Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 245

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245. Centaur Colony

“Martaiye Monster Colony.”

When monsters gather together to form a group, that is a colony.

Battalion Commander Marcus spoke and Encred decided to move immediately.

It was just before departure that I heard that Dunbakkel had gone there, and there was talk of going quickly.

I heard it was a group of centaurs with quite a threatening number.

“Let’s go horseback riding. “Run and go when are you going?”

It would be faster to run as a rider than to ride a carriage.

The problem is whether you know how to ride a horse.

“Are you worried about me? I’m Rem. “Rem.”

We all did at least horseback riding. No, he knew how to properly handle horses.

Of course, Encred also knew how to drive a horse.

When I didn’t have to use a sword, I worked as a coachman for quite some time.

He wasn’t as talented with words as I thought.

“You ride a horse well.”

It was the same for Ragna. He saw Encred driving a horse and left a brief comment.

Are you good at riding horses?

So, did you mean that something else was lacking?

Encred listened casually and answered.

“You don’t take the lead. Look carefully at the person in front and follow them.”

Gilchi children always need to be careful.

Audin and Saxony were also accustomed to horses, and Kreis was of no use to them.

“If you can’t ride a horse, you can’t ride Lady on the back, right?”

The purpose is clear. It is said that he deliberately used Crona to learn horseback riding from a nobleman.

As the saying goes, he seemed to be the best with words.

The mixed race giant was the problem.

“It would be nice if it were sturdy luggage.”

She chose a really strong pack horse and rode it.

They said he was not fast, but had excellent endurance.

Recently, trade has increased, with various goods coming into Border Guard.

Among them were horseback horses.

Although it cannot be called a warhorse yet, it was decided to select a few people with a talent for training horses and run the stable properly.

Thanks to that, I was able to raise horses by building a fence in the high-quality pasture in front of the territory, to be exact, on the Green Pearl Plain.

One of the rewards for winning the previous war with Azpen was eating that plain.

If you raise horses with this, you will be able to train cavalry.

Originally, the Border Guard also had messenger horses and pack horses. Now, it’s starting to grow in earnest.

Anyway, Marcus gave some of those horses away.

“You know it’s not easy, right?”

Marcus asked before leaving.

Encred nodded.

Monster Centaur.

When it comes to danger, there is no limit to it.

In the first place, colonies are dangerous. Because it’s not just a gathering of monsters.

Even if it is a ghoul, if a colony is formed, there is a special entity that leads it, and the special entity monster has always been a threat.

Among them, centaurs were more threatening than gnolls if they formed a colony.

The problem is that the number of gnolls increases rapidly, but they are still infantry.

I have never seen a gnoll charging at me on horseback.

Centaurs are basically on horseback.

‘It would be even worse in that it uses something similar to a strategy.’

What would happen if a group of skilled horsemen used similar strategies to humans?

Even if the number exceeds 500,000, it would be dizzying.

Of course, the Border Guard also had to roll up their sleeves and help.

Now we are in the process of deciding whether or not to properly open the eastern trade route.

Didn’t the present-day horseback horses also come through that trade route in the first place?

Well, there were other purposes as well.

It would be a way to show off the closeness between the two territories.

Martai was a territory that would become a bridgehead for eastern trade, and it was the minimum safety measure to stop an invasion war in the east.

From the Border Guard’s point of view, this is why they should consider Martai as their ally and brother territory.

The news I heard as soon as I arrived in Martai was not a pleasant one.

“Dunbakel went into the forest and disappeared.”

In addition, a group of monsters camped out on the plain in front of the forest.

Should I say it’s amazing?

I heard that the Centaur Colony was the problem, but that wasn’t the only problem.

It was not a simple colony.

“The situation is pretty dirty.”

This is what Torres says as he approaches. One side of his head was wrapped in a bandage.

For three days they fought against monsters.

There were more than one person seriously injured.


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The number of dead soldiers was also considerable.

I heard it was in the dozens.

Zimmer also limped.

“It got caught dirty.”

These are the words of the border guard commander, who has now become the lord of Seongju.

Encrid climbed on top of the castle wall and looked at the group of monsters perched on one side.

Is it a problem that there are more than a hundred centaurs?

This was a problem, but the biggest problem was something else.

“When the leader screams, everyone stiffens.”

I heard that Torres also got his head broken because of that. One of the guards also died after his head was blown off by the stick he was holding.

The number of dead soldiers alone was over fifty?

I don’t know how many troops Martai currently has, but it could be said to be a fatal blow.

I had to say this was fortunate too.

It was said that this was thanks to the performance of Zimmer and some of the most talented members of the frontier guard.

Encred quit trying to ask and understand the situation.

So the problem is that centaur.

Encred was expressionless as usual.

I didn’t think much about the Dunbakhel issue.

This is a battlefield.

‘Dying and dying are inevitable.’

If that’s the limit, just do it.

However, questions remain.


Wasn’t it a situation where you could easily run away if you wanted to leave behind a group of soldiers?

Among those commissioned were brothers Lucci and Rich.

Encred had an excellent memory and memorized the names of most of the soldiers.

These are people who trained together and trained together. His excellent memory allowed him to naturally remember their names along with their characteristics.

Anyway, what those two soldiers said.

“I think it would have been enough if I was going to run away.”

“Eh, I don’t mind. “They just hit me and throw me away.”

“That was the first time I saw it. “A guy who was twice as big as the other guy was screaming something.”

“The last time Instructor Dunbakel, who was running away, slipped and fell from the tree at the sound of the bastard’s cry.”

“But if instructor Dunbakhel hadn’t done that, we would all have died. “The damage from the unexpected attack on the territory would have been greater than it is now.”

That’s right.

why? To save them? Did you want to earn the honor of protecting your territory?

Is there a man among them that Dunbakhel likes?

Because she is a beastman and is serious about breeding.

I looked at the soldiers’ faces, but it didn’t seem like something like that would happen. It seemed difficult to feel any desire by looking at their faces.

So why? I was just curious about that.


In the distance, about ten of the centaurs broke away and started running.

Instead of charging, they ran sideways and showed their spirit.

It looked like a threat. It also looked like they were arguing.

So, is he trying to scare me now?

It felt like that was the intention.

Although it wasn’t Encred himself, the group of soldiers was in an uproar.

The actual military discipline was shaken.

“Those bastards.”

Torres gritted his molars.

From what I’ve heard, there have been instances where about ten monsters like that came out and screamed, followed by a group of monsters rushing towards them.

That centaur leader is truly a brave man.

There were more than fifty horses, and a monster with breasts was seen floating in the sky, as if three or four harpies had been brought together from somewhere.

This wasn’t the end, just looking at the group of human face dogs, they numbered over 300.

There seemed to be dozens of ghouls, our monster friends who were always with us everywhere.

You can also see a wolf demon there.

It didn’t take long for me to collect enough numbers and types.

Although the actual Encred, Markai Castle lord, and Torres did not know, one native ranger knew that the inside of the Grateful Forest was quite dangerous.

I also knew that it was a forest I was grateful for because I had only used the large forest or the front part so far.

The ranger guessed.

Perhaps some of the monsters that came from the south and then disappeared have settled in the back of the forest.

Because it’s an intelligent guy, it doesn’t fight until its number is called and just calmly catches the animals around it.

This is why we have seen very few wild animals in the Grateful Forest recently.

There was a large meadow going northeast from the forest.

A herd of wild horses lived there.

There would be no better place for a group of centaurs to settle down.

I naturally realized this as the situation unfolded, but it was something I never dreamed of before something like this actually happened.

Of course, knowing this now didn’t change anything.


Encred didn’t care whether they attacked or not.

I thought that if it attacked me, I would just kill it.

Of course, the complexions of Seongju and Torres were darkened.

‘I guess Dunbakel is dead too.’

As I stood there lost in thought for a moment, Rem spoke next to me. His tone and attitude were leisurely and relaxed.

I said this as I finished yawning and wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes.

“I don’t say things like this often.”

“I’m not doing it?”

“That beast is talented.”

Talent? Is it easy to listen to Rem like this?

Encred thought. It’s never easy.

For your information, I have never once heard anyone say anything similar to talent.

I think I’ve heard the word stupid a lot.


“It wouldn’t have come off easily, this.”

Rem managed to read Encred’s thoughts and had a conversation with him.

“It could have fallen.”

This bastard only does one thing, and he talks back. Then he laughed, and there was something lifelike about that laugh.

I don’t think Encred has any particular affection for Dunbakkel.

Still, she was a member of her unit.


I need to hold a funeral. With the blood and flesh of monsters and their heads.

Wouldn’t Rem feel the same way? That’s what I thought.

Encred thought about how to fight. My head was spinning.

The thoughts continued.

Fighting on horseback is excluded.

Although there are some Martai cavalrymen.

“I can’t write. If he yells once, the horses will run away. There are plenty of people who freeze in place. “Even in the first battlefield, we lost half of our cavalry because of that.”

So, what about using infantry to block it?

The assault infantry that Martai boasts is light, but its main weapons are long spears and shields.

Would it be effective against centaurs?

It has already been proven that this is not the case.

At least the leader’s momentum had to be addressed. Everyone’s body freezes at the sound of a loud noise.

Is this an ability that is close to fraud?

“We have requested support from the center. “At least a semi-engineer must come.”

Seongju has a lot of experience. He didn’t become the commander of the border garrison for nothing.

He decided that way.

What the other person is doing is something similar to ‘Will’. Sometimes, there are guys like that among the monster leaders.

Some call it ‘momentum’, some call it ‘life’, and some even call it ‘peer’.


Encred heard that too.

Afterwards, while wondering what to do to attract the guy riding the horse, he found Kreis.



“I think if I run away on horseback, the chase will end.”

Using your head is not your organ. Kreis didn’t even look like he was thinking deeply.

“Can’t we just fight?”


“I heard you’ve fought that monster bastard a few times so far. Those who use something similar to strategy must be intelligent, so are they scared now? “I don’t think so.”

Good job!

Once again, ten centaurs came into the range of the arrows, screaming, and then escaped.

A few archers responded, but did not fire arrows.

I’ve already experienced it a few times. These are not people who will get hit if you shoot them.

“So, if you just run straight up and attack it, it will attack you.”

is it? Encred was worried that the other person would run away, but Cryce said that was in vain.

‘But why did you even think about catching him running away?’

Encred reverted his thought process.

What is the reason?

Because winning is natural.

The reason we need a semi-engineer is because there was something mixed in with that guy’s yelling.

It must have been something that evoked fear.

Then wouldn’t it be okay if you don’t get scared?

I experienced oppression and realized rejection.

This is after something intangible created through ‘Will’ came into my heart.

Encred didn’t feel threatened.

“Then, shall we go out?”



Seongju and Torres reacted simultaneously to Encred’s words.

“To fight.”

Encred answered.

“What have you heard so far?”

“Are you going to die? Have to wait for support. At least until the troops sent by the Border Guard arrive.”

Torres spoke first again, followed by Seongju.

They don’t know Encred. What I learned about rejection was what happened after they left.


Instead of explaining at length, Encred called for a mouth to speak for him.

“The situation is not good. Their numbers have increased more than before, right? I’ll probably gather all the nearby monsters. To begin with, he is a leader with ‘general’ characteristics. It is the most dangerous type of monster. As time goes by, this is the disadvantage. So, the best thing to do is to cut the leader’s head while you can handle it.”

Kreis said, placing his hand on my neck.

“As soon as you get close to that guy, your body freezes!”

Torres shouted in frustration. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have stopped them.

“It’ll be okay. Wow, I’m really worried. “I’m just trying to hold on so I don’t get pushed around by the crazy monsters and beasts over there.”

“Before I tell you to hold on, Rem, you help too.”

“Hehe, brother, I will join you too.”

“I’ll go with you too.”

Rem tapped Torres on the shoulder and spoke, and Encred spoke to Rem again, and Audin and Teresa also continued speaking.

Torres wondered why they were like this.

Could it be that these people collectively chewed the herb incorrectly?

No, they were originally crazy things. That’s why it’s a crazy company.

Once again, Torres respected Marcus.

‘Did you just trust these bastards and go into battle?’

Even if you say it’s a threat, they won’t listen.

It was crazy, but I couldn’t stop it.

They weren’t people who would listen to me to stop them.

It’s great!

Above all, Kreis was right.

Will support come from the center?

It’s much more likely that it won’t happen. I don’t know what’s going on in the center, but it seems like they’re facing a more complicated situation than here.

Rumors that a guild was assassinating the kingdom’s nobles were about to spread all the way to the North.

“let’s go.”

So Encred went down to the bottom of the castle walls with his madman company.

It’s a leisurely step. Outside, the group of centaurs took their time, regardless of whether they were screaming or not.

I left Chrys alone and went down.

“Aren’t you going with me?”

When Torres spoke with some sort of loss of energy, Kreis responded with a look that asked what he was talking about.

“Why me? Are you telling me to go die? “Why are you leaving behind the safe walls?”

So, what about them?

Torres really wanted to ask that, but didn’t dare open his mouth.

Because it seemed like there was going to be an obvious answer anyway.

“Hey, the captain is the captain.”

Wouldn’t something like that be said?

“Ah, then. “Let’s go fight too.”

Morale was at a low point, but the tension in the atmosphere cooled down.

That also helped.

Because there are times when being half-dazed is more helpful than being demoralized.

“All troops sortie!”

Torres is the next border defense captain.

He is currently the commander-in-chief of the unit.

The seongju was divided into seongju and the commander was running the territory.

When Torres came out with a bandage wrapped around his head, monsters led by the Human Face Dog were already rushing towards him.

Several terrible battles have already ensued.

So, if you block the attacking guy by slaughtering him, the leader will come and scream. If an ally’s body stiffens at that single scream, he or she will sense defeat.

‘Ah, we shouldn’t fight like this.’

But it was a situation where it didn’t make sense to hold on.

Martai’s walls were not originally specialized for defense.

Once the wall falls, the scene of slaughter will begin from then on.

Even now, it was just a matter of narrowly blocking it.

“Show the bravery of the East!”

Zimmer forcibly boosted morale that was missing.

In the front, Rem had already run out and was swinging an axe.


As if this was natural, a mass murder party broke out.

Torres also predicted the current situation.

Because they are a company of madmen.

The problem was just the leader.

Even so, it didn’t mean that what was happening in front of my eyes wasn’t exciting.

Just looking at it made me feel relieved.

It was a difficult feeling to feel in a battlefield where people die and die.


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