Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 239

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239. That wasn’t bad either.

There is a will that is visible in words and actions.

Because Encred’s will was visible, Encred’s words also gained strength.

It means that everyone has retreated.

I said I would protect it. If he said so, he is the kind of person who would do it.

What if I fail? That was something to think about at that time.

Ragna was the last to take his steps.

I looked at the swallow knife silently before leaving, and only after spitting out a word did I turn around.

“See you later.”

Jebikal ignored it.

Encred thought it would be a bad idea to ignore that.

‘It’s also rare that Ragna says he’ll see you later.’

It’s not a common sight.

So the people retreated and became far out of sight.

When Encrud was left alone, Jebikal opened his mouth again with a smileless tone and face.

“It’s amazing, very.”

The smile disappeared from Jebikal’s face. He looked calm.

Even then, Encred just watched silently with his sword drawn.

“Let’s begin.”

Jebikal said. There was silence for a very moment.

Because nothing happened.

It could have been embarrassing, but Jebikal just twisted the corner of his mouth and smiled.

Encred looked at the other person’s face and thought it looked like a smile that was being squeezed.

The original operation started with a mixed-race giant charging in. After that, a swallow knife rushed in, looking for an opening.

But the mixed race giant did not move.


Encred asked quietly. The intention was to alleviate the feeling of embarrassment, but the intention did not reach its original destination.

“f*ck, you just shut up.”

Swallow glared at the mixed-race giant. The giant was standing with his helmet on. He didn’t look aside.

If the two of them join hands, they can kill him, but why is she doing that again?

Of course, Jebikal did not just trust and attack the mixed-race giant.

He also had items in his arms to prepare for dangerous moments.

‘If you use it incorrectly, it will result in a goal.’

Just use it well. It goes without saying that the more dangerous a tool is, the more lethal it is if used properly.

When the mixed-blood giant did not move even after telling him to start, Jebikal opened his mouth again.

“Let’s go.”

This is a urging word. Only after hearing those words did the mixed-blood giant raise his shield without saying a word.

Encred looked at the mixed race giant.

The helmet covered the face. The visor had only one horizontal line, so I could barely see the eyes, but the other person’s eyes were thin and small, so I couldn’t see their eyes either.

But that didn’t mean I couldn’t feel the atmosphere.

Even if people don’t say anything, their feelings can be revealed through their attitude.

“You don’t want to fight?”

Encred asked while facing him.

While sparring, the mixed race giant became excited without knowing it, and Encred also felt it.

It was a long time ago, before today was repeated, but the memory was clear. Because some memories are not easily forgotten.

It was a different matter than forgetting Edin Molsen’s name.

“I’m just doing my duty.”

The mixed-blood giant answered. A husky voice rang out through the helmet. I can tell she’s a woman, but her voice is uniquely rough.

She immediately put up her shield. It is a gray iron wall.

As soon as you put up your shield, lean over and kick the ground. Her immense thigh muscles and ankle strength propelled her body forward, lifting off the dirt.


The sound of hitting the ground became a roar and resounded in the air.

At the same time, the body of the mixed-blood giant was immediately crushed by Encred.

It felt like a huge mountain was pushing in.

Originally, the mixed race giant also gave this technique a name, ‘Landslide’.

The tilted shield hit Encred as it was.

It looks like it’s going to come down from above.

Encred activated one point of concentration at once.

A strange experience where the surroundings slow down, a form of technology that consumes the concentration that we have now become accustomed to.

Even when immersed, the speed at which the shield attacks is excellent and superior.

I decided that it would be impossible to repel them just by tilting my shield towards the sky and charging at them.

So, what should I do?

If you can’t accept it, how about letting it go?

The opponent was less excited, but Encred was not. This is when you try to move your body in accordance with the shield charge and landslide.

I felt a killing prick in the back of my head. My sixth sense kicked in. The sensitivity to evade automatically entered a state of readiness.

That Jebikal guy was playing a trick. Encred wasn’t bad either

‘It sounds like fun.’

That’s why. There was a smile on her face, and when Zombal saw it, he felt like he was going to turn away in displeasure.


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The killing intent that had been suppressed for so long soared for a moment.


Jebikal, who was muttering to himself, put his hand on the belt and spread it forward.

In fact, it is the weapon that gave him his current nickname.

It was a soft sword, a flexible sword made of thin soft iron.

It was wrapped around my waist. What appeared to be her belt turned into a sword and stretched out in front of her.

It was half times longer than a normal longsword. It looked like an iron whip with a sharp end.


With the sound of the thin blade sloshing, the tip of the sword flew like a poisonous snake, aiming for the back of Encred’s head.

Encred was just raising his left hand to the shield that was rolling in like a landslide.

* * *

“I keep thinking that this is because of me.”

Kreis muttered, and Rem glanced to the side at the sound.


“A guide map. And even though I knew it, I left it sloppy.”

Kreis drew a map of the inside of the territory and sold it.

The map would have been a means of guiding them to the territory, and it would have been better if they had used the Gilpin Guild to monitor it.

Because we can’t have guild members dying in droves against powerful players.

I considered practicality. I said this because it was something that was on my mind.

“If that’s the case, then the battalion commander should be responsible, right?”

Finn said from behind. Dun Bakel was by her side, but this prisoner seemed to have no thoughts.

I just ask with doubt.

“Can I just leave it behind?”

Rem reacted to those words.

“Well, if I don’t leave it behind, will you secretly go and help me? Are you confident you won’t get caught?”

It is said that some beastmen are born with the instinctive talent of hunters, but this was not Dunbakel.

She is a warrior, not a hunter.

“I think it will take a while.”

“Then why are you talking about it?”

“If he dies, there is no reason for me to be here.”

It’s really amazing to see this revealed and talked about like this.

Doesn’t that mean he stayed here after only seeing Encred?

Lem thought and kicked Dunbakel’s calf with a lower kick. As all his training had not been in vain, Doon Vakel lifted his leg out of instinct and twisted it to block Rem’s foot.


There is shock, but little pain. Haven’t you been exposed to brutal violence?

This is now blocked.

“Well done, beastman. And stop worrying. “Do you have time to worry?”

Afterwards, Rem harshly criticized Dunbakkel’s skills.

“Who cares about an animal that can’t even protect itself? Who? Captain? yes? Are you worried about the captain who recently discovered Will? Are you confident that you can go there and beat that strange pervert with a knife? Oh, you don’t have any? But are you going to attack me? It’s not that the head is broken, but that you left it somewhere? “Why do you wear a headpiece that can’t even be used as a helmet holder?”

It’s not a perfect rhyme from the beast to the helmet rack, but it’s a poem that fits amazingly well.

“Four and a half stars.”

Kreis evaluated the work of a poet named Lem.

Although he was worried, he believed in Kreis. He felt burdened that it happened because of him, but he believed.

If I had noticed it right away, I should have defended myself more tightly. I regret it. A brief moment of regret was enough.

The reality is right in front of you, so you have to face it.

If it had already happened, Kreis decided to believe it.

Isn’t it the captain who stepped forward and no one else?

Kreis still hasn’t forgotten the back of the captain who saved him.

‘He’s such a leader.’

Moreover, Encred’s skills have improved to an unbelievable level in recent years. improved. Moving upward.

So I believe it.

Above all, just before retreating, the moment he saw the black-haired man standing under the blue sky, two words came to Kreis’ mind without realizing it.


What kind of person is a knight?

This is not a term that only refers to those with superior military power.

‘A knight is someone who protects.’

As Encred once said, if he says he will protect it, he will protect it.

“Anyway, the plague.”

Rem grunted and then stopped. She went a long way away.

Worrying and watching are two different things. It was a pity that it was so far away that I couldn’t see it properly.

This was especially true for the lazy bastard next to me.

This is an attitude that is rarely overflowing with motivation these days. This is truly a rare sight for a crazy lazy person.

As soon as Ragna stopped, he turned around and got ready.

In Rem’s view, it was preparation.

He didn’t even draw his sword, but just stood tall and turned his head towards Encred.

‘That’s preparation.’

If you make a mistake, you will run straight away. It seemed that way. I don’t think there will be anything wrong with it.

“Father will protect you.”

Audin muttered from the side. It’s the same prayer as usual. Saxony disappeared immediately.

As soon as it goes out of the visible range, it becomes a wild cat.

Esther didn’t even follow.

Coincidentally, the wizard who turned into a human today spoke.

“busy. “Don’t be a bother.”

That’s it. These were the words of a beautiful woman with blue eyes without any worries. A great man whose face has a unique mystery that makes you recognize him as a wizard.

However, on the outside, he is still a shy person who pretends to be a leopard.

‘He pretended not to be interested and didn’t even come out of the captain’s arms.’

As Rem was giggling while thinking about that, he saw someone quickly approaching from the other side.

“Is that true? “You took a hostage?”

It’s Battalion Commander Marcus and a bunch of quick-footed soldiers. Archers were the majority. The Venjens platoon leader was also seen.

As soon as the incident occurred, only a few people, including Rem, moved, and after receiving the report, Marcus brought the archers.

“Yes, but you don’t have to worry. They say they will kill the hostage once you get close, so you have to wait here.”

Kreis stepped forward and answered.

But because of this, the battalion commander himself came.

Actually, if you have realized ‘Will’, are you now a high-quality human resource?

Rem thought about that and looked at the back of Kreis’s head as he spoke.


“What kind of nonsense is that? Are you going to trade a commander for a few hostages!”

Edin Molsen, who followed Marcus, stepped forward. His hair is faded blonde, close to yellow hair. The guy came out and shouted as if scolding me.

“Lead the way now! “I will come forward and punish this guy!”

Since when did you start worrying about your captain like that?

Edin Molsen snorted excitedly. She looks no different than usual, smiling. But this time she’s doing it because she’s thinking of En Creed, so she’s just amazed.

“Leave it alone.”

Rem had no choice but to come forward and speak.


Edin Molsen’s eyebrows rose. He’s a guy who has a knack for getting angry with his face.

It’s inconvenient, but I can’t kill that nobleman’s son again.

That was a real accident.

Rem spoke patiently.

“Just leave it alone, nothing will happen.”

It was a tone close to confidence.

What kind of bullshit is that?

Edin said with his face. Rem exercised his patience once again and opened his mouth.

“Oh, it’s okay.”

Encred’s last sparring partner was Rem.

I lost an ax while fighting him, and I knew it at the same time.

‘No threat.’

The mixed race giant’s skills are not bad, but they are no match for Jebikal.

And if it’s Encred now.

‘It’s not even a task to fight a half-blooded giant and take that stupid guy’s head off.’

Hasn’t the sinister wild cat already moved there?

“Just watch for a while and then go see the sights.”

Even though Rem said it again, Edin had no reason to step down.

“Get out of the way. “Insolent barbarian.”

This was the moment when Edin uttered sharp words and took a step forward.

A gruesome creature decapitates Edin. Edin thought he was dead. No, he came close to death.

The thing that stopped it was Edin’s escort.

“That’s too much.”

“I keep telling you to listen, okay? “Is it okay to cross the line and do that?”

Rem grunted and said.

What was it a little while ago?

Edin stroked his neck. Intimidating? Or something similar?

“Did you know how to write originally?”

Howie asked.

This is a question that only Rem will understand. No, even Audin understood.

Ragna seemed uninterested. Still she turned her body toward Encrid. She didn’t care who came after her.

“I saw it this time and tried to imitate it.”

Is coercion something you can imitate just by looking at it?

The guard thought his opponent was playing a trick on him, but he did not draw his sword easily.

This is not the time to cause internal strife.

“The captain said he would protect and save you. “Wait for this.”

Rem spoke again. Marcus did not open his mouth in response to that bloody momentum.

I decided that it would be better to keep my mouth shut than to be embarrassed by saying something like a battalion commander or a commander.

Truly behaving like a politician.


Marcus summed up the situation. Edin Molsen lost his temper a few more times, but that was it.

They stopped and waited.

There was no need to wait long for news ahead. He was out of visual range, but that didn’t apply to Rem.

He was able to get a general idea of ​​the situation just by looking at the movement in the distance.

“let’s go.”

Afterwards, Rem said: It seemed like the situation was coming to an end.


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