Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 255

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255. What does the dwarf see?

“So what do you need to do?”

The dwarf ignored the barbarian, and Rem ignored it without going crazy.

This is what I felt the first time I heard it. Although the words were harsh, they were not sincere.

Appropriately, Encred intervened and opened his mouth.

“If you have a good sword made, I’d like to buy it.”

Encred did not speak again. He also thought he was a pretty funny guy, to be honest.

Do you know how to fight? I don’t think so?

This is a general evaluation based on posture, hand movements, location, and actions.

“Is that so?”

The dwarf wasn’t picky. Just look Encred up and down.

It is known that they, that is, dwarves, do not look at the appearance of humans.

However, that gaze remained on Encred’s face and did not leave.

Kreis, who was watching from behind, thought.

‘No way, him too?’

I guess I didn’t fall in love with the captain.

I slowly felt anxious.

As everyone knows, dwarves do not care about the appearance or beauty of humans. Instead, they say they see a refined inner self.

It means judging a person’s inner self by looking at their eyes, attitude, habits, etc.

If there is no external prejudice, there is less prejudice.

A dwarf who wandered the continent for a long time knew how to figure out a person’s personality by looking at their eyes and tone of voice.

Even though it wasn’t a spell, a part of Encred’s inner self was visible in her eyes, mixed with the dwarf’s unique abilities and experience.

It was really big, unique, and beautiful.

Metallurgy refers to the extraction and refining of ore.

Blacksmithing is the art of making tools by heating and striking metal.

This is snow that was created after a long period of time making and smelting stone, iron, and various other things.

In her eyes, Encred was a stone.

But it was no ordinary stone. never.

‘What is this?’

It is a stone that does not break even though it is cut and cut, and does not wear out or age.

It’s incomprehensible, so it’s the first human she’s ever seen, and it’s an ore.

So it was just amazing.

At the same time, that was the reason that moved the dwarf’s heart. Mystery, beginnings, and something new are bound to pique a dwarf’s interest.

“Hey, I won’t kill you, so take care of my axe.”

The cocky barbarian next to me also spoke.

He fidgets and holds out an ax with something in it.

Didn’t you say you were going to kill this bastard a little while ago?

I judged it not to be sincere. A dwarf’s unique insight allows him to easily judge whether a statement is true or not.

So I thought he was a strange guy.

I didn’t mean it, but I felt like I was going to swing the ax if I got into trouble.

The dwarf’s eyes scanned him as well.

‘What is this guy again?’

It looked like a stone burning itself. She is the dawn that sets everything around her on fire.

To avoid burning next to it, you had to be strong enough, or someone had to block the flames and hold on.

Who is stopping that?

What can I say?

It is a stone that does not burn or deteriorate.

The stone with black hair and blue eyes was like that.

The dwarf’s gaze scanned everyone.

The people next to him are equally strange.

There is one human being who seems to have polished true silver containing divinity by beating it for tens of thousands of hours.

A piece of ink iron that has been forged and forged into a sharp blade.

There is also gray gold that requires burning tens of thousands of stones to be barely visible.

Ash gold is a precious metal that she too was born with and only glimpsed.

No, true silver, ink iron, and ash are all precious metals.

As soon as you see it, something like this immediately comes to mind? What are they?

The dwarf’s eyes do not waver. Their hearts are hard and firm, so they are not embarrassed by anything.

He was also immune to being possessed by most types of mental magic.

The dwarf looked around.

The most unusual thing among them was just a stone.

A stone that is cut but not worn, worn but not broken.

The stone blocked the flames, enveloped the silver, pushed away the darkness of the ink iron, and even encompassed the gray gold.

I saw people standing around showing off their individuality.

It was an incredibly strange thing. The dwarf asked curiously.

“What’s your name?”

Encred thought that the other person was much older than I expected. There was something I could feel in his tone.


“Okay, give me your hand.”


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When Encred calmly held out his hand, the dwarf carefully examined the calluses and knuckles.

“It’s a miscellany.”

That’s not wrong.

Encred thought. Those are the skills you have learned.

I crammed everything I could into my body.

Sensory skills, the heart of a beast, the heart of superpowers, techniques of isolation, and even swordsmanship derived from ‘Jeongjung Healing Recovery’.

If I think about it, I have tasted a little bit of every sword technique.

And recently, he became obsessed with swordsmanship and was obsessed with training his body.

Even if you set aside learning ‘Will’, there were a lot of skills that you learned from the beginning.

“Yeah, good. I happen to have a nice sword. I’ll give it to you after I take care of it. And what about you? It seems like all you need is the handle of the ax and the center of gravity, so why are you carrying that? Iron is good, I’ll melt it down and make it again. Uh, um, I don’t think you need anything, and among the rest, uh, yeah, you. Gray, what do you need?”

Are dwarves naturally talkative?

However, the dwarf’s unique insight was evident in those many words.

While the Frog was a voracious seeker of talent, the Dwarf had great insight.

She recognized everything the group needed at a glance.

The nickname Ragna was given was strange, but the opponent was a dwarf. Everyone just passed by without paying attention.

“A long, thick, well-centered sword.”

Ragna answered. He just said what he wanted to say, no matter what the dwarf said. I don’t care because the purpose is clear.

It was the same when the Black Knife Bandits came.

It didn’t matter so I ignored it.

On the contrary, Saxony moved. Rem was the same as usual.

Audin just smiled brightly.

The dwarf nodded.

“I get it.”

He decided to repair Encred’s sword and fire axe, and also said he would melt down the halberd used by the centaur leader and make it again.

In addition, he even personally prepared one of Ragnar’s swords.

Encred had heard that the dwarf was a picky craftsman, but seeing that he was not like that at all, he thought that the rumors could not be trusted.

“Eh, you said even a dagger wouldn’t be a waste for me?”

Kreis said from behind.

“You are so low-level. It’s a bit of a waste to give something I made. “Just take one of those things that humans have made and go.”

Wow, you discriminate against people.

Kreis muttered. It’s a really hurt face. He was a guy who had no regrets about weapons. But why is he suddenly looking for a dagger?

“Buy me one?”

Encred asked.

“no. That’s Okay.”

But why are we so obsessed?

“It’s been so long since I got dumped.”

“Are you kicked?”


As Kreis spoke, the dwarf laughed.

A cute guy, his expression seemed to say so.

“But I’ll have to wait a week to do all of this. “It might be faster.”

said the dwarf.

Encred looked around the blacksmith shop.

Everyone who was banging on the metal stopped and looked around.

It was a place with two craftsmen, metal workers standing side by side on one wall, and the flames of the brazier pushing away the cold.

It wasn’t long before I felt like I was sweating from the heat.

“Just give them a few silver coins. “You have to pay a price to use the blacksmith shop.”

Hearing the dwarf’s words again, Kreis handed him several silver coins.

Encred, who was looking at it, added a few more.

Aren’t they asking you to take care of your own convenience? There is no such thing as an appropriate amount.

Encred did not spare silver in this regard.

Kreis was also ignored.

With the crona the captain had earned through this outing, he would not be in need for a while.

Well, I’ve never had to worry about anything before.

The man who appeared to be the blacksmith owner looked at me and nodded.

“Use as much as you want.”

“And as for the cost, you, Wangnun, give me the bag of jewels you have in your bosom.”

The dwarf showed his insight again by guessing Kreis’ nickname right away.

“Do you want this?”

Kreis couldn’t leave his precious jewels behind, so he was carrying some in his pocket.

“uh. Hey, I’m making you cum.”

The dwarf spoke in a cheap tone. The tone of speech bounced around. That also seemed to be an element that gave a glimpse of age.

“Give it to me.”

Cryce looked tearful at Encred’s words, but then nodded.

Then Kreis said, stopping while handing over the jewel bag.

“But how did you know you had this?”

“What do you make of a dwarf’s sense of smell? “It smells like expensive rocks.”

Can a dwarf take on something like that?

It was none of my business.

Encred passed it off without notice. So, he had to stay here for about a week.

They returned to the market again. The heat of the forge raised my body temperature, so I didn’t feel the cold for a while.

After that, the cold air penetrated her body again, but Rem was still smiling.

“I decided to love this rock.”

It’s thanks to the heated stone in his arms. He’s a guy who really hates the cold.

Ragna walked silently without looking around.

“Do you need a decent sword? suddenly?”

Encred suddenly became curious and asked.

“Yes, I need it.”

I was curious about the reason, but I didn’t ask it again.

Of course, it was because of Encred.

What did this night of stimulation leave behind for them?

It is motivation and the desire for growth. Joy comes first because you know that you can achieve something even though you haven’t achieved it. Ragnar enjoyed it too.

It’s an emotion and experience that I’ve never felt before.

What used to be boring because I knew I could achieve it has now become the opposite.

So I needed a good sword. A sword that fits my hand and body.

I wondered if a dwarf would do that.

They just looked around the market.

Although it was smaller than Border Guard, this one was also quite bustling.

It was becoming a trading territory connecting the East.

Kreis chatted with a few merchants in between.

There were also people who felt comfortable talking about it when they first met each other.

Among those walking around, there were some who recognized Encred and showed military courtesy.

This is the soldier who saw the sword he was swinging and was chasing the centaur leader.

There were quite a few soldiers patrolling.

It seemed like three people were working as a team to focus on internal security.

I bought some white bread and ate some bread with raisins on it.

So, I was looking around the market.

A woman with a young face blocked my path.

“I said all you have to do is spread the word, word, word.”

I was so nervous that my hands were shaking.


Kreis asked softly. He seemed to be telling me not to be nervous.

“The black sword doesn’t pass like this.”

Her anxious eyes swept over them. As he finally spoke, his legs even trembled. It was obvious how scared she was.

“are you okay. are you okay.”

Kreis comforted the woman and asked her a few questions.

Someone came up to him and threw two silver coins at him to tell him to run an errand, and that he really needed the silver coins because his younger brother was sick.

Kreis even asked the woman’s name and gave her three more silver coins.

When you save Crona, you must save it, but when you spend it, you must use it.

“If anything happens here in the future, I hope you’ll let me know.”

After reassuring him with his characteristic smile and sending him away.

Kreis sighed heavily, glanced at the inside of the alleyway where the woman disappeared, and said:

“You don’t look like you’re giving up on this, do you? “Shouldn’t we do something?”

Kreis asked.

Encred answered without even taking a breath.

“lets think.”

“… … yes?”

“I don’t know, so think about it.”

Encred said as if it were obvious.

Kreis felt that in some ways the captain had definitely changed.

Have you done this well before?

I’m sure he made a similar request.

Attitudes have changed.

Since he was the person in charge of the unit, this was correct.

“If you attack them, you can just split their heads off.”

“I’ll send some worthless assassin or something.”

“I ask the War God, is it okay for me to send the seditious people to my side?”

“I cut down wandering Teresa and thieves.”

They spoke in that order: Rem, Saxony, Audin, and Teresa.

Encred’s eyes turned to Dunbakeel.

“What is debt?”

“In the end, I borrowed about 15 gold coins.”


Kreis asked out of curiosity.

“To have fun.”

You spend fifteen gold coins to play? Did you buy a male pr****ute in the capital and enjoy it?

Did you drink a lot of expensive alcohol there?

No, I guess I had to eat luxuriously.

“All of that?”

“Oh, I spent about two coins and gave away the rest.”

“To whom?”

Cryce’s speech became shorter due to the use of Crona, but Dunbakeel didn’t care.

To a beastman, courtesy means just not taking the other person’s meat and eating it.

“It’s like a monastery where passing children are raised.”

I spent the borrowed gold coins as I wanted. As for Dunvakel, he was going to die anyway, so he just did what he wanted. Of course, when I looked at the abandoned children, I sympathized with them because their situation was similar to mine, but I did not say that in detail.

Kreis was just dumbfounded.

“I borrowed a thief’s gold coin. Did you think you could just get away with it?”

Is this crazy? What do you do with borrowed fifteen gold coins? If I make a mistake, my head will be cut off first?

“No, well, um. “I see.”

This woman is not normal either.

After that, Encred and his group headed to the market.

This had a strangely different atmosphere from the Border Guard.

Selling and people are the same.

Some of the eyes stopped on Encred.

They were people with looks and characteristics that stood out wherever they went.

It would be even stranger if there was no attention.

However, none of Encred’s group paid attention to the looks of the market merchants, patrolling soldiers, wandering peddlers, and several thugs who looked similar to the guy they had beaten down earlier.

“Does that look like fur?”

They were all writers who were only interested in what caught my eye.

Rem’s gaze stayed on the fur.

Encred rested on the leather pants that the vendor had left strewn on the floor.

Audin bought a small wooden doll from a little sculptor, and it looked like he had carved a rabbit.

The fact that I couldn’t say for sure because it was a piece of rabbit meant that it wasn’t very good workmanship.

As I was passing by and looking around, three of the thugs approached me.

Are you going to do something similar to that idiot?

Kreis’ gaze became curious.

I was curious to see what those fearless idiots would do.

Nothing happened as he expected.

Flat porridge!

The thug lay down on the street in front of Encred. It was a bold move that did not care about dirt getting on his clothes.

“He wasn’t one of us! “He was a guy who had been living in the area for about half a year, and his name was Bento.”

Who is that? When Encred looked at him with this gaze, the scoundrel explained.

So, I was talking about the guy who attacked me at the bar earlier.

“Hans doesn’t know anything, eh, so if you’ll forgive me, yes. “I will scold the driver on his behalf.”

It was a rambling remark, but it seemed loyal.

Encred nodded.

It seemed like Hans was the man who attacked him while under the influence of drugs and hypnosis.

“do it yourself. And not yet.”

“… … to?

Encred said and passed by.

In the end, it was towards the leather pants that I liked.

Rem also held the fur in his hand.

“Wangnun, give me some gold coins here!”

“Don’t buy without bargaining!”

Kreis shouted and ran towards him. Audin, who was watching this quietly, spoke to the leader of the thugs.

“It’s just that it hasn’t become an article yet. Brother Yangachi.”

As he spoke, a bear-like hand tapped the thug’s right shoulder.

On the other side, Teresa knocked and said:

“If you do anything foolish, you will die.”

This is a short warning. The level of threat varied depending on who was speaking, and in the eyes of the thug, Teresa seemed like a great person who would kill him by cutting off his head.

While Cryce was bargaining and the others were buying what they wanted, Ragna said he would go back first, and Encred told him to stay quiet because it would be a hassle to look for him again.

Rem, who saw this, said something, and there was an uproar with Ragna.

Dunbakeel asked for pants similar to the ones Encrid bought, but when the merchant said there were no identical ones, he bought something as similar as possible.

Of course, Kreis negotiated for everything and paid the appropriate price.

As they returned from wandering around the market, they saw a man with balding hair standing in front of their lodgings.


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