Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 247

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247. Overpowering

The more Encred learned, realized, and delved into ‘Will’, the more fun, fascinating, and enjoyable it became.

If you have to swing a sword a hundred times to enjoy it, you can feel the change in ‘Will’ with just one touch.

It was different from the sword.

‘I’m sick of it.’

I looked calm on the outside, but on the inside I was more happy than ever. I was going crazy. It wasn’t so bad that I was dying, it was such a waste of time to sleep.

Even when I was sleeping, I studied and indulged myself.

He must be a person who enjoyed the difficult path of sword training and training.

‘Will’s training was nothing but bliss.

What if the rapier swordsman wields his power once again?

How do you see Encred today?

He will be as surprised as he was before. No, he’ll be more surprised, he’ll be beyond freaked out.

Even if you recognize the piece called ‘Will’, it is a well-established theory that it takes years to attach it to your body to the point where you are familiar with it.

The desire for achievement whipped Encred. No, I gently pushed his back. She embraced me and left warm words.

Having learned and mastered it that way, it was natural to have a desire to test it out.

More than anything, I was curious.

‘To what extent will this work?’

How far will my rejection go?

I heard that among the demons of the Demonic World, there are occasional general-level leaders who strangle human bodies with the will of their lives.

There was such an opponent in front of me.

‘Is it luck?’

Did the goddess really leave behind some saliva on her cheek?

Isn’t this something you can’t understand by just paying lip service?


Death touched my body, and I refused. There was no difficulty at all during the process.

Encred drew his sword.


The centaur leader approached ten steps away.

To the left and right, monsters that could be considered his subordinates passed by.

Encred ignored it. One of them swung a wooden club at his head.

The movement of half-bending to dodge and getting up again was very natural.

It seemed like we had originally promised to move that way. A club passed over his head.


The pressure of the wind pressed down on my hair, and the wind brushed my cheek.

Ragna suddenly disappeared from sight.

Since he has lived this long, his body will not be stiff and he will be able to fight on his own.

Encred only had eyes for the leader of the monster standing in front of him.

“why? “Are you surprised?”

Encred was so happy right now that he asked softly.

Because rejection really defeats the other person’s will to live.

No, there is no difficulty at all. I was filled with joy because I was walking properly and heading in the right direction.

The centaur leader hesitated because even though he was a monster, he was intelligent.

What is that human? Wasn’t he just food? How do you survive?

I was chased from the devil and came all the way here.

It was a long trip. After arriving here, all the things I encountered were things that couldn’t withstand my own strength?

Bright blue eyes looked straight at the monster.

“Let’s go to heaven.”

Encrid spoke, thinking of Audin, and swung his sword. He moved his left foot forward and shifted his center of gravity, and instantly his forearm muscles swelled.

It is a sword that starts from the ankle and falls around the waist.

It was a downward slash from top to bottom.

The sword becomes a beam of light, just like Rem’s, and sticks out.


The leader reflexively pushed the glaive away. His reaction was also great. He flinched and held out his weapon.

The glaive got caught in the sword’s path.


There was the sound of the metal meeting and exploding a firework spell.

It felt like I had been struck by lightning.

After exchanging blows, Encred realized that the leader wasn’t just living.


It’s incredible power.

I took a step back, shock streaming down my knees.

Meanwhile, the thrown glaive rose straight into the sky.

Encred’s senses were activated. He predicted the opponent’s actions based on countless experiences.

The five developed senses glimpsed the future.

The glaive struck diagonally.

It is a blow that leaves no place to avoid.

I had to stop it.

For a monster, he really used his brains well.


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The glaive’s trajectory drives the opponent’s intentions. It was like Jeong Geom-sik.

Encred raised his sword.

It is simultaneous with concentration.

Relax your wrists appropriately and shake them when they hit each other.

It’s Yugeomsik.

Taaang! Tiririririn!

The glaive slipped away from the blade of the sword Encred was holding, and in the gap, Encred took a step forward.

The sword in my right hand was used for defense, but my left hand remained.

Encred’s left hand suddenly threw the guard sword he had drawn.

It was a bullet style. Yu Geom-sik lifted his glaive, twisted his waist, and used that force with his left arm.

After that, he held the broad-blade dagger in his left hand with his elbow as the axis and threw it out with momentum.

Ping, boom!

The thick blade was embedded in the leader’s side until only the handle was visible.

He even used his mighty heart to throw it.

It was surprising that it wasn’t penetrated.

It sounded like the enemy’s body was that strong.


Perhaps because he was so angry, his spirit became even stronger.

Then, life became more intense again.

‘Die, die, you are my prey.’

It felt like I heard those words. Encred didn’t bother to open his mouth. There was something like heat rising from my lower abdomen.

The heat shook off something the other person was spraying.

It was a rejection.


After taking a breath, I took my feet off again, straightened my knees, straightened my elbows, and swung the sword around my waist.

It was a horizontal cut.


The guy stepped back without stopping.

The intended sea.

Afterwards, Encred moved forward as if dancing. The sword moves along with the foot pushing the ground. Stab, cut and cut.

I continued to move my sword as I dodged when the guy dodged, and as I blocked when he blocked.

Swinging the sword above his head, he struck it down, pulled the sword down and stabbed it, pretended to retrieve the sword he had stabbed, then slashed it to the left, then swung the sword sharply again.

earth! Sloak, crackle! earth!

A few times it got stuck, and a few times it worked.

The path the glaive took was completely restricted.

Jeong Geom-sik, who was an unknown and nameless magic sword, relentlessly attacked his opponent.

Since the monster is a monster, it probably doesn’t even know that I’m falling into a trap.

The leader couldn’t even use his power properly.

Strength comes from movement. The sword restricted and blocked the opponent’s movements before he could use his strength properly.

The leader of the centaurs, who appeared to be several times larger than a human body and a crystalline body of solid muscles, stepped back in a way that did not fit his size.

As we repeatedly retreated, it was natural that our defeat deepened.

Encred overwhelmed his opponent.

“Kiya! “Kyaaa!”

The leader lashed out as if he was struggling.

Encred easily ignored it. Rejection occurred to me and I threw it away.

When I first handled ‘Will’, it seemed like a new tail, but now I’m more familiar with it than my original body.

I also felt like I had a strong and deep well.

A well that doesn’t dry up even if you dig it out.

Because the power that became the foundation for rejection rose from that well.

This wasn’t even a thing.

He threw away his sword, stabbed, struck, pulled, and slashed the enemy, and in the end, the enemy’s right front foot was cut deeply by Encred’s sword.

The blade cut into the horse’s leg muscles. The blade that went halfway into his finger cut his muscles and nerves and came back out.


Black blood spurted from the cut area. As if a blood vessel had been touched, blood poured out.

The monster’s regenerative power is terrifying. Especially if he was a colony leader, he could have been a troll cousin.

‘It ends like this.’

Encred saw the end and the leader was scared.

Until now, he had led a group of monsters with his unique abilities, but the moment he met a stronger predator than himself, he remembered the reason why he was chased all the way here.

Even back then, it was because of a certain person.


The leader gave a signal and turned back.

Even though his front leg was cut, he kicked the floor with his two front feet and turned around with his back feet.

It was amazing athletic ability.

Of course, Encred had no intention of just watching.

The moment I was about to move forward with the intention of cutting it down, an obstacle came in.


Before I knew it, two harpies rushed in and raised their claws. It was clear that if caught, the Gambison and leather on the body would be torn and torn.

Was it sudden?

no. Even if I focused on the enemy, my five senses were open.

Encred was not embarrassed by the surprise attack.

Instead, he drew the sword diagonally from the top left to his lower abdomen and then raised the sword again diagonally to the opposite side.

Skunk! Quack! thud! thud!

With two sword strikes, the two harpies became four harpies.

It became a piece of meat strewn on the floor.

When I cut the winged monster into pieces and made my way through it, the leader was already running.

‘I think it would be a pain if I missed it.’

It will happen. You could tell just by looking at the crowd here.

Also, what if we make a bunch of horses and tie them up in that forest?

Moreover, there was a strong possibility that an individual like a colony leader would develop further abilities over time.

Encred kicked the ground.

I remembered the squire I first saw on the battlefield.

The image of him making an unreasonable charge still remains vivid in my mind.

‘Like the Squire’s?’

Will it work? Putting the ‘will’ of rejection in your legs too?

Of course it wasn’t easy.

After learning to say no, writing was so easy and fun, but learning something new was still difficult and difficult.

There is no way to force something that doesn’t work.

Encred burst out with mighty strength as he remembered the Squire running on the battlefield against Azpen.

The explosive strength stayed in the thighs.

Use your body strength to kick the floor.


The sound of the ground being kicked became a loud roar, as loud as a crushing weight hitting the castle gate.


In the middle, a subordinate monster approached and swung a club. En Creed rushed forward and slashed his sword.


The approaching centaur had his neck cut.

He ducked to avoid the club and swung the sword through it. It was a series of movements that I would never have dared to do in the past.

His body hit the ground and moved forward as a single line.

It follows exactly where the centaur that ran away went.

And there were people who watched it.

* * *

The moment when I wonder if the placental soldier has hardened and turned into a dog’s penis again.

“Cut it.”

There was a man who muttered and cut the air. It was Ragna.

He immediately moved between the frozen people.

The centaur that was running couldn’t even catch Ragnar’s sword twice.

Ragna struck down his club and even split his head.

It also cut the body of a charging horse vertically.

It was all simple, simple, and made to seem easy.

It didn’t even feel dynamic.

It felt like cutting dry hay with a well-held sickle.

So it was simple labor, cutting with a knife that seemed like a standardized task.

‘What is that?’

Everyone was quite surprised.

But what surprised me more than that was Encred.

‘Why are you moving?’

My vision went black for a moment, but soon I could see clearly ahead.

Torres saw Encred fighting right in front of him.

‘Why does he fight so well?’

No, we used to fight well.

Even if you don’t have the eyes to recognize your skills right away.

Even if you don’t have the eyes to read talent.

Even if this is different, isn’t it so different?

Moreover, Encred swung his sword while easily ignoring the leader’s attempts to kill him. He struck and stabbed and sprayed his sword strikes.

I just overwhelmed him.


My body, which had been frozen for life, soon relaxed.

Torres didn’t move though.

Ragna cut down the crowd of monsters that were charging at him one by one.

The Saxons that suddenly appeared chased and killed them one by one.

And Encred chased after the leader as he ran away.

“hey! “If you go there!”

Torres shouted and then stopped.

I thought it would be a handshake that chased me all the way down there.

Still, I thought I had to pursue it.

Because if you miss that, it will be even more of a headache.

“Rem! “Your boss is going to the forest!”

Torres took the next best option.

“You’re sick!”

Rem answered. It doesn’t seem to be a response to Torres himself, but the action was as he intended.

Rem threw out his ax to the left and right, and slaughtered five or six human-faced dogs in an instant. The ax became a beam of light and raced through the monsters. After that, Rem ran forward.

His body passed through the monsters as if it were the front yard of his house.

The places I passed by were filled with only the corpses of monsters and beasts.

“If you feel better, fight on your own.”

Ragna also muttered that and then moved.

The sword swung around, cutting and cutting everything in its path, and then chased after Encred who headed into the forest.

The two large men who separated the group of demon beasts from the side also began to run.

“let’s go!”

This is what the religious Audin says as he hits the ghoul’s head with his fist.

Before we knew it, it had become a melee or a battlefield that was absolutely advantageous to humans.

The monsters and beasts were just busy getting beaten up.


Torres could only express his admiration on the spot.

The ghoul’s eyeball rolled towards Torres’ feet.

Torres stomped on it.

With a crunch, my eyeball exploded and I fell to the ground.

There was no time to appreciate it as the battle was still underway.

“Kill them all!”

Torres shouted after stepping on an eyeball. It was time for him to kill the remaining monsters and beasts.

* * *

Too fast?

Encred ran as hard as he could, but it was difficult to chase after a monster that was naturally specialized in running.

It was barely possible to keep up.

The forest was not a good environment for running.

Thanks to that, I didn’t miss it.

What if you come across flat land like this?

‘Do you think I’ll miss it?’

It’s a cold assessment. How about throwing a dagger?

Even with his front paws cut and a sword stuck in his abdomen, the guy who was running didn’t seem like he would stop just because he had a few knives on his back as decoration.

Instead of stopping for that, I thought it would be better to run at least one more step.

Even though he knew he was missing out, Encred didn’t give up.

Encred would not quit midway just because the outcome was obvious.


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