Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 256

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256. On how to deal with idiots (1)

“Thus says the Lord, who shed brilliance and gave light to this land.”

The bald man said.

As soon as those words ended, Encred tilted his head.

“It is a bell that worships brilliance.”

So, a priest is someone who uses the words of the temple instead of greetings.

“What brought you here?”

Encred asked.

“I’m here to give you a blessing.”

The priest grinned.

‘What kind of blessing suddenly?’

Encred thought for a moment.

‘Isn’t this kind of blessing usually supposed to be received before war?’

Anyway, the priest just said what he had to say.

“The hand of brilliance that protects this land has reached out and given a hero to the territory. “Hehehe.”

For example, a strangely developed sense of smell towards Crona.

By crushing and combining them into one, I gained a new sense called sixth sense. That sense allowed me to understand the tendencies of the person in front of me.

No, does it come first that there is no intention to hide it from the other person?

The man who was chatting about the words of the temple and all that, ended up saying that the reason this territory was protected was because of the prayers I prayed without sleeping for three days and nights.

Rem looked up from adjusting her fur.

What did that say just now?

It is the intention that is revealed in the facial expression.

“do not do that. “Rem.”

Encred stopped him appropriately. Ragna also ignored her and entered the dormitory, but stopped in her tracks.

Immediately, I could see weight being placed on my left foot.

His unique sensitive senses were activated.

Encred raised his hand and showed his palm to Ragna. It means don’t do it.

Rem showed even the slightest sign of an accident before hitting him, but if Ragna was sued, he would beat him up first.

Of course, the most dangerous of these is Saxony.

This one could be skipped before you notice.

“Don’t do everything.”

Encred spoke again. Anger based on irritation was felt in these people, and Encred was no different from them.

But the only one who has a double summit is himself. Shouldn’t they be able to kill a priest or beat him up in the middle of the territory, or even in the middle of the barracks?

No, do you think it’s okay to get beat up a bit?

“It’s difficult.”

Even Kreis has a cold tone. It sounded like he was worried about how to hide it if he killed it.

It wasn’t because of Crona.

Even if Kreis does not fight at the front and is reluctant to fight, he is also on the battlefield.

That’s why.

If you won a battle because of someone’s prayers, if that was the only reason for victory, if you survived the battlefield solely because of prayers.

What happens to those who shed blood to win?

Encred concluded. This kid is an asshole.

The first way to deal with an asshole is not to beat him, but to turn away. Isn’t it better to avoid dirty things first?

Therefore, ignoring was the answer.

However, the big man who would normally quietly ignore such matters took a step forward.

As he walked, the late afternoon sunlight created a long shadow and obscured the belly priest.

“Since we won the war thanks to prayers, are you asking us to pay a victory offering?”

The title ‘brother’ was omitted.

Encred knows Audin. He is obsessed with religion and uses divinity, but he also knows that these things are secret.

I also knew that no one was there to beat up.

Even more so, regardless of whether it was a corrupted priest, finding a gold coin, or stepping on a woman, he secretly avoided the profession of priest.

So everyone looked at me blankly.

“Yes, that’s right. “If you donate for the temple, the territory, and the people of the territory, I will spread the word about it.”

Encred understood what the other person said.

A few gold coins will make you more praised.

But are these people who want someone’s praise?

After all, ignoring is the answer.

“If the meaning of brilliance is so high, what happened to the funerals for the dead?”

Audin immediately asked.

Encred wondered for a moment whether he should stop Audin.

“That will be done gradually.”

The priest answered casually. The way he spoke made me wonder what he thought of the dead soldier.

It’s a world overrun with monsters and beasts.

This is a world where everyone is facing the threat of war.

I didn’t know when demons would burst out of the demonic world and the Holy Demon War would break out again.

It is said that in the Holy Demon War in history, more than half of the human and cross-species alliance died, and the blood shed at that time formed a river and the corpses were used to build a mountain.

It was a world where a truly terrible war continued.

So, now?


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It’s still the same now. The continent is engulfed in war.

So then I ask you.

Does life become worthless and cheap just because it has a spear blade of danger and threat in front of its neck, or because it is easily brittle and broken?

Some would agree.

A warlord leading a country would view the troops under his command as numbers.

The general could do that too.

But should even a priest be like that?

“I heard you brought a lot of good stuff, right? Hehehe, if you donate with good intentions, blessings will remain.”

Moreover, this priest does not even have the slightest hint of divinity. The two words ‘blessing’ could have sounded like robbery.

Auddin looked at the priest.

It’s common. There are as many assholes in the world as there are grains of sand, and it seems like there are especially more of them in this territory.

A scoundrel drunk on drugs and hypnosis.

An idiot belonging to a group called Black Knife.

There’s an idiot wearing a priest’s mask.

‘A common occurrence.’

Audin knows this is not special. Moreover, what did he do when he saw these people?

Even though there were no priests in the Border Guard, wandering priests were occasionally seen.

Haven’t you also seen them commit robbery in the name of donations?

Everyone had turned away.

The expelled priest, who had ignored all visible problems for quite some time, placed above him the wall-breaker whom everyone said was the limit.

Also, I recently saw a beast defying its fate.

Among them, the human’s name was Encred.

The horse that defied fate was in front of a man named Encred.

Many things ran through my mind.

This is the end of my thoughts based on what I felt while watching Encred.

Auddin saw his own change.

‘Did you say to leave something wrong and see?’

No, my father, God, and my master did not say so.

So Audín saw something wrong, reacted and moved.

He was able to do this because the Lord, who was now within him, held his center.

This priest is an asshole. Encred also knew. It was a moment that I knew I wanted to ignore and turn away from.


The moment the air was pushed out and something caught my sixth sense, Encred reacted. Wouldn’t it be an uproar if Rem couldn’t hold back and threw an ax?

I stretched out my hand and tried to block it with my body. What moved was a person. And the moving agent snaked beneath En Creed’s outstretched arm and swung his palm.


There was no moaning. There was not even a single word.

It was Audin who made the move.

He opened his palm and swung it, catching the priest’s cheek with his touch.

Encred turned around.

In the meantime, I could sense Audin’s movements and asked.

“What is that?”

“It’s a snake walk.”

If anyone sees it, it will definitely be a conversation between crazy kids.

After satisfying his curiosity, Encred looked at what Audin had done.

“Is he dead?”

“I almost died.”

Rem answers the question.

Ragnar was watching the situation, then looked at Audin and muttered a word.

“You’re a troublemaker.”

After that, Saxony spoke expressionlessly.


What can you do without looking when you’re not looking?

Finally, Rem said as she looked at the belly fat priest who was sprawled on the floor, writhing, or to be exact, flew three or four steps to the side from where I was and collapsed.

It doesn’t seem like the trembling of the limbs has gone away.

“Well, people need to be patient.”

Rem muttered.

What do you want to say?

Encred thought and winked at Chrys, and Chrys approached and checked his breathing.

“Luckily, no, fortunately, isn’t it? “I can breathe easy.”

Her cheeks are red and swollen, but she is alive. It was fortunate that the eyeball did not pop out or burst.

Now all that remains is the problem.

Encred was the squad leader of the troublemaker squad.

This kind of thinking was familiar.

‘No, I think this is my first time hitting on a priest.’

The Border Guard had no temples.

It was a coincidence rather than a special reason.

The first commander stayed away from religion, but those who came later followed the previous commander’s wishes, and more recently, the commander before Marcus came hated well-fed pigs who wanted their share.

So, he hated corrupt priests.

Regardless of whether there was a strong spirit of sacrifice or not, some people disliked the fact that temples accepted donations.

The current battalion commander, Marcus, was the same.

He believes in God and makes donations to temples.

I did not allow a temple to be built on my territory.

It must have been because they boldly struck out anything that was not helpful to the territory.

Somehow, all the priests who stopped by the territory only revealed Crona.

In fact, if the temple dispatches people, a temple will be created quickly, but in any case, there has been no temple in the Border Guard until now.

Does that mean this is the first time I’ve seen such an idiot?

That’s not true.

I’m just curious as to why it was necessary to beat it up now.

When Encred looked at Audin with that intention, Audin put his hands in front of his chest and spoke as if he was praying.

“I have no regrets. “The servant simply follows what his lord tells him to do.”

You mean you wanted to beat him.

Encred understood perfectly.

“Let’s just kill him and bury him.”

Rem said. It didn’t make sense. There were already many eyes watching the commotion in front of the hotel.

Instead of answering the worthless question, Encred looked at the priest again.

Definitely not dead.

As I crouched down and observed, one of the soldiers watching opened his mouth.

“… … “How come my insides feel refreshed?”

“I know.”

“You idiot pig.”

Some of the thoughtless soldiers chuckled, and the one who still had his head called his commander.

As soon as the commander heard of the situation, he reported it to his superiors, and soon Zimmer appeared.

“Let’s just pretend I hit him.”


Encred meant to ask a question, and Zimmer said with his eyes shining.

“I think what I did is easier to fix than what you did.”

“Thank you, though.”

“You are the heroes who protected the territory. I wonder if I can’t even do this.”

Zimmer said, puffing out his chest.

What happens if a priest gets beaten up?

I will report this to my superiors immediately. Then, someone will come out of the temple to use it as an excuse to ignore their god or to exert influence over the territory.

Knowing that Border Guard and Martai have recently been reborn as ‘trading territories’, the temple could have somehow set up its dishes here and coveted some of the by-products.

Aside from that, what will happen to Zimmer, who beat up Priest?

You will suffer damages in the sense of fines and punishment.

If you get it wrong, it can become a bigger problem.

If they argue, they could be imprisoned.

That’s what it meant to be a fan of a priest dispatched to a territory.

But Zimmer would be better than Audin.

Being beaten up by external personnel and friction with someone you used to know are two different problems.

The influence within the territory is also different.

Scratching, Encred scratched between his eyebrows.

Encrid looked at Audin, who had divinity but kept it hidden.

What matters more than anything.

‘Can I tie that Gomtaengi with the temple?’

I don’t think it will work.

They hide their divinity and stay in territories where there are no temples.

That too because it belongs to a military unit.

He is a fugitive. I know by sight. It was an obvious problem even without asking.

Either they believed in heresy or they sinned against the temple, or both.

“Everyone here will be a witness.”

Zimmer said confidently.

He was an Easterner and the commander of this territory.

It wouldn’t be difficult to influence a group of soldiers divided into two.

Those from the Border Guard were friendly to Encred, so there was no need to persuade them.

“I will.”

Kreis said, poking his side.

Encred decided to accept the other person’s favor.

“Thank you.”

Zimmer nodded.

Even when he went out to fight right after defeat, he was a bold man.

“Then that’s it.”

He had a soldier carry the fallen priest inside.

The next day, the priest, who had lost his memory, started yelling and arguing.

In front of him, Zimmer said a few words.

Encred was sweating while running around the barracks all morning and happened to see that scene.

“How dare you touch the body of God’s servant? Do you think we can just get over this? Radiance is watching! huh? “I will tell the temple and take this matter seriously!”

It’s on the outskirts of the barracks, in the thicket of trees.

Fortunately, it seemed like they didn’t know that Audin was a fan.

After listening to the story, I found out that Zimmer was more cheerful and generous than Encred himself felt.

“You won because of prayer? “Hey, you f*cking pig.”

The priest was speechless. The tongue that had been smoothly criticizing the other person became twisted.

“what? “What did you say just now?”

I could sense a slight tremor in the way he spoke, so in technical terms it could be said that he was ‘scared.’

“f*ck, have your ears gained weight too? “Why should I cut off half of my ear?”


As he spoke, Zimmer pulled out his dagger. It was morning and the sun was dazzling. The dagger blade reflected the sunlight beautifully.

“Or a tongue that spits out things that are not even words?”

As he spoke, he was seen pretending to stab the corner of his mouth with the tip of the dagger.

There is such a thing as momentum. I feel like if I make a mistake, I will really do it.

That’s what Zimmer is like now.

The priest hesitated to move his tongue, but finally attempted a final act of defiance.

“I learned this from the temple… … .”

“If you know, you will either become a meal for a ghoul who suddenly invades during the early morning prayers, or you will participate in the previous Centaur Colony battlefield and proudly charge in before being defeated. Ah, this will work. You got seriously injured while fighting during the assault, right around here? Then I got sick because I couldn’t get treatment. “Everyone just assumed that because he was a priest, he could use his divinity to heal.”

Not all priests can demonstrate divinity, but it was natural that it was not something to be proud of.

The priest was speechless.

It was truly a splendid scene.

It also left a deep impression on Encred.

Anyway, if it was a threat, it would have been enough to do it here, right?

That won’t be it. The threat of the people living in this territory cannot be the same as the threat to yourself.

It’s possible because it’s luggage money.

He was a fun person. Zimmerman is an Easterner.

And when we returned to the dorm, Kreis rolled his eyes and said,

“If you think about it, they are kind people.”


I was going to go out and sharpen my sword before the sweat cooled down.

Encred moved as usual.

Kreis said from behind him.

“It’s a black knife.”

“… … “Where is being kind?”

“Ugh, it’s a little cold now. Can you take the fur that Rem bought?”

“Even though if you were to wear that fur, an ax blade would penetrate the back of your neck?”

“Even if the captain stops me?”


“Ai, I should have bought one too.”

Even if you say that, Kreis won’t buy fur or anything like that. Because he is a bitter person when it comes to Crona.

“Let’s go. Are you going to swing the sword?”

Kreis said towards the outside. The sun is warm, but the air is cold. It is winter and the temperature has dropped.

Encred took his sword and went out.

Since I had to stay here until the day the dwarf promised, I was planning on training as usual.

And Kreis recited his thoughts next to him.

The Black Knife was about why assholes are kind.

As Encred listened to those words, it occurred to him that these days, to be more precise, it seems like he comes across assholes and groups like that in Martai more often.

It was also now that the black sword had drawn its sword in earnest.

There was also a priest who was beaten by Auddin.

So what should we do to deal with these people?

The answer was simple.

‘All you have to do is defeat them.’

There is an answer, but it was time for Kreis to sort out the path. Encred told him to do so, so Cryce was faithful to his orders.


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