Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 242

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242. Daily life has not changed, but the things in it have changed.

‘Why don’t you go?’

Edin Molsen was not burdensome. At first, I wondered if it was okay to lose like this, but isn’t repetition bound to lead to dullness?

In other words, rather than being the son of Count Molsen, I decided to respect his fighting spirit and his spirit of not giving up.

In other words, I became absorbed in beating things up.

“Show modesty. Moderately.”

So much so that Kreis, who is no better than him, said so.

“Because you’re attacking me.”

It wasn’t like I was blindly losing. So, he is an opponent who endlessly challenges and challenges him.

How can you treat someone like that so carelessly?

Encred couldn’t do that. That’s the path he took, so if he finds out that you treat him carelessly, he will become toxic again. That would be more unpleasant.

For Encred, respecting others was a more convenient and easy path. Of course, he had his own perspective and method.


Again. Edin Molsen brought his wooden sword. It’s not like you’re stupid enough to attack me like that.

At least I don’t have to use a real sword anymore. At first, I knocked him down without even pulling out my sword, but not now.

Of course, it swings, cuts, and stabs.

Encred never lost his manners.

To him, courtesy means not ignoring the sincerity shown by the other person.

His courtesy.


Hitting people on the head without paying any attention to them.


It stabbed my solar plexus to the point where I fainted with a single scream.

“older brother!”

Edin Molsen’s younger brother, who was watching, was surprised. It was like that only at first.

I’ll say it again, but doesn’t repetition bring dullness?

“Are you okay?”

Now, even when Edin collapsed, his younger brother remained calm.

If Encred had wanted to kill him, he would have killed him long ago, and even if he had tried to make him an asshole, he would have done so right away.

Haven’t we already sparred more than 20 times?

“No, that thing came again? “You have a strong body.”

In some ways, Rem may be Edin’s enemy. Isn’t he the person who killed my brother?

But Rem didn’t seem to care at all.

The face is definitely made of steel. Are all barbarians like this?

It’s a pointless question. It’s not important. Thick face or not, Rem is Rem.

It is a monster that wields two axes amazingly.

Encred is extremely satisfied and satisfied with the monster’s skills.

“My body has relaxed.”

A smile appeared on Rem’s face at Encred’s words.

“I will say one more time… … .”

“You could die?”

Even though my words were cut off, Rem still smiled. En Creed responded to her bright smile.

“You can do that too.”

“f*ck, in most cases, swear words don’t come out, but what about that? “I’m most excited when I blow the captain’s thrush?”

Encred agreed with that. Both mentally and externally.

Because I actually sympathized deeply with it.

“Same as me.”

“… … “Do you have a habit of hitting yourself in the face?”

Encred’s eyes turned directly to Rem.

Those gray eyes also looked directly into Encred’s blue eyes.

Rem hasn’t been playing around either.

If Encred learned the heart of the beast from him, Rem also learned something.

Now that I see it, the technology has improved significantly. This is a tongue technique that twists the other person’s mood and makes their head heat up.

“Yes. “I have that habit.”

When I immediately admitted it, Rem frowned.

“You admit it here?”

Above those who jump, there are those who fly.

Ignoring the psychological blow and coming up with an unexpected response from the other person is the essence of an argument.

“Are you just going to use your tongue?”

At the question that brings the argument to an end, Rem’s ax splits the air with a whoosh. Two sacks again.

The Mad Company has done something during this time. It wasn’t an easy task to ask for an ax from the blacksmith shop as a supply.

What’s different is that before, Rem didn’t choose a weapon, but this time, he asked for everything including center of gravity and balance.

“You can’t make it in such detail?”

“Then, there’s nothing we can do.”

Seeing as he doesn’t really question what the blacksmith says, it seems like he doesn’t really care.

In any case, isn’t the important thing about what you can do with the changed axe?


Encred held out his sword and struck the ax blade.


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“Stop breaking my axe.”

Rem mumbles and rushes in. I suddenly felt like my body was growing bigger. It’s that fast and bold.

I realize it again.

Who did the heart of the beast originally belong to?

When it comes to being bold and daring, Rem is the best.

Encred drew his sword perpendicular to the ground.

This too was like a lightning strike.


It is a sword that cuts through the air.

Rem’s body became blurred. The speeding ax becomes a beam of light and sticks out. One from the top, one from the bottom.

At first, I was hit by an ax that was bent like a whip.

As I endured it, I was struck by a slash like a beam of light.

So, now?


Encred swings his sword up and down. The blade rippled like a wave and bounced off two slashes.

Yugeomsik skipping the waves.

I saw it in the rapier swordsman’s sword, refined it through the shepherd Fel, and completed it while dealing with Rem.

Rem didn’t care that he was blocked. As soon as he gets stuck, he launches an ax into the air. Then he lunged forward, holding only an axe.

Unusual and bold.

Strange and bold.

Rem was like that. To conclude, Encred was defeated.

“It was close.”

“Is that right?”

“That’s right.”

Should I be satisfied with that statement now? Should I?

No, you don’t have to. Encred learned something new today too.

To be precise, I realized what was lacking.

From the sense of the blade to the sixth sense, to the sense of avoidance.

Saxony said it was a ‘sensory art’.

I didn’t neglect to improve it, but it actually became my downfall.

‘It was too sensitive.’

It was because I was too concerned about the ax that Rem threw upwards. So should I have ignored it?

In the end, even though Rem kicked the ax that fell from above, accelerated it and hit his shoulder?

‘Selection and concentration.’

It’s a comeback. Reflect and realize.

It was a familiar process.

It was Encred’s daily life. What is different from before is that the ability to learn has changed.

It’s similar to how I realized talent before. If only the Heart of the Beast, sensory arts, single-pointed concentration, and techniques of isolation were like that.

It was the same this time too.


Although it was only a rejection, I experienced ‘Will’. That experience gave Encred a different perspective.

What is genius? I can’t explain it. Everything is natural to them. It seemed like I had gained some of that naturalness.

It was still like that now.

The process of recovery after defeat and the speed at which I realize my mistakes and figure out what I need are different from before.

Encred wasn’t aware of that.

Because I just did what I was supposed to do.

Of course, everyone, including Rem, could see it.


That troublemaker leader is ‘Will’.

‘Wow, really.’

The chick who could die on the battlefield at any moment suddenly became a chicken with a beak of steel.

No, you can’t call it a chicken anymore.

It would be nice to say that I became a beast.

Rem said, hiding his admiration.

“The son of that bastard count. “There must be someone out there with a plan, if you keep doing that.”


Encred, who had already sunk into himself, didn’t care.

No, even if I heard it, I would have ignored it.

Didn’t everyone, not just Rem, say something?

“That brother is hiding something inside.”

Audin was like that too.

Saxony also frowned, saying it was annoying, and Kreis came up with a few hypotheses.

“Why are you here? Broadly speaking, I think there are two things. One is that the Count may covet the captain, and the second is that he is trying to find the captain’s weakness.”

In fact, Kreis said he felt something similar in Edin Molsen’s gaze. A look that seems to be either surveillance or exploration.

Encred also agreed to some parts.

Edin Molsen’s escort showed similar signs, but what was important to Encred was not his eyes.

‘Should I take it out?’

Howie has never shown his skills to the fullest. He noticed that Howie’s eyes sometimes glowed with a cruel glow, and he looked forward to seeing that.

He finally endured it. He didn’t go any further. He didn’t show all of his skills. He did not increase his momentum to a dangerous level.

“That guy knows how to do it.”

Rem said that Howie also stepped into ‘Will’.

So, isn’t it at least the same level as you?

In any case, Howie refused even the request to spar after that.

“I am only Edin Molsen’s bodyguard.”

Then, why did you attack me before that?

It is a test, confirmation, and measurement.

‘For what?’

Encred wondered for a moment whether he should know that.

That won’t be necessary.

That’s why. ignored. Even if Edin Molsen looks at him with strange eyes, he ignores it.

Even if his younger brother looks directly at his face with strange eyes, he ignores it.

Ignore even if the escort wanders around occasionally.

I suggested that Saxony subtly give an order to clean up if it bothers him, but he ignored it.

However, if Edin says he wants to spar, he will deal with him properly.

Several months have passed since Edin Molsen remained in the territory, and now it is time to say that it is cold.

It looked like it would snow soon.

There have been some changes in the meantime.

“I am Theresa the Wanderer.”

The half-blood giant occasionally opened his mouth and muttered to himself.

It’s okay during the day.

It seems like a resolution, a rumination.

However, when he said that in his sleep, he was talking in his sleep while drenched in cold sweat.

Whenever he heard her talking to herself like that, Audín would quietly place his hand on her forehead.

“May you sleep quietly like ashes.”

The God of War is the embodiment of burnt ashes, and he represents him.

Prayer continues.

A follower of the god of war who prays while placing his hand on the forehead of a cultist.

Although it seemed quite out of place, Teresa did not show any dissatisfaction even after waking up.

After waking up, I just blinked, and at the end, I just looked at Encred once and fell asleep again.

It’s a familiar thing now.

Besides that, there were many changes in our daily lives.

Dunbakel decided to do something else instead of being beaten by Lem, and the reason was Lem’s coercion.

“It is right to receive tuition fees.”

Rem claimed that he had taught Dunbakeel, so now he should pay for it.

Dunbakhel did not say that he did not want to go through the whole process.

In fact, she said this to Encred.

“What is that savage?”

It was a difficult question to answer.

‘Crazy guy? A guy with a broken head? A noble slayer? Ax murderer? ‘Crazy axeman?’

Too many things came to mind to choose.

Fortunately, Dunbakhel did not wait for an answer.

“I have improved my skills.”

After dealing with Dunbakeel himself, Encred was right. In other words, Dunbakel was not criticizing Rem, but was genuinely curious and asked the question.

“It has increased.”

When Dunbakhel whined after being hit hard on the thigh with the blade, he would nod his head with tears in his eyes.


It did increase. Are all beastmen like this?

Or is it because of some golden-eyed legend?

You never know. Also not interested.

I felt Dunbakel’s gaze on me, so I looked in that direction. He had golden eyes.

She was just now thinking of Encred as a monster.

After enduring Rem’s violence, I gained the confidence to win even with my former self.

But Encred went further in the meantime.

‘You’re a genius.’

She was mistaken, but it wasn’t her fault. Because anyone would see it that way.

Above all, it is ‘Will’, but only partially, ‘Will’.

I realized that.

Willpower is the exclusive property of knights, the exclusive property of those with knight-level strength.

That change has come upon Encred.

Looking at Encred like that, Ragnar recognized that the time had come to fill his own shortcomings.

Things I was aware of before but didn’t do because I didn’t have the motivation.

Ragnar did it.

“Kreis, I want a double-layered sword like this.”

“Do you look like someone who will bring something to me if I say I want it? “Then you saw it right.”

In the middle, Kreis counted the weight of the Crona bag Ragna handed over and the number of silver coins in it, and showed a faithful attitude to Crona.

A sword appeared in Ragnar’s hand.

It had no sharp edge and was similar in size and shape to that of a bastard sword, but its weight was several times heavier than an ordinary sword.

And Ragna, holding the sword, picked it up and began swinging it slowly.

There was no speed. Perform each movement slowly, ignorantly and faithfully. I spent more than half of my waking hours like that.

This is a huge advancement, and it would be surprising to anyone who knows Ragnar.

Encred spent most of the time he woke up training, but isn’t this man Ragna?

This guy is the embodiment of a lazy person.

Although it was less than half a day, it was amazing to see him training like that.

Anyway, back in the present, Rem asked Dunbakel for Krona.

Dunbakhel complied with the request without complaint.

“Get some krona.”

Recently, hordes of demonic beasts and monsters have been rampaging around like never before.

It’s winter. It was natural.

When there comes a time when there is a shortage of food, it becomes more rampant.

“Do you think it’s going to snow?”

Kreis said as he cut Ragna’s hair.

Encred silently looked at the sky. Dull dark clouds quietly raised their heads and obscured the sky.

If it gets a little colder, the devil’s secretions will be sprayed.

Well, last year around this time, we had a bit of trouble clearing away the falling snow.


“Training company assemble!”

One word would be enough.

Anyway, life continued even after Prosecutor Rapier left.

Daily life did not change, but the things in it were changing.

Edin Molsen became a long-term guest, and Howie left first, saying he had work to do.

It was a farewell without even a greeting.

The beginning of winter, with the first snow expected to fall soon.

Dunbakel went out to ask for a request to exorcise demonic beasts.

At some point, Finn went out, and was transferred from the independent company to the fairy company commander.

“Can I go?”

It looks more lively when you leave than when you come in, so I guess I’m glad you did.

“Like that.”

Encred said casually.

There is no reason or need to hold onto it.

Teresa came in and Finn left.

But should I say that it is a day where my daily life does not change?

“Independent Company Commander, this is a call!”

In the late afternoon, while I was swinging my sword and sweating even though it was winter, a messenger arrived.

“I said it was urgent.”

After hearing those words, Encred went straight to the battalion commander’s office.


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