Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 246

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246. Encred refused.

“Damn it.”

I neither walked hastily nor did I run.

I opened the castle gate and went out as if I was looking at a group of charging monsters.

Then brothers Lucci and Rich followed behind.

Among them, the older brother, Lucie, frequently used the word ‘damn’ in his mouth.

It was still like that now.

“Damn it, you need to be careful. “They are doing strange things.”

What Lucci wears is studded leather armor with a chain attached to the abdomen.

Every time he walked after Encred, there was a clanking sound.

Brothers Lucci and Rich were strong, but they weren’t the type to use their brains even if it meant beating them to death.

“Damn it. “I came here to buy a bow, what kind of colony is this?”

There are some things that cannot be fixed no matter how much you beat them. I didn’t even bother to try to fix it.

There are many soldiers with foul mouths. If it was just ‘damn’, it was at a decent level.

“If you fight with human-faced dogs, the horse pups will come rushing in!”

Rich next to him also spoke. Lucci was next to me, muttering creative swear words about being a piece of shit.

“I think so.”

I saw it from the top of the castle wall, and wasn’t Torres talking excitedly behind me?

Even now, I could see Torres following behind me.

‘Use your head.’

Centaurs are monsters that can be called natural horsemen.

The numbers have increased, and there is also a colony leader in the form of a ‘general’.

The previous gnoll colony leader was in ‘normal’ form.

Although his individual abilities were excellent, he had no leadership qualities.

The general entity was different.

To be honest, it was my first time seeing Encred in person.

Those dangerous guys are hard to see unless you are close to the Demon Lord.

Anyway, it’s in front of you now, so you just have to see it and feel it.

‘It was divided into three.’

There is one group of face dogs and ghouls, another group of centaurs, and finally one group of horse riders.

I looked to my left just as the human dog and the group of ghouls were rushing towards me, and I saw a horse rider galloping to one side.

There was also a hint of intent to widen the charging distance and hit the flanks of the human army attached to the Inmyeongyeon.

A few centaurs led those guys.

He was like a commander leading soldiers.

So is this a very tactical move?

It’s not like that.

It is clearly visible to the eye.

So why is this difficult to deal with?

It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to charge a horse and horseman. The problem is the leader of the centaurs who stands in front and doesn’t even attack.

At the end of his thoughts, Encred’s mouth opened.


“Okay. But um, are you going to drag that guy in?”

Rem asked, pointing straight ahead with his chin.

Because the question is whether we should lose our strength and fight.

“That’s okay.”

Encred answered.

I thought about it as I came down from the castle wall.

Didn’t Kreis say it was okay to just fight?

Power vs. power, this is the fight the monster wants more than anything.

As Encred watched Rem running away, he took a deep breath and puffed out his chest.

And shouted.

“To-re-s! “Don’t close the gate!”

“… … be surprised Damn it.”

Lucci was so surprised that he hesitated and stopped walking.

“I thought my ears were popping.”

Before I knew it, Saxony came over and offered a word of help.

“This much?”

Encred responded jokingly and looked at Rem, who was running and swinging the axe.

Rem’s feet were light and his ax was merciless.

* * *

‘These are the things that hit my pet beastman, is this it?’

If you ask him if he cares about Dunbakhel, Rem will hit the guy who asked.

Well, even if someone were to corner Suin in front of me, I would just watch.

Then, if it gets squeezed and explodes, the prisoner will be begging for help, saying that’s all it is.

After everything is done, he will speak loudly towards the guy who hit the prisoner.

“Would you like to play with me too? huh?”

like this.

That’s how I felt right now.


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The running dog seemed half crazy.

Rem didn’t care.

Red eyes with no pupil boundaries and Kaaaa! It’s a bunch of face dogs with their mouths open and drooling.

Seeing them approaching, Rem crossed her arms in front of her chest. Then he strengthened his arm muscles and swung his axe.

The crossed arms spread out, the ax bent like a whip, and the ax blade flew without hesitation.

There were things caught in the path of the two crossed axes.


It was the head and body of a ghoul and a face dog.

Bub bub bub!

The ax cut down the things that attacked as if it were cutting through rotten tree branches.

With that blow, black blood burst out around Rem. It looked like the ink bottle had broken and splattered everywhere.

Red eyes popped out and sharp teeth cracked. They broke the bones of her head, split her torso, and severed her forearms.

Black blood was scattered everywhere like raindrops blowing in the wind.

“Let’s have fun.”

Rem muttered and began swinging the ax vertically.

Punch puk puk puk at the guy running towards me! It is an ax struck sequentially.

Raise it and lower it, raise it and lower it.

As he spun in place with his right foot as the axis, the head of the human face dog and the arm of the ghoul flew above the ally’s head again.

What should I say?

Rem was Rem.


A soldier originally from Martai, who was watching from behind, spit out an expletive.

Are we trying to fight something like that?

It was a series of unbelievable things to see.

At some point, I couldn’t even see the ax moving, just the dying monster.

In an instant, more than twenty of them were torn, cut, exploded somewhere, and flew away.

The guy named Rem seemed to have eight arms.

In the meantime, I didn’t even rest my feet.

Before we knew it, he had become separated from his allies and entered the crowd of human-faced dogs, causing chaos.



The screams of the group of face dogs continued to erupt.

If I were to express this in one word.

“What a good fight.”

A colleague next to me spoke my heart out for me.

“Are you just going to watch?”

Zimmer shouted from behind.

He was equally surprised. I didn’t think Encred was the only monster, but no one knew that the Ax Man was such a monster.


The harpy cried and hovered in the air.

These are the guys who came with the human face dog. Over the course of four days, several soldiers died because of that harpy.

Zimmer cried out, glaring at the sky.


A few soldiers who were confident in archery shot arrows into the air, but they had no luck.

There were only a few arrows that hit, and even if they hit, they couldn’t pierce the harpy’s hard shell.

Then one rushed downward.

Zimmer’s eyes caught the dynamic appearance of the falling thing with a thud.

It is directed at Rem, who is running rampant among the human-faced dogs.


Zimmer is about to shout and throw a spear.

‘f*ck, what is that?’

Zimmer couldn’t keep his mouth shut after what happened.

Harpies rushed in, and the guy named Rem, who was in the center of it all, instead of fighting off the hordes coming from all directions, put one hand on the floor, crossed his feet, and kicked the air.

The harpy’s head was caught in that kick.


It exploded.

Black blood splattered again, and the fallen body of the harpy rolled to one side, crushing several face dogs as it passed by.


When the harpy’s body screamed, Rem immediately corrected his posture and kicked the harpy’s head.


It’s a frightening amount of power and technology.

How can they show such behavior over there?

Zimmer felt lucky that he didn’t fight with that guy.

And soon I didn’t even have the energy to look at Rem.

Doo doo doo doo!

The ground began to tremble. It was the beginning of a tactic that had been used many times before.

Throwing the Human Face Dog as a meat shield, a group of horsemen charge.

At the head were three centaurs.

In each of their hands was a thick wooden club. It did not appear to be a well-made weapon.

It looked like it had been made hastily from thick branches in the forest, but it was still a threat.

If you get caught there, an ordinary soldier’s head will be ripped off in a funny way.

“Hold on!”

Zimmer shouted. The fight started haphazardly, but since it started, something had to be done right now.

I didn’t think I would lose.


He must have come forward because he believed in something.

Above all, I saw their skills with my own eyes again.

It was completely inconceivable that that guy named Rem would die from being bitten by a human-faced dog.

Now all the rest of the unit has to do is beat, stab, and kill the group of human face dogs and hold on.

All you have to do is kill the attacking ghoul and the wolf demon beast.

It was as Zimmer expected.

Just before the group of demonic beasts, led by the three centaurs on the left, rushed in, Encrid sent Audin.

“Go and stop it, Audín, Teresa.”

“Yes, brother. “I’m going to have to give you a slap on the butt.”

Audín spoke, and Teresa followed Audín without saying a word.

Doo doo doo doo!

The cavalry charge alone is terrifying.

Moreover, it was now a charge of a monster, not a human.

The frontier garrison and Martai standing army, who were in the left column, gritted their teeth.

f*ck, it’s coming again.

This is something that must be prevented first. Meanwhile, two large men blocked the way.

One of the garrison members recognized Auddin.

“A religious person?”

“You said that not everything that comes out of your mouth is a word, but is that the correct title? “Brother?”

Audin said without looking back. The guard thought that the author had unusually sharp ears.

Anyway, with those two blocking my way, I felt a strange sense of stability.

Just look at its size, isn’t it?

But what is that mask?

Isn’t he the body of a giant? His head and shoulders are so high that even when he stands side by side with Audin, he is not pushed away.

“Slide to the right.”

Auddin says.

“All right.”

Teresa answered.

It’s a noticeable size and equipment. The large masked figure took a stance with a large kite shield covering his body in front of him.

A horse’s charge as a shield? Even alone?


The sound of the horses’ hooves now sounded like thunder.

The horseman’s charge was frighteningly fast. The moment he came into sight, he was right in front of us.

It was not the time to worry about size. One of the guards threw a spear just before they reached them.

A javelin using the elasticity of the entire body flew and hit the horseman’s head.


As soon as one died, I wanted the other ones to fall as well.

Even as they ran, the others jumped to avoid the falling one.

It was a scary reaction speed.

Afterwards, the club of the centaur in the lead hit the shield of the large masked man.


The defenders had no idea what exactly happened at that moment.

The centaur that just hit the shield lost its balance, tilted to the side, and staggered as if it would fall.

The masked man naturally struck the head of the demonic beast running behind him with his sword.

That wasn’t the end.

He pulled out his sword, attached his shield to his body, and struck the charging demon to one side.

It is a uniform and repetitive movement.

The task was to push to the right and swing the sword to force the horseman to push away.

‘What is that?’

It is at least the level of force of a semi-knight.

Even without ‘Will’, the person who inherited the blood of the mixed race giant appears to be fighting properly.

In reality, Encred did not bring out all of Theresa’s abilities.

She met Encred and discovered the joy of wielding a sword and fighting.

The original Teresa was worthy of the nickname of a giant.

Red-blooded demon beast, another way to call a giant.


A husky cry came out, and the horse rider that hit her shield was pushed aside and thrown away.

As she stood up and deflected the shield, her feet were pushed back, creating a furrow.

Nevertheless, you won’t break your arm or lose your posture.

The horseman’s charge was met with force.

“The gates of heaven have been opened!”

Her performance was surprising, but the size of the religious figure was even more surprising.

A body that seemed to be dull flew through the air.

He rose upward, climbed on top of the body of a horse rider coming down, and swung his club at his head.



The horseman let out a short sigh and died, and came down from the falling horseman and made a motion similar to stabbing the head of the charging horseman with a club.

puck! Wood clatter!

With that blow, the horseman’s head and vertebrae were ripped out.

It flew backwards, spraying blood into the air.

Moving between the charging horses and beasts, Auddin repeatedly swung his club.

They weren’t blocking the charge, they were beating him to death.

At the same time, the intention was to push the charge precisely from the center to the left.

In the meantime, several demonic beasts rushed in and attacked our troops.

Compared to the previous three days of fighting, it was at a tickling level.

“Do you have time to look around?”

This is the voice I heard in the meantime.

I looked to the side and saw a soldier with reddish brown hair wearing a round helmet.

He was a crazy company member.

Before he knew it, a centaur had collapsed, bleeding profusely.

It was the guy who got thrown to the side earlier.

The monster was trying to get back up with an amazing sense of balance, but before he knew it, the blade was stuck in its neck and pulled out.

“Fight. “That is your job.”

I chose only the words that suited Saxony.

“Fight back!”

Torres’ shout was also heard from behind.

The group of horse riders was scattered because the charging horses were split to the left and right by the two large horses.

It won’t be a moment to watch.


It’s dangerous to charge together, but what happens if you show your side?

There is probably no other demonic beast that is as easy to deal with as this one.

Those holding bows, crossbows, slingshots, etc. all showed off their bullets.

Arrows flew and stones flew. Luckily, one bolt got stuck in the demon’s eye.

Encred examined the left and right situations using his five senses.

‘When are you coming?’

And I tried to glare at the guy standing in front of me.

Isn’t this a fight that will end only when he comes?

I’ve never been hit like this before, but the gates were wide open and a brawl broke out.

This is not a situation where the leader of the Demon Beasts will be forced out.

Above all, that guy has yet to show any ‘life’ that has been fun.

Encred’s expectations soon became reality.


A group of centaurs, the enemy’s main force, rushed in as the third wave.

The tactic used by the monster was called Sampajin.

Grab their attention with the first wave, hit them with the second, and then crush them with the third.

Although simple, it was a good and reliable tactic if you had a clear advantage in power.

The third wave was rushing in.

Encred drew his sword and stepped forward.

In the first place, his position was the point where the center of his army met the enemy’s center army.

Ragna was next to him.

“The devil’s way of life is like intimidation. Did you know?”

Unlike the soldiers, whose balls shriveled when they saw the men rushing at them, Ragnar’s tone of voice remained the same.

It was calm. Even though I was deafened by the sound of her horse’s hooves, the voice pierced my ears clearly.


Encred answered.

Afterwards, the leader of the centaurs came running and raised the glaive high, showing off his vocal chords, wondering where he had picked it up.


Soon something strong touched Encred as well.

It’s like a cat’s gaze that keeps a mouse from moving.

A dizzying sense of death consumed my entire body.

It overwhelmed the surrounding soldiers and the entire area.

He dispelled the fear of death with his energy and survival.

And Encred refused all of that.


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