Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 248

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248. Wild Horse in Blue Sweat

The centaur leader ran. It was not the time for him to worry about his wounds or anything like that.

He was a monster who had already run away twice.

Being intelligent also meant knowing how to escape when in danger.

That’s what he did.

The first thing that made him escape appeared in the monster’s mind.

Deep within the place that humans call the Demon World, all kinds of things lived there.

Of course, the centaur leader did not understand the magic world or any geographical meaning.

He just remembered the entity that was playing with him.

Two long arms, tearing anything they could get their hands on.

This is a guy with a tearing hand. He enjoyed tearing things apart even though they were not meant to be eaten.

Boom, wow!

The leader broke through the branch hitting his shoulder with force.

Black blood flowed from the right front leg.

The pain woke me up.

The memories continued.

I escaped the devouring hand, escaped the boundary, and fought.

Then I was defeated and chased out.

In the end, he was chased by a group of humans and reached this place.

The monster repeated only one proposition.

To survive is to be strong.

What should I do to do that?

Instinct encouraged the monster.

‘Let’s subjugate the herd of wild horses on the plains and form a larger group!’

If monsters had ambition, it was now.

To be precise, monsters were learning something by getting closer to humans.

That guy’s intelligence was capable of that.

That’s how I learned how to hide and gain strength.

This time, I also learned how to estimate my enemy.

From a human perspective, it was natural that missing something would pose a greater threat.

No, it was a clear threat.

If the leader survives this time, he will subjugate the entire herd of wild horses in the pasture.

Afterwards, more monsters and beasts would be collected.

* * *

‘I think it would be a pain in the ass if I missed it.’

My intuition told me. Even if it wasn’t necessarily intuition, I understood it with my head.

It is said that the longer a monster survives, the more it becomes a monster.

What is a monster?

It refers to being cunning and wicked.

When deceit and deceit are added to the monster’s ferocity.

‘I think it’s going to be a huge headache.’

Above all, it might be Dunbakel’s funeral battle.

I didn’t feel a sense of debt for the prisoner’s death.

However, it was his responsibility from the moment he accepted his command until he left.

I wish I hadn’t received it, but I already received it and put it under mine.

And if you put them under your command, it is right to take responsibility.

Death on the battlefield is of course one’s own responsibility, but isn’t what happens afterward also something the commander must do?

What’s more, what Dunbakhel said was that he would save people’s lives.

‘Why did he do that?’

If Suin were alive, this is a question I would ask as soon as I see her.

I left my thoughts aside and focused on running.

Leaves approaching at high speed in front of your eyes, tree roots rising from the ground as if they were traps.

Everything is meant to slow you down.

The same goes for the centaur monster.

Thanks to that, even if I couldn’t catch it right away, I wasn’t able to miss it.

Encred briefly exhaled and inhaled, stepped on the round tree root, and swung his dagger vertically towards the branch that blocked his eyes.


The dried branch was cut and bounced off my shoulder.

A branch grazed the tip of my face. Drops of blood formed on my cheeks, but because I was running so fast, they flew back.

Everything in the forest that approached with a puff was an obstacle.

The same was true for monsters, but they had much thicker skin and body than humans.

It means that you can break down obstacles and move forward.

The leader actually did that.

I ignored most things and ran on.

Encred immediately took off the helmet that was blocking his vision and threw it, hitting the guy on the back, but the guy didn’t even flinch.

The helmet just bounced off the back muscle with a thud.

He didn’t even flinch for a moment. She seemed determined to run away.

Of course, because I threw it while running, there were times when I couldn’t apply enough force.


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‘Should I train myself to throw while running?’

You will need it in moments like these.

It was something to worry about later.

Encred wanted to catch that.

My responsibility for Dunbakhel, the danger that would arise later, I wanted to end it all here.

Judging by the speed at which you run, you will soon be out of the forest, and behind that is the plains and pastures.

It is a terrain with the most wild horses in the area, so if you go there, you will definitely miss it.


I don’t want to miss it.

It is a moment when one focuses solely on one thing. As I ran, I activated my concentration on one point, and at the same time, my five senses became even more sensitive.

The sixth sense and intuition that arose from a sense of avoidance were activated with one purpose.

‘I won’t miss it.’

It was a moment when I reflected on the same desire in my heart.

This is the moment when the bent shape of the half-broken tree twenty steps ahead to the right and the twisted growth rings revealed by the bend came into view.

My five senses were shaking like crazy, showing me the way.

‘Will’, who felt and realized the rejection, moved a little.

Encred’s body naturally moved along the road.

Tuk. Instead of running, he stepped on the tree on the right and rose into the air. At the same time, he plunged the knife into the thick branch above his head.

The body flew forward due to the speed at which I was running.

Encred let go of the knife and flew forward again, grabbing the next branch like a monkey.

He flew through the air twice, fell backwards downwards, and threw his sword.

It wasn’t just a movement that was close to a stunt, but it was a stunt.

The control of the body gained through training that goes beyond arduous training and is almost torturous.

The athletic ability developed as a result, the explosion of strength through the heart of monster strength.

The boldness of holding on to a developed body and the sixth sense that predicts one inch ahead through the five senses that have become more sensitive.

It all added up.

I crushed everything into one, embodied it with my body, and unfolded it.

If you had seen it from the side, it would have looked like it leapt up in an instant instead of running, then flapped in the air a couple of times before shooting out a beam of light.

The running centaur leader had just left the forest.

The leader felt joy.

‘Now I’m out of luck!’

As I broke through and took a step out of the forest, a sword stuck in my head.

The sword Encred threw pierced right through his head.

And the moment the sword was inserted into the head, something hit the side of the leader’s torso.

It looked like a black shadow.

Encred had a tingling sensation all over his head, starting from his eyes.

It was because of excessive concentration.

To be exact, it was the result of ‘Will’ activating in the area of ​​concentration, but I didn’t know that.

Anyway, from the position where I was falling from my shoulders, I turned my body and performed a rolling fall technique.

I used the force of rolling like that to strengthen my ankle and stand up.

This is when Encred stopped with only one leg on his knees and looked down at the guy who had fallen with a sword stuck in his head.

The guy with the sword stuck in his head fell sideways. It was because something rushed at him and hit him suddenly.

The body of the man who was turning into a corpse trembled. No, is he already dead?

Encred’s gaze returned.

The subject who suddenly hit the leader who was leaving caught my eye.


I saw a wild horse emitting something similar to water vapor from its entire body.

It appeared like wings as it rose from behind, but the blue vapor quickly dispersed into a blur.

Encred was in a similar state.

Sweat was flowing all over my body, and when it stopped, the sweat was evaporating like steam.

An animal and a human looked at each other blankly.

The fallen centaur leader continued to tremble on one side.

Black blood was soaking the dirt floor. The confrontation between horses and humans was short-lived.

“Did you catch it? oh.”

From behind, I heard Rem’s voice. With a brief exclamation. He wasn’t the only one who came.

“Brother, did you catch it? “Well done.”

There was rare praise from Audin.

Although I couldn’t see it, there was someone approaching from far behind, breaking branches.

There was also Saxony who approached silently.

It would be Teresa who follows behind, breaking branches.

Giants are slow on their feet, even if they are mixed race giants.

“Did Ragna follow you too?”

Encred asked just in case.

“Oh, that bastard. “I came in together, but if it was a shortcut, I just left on my own.”

Rem muttered.

Ah, Ragnar.

Encred shook his head inwardly.

Aside from swinging a sword, this friend who truly seemed like the god of illness had lost his way again.

“Is it a monster? hmm?”

Auddin asks. Is it easy to recognize demonic energy because it is divine?

At the end, it was a tone that revealed something akin to curiosity.

Rem also seemed to have felt something from the other person, so he added something.

“He’s a bloody bastard.”

Encred moved his mouth but did not look away even once.

So, I was looking straight into the eyes of a horse whose blue sweat had turned into vapor.

The body is black, but the sweat on the skin has a blue tint. It was an amazing sight.

Thanks to this, the color of the water vapor was bluish.

That wasn’t the only thing that was unique.

Both eyes had different colors.

One is blue and one is red.

Even if it is Odd Eye, is there such a unique form?

Moreover, at first glance, the other eye looked like that of a monster.

Encrid saw the colony’s leader trembling and falling down on the floor.

‘How do monsters create monsters?’

Kreis knew a lot of things.

“Knowledge is a weapon that shows a unique charm to women.”

Yes, it was a really good reason.

Anyway, Kreis says.

“I feed it by sprinkling my blood. Then, the brain of a normal animal becomes infected with demonic energy, something like this. In particular, the blood of the individuals forming the colony will be very efficient. Otherwise, it will be difficult to have demonic beasts around.”

He also led a group of Gnoll demonic beasts.

The way this guy led the group of horsemen now was probably the same way.

This is why a large number of herbivorous animals were turned into magical beasts.

‘Considering that, the number of horse riders wasn’t that large?’

Were there few wild horses here? No, that didn’t seem to be the case. Doesn’t the existence before our eyes prove it?

“Look at this guy, is this all over?”

Rem said.

Encred saw the same thing.

The reason for the pair of eyes, the reason for running towards the monster while spewing steam all over its body.


The wild horse snorted once more and gave a wary look. Encred accepted that gaze.

The beast seemed to speak with its eyes.

‘I win. overcome it ‘I will not submit to this kind of blood.’

I felt the spirit, the status, the momentum, that sort of thing.

Rem was saying this after seeing and feeling something similar.

What does the word endure mean?

Funny enough, it wasn’t something that was said or a long time had passed, but Encred wasn’t unfamiliar with those words.


I asked myself and soon got the answer.

Encred saw himself in the form of a wild horse.

Animals stained with the blood of monsters become demon beasts.

It is an immutable truth.

“That’s a strange thing. “Brother.”

I heard Auddin mumbling.

Encred saw a man who rejected the immutable truth. He looked straight ahead. He looked into those eyes.

It exuded a sense of life. There was also something similar to speculation. I could also see half-grown canine teeth that were not suitable for a horse.

Encred recalled the past.

“article? Phew.”

There was someone who laughed.

“Stop making jokes. Come to your senses and live.”

There was someone who spoke bitterly.

“Stop it. “I’m saying this for you.”

There was someone who was worried.

All of them saw the immutable, unchanging truth.

Encred stood up and stretched out his hand toward the horse.

Even if I hadn’t caught the monster by running and throwing my sword, it would have stopped me with a headbutt.

So, they both caught it at the same time.

“Did you target it too?”

Encred asked.

He must be a very smart guy.

He said and took a step closer.

The fact that the horse is now rebelling against the blood of monsters means that it has overcome that immutable truth.

The horse bared its fangs.


I snorted again. If anything happened, I felt like I was going to bite her hand. Thinking about the monsters I had seen so far, my wrist could have been cut off.

The horse, which was about to show its fangs, shook its head and snorted again.

As he did so, his eyes shook, changing several times from lifeless to wary.

Encred approached and the horse took a step back, but did not run away.

Everyone’s eyes, including Rem’s, except for Ragna, who was lost, were focused on Encred and Mal.

The only sound was the heavy breathing of Teresa, who arrived late.

No one opened their mouths.

It somehow seemed like a meeting of something new and something new.

Just like that, Encred’s hand touched the head of a black horse with a black mane.

Is the reason why the sweat on your skin appears blue because of the blood of the demon beast, or is it naturally that way?

It was something unknown.

And the half-demon beast, half-wild creature did not reject Encred’s touch.

That was it.


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