Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 241

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241. Teresa is dead.

“… … What the f*ck? Does this make sense?”

Jebikal opened his eyes wide and muttered as if he was dumbfounded.

Encred did not answer and just quietly reflected on what he had done, but another voice answered from behind.

“It happened right before your eyes, you don’t believe it?”

When did you come back? It’s in the back. It was Rem. Did you see the half-breed giant stop?

Everyone’s shoulders were shaking. It was as if he had sprinted at full speed.

Everyone, including Marcus, stood.

Even though they were out of breath, several archers were shooting arrows into their longbows.

If I made a mistake, I was ready to shoot right away.

Those aiming at the giants may not be great archers, but they will have no problem hitting them.

Some of those who were skilled with bows turned their protest towards Encred.

“Don’t put decorations on the back of the captain’s head while shooting, just stay still.”

Rem speaks to them.

“Leave that warrior alone too.”

Encred also said.

A few archers who saw the half-blood giant slowly relaxed their protest.

I couldn’t shoot the arrow because there was already a hostage right next to me. Isn’t that hostage the one Encred saved himself?

“Is that a cut?”

Despite the distance, the cutting flames were clearly visible. Even if you don’t want to see it, it’s not at the level where you can’t see it.

Cryce muttered and Encred thought it was time to shrug, but he didn’t. He still had the enemy standing before his eyes.

“Haha, what is this? really.”

Jebikal let out a helpless laugh. He took the lives of many people just by hiding and then unfolding the sword he opened.

In the meantime, I saved the scroll. This was like an extra life.

I’ve seen people dodge fireballs created by spells before. There was also a guy like that. Yes, you should avoid it. It is normal for an average swordsman to be busy avoiding things.

Avoidance was expected.

However, you will be surprised, so if a gap arises as a result, use the fastest knife to cut through the gap.

It was a deadly tactic, a last resort.

Why are you cutting that? Why is that cut? A fireball made from a spell cuts?

‘Beat? Cut it? ‘Is that really a cut?’

Jebikal was mesmerized. For a moment, he was taken out of his senses by seeing something so absurd.

“It was okay.”

“When did it come?” said the blond-haired guy with a languid expression. He stood next to Encred.

“Ah, are you here?”

Encred asked casually.


Ragna answered.

They weren’t just people to watch. Encred silently looked ahead. The question seemed to be what to do now.

“Yes, I lost.”

Jebikal spoke as if admitting it and searched his arms again.

Looking at that, Ragna let out a rare remark.

“I said we’d wait and see.”

“Okay, see you again.”

What I took out of my pocket was a new scroll.

Another fireball?

Encred reacted and some of the archers were wondering whether they should shoot like this.


There was Ragna, kicking the ground.

It approaches as if flying. It’s so fast that the image becomes blurred.

As I rushed forward, I saw the swallow knife quickly tearing up the scroll.


Beyond the torn scroll, Ragna also split the air diagonally, just as Encred saw it.


A strange sound remained in the air.


A dull noise followed.

“I said we’d wait and see.”

Ragna spoke above him. What created the dull noise was the floor. Encred, who saw what had fallen, silently nodded.

Ragna, who says we will wait and see, is not ignoring him, and the lazy person who said that is quite cruel.

That scroll seemed to be related to some sort of spatial movement.

Because only the half body of Jebi Kal, who had disappeared, remained on the floor.

The lower body was gushing out internal organs and blood.

The rest of his upper body was engulfed in light and disappeared in a flash.

* * *


The success rate of the space escape scroll was slightly more than half.

If anything goes wrong, you’re bound to end up in a strange place, but this time, you succeeded.

However, the blade that came before that cut right through the middle of the spell.


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Jebikal’s eyes rolled back in excruciating pain.

I couldn’t even confirm if it was a side effect of the magic or an aftereffect of the knife cut.

I couldn’t see because of the magic.

After the aftereffects had subsided, I felt terrible pain and looked down, and there was nothing under my stomach.

“100 million.”

No one can survive losing half their body.

Blood and intestines flow on the floor. There is nothing I can do about this. Even if a high-ranking priest comes, recovery is impossible.

The swallow calf that was crawling on the ground died in such a remote wasteland.

Blood was foaming at the mouth, and half of the body was gone.

Soon several bald-headed eagles flew over the dead body, and then crows flocked in.

* * *

“What about over there?”

Benjens asked. The words were directed at a half-breed giant who was so large that it was burdensome.

“I have no intention of fighting any more. “Kill him.”

The giant’s still strong voice vomited. It’s dull. A rough, yet strangely pleasant voice to listen to.

Encred took a deep breath and approached.

“Even if there were circumstances, I think it was a dirty act?”

At the sudden remark, the half-blooded giant knelt on the floor and raised his head.

“The one who sent me was the bishop of the Holy Land Church of Magic.”

With those words, her identity was revealed. She is someone who must be killed.


Encred does not swing his sword at first.

Marcus thought as he looked at Encred.

why? Do you want to lock him up and torment him?

I think it would be best to kill him.

“Those who betray the religion will die. It all happened like that. So I will die here.”

The mixed race giant continued.

Encred looked at her silently.

A cultist.

I don’t think it happened because I wanted to. More than anything, the last thing caught my eye.

I turned around saying I couldn’t do it, and the moment a fireball exploded due to the scroll, I blocked the hostage with my body.

What if she didn’t block it with her body? She thought the hostage might be dead.

Even now, I could see tanned hair and blistered forearms.

It’s a burn.

Are cultists people who risk their lives to save people?

“Do I really have to kill him?”

Juri, the piss-filled virgin, has finally opened her mouth. Those are the first words that came out.

“You must die.”

The answer came from a mixed race giant. Marcus handed the choice over to Encred. In fact, what he did here was very small.

“There will be tracking of the cult. “Be careful in everything.”

Despite the giant’s concerns, Encred had no answer.

“why? “Can I do it?”

It was about time for Rem, who was inferior, to intervene. The words she said as she hoisted her ax onto her shoulder were nothing short of a mess.

“If I don’t die, will I be chased by cultists?”

Encred asked, hearing that he had to die.

“Surely, there is something more dangerous to them than an apostate.”

The answer came back.

Believing in a cult is difficult and difficult, and there is no way to make someone leave once they have joined. No, even if it exists, it is very rare.

But why does this woman seem like she wants to get rid of all social gatherings?

“Do you want to repent, sister?”

Audin, who was watching, asks.

“My name is Teresa.”

The name was grandiose. The name Teresa has the meaning of sacred.

“They have no gender, they are born and raised within a sect, and they fulfill their duties within it.”

There seems to be no faith. It looked like it was full of agony. I felt only worry and regret from those words and facial expressions.

“I will now go in peace to death.”

She muttered to herself. She was not talking about a cult temple.

Encred raised his sword.

“What do you want to do when you are reborn?”

The blade reflects light. It is a sharp and strong sword. He could easily cut off the head of a giant, so there would be no problem with the head of a mixed-race giant.

The giant answered.

“Fight and fight, I will live to prove myself.”

Talk and laugh.

It was a nice, cool smile.

Encred also really liked her.

And swung the sword.


So fast that it doesn’t leave any afterimages.

Cultist Teresa died from the sword swung like that.

* * *

“Well, is it okay to do this? “Are you blindfolded?”


Encred nodded at Chrys’s words.

It was a sign that everything would be okay. In fact, Encred didn’t know either.

This is more of an impulsive choice. It was not a calculated action.

It was similar to the previous Dunbakhel revival.

“No, is it really okay?”

“I don’t know.”

“Aren’t you too worried?”

“Is that so?”


Rem joined in on the simple conversation that took place inside the dorm.

He came between Encred and Chrys, put his arms around both shoulders, and asked at the same time as putting his arms around his shoulders.

“why. Who is going to argue? They say no? say it This body huh? “I’ll just take a good picture of it.”

‘Take a deep breath’.

That won’t happen. Kreis thought so.

Who would be dissatisfied?

There is a place in this unit where only men who discuss who is the strongest gather.

Inside the barracks, they were revered and called the Madman Company.

And new personnel were added there.

It’s a woman wearing a mask.

“I want to keep my name as is.”

It’s Teresa.

Former cult member.

Now, um, what should I say?

“After wandering around the continent my whole life, I decided to settle down. I’m counting on you.”

It is said that he was born again.

They say that with death, the past is forgotten.

I thought it would be weirder to obediently comply. What on earth is this woman thinking?

“Oh, I don’t know.”

Kreis also no longer spoke with any concern.

So what do you do?

The captain will do whatever he wants anyway.

It was the captain who persuaded the woman that she should be killed by cutting into the air and, more accurately, by cutting off her singed hair.

“Die on the battlefield, if that’s what you want.”

It’s not like I said it for a long time.

The mixed-blood giant readily complied.

“You’re going to take responsibility for me?”

“Take responsibility yourself.”

“You’re going to get into trouble with a cultist? “It will attack you endlessly.”

“… … “Did you come to have a friendly meal?”

Teresa also came to kill. Cultists are already enemies. They defined Encred as their enemy.

That’s why he said it with a face that didn’t show the slightest worry. Did that face move Teresa’s heart?

You never know. just.

“You will regret it.”

“huh. I will not.”

After this trivial conversation, she just accepted her death.

“As of today, cult member Teresa is dead.”

That was the end.

Battalion Commander Marcus didn’t say anything either. He didn’t even ask if it was okay to take him. There was no question as to whether I was worried about cultists.

I just left it alone.

‘It’s really none of my business.’

By the way, the captain is as devilish as ever.

These are Kreis’ random thoughts.

“let’s go.”

Today was training day again, and Encred led the troops.

I remember a rapier swordsman sneaking in before.

Is it because discipline within the unit has become lax?

When hostages are taken, there is a soldier who becomes one of the hostages.

“I decided not to behave like that again, Bell!”

Once I got caught, I got motivated.

Encred spoke to all the soldiers gathered at the parade ground.

“It will allow everything to be reborn.”

They said they would only give me training that was bearable, but it was hell.

But it allows me to be reborn.


“It is here.”




“Yes, brother.”

With three instructors.



“Knock down anyone who challenges you.”

Dunbakhel, an assistant instructor specializing in violence.

“Theresa the Wanderer.”


Some of the soldiers shook their shoulders at the voice of the mixed-blood giant who answered calmly.

This is an answer that feels extremely powerful.

“I won’t say anything even if you kill me halfway.”

What, is this like a death sentence?

Belle felt her motivation slowly fading.

I really wanted to run away.

‘Should I retire?’

This is a thought I mutter to myself. Of course, it wasn’t just Bell.

I felt like I wanted to run away from everything.

Before I could just run, but now I had to run carrying a backpack that was twice as heavy as before.

There was no break from morning to evening.

What about sparring in between?

“I chose you today. “The hitting feels good!”

Rem grabbed anyone and hit them.

It was no different from other people.

“Your legs feel loose. I will help you up. “Brother.”

Isn’t it normal to lift someone up by holding their arms and pulling them?

Why are you trying to make it happen?

Most of the soldiers wanted to go to work.

That time is the only rest.

Desertion while on duty is unthinkable.

No, there is no such thing as neglect of work.

Did you say someone broke into the barracks earlier?

Did you say it was something that could never be tolerated again?

Hostages there? Is this okay?

A soldier taken hostage?

Because of that, Bell was criticized here and there for a while.

“Is this all because of Bell?”

That kind of talk went around among the soldiers for a while.

In reality, Bell was half-dead and had no ears to hear the rumors.

Training and the occasional strangers who visit.

This is Encred’s daily life.

Training is the same.

However, there were some things that got in the way of my daily life.

“Once more!”

Edin Molsen.

Because the Count’s prodigal son, who should have gone home, did not return.

Behind him, the guy who looked like a brother and the guard were still there.

“Aren’t you going back to the estate?”

If you ask Encred after attacking him several times and knocking him down.

“It’s none of your business.”

Edin Molsen seemed to have no intention of leaving.

Is there some purpose?

Encred didn’t care.

Winter was approaching. It was the most difficult season in the Penn-Hanil book.

“Do you drink alcohol?”

As the cold wind hit, Edin Molsen collapsed and asked, and Encred answered honestly.

“I don’t have time for that.”

A man who is more passionate about training than drinking, that is Encred.

“You are definitely crazy.”

Edin revealed Encred’s identity.

It wasn’t wrong.

Someone who looked like him came up to Edin, who was lying down, and then got up and asked.

“Is this best?”

“I think it will be one of the best.”

“Is that so?”

Edin smiled vaguely at the words of his brother, who had a gloomy face.

A smile with one eye swollen blue was not very attractive.

As soon as the escort approached, the two fell silent.

It wasn’t something I should say in front of the escort.

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