Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 24

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24. Three

“Is the wind blowing this way now? But can you see that the short grass here is lying in the opposite direction and has a round shape?”

Enri steps on the bottom of the long grass. He pushed aside the long grass and showed the land full of shorter grass.

Enri opened her mouth when she saw the traces in the grass.

“I see.”

Encred answered and looked at the floor carefully.

Now that I say it, I understand, but if you ask me to find it on my own, well, I don’t think it will be easy to find it.

This was the tall grass field.

If you look around, you will see a feast of green.

A bard traveling around the continent saw a plain near here in midsummer and named it Green Pearl.

It meant a green pearl.

Among them, the long grass field seemed darker, like a deep sea.

It’s worth it.

This damned grass field wasn’t a very pleasant place for humans to wander around.

If you let your guard down, the grass swaying in the wind will not cover your cheeks or eyes and will crash into them.

Grass bugs attach to your body from all directions.

Crickets and katydids jumped out and jumped around, and occasionally frogs were seen in places where there was stagnant water.

As I was looking at the frog, I thought of the frog that kicked me.

Of course, I know that Frog says they are completely different creatures from frogs.

If you actually kill a frog in front of them, they don’t react. But if you say you’re going to burst his heart out, his eyes will light up and he’ll rush at you.

‘A blow to the side.’

I reflexively blocked it, but was knocked out with just one hit.

How much time will it take to match Frock’s strength?

Not now though.

Will I be able to fight that proc someday?

I have doubts. Can not help it. Just because you don’t give up doesn’t mean you don’t doubt.

But there was also no time for doubt.

At that time, I will swing my sword one more time.

Encred immediately brushed away any negative thoughts he had.

There is no time to worry about things like that.

Because it’s foolish to waste your mental energy on something that can’t be solved right now.

With that in mind, I listened to Enri’s explanation again.

This soldier, a former grassland hunter, was quite positive.

I thought it would happen no matter what kind of idiot the squad leader did.

He turns to Encred and tells him to hold back.

Of course, Encred didn’t have to endure it in the first place.

He’s used to doing that too.

Even in this situation, Enri showed off his skills as a hunter and kept looking at various things.

It was a fun story to hear.

“There isn’t much animal waste. “Why?”

Enri tilted her head.

“Is that a problem?”

Encred asked, pushing away the long, thick blades of grass that kept collapsing over his head with his hands.

“This grass field may look like a useless weed field to people, but in reality, it is not like that. “It’s like a treasure trove of natural blessings for those who rely on this grass as their staple food, so there are usually a lot of traces of animals left, but now it’s rare.”

There are few beasts. why? En Creed, who was listening intently, picked a grass bug off his cheek with his fingers.

I saw something that wasn’t even a leech sticking out its snout to suck blood.

When I saw the bugs and the grass blocking my view, I had the urge to take a sharp-edged scythe and cut them down.

“Shh, you talk too much. you.”

The scout squad leader looked behind him and said.

He looked at the crickets passing before his eyes and frowned.

But no complaints.

‘This is surprising again.’

I thought he was going to be really annoyed and ask me what he was talking about when he asked me to come.

It is said to be a feast of green, but if you look closely, there are many places where the grass has faded to light brown.

It is a sign that fall is coming soon.

In winter, this rich grassland disappears as if it is falling asleep, leaving only traces.

And when the weather warms up again, tall grass grows again using the dead grass as nutrients.

This happens every year, every year.

‘Die and grow again.’

Is it the providence of nature?

So what happens to you?

Today’s repeat.

Even if I try not to think about it, it keeps wandering through my mind. She had no choice.

I can’t ignore the repetition of the day.

However, Encred only clearly decided on the route.

‘Use everything that is available.’

If so, this is also the same.

I don’t think it’s a blessing.


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Even if it’s a curse, nothing will change.

While walking through the grass for quite some time, someone tapped Encred on the shoulder.

It wasn’t Enri.

This is the soldier who was clinging to the squad leader.

“Our squad leader may seem very immature, but please understand. That’s because there’s a reason. “I need to make a contribution, but they only send me to places like scouts, so it’s a frustration of desire.”

Suddenly this is something else.

“You’re also the squad leader. “Thank you for forgetting about that asshole.”

What strange timing.

Even with that thought in mind, Encred roughly accepted the apology.

What’s good about blushing while performing a mission together?

There’s no need to blush.

Encred still had the same thoughts.

What I am saying is that I would rather invest a little more time in training rather than expend my mental energy on this.


“Your generosity is wide. “Squad leader.”

The soldier who said that smiled. He had faded blond hair and a face that was good at fighting.

So, he is the opposite type from Wang-nun.

To put it more simply, it was ugly.

I nod my head and turn around again.

As a habit, focus on hearing.

At exactly that moment, an alien sound caught my ear.

Booth. Sigh! Crunchy.

After learning from Saxony, the consistent training paid off.

‘It sounds different?’

The ten scouts walked close together, with their shoulders not touching, but enough to see each other’s backs.

The sound of them plowing through the tall grass was now familiar.

But the sound I heard now was different.

It was a sound heard further away.

It was clearly the sound of someone tearing up the grass.

Meanwhile, the sound of the animal screeching and the sound of stepping on the grass were mixed together.

It’s a person.

There was no way it was an ally.

Longari Grass Field itself is land that does not have much utility value.

The meaning is that there is enemy territory beyond this damn grass field.

However, as soon as you leave Longari Grassland you are in the plains, so there is no place to hide.

So moving through this isn’t a very smart move.

So does this mean that the other side had a squad leader just as stupid as ours and sent a scouting party?

“There are people other than us.”

Encred said. Then the soldier in front of him who looked good at fighting blinked.


The expression on his face asks what he is talking about. She frowned and tilted her head to one side.

“I think I heard that too.”

Enri helped from the right.


When Encred stopped walking, the scout squad leader standing in front stepped back and approached and asked.

“The enemy.”

I said this as soon as I heard it, but recognizing this was another matter.

ping! puck!

The enemy’s attack struck me before I even realized it was an enemy.


The squad leader retreated and a short arrow was inserted into the head of the leading soldier.

Hold the direction of the shot by sound.

My eyes scanned the shape of the arrow.


It’s a short arrow, good to use at close range. It’s not for shooting from a longbow.


The conclusion is coming soon. Encred opened his mouth as soon as a hole was made in the head of the soldier in the lead.

“Get down!”

At the same time, he grabbed the squad leader by the collar and pulled him down.

“100 million!”

The squad leader let out a groan.

As I lay down on the floor, I immediately heard a loud noise.

‘Front, right and left.’

Even if you lower your posture and avoid the first shot, death is a foregone conclusion.

So what should you do?

I have to run out. You have to find a direction and drill through it. Then you shouldn’t stop.

Encred lowered his body to the point where his stomach touched the floor and launched himself towards one side.

Let’s go!

The bush moves to the side, alerting the enemy to his movements.

Naturally, countless crossbow arrows flew in.


Enri shouted in surprise. He appeared suicidal.

Faba Park.

It may have been half luck, but Encred avoided most of the bolts.

One bullet landed in my left shoulder, but the enemy was still in sight.

I cut the small amount of tall grass to an appropriate amount to secure space to move.

Between the bushes, I saw a guy wearing green clothes and holding a crossbow in his hand.

As soon as he sees it, he draws his sword.

‘Anytime, in any position.’

Launching the best attack.

I acted according to what I had learned.

Kick the ground and close the distance. The enemy attempted to reload his crossbow.

It was a wrong decision.

As soon as the sword reached range, Encred stamped the ground with his left foot and delivered a one-handed thrust.

The tip of the arming sword in his hand flew through the air and grazed the nape of the enemy’s neck.

The sharp blade split the thin skin of the nape of the neck.

Blood spurted out from where the knife had passed, and soon thick fresh blood began to pour out.

The soldier with his throat cut fell down, holding his neck.

Encred didn’t stop.

It immediately moved to the left as if jumping out.

This is not the distance to shoot a bolt. The blade of the spear flew towards my chest.

Encred pretended to rush forward, then stopped in place and let the enemy’s spear pierce the air.

I could see the infantry javelin and the eyes of the soldier who heard it.

Eyes filled with strange excitement and surprise.

These are the eyes of a soldier on the battlefield.

A crossbow, a javelin, and clothes dyed green.

It was armed to plan an ambush.

After putting the information that caught my eye in my head for a moment, I took another step forward and swung sideways.

The enemy soldier holding the short spear stepped back, dodged the path drawn by the sword, and hurled out the recovered short spear again.

Encred saw the javelin stabbing straight at him, and instead of dodging, he pivoted with his right foot.

He spins half a circle in place and stabs the sword again.

It was a strike that combined the actions of dodging, stabbing, and offense into one.

The sword pierced the enemy’s torso. I sighed and felt a heavy repulsive force in my grip.

The opponent’s armor was all thick cloth armor.

It wasn’t difficult to cut through if you had the right amount of strength, skill, and a sharp blade.


The enemy soldier with a sword stuck in his abdomen dropped his javelin and grabbed Encred’s sword with both hands.

The guy’s hand was cut and blood flowed.

‘I can’t take it out right away.’

Think briefly and act quickly.

This is an iron rule for surviving on the battlefield.

Let go of the sword held by the opponent and pick up the javelin that fell on the floor.


Meanwhile, another enemy soldier swung his crossbow as a club.

Thanks to his prone posture, the crossbow grazed over Encred’s head.

The arming cap he had been wearing instead of a helmet got caught on the end of the crossbow and came off.

When the cold air touched me, my scalp felt refreshed.

Encred stabbed the spear he had picked up into the visible instep. It was an act of making a beautiful decoration on the feet of an enemy soldier wielding a crossbow.



Pain causes screams. A scream attracts attention.

Therefore, screaming was appropriate as a way to lower the morale of the enemy soldiers.

He rushed forward, grabbed the knee on the other side where the spear was not stuck, and bent it in the opposite direction.



This is a skill learned from a religious squad member.

It was incredibly clumsy, but it wasn’t the time to worry about such things.

Encred pulled out the shortsword from the fallen man’s waist.

Then, he straightened his back, took a stance, and pointed the shortsword at the neck of the guy who had a javelin stuck in the top of his foot.


Before the guy could resist, I gently pushed the blade in and pulled it to the side.


I felt resistance in my grip and it cut into my skin.

There was a gurgling sound of boiling blood bubbles.

The decapitated soldier grabbed his neck with his hands and fell to his knees.

I was completely out of breath. En Creed knelt down and crouched behind the dying soldier, using the enemy soldier as a shield before catching his breath.

‘One side for now.’

It was surrounded on three sides.

One of them is left open.

Now, if you get caught, you have a chance to escape.

“… … “You said you were the lowest-ranking soldier?”

Then, Enri, who was behind me, spoke.

“That’s right.”

After taking a breath and answering, Enri shook her head.

“Are you saying this is the lowest level soldier?”

“Damn, I’m an asshole.”

In the meantime, the scout squad leader said something stupid.

What are you really thinking?

“Go back, don’t step forward.”

A soldier who looked good at fighting blocked the squad leader’s path.

There were four who survived.

The remaining scouts were all killed.

There seemed to be about twenty enemy soldiers glaring in front of me right now.

“… … “What the heck.”

Azpen’s enemy soldier opens his mouth. He takes one look at Encred in surprise, then takes another look at the group of dead soldiers.

There are three dead soldiers.

Encred didn’t care whether the other person was surprised or not.

As always, just find the best move you can in the current situation and do it.

Crossbows are still a threat.

The number of enemies is large.

He lost his sword.


It was time to use the Valencian mercenary sword, Julhaengrang.

Encred turned and ran without hesitation.


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