Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 243

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243. Because I long for life

Martai had a coniferous forest to the north, the Plains and Border Guard to the west, the Eastern Kingdom territory to the east, and another rather large forest to the south.

The name of the forest was ‘Thankful Forest’.

“But why is it called Grateful Forest?”

Torres tried to become familiar with the surrounding terrain of his newly established territory.

A soldier from the forestry team, or ranger, walked with him and answered.

Five frontier guards followed behind them.

“Thank you.”

The soldier said, ‘Is this guy making fun of me?’ Just before Torres’ face crumpled in question, the soldier continued.

“Have you been to the coniferous forest above? It is no place for people to live. Even if you’re a ranger, you don’t fit in there. Do you know what your nickname is? “It’s a cliff forest.”

I also heard of Torres. It’s a famous place.

The northern part of Martai is a coniferous forest, the border dividing the continent.

Why is it called a cliff? It got that name because if you go into it, it’s no different from falling to your death.

“But here to the south, there is a forest rich in fruits and animals. “Thanks to this, people who have lived around here since ancient times were so grateful that it was given that name.”

A grateful forest.

Does the name have personality or not?

Torres familiarized himself with the terrain and patrolled without much thought.

It was in the meantime.


There was an ear-piercing roar that could not be called the neighing of a horse. It gives me goosebumps because it is filled with malice and murderous intent. It was the cry of a demonic beast.

“What is that?”

Torres saw a horse on the outskirts of the forest.

Of course, it wasn’t normal. What kind of horse’s fangs grow to the point where their fangs are exposed like that?

“It looks like a demonic beast?”

“It seems the same?”

Horses are herbivores, and it is rare for herbivores to become horsemen. Of course, that didn’t mean it wasn’t happening at all.

Torres frowned, straightened his eyebrows, and gestured.

Is it just one animal? Or is there more behind it?

Have they found us yet?

I didn’t know it might be so.

“It’s fascinating to be a horse rider.”

These are the words of a former Ranger.

“Are there any foresters in that forest?”

Martai scattered ranger units in the surrounding forest. A forestry crew is a scouting party that uses the forest as a stage.

This continent is constantly suffering from the threat of demonic beasts and monsters. Periodic patrols were natural.

“there is.”

The soldier spoke again.

He was a guy who had a habit of speaking in pauses rather than everything at once.

“It’s not that monsters and beasts have never appeared in the Grateful Forest, but there are so few monsters around here that it can be said to be a safe area.”

The soldier, who must have felt dry while talking, swallowed his saliva once and opened his mouth again.

“A squad-sized number of people take turns.”

“Even now?”

“Yes, even now.”

A few more monsters were seen behind the horseman.

It was a human face dog. Torn skin and red blood stains were visible between their snouts.

“Everyone on alert.”

Torres’ judgment was appropriate and quick.

What happened to the Ranger unit that entered the forest? Extermination?

At the very least, I decided that I could not do my job because I was attacked, so I retreated.

Did you just fall victim to that many numbers?

Or even a surprise attack?

Anyway, there must be something going on.

A group of horsemen, human dogs, and at least ten horsemen did not attack.

Torres was also a doubt.

“Does this magical beast have a habit of losing its appetite even when it sees humans?”


I couldn’t wait to see Zimmer’s face as he named this sick soldier.

Isn’t there a way to understand something at once?

“Oh, no. It’s not. Nothing happened until the last patrol. “I couldn’t find any traces of that group.”

That’s strange. The ranger moves through the forest and can’t find any traces, but a dozen demonic beasts come together and jump out?

What is the mixture of a horseman and a human face dog there?

It was a strange thing.

Several of the monsters I was watching slowly approached.

Torres didn’t wait and went out to face him.

“Kill them all.”


Several face dogs rushed towards me. The horseman stepped back.

It wasn’t a difficult fight.


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Torres and his party killed three or four face dogs, and the horseman watched and ran away. It was in the forest.

We decided that it was too dangerous to go inside, so we ended up here.

Torres, who roughly wiped the blood-stained sword on the skin of the human-faced dog, opened his mouth.

“I have to report.”

Torres went back and reported to the former frontier guard commander, who is now the castle lord, and the castle lord judged that there would be more hordes of demon beasts and commissioned them as border guards.

Because the requested mission was beneficial in many ways, there was no need to handle it internally.

Moreover, the border guards had a lot to do other than dealing with demonic beasts.

The internal security of the territory has not been completely resolved.

There were also rumors that the Eastern Mercenary King was unhappy with the fact that Martai had completely gone over to Naurilia.

In fact, some soldiers from the eastern part of the country deserted during the night.

“It would be right to just let it go.”

There was also advice from Zimmer. Let’s face it, they are Easterners. It will be a knife that will stab our allies anyway.

He is tough, strong, and stubborn.

This is what a past explorer said when he saw the eastern wanderers.

Afterwards, Torres concentrated on other things. Those from the Border Guard would take care of the monsters in the southern Grateful Forest.

Probably, the lord of Martae and the Border Guard commander Marcus wanted the two territories to interact naturally, so that may have been the intended redistribution of work.

Torres then struggled with Zimmer for two days to form a security force for the territory.

Meanwhile, we also received a report on the results of our observations of the forest from the mouth of a ranger who was newly assigned to patrol.

“It does not appear that a large-scale colony was created.”

Then it was fortunate.

‘Anyway, why was the Ranger squad wiped out? Is this desertion again?’

It was a desertion, so I didn’t know it could be like that.

* * *

A few days later, a group of troops arrived from the Border Guard for a request.

At most, the number is less than ten.

One of them caught my eye.

One of the Encrud companies, a golden-eyed prisoner who was part of the Black Sword Bandits, was with them.

It can be defeated with Martai’s troops, but it is the first step toward exchange between the two territories.

“I’m counting on you.”

Torres spoke to them, and those who approached nodded.

The soldier, who had a habit of interrupting conversations, stepped forward again to guide us.

Those who set out to carry out the request, led by a female prisoner, followed suit.

‘Rather than hiring mercenaries, use Border Guard soldiers.’

In winter, demonic beasts are rampant.

If you continue to deal with the demonic beasts and monsters that have begun to cause trouble, it will naturally become as if the two territories have come under one command.

When spring comes, even if the mercenary king tries to force Martai, he will also have the strength to withstand.

Torres wasn’t worried.

Border Guard soldiers are of high quality. They were not people who could be attacked by horses or dogs.

What’s more, the prisoner came all the way.

Of course, nothing had to happen.

* * *

“Look at this, where did you learn that?”

Rem asked and Dunbakkel answered.

He said he learned by working as a mercenary and stealing from people around him.

In my hometown, there was no one who taught me anything.

The combination of the cursed transformation and golden eyes was enough to make him ostracized by everyone.

With her long white hair tied back and her cat-like nose twitching, Rem smiled brightly and raised her fist.


What is the beginning? It is the beginning of violence, the beginning of beatings.

A day that started with a beating ended with a beating. No, it was over.

Is this a memory, or is it pain caused by mental trauma?

Dunbakhel felt chills while walking, so he stroked his arms with his hands as if he was hugging himself.

“Cold water?”


A soldier asked from behind, but the prisoner shook his head.

Cold is not a sensitive issue for a prisoner. Their body temperature was higher than that of humans, and they were also warm-blooded animals.

In particular, beastmen were more sensitive to heat than cold. In other words, it is resistant to cold.

This is because their body hair is thicker and grows faster than that of humans.

The soldier didn’t say anything more after asking the question.

Dunbakel was lost in thought as he headed towards the place where the demonic beast was said to appear.

To be precise, he reflected on the way Rem taught him.

Did that help?

I wanted to say no, but I couldn’t.

“Is this what you’re teaching?”

“No, have you seen such a sick beast? “So what do you think I’m doing now?”

“Punching, kicking.”

The ignorant savage smiled deeply at the honest answer.

“How did we survive until now? “I’m so clueless.”

I got hit again. After being hit for about two days, I thought I was going to die.

As he crawled under Encrid to survive, Dunbakkel longed for life.

This was the first time I knew that there was such a burning desire within me.

‘What should I do to survive?’

The body reacted first, not the head.

After being beaten countless times, my body woke up first. Dunbakkel stole Rem’s moves and learned them.

“Now we can have a conversation.”

It was correct.

“Steal and learn on your own. “If you don’t want to be screwed, you’ll have to do that.”

If anyone had looked into that savage’s eyes at that time, their bladder would have trembled. Dunbakhel was like that too.

With a strange expression on his face that seemed both excited and irritated at what was happening, Rem slapped Dunbakkel again.

What should I do to live?

Steal and learn.

Dunbakhel did just that. It took me a week to forget what I learned while working as a mercenary, and another week to learn it again.

“I have a question.”

At that time, Dunbakhel spoke first.

No matter what Rem said, she asked because she wanted to clear up her doubts.

“It seems like you are teaching the independent company commander kindly?”

Was that some sort of seizure switch?

Dunbakhel didn’t know. In other words, this was a big misunderstanding. He just had his doubts. It was just his curiosity.

“Shiii haircut?”

That was the beginning. Rem lifted the ax without answering. Dunbakkel also had to draw his scimitar.


I was lucky that I didn’t die in one hit.

“That human!”

Rem said this while fighting. How can he move his body so well and speak so well?

Dunbakhel didn’t even have time to catch his breath, but Rem kept teasing him with his mouth while moving.

“No matter how hard you try, explain it!”

“Even if you show me a demonstration, it won’t increase!”

“I’m not saying no.”

The last words were said close together, within breath distance.

Surprisingly, there was no bad smell coming from the mouth. Because beastmen have a keen sense of smell, they can easily smell things.

“But was that a complaint? “If you’re dissatisfied with that, you can roll around like a captain every day.”

It was a misunderstanding from the beginning. I asked because I was curious, not because I was dissatisfied.

The ignorant barbarian didn’t seem to have any intention of listening to any answers and just stormed off as if he had taken control.

At the end of my thoughts, I heard a soldier’s voice.

“We’re all here. That is a grateful forest and the reason it is called a grateful forest is… … .”

Dunbakeel took a step forward, leaving the soldier talking hesitatingly. Even though she didn’t mean to, her left eyebrow twitched. The raised eyebrows trembled.

The beastman’s instincts sounded a warning.

“Didn’t you say there were a dozen horses and face dogs?”

Dunbakkel asked.

“So the forest as a way of saying thank you, eh? yes.”

The receptionist, who had stopped speaking, tilted his head.

“Everyone ready for battle.”

Dunbakhel opened his mouth. Golden eyes looked beyond the forest.

Her vision can even see through the darkness. It was an intuition that came about thanks to her battlefield experience as well as her unique instinct as a beastman.

Dunbakhel sensed danger.

Dragons, giants, procs, beastmen, fairies, dwarves.

Among these, the giant has the best strength.

Fairies are the best when it comes to sensitivity.

Frock has an eye for talent and possesses each outstanding ability.

It was said that Suin had a superior constitution.

“You idiot, you are not using even half of your body’s capabilities.”

I learned how to cut a human mercenary’s sword. I thought that was the correct answer and moved.

Although he was an ignorant barbarian, his teachings were not in vain.

“Fight without limiting your athletic ability.”

Instead of using established sword techniques that extend from a certain position, trust your body’s athletic ability and fight like crazy.

That’s what Rem said.

Even if it didn’t go as far as lighting up, the correct answer was to move like that while controlling my body.

After Rem got hit like that, Dunbakkel himself thought his skills had improved significantly.

It was time to test those skills.


One horse rider and a bunch of face dogs?

That sounds like a no-brainer.

I saw a number of things sneaking out from one side of the forest.

There were at least twenty horses, and there were so many human-faced dogs that it was difficult to even count them.

There were more than a dozen glowing red eyes inside the forest.

“Hey, you go and call for backup.”

Dunbakel spoke to the soldier who guided him.


This kid has no way of understanding what is being said at once.


Dunbakhel was unstoppable. He hit the soldier on the back of the head.

“100 million!”

The guide who got hit raises his head while bowing. He had his hand on his head, which had been hit. I saw an absurd look in his eyes.

So what.

“If you don’t want to fall, run.”

Dunbakel was already talking like Rem, but it wasn’t the time to be conscious of it.

The soldier who was acting as a guide started running with his hand on the back of his head.

The soldiers were nervous because it suddenly became a life-threatening battle rather than a request to subdue demonic beasts.

“What the f*ck, suddenly?”

“What if I request something without understanding it properly?”

Dunbakhel bent his neck from side to side.

First of all, if this number is all there is.

There is no risk.

That’s how I decided. It was good to show some confidence now.

“Do you want to live? Don’t you want to get lost? Then you have to rebel.”

Rem’s voice vaguely came to mind.

I hate to even think about it, but the sparring with Rem and the ordeal with that barbarian repeatedly gave Dunvakel a desire.

A desire for life that blooms and burns independently of reproduction.

That set her eyes on fire.

Tee ring.

Dunvakel drew his scimitar.

“Do not come in front of me or come near me.”

With the words, the beastman jumped forward. With a thud, dirt and pebbles flew out from under her feet. Her body became blurred, leaving an afterimage.

The two opposite horses reacted simultaneously.


The short cries of the demonic beast echoed in the air, and even those who were originally good at running started headbutting their bodies at incredible speeds.

Soon the two animals, Dunbakel and the Demon Beast, formed a line and crossed each other.


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