t matter if it felt meaningless.

That was the way he thought.

That was Encred’s meditation method.

He did so.

I entered my own world. She fell silent. She sat down, watched, contemplated, and comprehended.

I put my thoughts on my previous realization.

‘No one tells me what swordsmanship to learn.’

Even Ragna, who taught the heavy sword style, doesn’t really care if he uses a different sword.

At that moment, Ragna came out, stood next to him, and swung the heavy sword he had made at the Border Guard blacksmith shop earlier.

There are no clever movements. Strike straight and straight from top to bottom.

It seemed as if the sunlight was cutting into his blunt blade.

‘I cut again and again.’

It cuts no matter what blocks it. That is Ragnar’s sword and swordsmanship. This is the beauty of double-checking.

Encred reviewed what he had learned.

The Valencian mercenary sword is a circular sword.

Nameless swordsmanship is a true sword.

What I learned from Ragna is a heavy sword.

Afterwards, I learned the basics of the sword from Ragna and mastered it to some extent on my own.

I learned how to shake and shed enlightenment by looking at my enemies.

‘No, I learned this from Audin as well.’

Balaf style martial arts.

Martial arts ultimately means using your hands, feet, and body as weapons.

It is the shortest weapon ever used by humans.

So what are the basics of martial arts?

Shedding, fast, heavy and light.

Everything was mixed up.

It cannot be divided into ‘Jungjung Healing’.

Balaf style martial arts is an encompassing technique. It is a completed utopia.

But it’s not swordsmanship. But I could also attach part of it to my sword.

As he immersed himself in swinging the sword, Encred looked back at what he had and focused on the sword.

Even when training my body, I put emphasis on flexibility.

Although it was like training with heavy rocks or metal blocks, I also had time to relax and stretch each muscle in my body.

These are things to develop flexibility.

Why is it a sword?

The reason was because I had properly opened my sixth sense.

‘Yugeom is a defense, a defensive style.’

The most important thing for that is the eyes.

In other words, it is a feeling.

Only when you see and understand it properly can you twist the point of contact of power and let it flow.

Everything you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel.

The five senses are crushed and replaced by a single sense.

If the previous sixth sense was merely a branch of a new sense, closer to an extension of the five senses, now it was closer to a new sense in the true sense.

I didn’t call this the opening of my third eye for nothing.

When I came out, Saxony sat down on a rock chair placed in a circle on one side.

It was a stone chair roughly carved from a large rock stuck in the ground.

It would be very cold to sit in in the winter, but Saxony didn’t seem to mind.

Why not?

Saxony’s own training was more difficult and painful than this. This kind of cold was so cold that it didn’t even feel like it was cold.

The image of Encred came into Saxony’s eyes.


Should we make the author move away?

The question remains. However, as much as the question remains, there is also a reason to remain here.

‘It gets tangled.’

That captain has now become the person needed to achieve his goal.

“Shut it off, it’s a wild cat. “What are you looking at so intently?”

The barbarian Rem, who opened his mouth and yawned, also came out.

It’s a trivial quarrel. Saxony ignored him as usual.

Rem’s eyes turned to my captain.

“… … “Look at this?”

The barbarian expressed a rare expression of surprise.

It was the same for Ragnar and Audin.

Immerse myself in my world and swing my sword. These are people who have experienced something like that at least once.

Therefore, I was able to know Encred’s current condition.

I was lost and trapped in my own world.

So is it dangerous?

No, that was an opportunity. A once-in-a-lifetime training opportunity.

An opportunity to realize my limitations and move forward a few steps quickly.

“Hey, cat, I need to control the surroundings. Gilchi, you too. Hey Gomtaeng?”

“I know, brother. Sister Teresa and Sister Dunbakel should also join us.”

Auddin said and they moved quietly.

From an unexpected winter morning, Encred and his group drew a circle around the lodgings.

What they did was simple.

“Don’t come closer. “Don’t make a loud noise.”

It’s control. It was a matter of throwing away everyone who approached.

“Hey, I heard you beat up a priest. “I came to talk about that.”

Even though Seongju came to visit.

“That man was a man ashamed to be called a priest. Brother Seongju. Not now anyway.”

This was incomprehensible to some people.

Some of the soldiers frowned and asked why they were doing that.

People who knew Encred’s condition just quietly walked away.

More than half of Martai’s barracks were Easterners.

And Easterners were tough, strong, and noisy.

“If I make a fuss, I’ll split your hair?”

“It is said that silence is like gold. The Lord said, go to battle, shout a war cry, and then come home and be gentle. So, I ask you to sew up that snout for a moment and remain quiet.”

“quiet. “I cut it.”

“Don’t cross this line.”

The four behaved like their usual personalities.

Dunbakeel quietly looked at Encred and moved his body as well.

Impatience tormented her.

Therefore, it was necessary to train like that.

Teresa once again found that man fascinating.

‘I am Theresa the Wanderer.’

After compensating with the same thoughts as usual, what you see is a face like a crazy person, swinging a sword alone.

‘Is training fun, not just combat?’

Born and raised in the embrace of a cult. Teresa did not know the world.

Her world was narrow. Even now, she doesn’t know whether her choice is right or wrong.

Just one thing.

‘I want to fight.’

I wanted to swing my sword at the man who was currently occupying the small training ground in front of the dorm.

So strong that it splits the bone.

I also wanted to do a shield charge towards that body.

I wanted to punch and kick.

She wanted to fight.

Right and wrong do not matter in this matter as the desire boils to a horrifying level.

“Really, take control of your mind. “Sister.”

These were the words of Audin, who was always by my side. Teresa replied, adjusting her mask.

“I am Teresa the wanderer, and I am patient.”

Patience is a virtue.

I was born without such virtues, but now I wanted to protect them and learn them.

Only then can you fight the author and experience a moment of joy.

* * *

In his world, Encred sometimes wandered, sometimes ran, and sometimes crawled.

It didn’t matter what it was.

He thought about swordsmanship.

In the middle of the journey, a boatman appeared like a ghost and spoke.

Now that I can see my face, it’s almost as if it wasn’t there before.

That’s what I see often.

“You crazy guy, this isn’t the wall I built.”

What do you mean?

It was an illusion, a hallucination.

So I ignored it. The important thing now is not the boatman. This wasn’t a repeating day either.

Jeongjunghwan recovery.

Among the five types of swordsmanship, the one Encred has mastered properly is Jeonggwajwa.

However, even after getting used to it, it was uncomfortable. Apart from being difficult, she has never felt like it was the right fit. why?

‘Clothes that don’t fit my body.’

A sword built on talent, based on talent, and on the soil of talent.

It is not the path of Dunjae.

I didn’t realize all of this right away.

However, I just head to the next step as I feel in the realm of sixth sense and intuition.

Still walks, crawls, and runs.


‘Where is my path?’

Just decide on a direction by asking short questions.

In this way, Encred went beyond the basics of Yugeomsik and found a new path.

It was a process of creating a new sword technique.

Not everything happens at once. When En Creed woke up from his immersion, he only knew what he had done.

In addition, there is still a process left to do in the future by polishing what has been achieved today, incorporating it into the body, and continuing.


Wanting to become a knight or creating a new sword technique is incomparably crazy, and it will sound like a false story with no substance to the other person.

But so what?

When was someone’s perspective important?

When I woke up from my immersion, the sun was still high in the sky.

‘It was only a moment.’

Encred raised his head while thinking that, and in front of him was a dwarf with the appearance of a girl, pouting his lips.

“Hey, I’m busy too.”

And the dwarf said:


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