Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 251

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251. A windfall

To wild horses, the burning skull was a threat they could not do anything about.

That’s why he asked for help.

That was now, and I might add that the Burning Skull was out of luck.


Blazing halberds, skeleton dogs and skeleton soldiers lined up behind them.

I looked around and saw that it was thirteen.

There are twelve, excluding the flame skull bowl.

“It is wrong and wrong.”

This is one of the reasons why they are unlucky.

Because there was a soldier who was a religious person who had a fit when he saw the undead.

Good luck!

The halberd of flame falls. Auddin pushed it away with his palm.

In an instant, fire ignited into his hands. Au Din waved his arms in the air.


I swung my arm and there was a sound like wind bursting. A young fire was extinguished in his hands. He collapsed in midair.

It wasn’t something magical. It is a feat accomplished with physical strength and speed.

Audin deflected the burning halberd to the side and began crushing the skeletons that were charging at him from behind.

With one punch, the skull’s head was reduced to bone fragments and scattered.

The skull was roughly broken into sixteen pieces and scattered.

“… … “That ignorant bastard.”

Even Rem was impressed by the fire-fighting feat.

Afterwards, Audin broke the head of the skull and split its ribs. He grabbed the skeleton soldier’s spine and pulled it out, swinging the spine like a blunt weapon and crushing the skeleton dog’s head.

The flaming skull raised its halberd high. It seemed like they were aiming for Audin’s back.

Ragna, who was watching, suddenly came out to see what he was thinking.

He took a step forward, pulled out his sword, and swung his waist.

It is a heavy sword-style slash with a sword.

Ragna’s blade cut the skull’s neck bone.

A head with its cervical spine severed fell to the floor. As he fell, the fire on his head disappeared.

As a result, only the charred black skull head remained, rolling among the vines and short grass.

My head hit a protruding rock and stopped.

Even though it was headless, the burning skull still struggled with its hands and feet.

“Aww, this is terrible.”

Afterwards, Rem stepped forward and chopped off the remaining limbs of the burning guy with an axe. I cut it and kicked it and broke it.

Then the burning skull waved its halberd left and right as if in defiance.

Even though he only had bones, he had great strength.

Rem dodged it by lightly lowering his head and swung the ax from the bottom up.

The flash of the ax blade cut the skeleton’s elbow bone, and the halberd flew through the air with its force.

It spun around and scattered sparks around.

Encred covered his eyes with the back of his hand from the flying sparks and then reflexively stretched out his hand.

The halberd was just falling in front of me.

There were two options: avoid or catch.

The spear seemed to fly as if it had some will.

Encred relied purely on his sixth sense and received it without avoiding it.

If it was hot, all you had to do was throw it away.

I had the confidence to do all of that in an instant.

Seeing that the halberd’s flame did not burn the surroundings, there was also the calculation that the flames were not spreading to the surroundings.

Of course, all these calculations were based on the concept of sixth sense.

Encrud intuitively held the halberd without dodging.



It wasn’t as hot as I thought. As soon as I grabbed her handle, the heat wasn’t enough to make me lose it.

It was instead of heat.

I heard a voice.

-Burn up!

– Burn to death!

-Turn to ashes!

-Burn to death!

In an instant, the life of a dead man tied to a cross-shaped pole flashed through my mind.

A man burned to death. He was burned at the stake for practicing witchcraft. There was a betrayal by ignorant villagers, and there was a lord who led it.

Is it some kind of curse? No, it was a little different.

‘It’s similar to the sword Fel has.’

It’s a grudge. That resentment was imbued into the weapon. The resentment that leads to death soon turns into human will power.

It looked similar to that of ‘Will’.

Encred reflects on the life of a man and accepts his will.

I refused.

I refused to burn to death.

The grudges of the halberd with the spell scattered and disappeared.


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It was purification through a stronger will.

With a bang, the flame in the halberd went out.

It looked like it had been dipped in cold water.

Even so, there wasn’t even any water vapor.

It was literally as if the light suddenly went out.

What kind of situation is this?

Auddin was the only one who knew what was going on.

He knew from the beginning that that weapon was made based on some resentment and resentment.

In the end, the flame itself started from the weapon and the skull seemed to be burning.

I thought about punishing and purifying it. I thought about enduring the pain because I had to exude divinity.

Due to the prohibition, it was a dangerous item to leave alone even though using it would result in extreme pain.

‘I might faint.’

I didn’t know it would be necessary to purify that level of resentment.

Enduring pain is not something you can do as you wish.

In fact, those who put a ban on Audin were planning to make it impossible for them to use the Holy Spirit, but Audin ignored them and used them.

It was that kind of situation. I was even willing to risk fainting.

Afterwards, I was intentionally solving other problems first.

But Encred grabbed the halberd and the flame went out.

After all the skeletons have already been dealt with.

Teresa stepped on the skull head that had fallen to the floor. He was crushed with a crunching sound.

In the silence, the only sound was the sound of bones crunching.

The wild horses kept their mouths shut and just watched.

Meanwhile, Rem’s voice broke the silence.

“… … “Are your hands sweaty?”

Did you put out the fire with sweat? This is nonsense.

“Sometimes, when I look at your head, I really admire it.”

Saxony said in shock. He also knows a lot about such things through his profession.

‘Is it normal for that flame to go out?’

It didn’t look like that.

“What is he saying now. “You crazy wildcat.”

Rem spoke and looked at Encred.

So, they are asking you to explain what is going on.

“They said they would burn me to death, but I said no.”

f*ck, is that an explanation? huh?

Rem looked at the absurdity and asked for the consent of those around him.

Ragnar seemed uninterested, and Audin could only admire it since he knew the general principle.

‘How long has it been since I realized Will?’

Do you handle it so skillfully?

It was just surprising.

“Well, that’s good.”

Saxony was taken lightly. Anyway, was there anything normal about what Encred did?

In this place, you are the only one at the top.


Rem said, “Give it to me, Bossu,” and took the halberd.

The remaining resentment of will also attacked Rem. It is an attack that simply tells you to burn to death without showing anything about your past.

Of course, it is just a remnant, a feeble rebellion.

A flame seemed to ignite from Rem’s touch, but then it went out.


Auddin was surprised again. What is it this time? You didn’t press it with your will?

“Someone did something. “Can I use this?”

Rem muttered. He seems to know something. However, Encred did not ask. What are you going to do?


There was no greed for weapons. Rem looked at the halberd carefully and cut the halberd halfway down with his axe.

Suddenly, the handle of the magic weapon shrank in half. It was now the size of a hatchet. It seemed like it could be used as a hatchet if you remove the awl, which has a sharp tip that makes it easy to stab.

Of course, the weight was a complete mess.

“I could just attach a weight to the end of the handle.”

You can do this by touching up the cut area.

Encred advised, and Rem nodded.

I seemed to really like it.

“It seems like a windfall.”

Rem expressed it verbally, and Encred nodded.

Once again, the skeletons here were out of luck.

Who are the people gathered here?

Madman Company.

They are a group of ignorant people who change the direction of the battlefield.

Encred retrieved the drawn sword. He swung his sword into its scabbard and spoke to his horse.

“Is that all?”

The horse hesitated. What are these people? Skulls were a big threat?

If you think about it, this man even stuck a sword in the head of that dangerous centaur.

The horse agreed.


I cried out, replacing it with joy.


Encred spoke and stepped forward.

Whose grave was this? At least it didn’t belong to the poor. then? I don’t think it’s all about f*cking flaming halberds and skulls, do you?

In the meantime, there were no traces of grave robbers stopping by, perhaps because of the herd of wild horses and skeletons.

“Shall we dig some ground?”

More precisely, what if we dig near an artifact that looks like a wall?

When Encred spoke, Saxony responded.

“There are some boxes inside.”

The Saxony bastard did nothing without fighting, but it seemed like he had already gone around the inside.

“Anyway, you little wild cat has quick hands.”

Rem praised. Saxony ignored him as usual and the group walked inside.

The terrain was rough because the ground collapsed due to the rain that had fallen, and snow fell on top of it, then melted, dried again, and hardened under the sun.

The floor was uneven, and the sharp pieces of stone sticking out here and there looked like natural traps.

Of course, it wasn’t a problem at all.

“Now, let me show you something interesting.”

Beside him, Rem stopped walking and swung his ax into the air.


From top to bottom, and again from bottom to top.

The ax I swung the second time was different from the first.


Following the second strike of the axe, sparks appeared on the blade of the axe.

“Fire Ax Rem, what should I do? With my nickname?”

After fiddling with it a few times, he seemed to figure out how to use it.


Encred calmly nodded.

If you fight with that, wouldn’t you go from being a crazy axe to a crazy fire axe?

I didn’t put my thoughts into words. Because people always need comfort.

“Hehe, that’s good. good.”

All you have to do is be satisfied.

I cheerfully ignored everyone and entered the deepest part of the basin.

The ground gradually became easier to walk on and a stable flat surface appeared.

It’s not that deep inside.

When I wondered where the warm air was coming from, I saw that a box was half-open.

I felt a gentle heat inside.

“Heated seats? The sun god’s protection? “Lord.”

Audin muttered.

Encred didn’t know who created the tomb here, but he knew that it was overflowing with rotting gold coins.

“Put it all in.”

Encred said.

There were no silver coins in the box. They were all gold coins, but there were also some that could be called relics.

First of all, there was a heating stone that was said to be the sun god’s blessing, and there were also bandages that strangely felt like they were made of metal.

“It is a precious item.”

These are words spoken by Saxony, who has a rough reaction to anything other than a dagger that an assassin risked his life to make.

Therefore, it is a truly precious item.

Encred looked at the thick black bandage. It was as big as the palm of your hand and didn’t have that much volume.

If you decide to wrap it, is it enough to cover your entire body?

“It is made from soft demonic beast leather that has been specially treated and shaped to be worn around the body. “You can think of it as mine.”

Saxony continued to explain.

There were no other special artifacts. There was also a glowing stone, but since everyone had bright eyes at night, they didn’t pay much attention to it.

In addition, there were boots and gloves, but they were broken, some jewelry, and a diary.

The contents of the diary were nothing special.

It was all about ridiculous adventures, such as saying that he rode around on some kind of Pegasus.

And the reason for settling in this land was a diary that ended with the words that it was a friend’s hometown.

Anyone who has spent their entire life wandering around without a place or home falls asleep here.

Well, the diary ended with something like that.

Seeing his name written and then drawn in charcoal, Encred felt as if the person buried here, the person who wrote this diary, was expressing his dream.

The diary was full of words with that feeling.

I wrote in my diary that adventure was my dream, and that exploring every place in the world was full of wonders and mysteries.

Inside, Encred smelled a scent similar to his own.

A person who moves towards his dream.

However, because he achieved his goal and was satisfied with it, he visited his friend’s hometown, and by erasing his name, I thought he was expressing that he was satisfied and left.

‘Is it romantic or stupid?’

Is there really a difference between romance and foolishness?

There was also a swordsman teacher who said that.

Encred could only think in comparison to himself.

Of course, it was a bold guess. It’s not even that important.

I took my diary.

I liked it for no reason.

Meanwhile, Saxony looked at the surrounding walls and institutions, but there was nothing hidden.

I’ve been trapped in this situation once before, and that time I saved the sword I’m holding now, but this is a place where the sky is wide open.

It is a strange terrain. It may have been designed so that the sky was visible from here even before the ground collapsed and was revealed.

Thanks to this, the chest may have been preserved in good condition.


The horse came. Encred placed his hand on his forehead.

“Are you done now?”

It is already time for the sun to set. Perhaps thanks to the heated seats, it wasn’t particularly cold.

It wasn’t just a heated stone, but it left something like a burning skull, so it seemed like it was designed for travelers to rest inside.

Saxony said that he could see strange letters all over the walls.

‘He’s kind of a pervert, though.’

The reason for creating the skull was also written in the diary.

-Adventures must have challenges! I hope that whoever comes here can get through this! Well then, put my inheritance to good use!

After reading the diary, there was nothing special about it being a miscarriage.

‘It’s an expensive and good product, though.’

If it’s as written in the diary, shouldn’t there be some kind of legendary relic or holy relic?

Anyway, it was said that the rest of the adventurer’s items were given away here and there as he wandered around the continent.

Oh, and there was also a saying that my grave was not just one.

-If you are an explorer, look for the rest of my tombs.

Although he was a pervert, Encred’s heart raced just because he was running towards his dream.

It was fun.

“I will sleep here today and return tomorrow.”

It was a graveyard that could easily be considered a resting place. The unseasonable warmth seemed to urge rest.

I also wanted to give this horse time to separate from its herd.

“Let’s do that.”

Rem said it was okay anyway.

He held a fire ax in his left hand and a heating stone in his right.

Heated leather is also a valuable item, but that single stone will warm a barracks.

If a high-ranking noble knew about that, they would pay a thousand gold to buy it.

Although it was an expensive stone, no one here had a keen sense of money.

Encred gave it to Rem because he got cold a lot.

Ragnar was still uninterested, Auddin began to pray, and Saxony sat indifferently and closed his eyes.

Teresa and Dunbakkel both had the same sense of money.

Neither of them were interested in Crona. Actually, I wasn’t interested.

I’m just confused about my life, my life that has changed, and what’s to come.

Night fell and I lay down without a campfire and looked at the sky, and the starlight poured into the tomb.

It’s a fantastic night view that I’ve seen for the first time.

Encred lay down, using the pouring starlight as a blanket. A soft warmth enveloped his body.

And Encred closed his eyes and met the boatman.

The boatman laughed at him as always. There was also some sarcasm mixed in.

“You must be playing with a guy like me.”

Encred wondered if this was a compliment. The dream was short.


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