Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 244

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244. You don’t have to die.

As beastmen grow, they acquire much better visual acuity and more elastic muscles than humans, so they are able to demonstrate movements that exceed their limits.

Like now.

The moment the speed of the horse rider and Dunbakkel herself met, she pressed her left big toe into the ground.

Press and twist your body. There was a short gap between the two magical beasts, and it was the golden eyes that caught it.

It was a bold move to capture it and step into it.

“Aren’t you from the beast family to begin with?”

Boldly and boldly.

It was one of Rem’s teachings. Dunbakhel was faithful to his teachings.

That’s how I got between the two demon beasts.

Even if it was just a little bit wrong, my head would blow off, but I was bold enough so I could afford it.

He twisted his body to the side and used his outstanding physical ability to dig into gaps and crevices.

At the same time, he strengthened the hand holding the scimitar.

The blade of the scimitar, raised horizontally with the ground, met the magical beast and created harmony.


There was a strain on my right arm muscles, but I was prepared and prepared from the beginning.

I held on by holding my right wrist with my left hand.

The encounter with the demonic beast was a moment, and Dunbakkel’s response was also a moment.

No, Dunbakkel fixed the position of the scimitar from the start, and the effect was evident.

The blade cut horizontally through the beast’s body.

Even though it wasn’t a magic weapon, it managed to survive.

It was okay even if it broke. But Dunbakhel expected this to happen.

‘The blade gives strength to the blade that withstands the force horizontally.’

Her scimitar has a thick blade. As with most mercenary weapons, the emphasis was on hardness rather than sharpness.

Now, thanks to the incredible speed, it was okay to lack sharpness.

Just like that, the blade cut through the monster’s body and escaped.

Food deud deud deuk!

The running speed was so fast that the black blood and internal organs of the demonic beast that fell to the ground stretched like a long path.

Its intestines, flesh, blood, and some of its bones lay on the floor. Even if it was a work of art, I felt like I would be fooled.


Dunbakhel let out the breath he had been holding and took it in. After that, he immediately turned around.

Horses are not animals that find it easy to reverse direction.

That is a structure of the body that cannot be changed even if it becomes a magic beast.

Dunbakhel hit the ground with his right foot, flipped his body, turned and ran.

The demon that passed by realized that it had missed its opponent and turned sharply to the side.


The demon cried out and turned to the left and charged again, and Dunvakel ran across the middle, swinging his scimitar. From top to bottom, add elasticity to your entire body.

A slash that appears to be swinging in the air when viewed from a distance.

Thanks to the demonic beast rushing exactly into its orbit, it was a blow that accurately sliced ​​through the throat.


Patter, boom! thud!

The body of the demonic beast with its head cut off rolled on the floor a couple of times.

The head flew back and fell.

Black blood splattered in the air and fell on Dunbakkel’s head.

The black water seemed to be dotted over the white head.

Dunvakel shook his scimitar in the air and ran again.

Following the slaughter of two horse riders, this time a group of human-faced dogs attacked.

Dunvakel’s scimitar danced at the same speed as it rushed.

Whing! Huh! Juan!

The weapon resembling a half-moon moved wildly left and right, and each time it cut off the human face dog’s neck, front paws, and part of its head.

“What weapon are you carrying?”

Lem started with a question and ended with violence.

In the meantime, Dunbakhel had to find the answer himself.

There was a day when I stumbled into the river of death and came back because I used a scimitar stab.

“Don’t you think about the usefulness of weapons? Is the beast’s head really only interested in reproduction? For your information, if you attack me naked, I will chop you into pieces with an axe.”

The act of reproduction is only possible if there is goodwill.

Even if he died, it wasn’t Rem.

Dunbakeel burst out in excitement as he remembered.

“Not even if you die!”

What is it?

The group of soldiers watching made bewildered faces, but what did that matter?

With that cry, the curved blade of the half moon danced a dance of slaughter.

Part of the human face dog’s head and part of its body flew through the air.

The soldiers could not even see the blade moving.

When a line was drawn in the air, only a part of the monster’s severed body came to mind.

Intermediate processes are omitted and only the results are visible. The soldiers who felt threatened could have breathed a sigh of relief.


These people were trained by Encred, the Border Guard standing army.


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Do your best right now.

These are the words that came out of Encred’s mouth. They did that too.

At the shout of the soldier, who was the commander, they simply formed a formation.

Somehow, they all raised their spears. Stand in a straight line and raise the window towards the front.

If a horseman rushes at you, you will be grilled on skewers.

It’s not like there are dozens of them rushing at you, just about three or four.

‘I can handle it.’

It’s not arrogance, it’s confidence.

What kind of instructors have they dealt with so far?

Dunbakhel in front of us was one of them.


A soldier shouted.

At that moment, I saw two horsemen running towards a group of tasty soldiers.

They couldn’t do it like Dunbakhel.

Instead, I held out the window and held on. The horseman pushed forward as if he believed in the strength of his body.


A commander-like soldier shouted at the right time.

It was when I felt a heavy impact on the blade of the spear and my arm muscles were twisted.

A group of soldiers pushed the spears left and right around the center. simplicity and honesty! The spear stuck in the horse’s shoulder broke. The soldier fell forward, holding only the half of his spear.

It would be foolish to accept the force that hits you head on.

“Would you stand up to a cavalry charge?”

These are the words of instructor Ragnar.

Although they don’t teach properly, every word is like a knife.

The soldiers took note of the blade that could not be seen from their languid eyes and attitude.

No, if you don’t pay attention to it, you’ll be screwed.

What should I do, since I had to deal with Teresa, a mixed-race giant, rushing in front of me?

The soldiers did their best.

If it weren’t for regular training, it would have been impossible, but the charge of the two horsemen was in vain.

Rather than inserting the spear and receiving the force, I turned it sideways. Of course, this is only possible if your muscles are fundamentally strong.

These people had bodies that had been honed and trained through Audin.

That made it possible now.

“f*ck you. This is it, tsk.”

The soldier said, spitting on the head of the demonic beast, which fell sideways and struggled, with the broken spear stuck in the middle.


The horseman must have turned around, showing his fangs even though more than half of the spear was in his chest.

Black tears of blood flowed from his red eyes.

The soldier who saw that suddenly felt numb.

It’s not like it’s my first time dealing with demonic beasts, and if it wasn’t for this many people, I wouldn’t be so scared of them that I would urinate.

The magical beast in front of me was not normal. Something was different.

Of course there was no time to think. There was no time to complain about what was strange.

“Damn it! “I don’t have time to look around!”

Another soldier thrust his spear and struck the beast’s head.

The powerful spear blade struck the beast’s head.


Now it’s a bunch of face dogs.

The numbers were too great for Dunbakhel to handle alone.

In the end, soldiers also had to fight.

It doesn’t die. I can endure this much. These are people who have been trained through Encred’s training.

If they had been fine soldiers before, they could now be called strong soldiers.

Aside from his tactical abilities, his personal abilities have developed to an amazing degree.

One of the three soldiers who lost his spear drew a short sword. Another pulled out an arming sword, and the other held up a half-empty spear. There were also soldiers who wielded bows as blunt weapons.

“Damn it!”

Even though they kept swearing, they fought well.

He struck, stabbed, and struck the approaching human dog to death.

They formed a circle and protected each other. Then he slowly retreated back.

If I held on for a little while, reinforcements would see this mess and come, so I thought the fight was over.

Dunbakhel fought better.

Her scimitar seemed to have become a half-moon shaped guillotine.

I literally went crazy.

After the horseman was taken care of, only a group of human-faced dogs remained.

As soon as I saw an opening, I cut it, and in the meantime, I punched and kicked the guy who approached me.

All of those movements were very fast and strong. The light and elastic muscle movements stood out.

Still, he didn’t look particularly tired.

It is an incredibly powerful force.

The words ‘crazy company’ naturally came out.

So, did they kill half of the group of face dogs? The other half seemed scared and would have backed away, but they still attacked as if they had been cursed with berserk.



The unpleasant howling of the human face dog made my ears noisy.

As Dunbakel fought, he heard a strange sound coming from the forest.

Doo-doo! Doo-doo! Doo-doo! Doo-doo!

It was a sound that felt heavy.

The sound of horseshoes?

And then a black shadow jumped out of the forest.

The boat seemed to be faster than the horse rider.

Above all, he was not a horse. It is something that resembles a horse but is not a horse.

Horses don’t have separate hands, so they can’t hold weapons.

A large body holding a club made of cut logs suddenly swung it.


A heavy wooden club passed over my head. If I hadn’t reflexively lowered my head, would my head have exploded?

At least my posture would have collapsed.

Dunbakel lowered his head and rolled forward, digging into the group of face dogs.

The excited face dogs bared their sharp teeth with wrinkled faces.

I kicked, pushed, and hit quite a few guys, but in the end, I couldn’t stop one guy. The thing opened its mouth.

Dunbakeel handed over his forearm protection, grabbed the guy’s head, and swung it like a blunt weapon.


puck! Boom! thud!

After biting three or four of them, I struck the body of the one that had bitten my forearm with my scimitar.

Patter of fallen intestines and black blood soaked the floor.

Nevertheless, the tooth was still embedded in the protective gear.


Meanwhile, the guy who had been targeting him turned around and came back.

I thought it was a cavalry soldier, but this was also a monster.

It is a half-man, half-horse, monster centaur.

The lower body resembles that of a horse, and the upper body resembles that of a human.

Her upper body was exposed, and her strong chest muscles stood out. Seeing the snail’s chest muscles made me nauseous.

“That’s crazy.”

Dunbakhel chanted.

The guy lunged at me again. He held a thick wooden club in his hand.

Bub bub bub! Woojik, puk! Sigh!

The group of human-faced dogs blocking my path rushed forward, ignoring them, as if their heads were exploding or their bones were breaking.


The club split the air again.

Dunbakel dodged by lying back.

It was breathtaking.

No, it’s not something that can’t be avoided.

The good news is that he got rid of the entire group of face dogs, so I had some time to catch my breath… … .

“Mr. Lee.”

There was none. It wasn’t just one guy.

A few more were coming out of the forest.


A few centaurs burst into spirit.

Bright red eyes with no pupil boundaries looked directly at Dunbakeel.

Some of the dogs looked at the group of soldiers.

‘I want to live.’

I really want to live.

It’s a longing. When did this craving arise?

After meeting Encred, it suddenly overflowed like a torrent of water.

That’s what the original desire for life is.

Isn’t it a way to get caught up in unexpected moments?

Encred, I need to see that guy’s face again.

Should I just leave it like this?

Is that okay?

I won’t blame myself.



Encred memorized all the soldiers’ names.

I haven’t been able to memorize even five of their names yet.

Is it right to let people die when they can be saved?

Is it right for me to live, or is it right for me to risk my life to save them?

there is no answer.

As with life, there are only choices.

Is it best to survive alone?

Encred, encred, encred.

It’s a name that comes to mind over and over again.

I wanted to join that group. He wanted to be a part of it.

So is surviving alone in poverty really what he wanted?

Is that something a member of the group would do?

Is that best?

The man named Encred always sought to do his best.

After seeing that, what did you think you wanted to do?

The right or wrong of the choice is not something to be discussed now, so just move.

After erasing the distracting thoughts.

Afterwards, Dunbakhel focused on one thought.

‘Did I say thank you for accepting it?’

I don’t think I did it. I have to live to say thank you to him.

Not just survive, but survive and do whatever he wants.

The thought process was long, but in reality it was short.

In moments of crisis, the brain tends to be activated.

With the choice made and the conclusion reached, Dunbakhel acted.

“Look at me-raa!”

Dunbakel shouted, activating his unique transformation.

Intense momentum encompasses all directions. Golden eyes looked straight at the centaur.

In a short moment, Dunbakhel’s fur grew, taking on the appearance of a lion, and let out a low, deep roar.


With a sound that would be jarring to the ears of any enemy, Dunvakel leapt in front of a nearby centaur and swung his scimitar.


Centaurs are better horsemen and cavalrymen than horsemen, who are considered to be one with horses.

The guy twisted his upper body. His lower body also twisted to avoid his blade.

This is a feat that a cavalryman on horseback would not dare to perform.

Dunvakel swung the scimitar with his right hand, and as soon as the creature dodged, he stretched out his left hand and slashed. His blade-like nails scanned the centaur’s eyes.


A scream rang out.

“Follow me, you bastards!”

Was that something said to a group of face dogs or a centaur?

The soldier who was watching could not ask.

Dunvakel ran straight into the forest, and a group of centaurs chased after her.

A group of human-faced dogs also followed them.

The soldiers lived.

Centaurs are the most difficult of mid-level monsters.

In particular, they were reputed to be more dangerous than flying monsters if they formed a colony.

“… … Something happened.”

said one of the surviving soldiers.

* * *

“So, it’s been four days since Dunbakkel disappeared into the forest?”

Four days after Dunbakkel disappeared, reinforcements were sent directly from the Border Guard.

The quick-footed lineman arrived first.

It was a small company.

And in response to the company commander’s question, the soldier nodded.


“And now a group of centaurs have formed a colony and occupied the plain in front of the forest?”

“I see.”

The answer this time was given by the new castle lord of Markai and the former border guard captain.

Everyone looked at Encred’s expression.

He has the same expressionless expression as usual.

But I didn’t know why it looked angry.


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