Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 254

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254. So you want to die

People on the continent often talk about Easterners.

“They are tough, strong and stubborn.”

It is said.

Hans was that kind of Easterner.

And of these easterners, those who remained in Martae were basically.

‘Let’s see how good you are.’

With this thought in mind, I remained in Martai. It means that he has ill feelings toward the current governor of Seongju.

Hans was like that too.

“Stop the colony? f*ck, isn’t this a game of rigging?”

Hans, who was well versed in dice, thought as he pleased.

Even backgammon can be manipulated, right? It’s a game where only those who win win.

Originally, when there was a threat to Martai, support was often requested from the Eastern Mercenary King.

However, after losing the battle, Seongju was destroyed. The commander changed, and after that, it became a territory subordinated to the Border Guard.

After that, something happened suddenly and a great danger loomed in the territory, and some soldiers from the Border Guard came and defeated it.

‘f*ck, I don’t like it at all.’

For Hans, this whole situation really felt like a dog’s penis.

If it’s a monster that a few of them can chase away, isn’t it dangerous in the first place?

Unlike the soldiers standing on the battlefield, Hans, who was defeated in his territory, did not see Encred’s battle.

During that time, I drank alcohol and fell asleep. I kept my safety separate from the danger of the territory.

Two subtly divided factions.

The collusion between Easterners and Continentals also played a role in preventing information from flowing properly.

Still, everyone knew, but Hans only listened to what he wanted to hear.

It was typical Jjoda.

Hans’ job was to earn small pieces of silver by lending them here and there using the punches he knew how to do.

‘Even if I go out and fight.’

A few ghouls are no problem, right?

Human face dog? Isn’t it just a human head on the dog?

Wouldn’t it be enough to grab a spear and stab it hard?

What kind of Easterner is that, to be attacked by wild dogs?

Isn’t it a virtue for any Easterner to be brave enough to cut a lion to death even with a sword?

The mercenary king was like that.

At the age of eighteen, he killed a lion with a sword.

He was a man who had bitten and killed dozens of people and had tasted human flesh.

This is the first anecdote where the mercenary king proves himself in the eastern fields.

“He must have been holding some kind of relic or doing some trick.”

A colleague said: He stabbed Hans in the side, to be exact. He encouraged. He handed me the wine. Hans took a sip of it.

It was sweet, as if it had been mixed with honey.

It wasn’t strong, but I felt dizzy for a moment, probably because I drank it after getting excited, but it quickly disappeared.

Hans was afraid of looking like he was drunk, so he put pressure on his anus and pretended to be fine.

“It’s bland but delicious.”

“This is a new airlift, isn’t it okay?”

My colleague didn’t seem to notice that I was shaken by alcohol. It’s just a smiling face. Hans nodded his head sharply. The movement grew. Hans didn’t notice that his movements had changed.

After an insignificant conversation.

My colleague kept saying this.

“If you look at him in person, he just looks like an asshole, but his face is even.”

In the meantime, if you just look at her face, some woman will pass over you.

His nickname is Demonic Company Commander?

What, are there all these f*cking bastards?

“You know Lenny? “It seems like he was taken aback when he saw that demonic asshole, right?”

Leni, the tavern owner’s daughter, was the woman Hans was in love with.

My stomach was boiling, but those around me cheered as if a hero had returned.

There was an atmosphere where dissatisfaction could not be easily expressed. So I held on tight.

After that, the atmosphere cooled down.

I heard that the demonic asshole and his group were at Lennie’s tavern.

“I’m sure it wouldn’t be a big deal if it actually happened, but if it were you, Hans, maybe.”

A colleague said as he handed me some wine. As soon as I drank it down, I felt confident that I didn’t have it before.

As the sweet and hot liquid passed down the esophagus and filled the stomach, something hot came up from the lower abdomen.

‘That bastard, it’s a fan.’

If not now, then when will we show the bravery of Easterners?

Hans entered the tavern and glared at the guy with that in mind.

When I saw it in person, it really looked like an idiot.

What kind of war hero could a guy who would look like a noble lady’s bed attendant be?

Hans also saw Lenny. She could see her eyes not leaving the auburn-haired man, her eyes half closed and her mouth pursed.

Why does it look like that again?


Do I have to endure seeing this?

It was a blow that Hans recognized. He rarely loses a fight.


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Hans got up.

Druk, thong!

When I tried to stand up at once, the chair was pushed back and I fell.

The only people in the tavern were Demon Castle’s idiot group, Leni, and a few other village residents.

Some of them were impressed.

What is that bastard going to do?

* * *

Encred was refreshing.

‘Is this a fight?’

I asked Rem with my eyes.

Rem also blinked. That was also awkward.

Rem’s eyes scanned the group.

Auddin and Dunbakhel, Teresa.

Aren’t these three alone so common that you don’t even dare to attack them?

I am there too.

It’s not something to brag about, but it’s rare that I’ve met someone who picks fights easily in my territory.

Encred, you originally had a pretty face.

That might be belittling.

But there was a battle before.

If we knew that time, if there was someone who saw it, and even more so if the story circulated within the territory.

‘But, why don’t you come at me?’

What is this? What is this idiot?

Encred took one look at Rem and then examined his opponent.

Entering the realm of the senses, his cognitive ability scanned the other person.

Traces of moderate use of the body, degree of muscle development, hand position, habit of stepping, even the sequence of movements shown when kicking off a chair and standing up.

After seeing everything, I slowly put my left hand forward and pushed my right foot back.

Anyone with eyes would know what Encred was doing.

However, the other person showed no signs of noticing.

Not really, not at all, not at all.

“Hey, don’t be too condescending in someone else’s territory.”

That’s what I said.

“Kill me?”

Dunbakkel asked. Only then did Encred remember what Seongju had said.

Didn’t I tell you to be gentle?


Encred said and stood up. Everyone was not interested. The other person’s eyes became redder. No, my eyes are a bit bloodshot now.

It was none of my business.

“You bastard!”

An excited man rushed over. En Creed twisted to his side, dodging his swinging fist, pushing his forearm and kicking his opponent’s thigh.

All movements were done at once.

Natural and soft.

The eyes of everyone, including Rem, sparkled when they saw that.

It is an application of Yugeomsik.

You do it with your body. This is a technology I recently became addicted to.

Encred pushed back so hard that the other person looked like he was going to hit his head on the bar table.

In fact, Encred didn’t look at that and grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him up.

The other person swung his fist once and wondered what was going on.

Encred pushed the opponent. Hans struggled to his feet.

What the f*ck is this?

Strangely, I became even angrier.

Hans, unable to bear it any longer, placed his hand on the knife at his waist.

“If you pull that out, it falls apart. From then on, there is no going back.”

Rem muttered to Rusk. The sight of a mouth full of sugar is truly persuasive.

Hans couldn’t hear it. I couldn’t live without sticking a knife into the stomach of the guy in front of me.

Normally, I should have come to my senses and kneeled down or jumped up, but I didn’t even think about it.

I had to kill them all. I couldn’t live in the same sky with this bastard.

I was so excited that my brain stopped thinking.

It wasn’t natural.

Encred felt that the other person’s expression was strange.

It’s time to look at it and wonder if it will break in one place.


With a light sound, the guy’s eyes rolled back and he fell forward with his hand on the knife.

Saxony, standing behind him, grabbed the man, laid him down, rolled his eyes, opened his snout, and sniffed.

“… … What are you doing? “Do you have a hobby of smelling?”

Rem said.

Saxony ignored those words and spoke to Encred.

“Someone used medicine.”


The explanation continued that it is a medicine that will make you sick for life if used incorrectly.

“It made me lose my senses and put me under hypnosis.”

Anyone can see that he speaks in a manner that makes it seem like he has extensive knowledge in this field.

And it was also an accurate diagnosis.

Clap clap clap.

I heard someone clapping their hands.

“I see, you recognize that.”

It was a man wearing a leather water bottle on his waist, two knives on his right waist, and a short sword on his sword belt on his left waist.

Every time he walked, the shortsword with its scabbard dangled on his thigh.

I could tell just by looking at their steps. He’s a bit of a hitter.

So much so that it can’t even be compared to the guy who attacked me a little while ago.

Encred stared blankly without answering. What is that again?

Even though no one reacted, the man kept smiling as if he was not shy and approached.

It was a guy with a face that resembled a rat.


I said hello, but no one answered. Even Rem, who doesn’t enjoy silence as an answer, just stares with his arms crossed. The corner of his mouth was still full of sugar, but it looked like he would swing a fire ax with a messed up center of gravity or a halberd like the centaur leader used if he got used to it.

Encred’s senses told him that Rem’s preparations were complete.

If you leave it alone, it will just fall apart.


The question was asked by Saxony.

“Oh, how should I introduce myself?”

The man pretended to think for a moment, put his hands together in front of his chest, then dropped them and joked.

Should I just kill him?

I could feel Rem’s concern.


Encred said. ‘What are you waiting for?’ The only thing that doesn’t understand is the other person.

He ignored it and said,

“I’m from Black Knife.”

The Black Knives are a group of thieves.

Encred stretched his arms. He’s never had a good conversation with them.

The guy waved his hand.

“I didn’t come here to fight. “I just came to say a few words.”

There were some bar workers and a few customers.

The guy said without heeding anything.

“Are you not planning on converting?”

The guy asked with a smile, and Encred pondered the question and answered.

“You want to die?”

“I came with a really good heart. You know, right? The black knife doesn’t really know what it means to give up. “What I’ve shown you now is just a taste.”

It is said that sending that idiot through drugs and hypnosis was a taste.

“This is a really good offer and opportunity. “Please think again.”

The man was serious. Encred was also serious.

“So you want to die?”


Rem, who was listening from behind, burst into laughter.

It was because I roughly expected what Encred would continue to say.

I predicted Encred’s next move because I knew his speaking habits and his knack for using his tongue.

“The black sword will not give up. I am just a messenger. And Dunbakhel, aren’t you in debt? “Do you think you can ignore that and get away with it?”

This is what the Black Sword messenger says as he sticks his head out and looks at Dunbakeel.

Dunbakel wielded force as a mercenary with a black sword. He acted on behalf of the request, signed a contract, and received something in return.

But that already meant nothing.

After that, I wandered off to die.

But can that be called a debt?


Dunbakhel nodded.

The messenger of the black sword flinched for the first time.

‘This crazy bitch has become even crazier.’

he thought to himself.

“Wow, this is really troublesome. Let me say it again. This is a really, really good suggestion. Dunbakhel’s work can be overlooked and we can give you anything you want. For example, if you want to become a knight, you can join the knighthood.”

The messenger spoke and Encred maintained his expressionless expression.

Since it’s a knighthood, I already know his goal.

In the meantime, I’ve been talking a lot here and there.

It was also proof that they had conducted a background investigation.

‘What do you think? Are you going to refuse this offer too?’

The man asked with his eyes.

Encred opened his mouth in a cautious manner.

“Are you saying you want to die? Isn’t it true? “Why aren’t you answering the question?”


It wasn’t until Rem laughed for the second time that the messenger’s expression changed.

‘These bastards? ‘Do I really need to show you a taste?’

He snapped his fingers. It is a secret that is not visible to the other person.

It was time for some assassins to fall from the roof.

It was quiet.

hmm? The man flicked his finger a few times without being seen by the other person. Then something suddenly fell from the roof.


The employee who saw this screamed.

thud! thud!

Two corpses.

A hole was made in the dead man’s neck. And then the red-brown haired man standing next to him opened his mouth.

“This is what pranks are all about.”

Oh shit, what is this again?

I know everyone has one sword, but how can you find a top-notch assassin so easily?

The messenger’s complexion became more wrinkled.

“If you kill me, with a black knife… … .”

Swish, swish! Boom, rice cake! thud!


As he spoke, the messenger placed his hand on the smoke bomb on his belt.

And when Rem saw that, he threw the ax without even breathing.

His right hand was only visible in a blur. Encred’s heightened senses sensed the entire process.

The fire ax, whose center of gravity was messed up, flew out with its ax blade showing off instead of flames and stuck in his head, and the force of the force caused the guy’s legs that came out of the black sword to fly backwards, and his back hit the wall of the tavern and he fell to the floor. .

That was it.

The messenger of the black sword became a corpse.

The waitress who saw this screamed again, and Saxony searched the other person’s arms with familiar movements.

A few neatly folded pieces of paper, a leather pouch, a smoke bomb, poison, and a knife came out.

Inside the neatly folded paper was a strange powder.

It seemed like a drug that could make people possessed.

“Don’t be too surprised, just contact the barracks and they will clean it up.”

Encred spoke while standing. All I had to do was get a fly in the middle of my meal.

It was a commotion, but I didn’t think it was a big deal.

Just Rem’s ax throwing skills and Saxony’s body movements are impressive.

“Hehe, it looks like the demonic bandits are also moving. “Brother.”

Audin let out a strange sound and the group took their steps.

So, go see the dwarf regardless of whether the black sword is doing his trick or not.

Wasn’t that the purpose in the first place?

The dwarf was eating wine, cheese, and bread on one side of the blacksmith shop.

Kang! Kang!

I could see him sucking the melted cheese on his fingers as if the sound of metal and heat had nothing to do with it.

Rumors within the territory spread so quickly that while I was visiting the market, it seemed like what Encred had done had already spread.

The dwarf looked around at everyone and said.

“Do you want to fight?”

It was a harsh tone of voice. Encred looked at the dwarf.

How old is this?

The age of this race was different from the appearance, so she could have been older than herself, but on the outside, she looked like a short girl of about fifteen.

Of course, it’s not just any girl. Because she was a muscular girl whose neck seemed thicker than her own.

Instead, her face was very dense, so she was considered quite pretty.

It wasn’t nonsense when I said that Kreis was pretty.

However, isn’t it ambiguous to call her a beauty by general standards?

“Are you pretty in that?”

When Rem scolded him, the dwarf muttered.

“I can hear everything. “You gray-haired bastard.”

First of all, the way you talk is hot.

And Rem was Rem.

The barbarian smiled softly and asked Encred.

“Would you like to have something like a stuffed dwarf? “I think I just picked up a dead dwarf.”


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