Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 250

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250. Are you talking to animals now?

“Thank you for accepting me.”

Encred tilted his head.

suddenly? Now you come?

It was awkward to say that I could save people because I could.

He is a beastman who was a mercenary belonging to a group that was at the top of the group that made a living by stealing within the kingdom.

A person like that risked his life fighting to save a soldier?

So you don’t like that?

No, I really liked it.

Even though Encred himself dreamed of becoming a knight, he did not expect everyone around him to have the same behavior, attitude, and mindset as the knight in the story.

But even though you can get it, you don’t get it.

Why do we turn a blind eye even when we see the weak being persecuted?

Is it because there is nothing in their hearts?

Is it because we are used to being abandoned and ignored?

Is it because it’s beneficial?

There is no honor, no faith, no loyalty, and no burning heat in the attitude of looking away and considering practicality.

‘What can you become if you live like that?’

What is the value of living like that?

Encred was a man who ran with a dream.

He hated seeing the weak and injustice and overlooking them.

There is something burning from within your heart that you cannot ignore by looking at it.

It was in the same context that Rem beat up a nobleman’s son and hit his superior’s head, so Encrid did not hate Rem.

“Good job.”

That’s why it came out.

The people who heard it were dumbfounded.

One side immediately says thank you, and the other side says you did a good job.

It seemed like everyone was just saying what they wanted to say.

Funny enough, it was even more absurd because the conversation seemed to go smoothly.

Encred didn’t know what kind of mindset Dunbakeel had in mind, but he just liked something about her that had changed.

In any case, he was a relative weakling, and his action was to save his comrades, and he did not give up his life in the process.

He faced an unexpected enemy and just tried to do his best.

In the meantime, he also saved his colleagues.

I think the change in mindset was like going from a thief to a member of the unit, and I was happy about that.

I didn’t even care that I was saying thank you for accepting me just now.

‘He’s a bit of a weird kid too.’

To begin with, they are the only normal unit.

The former thief’s current situation wasn’t bad, so I thought that was enough.

Encred passed.

What’s important about the words that come out of your mouth, like thank you?

I lived, I survived, and my mindset changed.

That was enough.

Dunbakeel also accepted Encred’s praise in his own way.

I felt that it meant that I had done well in saving my colleagues and surviving.

Otherwise, there would be no reason to look for yourself.

The Encred came into view again. Black hair, blue eyes, and subtle consideration that differs from his indifferent attitude.

A man who accepted me, a captain of unbelievable skill.

He survived and saved his colleagues.

That was what his will was for, and Dunbakhel followed suit.

Thus, it seemed like he had become a member of Encred’s command.

Before, I was just reluctantly staying, but now I feel like I really belong to this group.

“Hey, it looks like your eyes are touched by something similar. The captain was going to hold your funeral. “I thought it was a wreck.”

Rem said.

It’s true.

“is it.”

Dunbakhel didn’t care. Rem clicked his tongue. He also snorted in absurdity.

“Huh, I heard that black people get talent and white people get love.”

No one paid attention to what Rem said. Ragna was roughly drawing a map of the forest in her head.

Of course, it was ridiculous and useless.

‘Wasn’t that a shortcut?’

I took the quick route, but why did I end up in the wrong place?

Although his natural sense of direction was broken, Ragnar just thought he was unlucky.

Audin showed a soft smile.

The fact that Dunbakeel showed an attitude of saving his comrades seemed to be the beginning of change.

He enjoyed seeing people breaking through their limitations.

Teresa looked at Dunbakkel and nodded.

I heard that she was a woman whose career path was as complicated as mine.

I felt something similar to the prisoner woman.

Of course, I didn’t express that outwardly.


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Saxony was indifferent.

‘Is it useful now?’

The beastman who was only talented at fighting from the beginning was also clumsy at that talent.

I thought I could have just kicked him out, but I got it. It was the captain’s choice.

Saxony thought so. I thought she would quickly fall behind, but she perseveres and survives. That was all I could appreciate.

Encrid looked at Dunbakkel’s face, shoulders, chest, stomach, and thighs.

I even pressed the injured area with my hand.

“It’s difficult here.”

Dunbakhel spoke with a prisoner-like mentality.

Just because you have a strong desire to reproduce doesn’t mean you don’t know shame.

It is a place with many eyes. It was uncomfortable to do something naked, but the location didn’t matter. This is something you can do while standing.

“Stupid beastman. “I’m trying to figure out whether I should send you back like this.”

Rem, who was quick-witted, scolded me from the side. Dunbakhel was not embarrassed. It was just a shame.

“Let’s go together. “The wound did not linger.”

Dunbakhel spoke first.

There were also some good herbs in this forest. It wasn’t called the Grateful Forest for nothing.

What Dunbakhel found was a herb called ground bug or silk plant, and when the stem was crushed or cut, a white sap came out.

When I applied it to the wound, no inflammation occurred.

It was one of the things I learned while living as a mercenary.

That treatment had already been completed.

The fluid dried on the wound and fell into white powder.

“If you feel like you’re going to die, ask Rem to carry you.”

As Encrid spoke, Dunbakkel frowned, and Rem laughed.

“Okay, look. “I will cut off your legs with an axe.”

Of course that won’t happen. It was just a joke.

Encred took a step again.


Saxony asks. I follow without saying a word, but is there any reason to go back to that horse now?

If he had intended to return to the territory, he would not have examined Dunvakel’s wounds, so it was not difficult to guess Encred’s destination.

“It bothers me.”

Encred answered. There is no need to force yourself to follow. This incident in particular was nothing short of a whim of his own.

It would end if we returned to the territory like this.


Encred also asked himself, but there was no answer.

It is a choice based on emotion, not reason.

“You can go first.”


Saxony did not question it any further, and Rem, who saw Saxony like that, said that the sneaky wild cat must be hungry and told him to catch and eat a few dead mice, but Saxony completely ignored him.

Dunbakhel did not need support.

Although not as strong as a giant, the beastman also had a strong body.

She didn’t even limp.

“It’s Teresa the Wanderer.”

Haven’t we even exchanged greetings during this time?

The newly born mixed-race giant immediately spoke his name, and Dunbakkel glanced at the female giant who was much taller than him and opened his mouth.

“Do you not know my name?”


“Then that’s enough.”

They both belonged to Encred, which meant that that was enough.

Teresa also understood.

So the group returned to where the wild horses were.

The wild horse was still there.


The guy who saw Encred was angry. He seemed happy to see it. If it had gone back like this, how many days would I have waited?

“Did you wait?”


“Okay, why is that?”


“hmm. “Follow me?”

This is what you say when you see a wild horse turning around and wagging its tail.

Dunbakeel, who had been watching this, opened his mouth in a cautious manner.

“Are you talking to animals now?”

No one said anything for a moment. It was visible to everyone as well.

“Does it look like that in your eyes?”

Rem asked in an uncharacteristically serious tone.

‘Is that captain really not going to go to the temple?’

I heard there is a small temple in Martai. Should I send it there?’

Saxony also made an impression.

‘It’s all good, but why are you talking to animals? Communion and conversation are different things.’

“Hehe, he said that there is no difference in the meaning of all things and all things.”

Audin laughed and muttered something that didn’t make sense.

Dunbakhel believed and decided to follow, so he decided to do it.

No, he decided to have a conversation with Mal later.

Didn’t he decide to do what he wanted to do and walk along the path he wanted to walk?


Because she was a great person who killed and then brought herself back to life, Teresa accepted anything calmly.

You can also have a chat with the horse. There was no need to point it out.

“Okay, let’s go there?”

Encred was not a person who was conscious of other people’s gaze. He based his movements on the gestures of his words.

A group of humans followed the wild horse, which was kicking the ground with its hooves.

Dozens of wild horses a short distance away followed suit.

If someone were to see it from afar, they would think it was a truly strange sight.

As I continued walking, I came across a downhill slope. Even on flat ground, there are elevation differences, but even so, the road sloped down quite a bit.

It was a basin so cleverly hidden that it was not even visible when viewed from the forest border.

What should we call this land?

There are no mountains, but the terrain is hollow. Plains Basin?

It seemed as if a giant god had dug out this land with his hands.

It wasn’t just the strange terrain there.

Along with random thoughts, Encred saw traces of artificial objects rather than natural objects.

It’s a gray wall. It was half-collapsed, with traces of age visible on it, and somehow, even though winter was approaching, the wall was tangled with grape vines.

Above it, black grape kernels were visible.

“What is this?”

Rem muttered. He also seemed surprised.

A gentle warm wind blew from inside the basin.

To be precise, it is a warm wind. It is a warmth that is difficult to find in the north during this season.

Encred picked some grapes and put them in his mouth.

It was sour and sweet.

It is a healthy fruit. The wild horses ate some, and those who followed also put some in their mouths.

I put the whole dunbakel in my mouth and chewed it.

It seemed like he was hungry when I saw him chewing on the seeds.

It could have been so. She stayed hidden in the forest for three days.

There would have been no proper camping preparation.


Teresa took out a piece of beef jerky from her pocket. Dunbakhel ate a few more grapes and then put some beef jerky in his mouth.

There was no word of thanks.

“Is this a suspicious place?”

Encred muttered to himself. No, was it a question directed at the wild horses?


The wild horse let out a low cry and lowered its head, showing its hostility.

It wasn’t directed at the group. Toward the front.

Sunlight shone under the basin, and a bluish glow was visible inside the wall.

It wasn’t just the eye lights floating around.


The bones moved and made a unique noise.


It was a skeleton soldier holding a rusty sword and shield in his hands.

It was said to be undead.

“It looks like a collapsed tomb. “Brother.”

Audin looked around and opened his mouth.

“I think the ground collapsed and the cemetery couldn’t function properly.”

Saxony also added its words.

In the past, undead were brought inside to protect the tomb.

It looked like that kind of place. It was like a hidden graveyard that often appeared in treasure hunters’ journals.

The glare gradually increased beyond the long gray wall on the right.

The number of people who refused to die and turned their lives upside down has increased.

Encred counted the numbers without thinking.

‘one two three four… … seven?’

It’s not a small number, but it’s not a threatening number either.

Who are the people gathered here?

These are the people who attacked the monster centaur colony head on.

Rattling! Rattling!

The jaw of the blue-eyed skeleton rattled. Undead, especially low-level undead, could not speak.

A high-level undead must be able to show will and intent through thoughts.

Well, there was no need to talk to monsters.

A guy holding a sword and shield with his jaw joints constantly shaking, a guy holding a jagged bone spear, and even a skeletal dog walking on all fours.

There are two skeleton dogs and five skeleton soldiers.

Encrud pulled out his sword as he looked at the bastards.

Cheer ring.

And while Encred drew his sword, a massive figure stepped forward first.

“I bring down the iron fist on those who are evil and wrong and have taken a retrograde path.”

To the priests and priests who served the gods, the undead were targets that must be punished.

Auddin advanced with his palms pressed together against his chest and spread his hands to the left and right.


A rusty sword fell aimed at Audin. Au Din avoided it by taking her half a step further.

The sword slashed the air.

A rusty spear stabbed in from the side.

It was a dangerous moment for an ordinary soldier, but not for Audin.

Audin caught the flying spear.

At the same time, he swung his fist vertically like a hammer towards the head of the guy who was swinging the sword.

Hung. Sigh! Jump!

After splitting one’s head in two, he grabbed the bone spear on the other side, lifted the spear’s owner into the air, and threw him down.


With a loud noise, the entire body of a skeleton was crushed.

“These guys.”

Auddin’s eyes lit up. Encred had nothing to do.

Seven skeletons were wiped out in an instant.

“There’s more inside.”

Saxony spoke with characteristic sensitivity.

Encred felt something similar.

So, it’s a similar feeling to when I saw the old magic trap.

An ominous and strangely unpleasant smell pierced my nose.


And then another skeleton appeared before the group’s eyes. He held a halberd in his hand, and everything from the halberd to his body was burning.


Even though I fell more than ten steps, a fever broke out. I felt a burning heat. It warmed my skin. If I stayed like this a little longer, I felt like I would start sweating profusely.

“Burning skull?”

Rem muttered. It was exactly what it said.

This was possible because undead do not feel pain. It was a monster that had something like a spell of unquenchable flame on its entire body.


The wild horse cried when it saw him. It seemed like he was saying he came here because of that guy.

And that was right.

Wild horses were the masters of this land. The horse reflected on the past. To be precise, I remembered the threat I received when the ground collapsed on this side.

The wild horse had a duty to protect the herd I led.

Therefore, the threat had to be withdrawn.

Regardless of the decision to leave, the horse knew what it had to do and asked the human for help in doing so.


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