Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 237

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237. What is an article?

‘It’s not sparring.’

It is a suggestion and an appointment.

‘It seems like this happens often these days.’

Didn’t Marcus also say that?

‘I told you to become a battalion commander.’

I had refused.

And this time it’s a knight.

Encred looked at the man in front of him.

At first glance, he doesn’t seem to be a nobleman from Naulilia.

So does that matter?

It won’t be a problem at all.

Even if you were born in Naurilia, what does it mean to know who your country or nobles are to those born in a rural village?

Those who don’t bother me and don’t bother me are just the best.

In particular, since they were born and raised without ever seeing Nara, it is common for people to live their lives thinking that the lord who rules the surrounding area is the king. He was born and raised in such a village.

Therefore, Encred was not very loyal to his country.

So the reason you don’t answer right away is not out of loyalty.

It wasn’t that I was reluctant to get help from anyone.

I wouldn’t have come this far without advice and help.

In that respect, Encrid felt grateful to Rem, Audin, Ragnar, Saxony, and even Kreis.

But apart from all this, to be honest, Encred felt aggrieved after hearing the proposal.

What can I say, my heart, which was beating so hard, cooled down.

I set out on this path because I thought I would be able to see the man in front of me fighting properly.

That’s why I didn’t care about the pouring rain.

“You haven’t even revealed where it is, should I follow you?”

“You won’t regret it.”

eyes shine The look in his eyes shows that he sincerely believes what he said.

Encred knows that even if the other person has no such intention, it does not necessarily benefit him.

Even a carelessly thrown stone kills a frog.

Whether you had a good or bad intention when you threw the stone, whether you were trying to chase away a snake that came next to you, or whether you were aiming for the head of a frog, a stone is a stone.

More than anything.

‘Do I want to join the Knights?’

Encred looked at the sky for a moment and asked himself.

It didn’t seem like the heavy rain would stop in a day or two.

It’s strong for an autumn day.

The thought was short. It was a problem I couldn’t worry about for long.

Becoming a knight and joining a knighthood are two different things. It was like that from the beginning.

Even if you are envious of the red cape, you don’t have to give up everything to wear it.

It was still the same now.


“refuse? If you haven’t revealed your affiliation, think again. No one can give me a better path than I have now. In particular, if you want to go higher than this, you will have to go to a place where many people are gathered.”

Can I become a knight by joining the Knights Templar?

That’s not it. But the probability of that happening is high.

Those who have reached the so-called knight level are either mercenaries or thieves.

However, the fact that the most knights are produced in the Knights Templar remains unchanged.

At least there are many opportunities to do so.

To a soldier in a border territory who had nothing, it seemed like a line made of gold, an opportunity.

“It’s a better place than the Knights of the Red Riding Hood. “I confirm.”

Swordsman Rapier spoke again, but Encred did not nod.

‘It’s the Knights.’

Yeah, that could be an opportunity.

But can you acquire such skills just by spending time on training and training, just because you are in the Order? Can you get where you want to go? Can I become a knight?

Encred looked back at the path he had taken. Recovery is a part of him. What was the path you took back then?

What brought you to this place?

The best environment given to you without any worries is that you don’t need it.

Let me add to that.

‘I haven’t even seen the end of my subordinates yet.’

Because I received it from them and achieved what I have now, I cannot turn away from it.

It’s time to say no again.

“Among the fairy things, there is one thing you should never touch. Do you know what it is?”

Where did it come from?

Even though Encred’s senses had become extremely sensitive, its existence was vague until he spoke.

The fairy company commander’s voice rang out before his own rejection.

Her face looks brighter than before, probably after washing up. Clothes are also casual clothes. Although the sleeves were long, he was wearing a thin shirt that seemed to flutter in the wind.



It’s Saxony. Did you answer the fairy’s question?

What are they both doing over there?


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Encred and the rapier swordsman turned their heads.

“right. fiance. Do you know what happens if you treat your fairy fiancé poorly?”

“Isn’t it the death penalty?”

I also saw a Rem cub.

You acted like you wouldn’t leave the dorm?

“My Lord and Father. “I tell you again, I hope you don’t take away my precious little company commander.”

Auddin also came out praying.

Since when have they been watching?

It’s on one side of the training ground.

I saw people gathered around Audin.

Audin praying, Ragna with his eyes shining quietly, Rem grinning and spreading murderous spirit, and Saxony next to him.

Esther was at Saxony’s feet, and a golden-eyed beastman also stepped forward.

“If you’re going to go, I’ll go with you.”

Dunbakhel says. She is always sincere and never speaks back. Therefore, wherever En Creed goes, she goes.

The fairy company commander stood one step away from them and looked directly at Encred.

Finally, I heard Finn grunting, probably because he came out late.

“They said they were just going to see the sights. So, are you going?”

The last question is for yourself. En Creed scratched his head.

If you think about it, even though you haven’t done anything for them, they are going out for themselves. He fought, taught, and was by my side until now.

‘What did I say?’

What is an article?

I believe that I am a person who protects honor.

What is an article?

I believe that I am a person with faith.

What is an article?

I believe that he is the one who establishes justice.

That is the chivalry that Encred believes in, follows, and wants to become.

To him, this is honor, faith, and justice.

My loyalty to them is the same as those three.

“If you don’t want to fight, go back. “I will not join your knighthood.”

Encred has already decided on the path to becoming a knight.

From here to here, from the present to the next.

“Well, I didn’t mean to stop you from going.”

At that, Rem said something that wasn’t even meant to be said. Why is there a guy here who won’t stop me?

“Well, I’m better.”

Ragnar spat out something unexpected.

“I am better than any other knight.”

Then he added: It was arrogant and maddening, but Encred had nothing to say because he knew Ragnar’s genius.

Audin just grinned.

“It’s your choice, brother.”

Didn’t you pray to God earlier not to take anything from him?

Even though they said that, if Encred had said he would leave, they would have agreed.

They were also truly amazing people.

Anyway, I decided, I made my choice, and I have no intention of looking back.

That was a man named Encred.


Thunder struck again and blue lightning passed overhead, illuminating the surroundings.

The rapier swordsman, who was looking intently into Encred’s eyes, nodded.

“I don’t think they’ll overturn it.”

Give up. The prosecutor shook his hands. He travels around the continent to find promising people and guide them to his home.

Originally, I would have revealed my affiliation.


‘I thought he would reject me.’

So it wasn’t revealed. Even if I revealed my affiliation, nothing would have changed.

Still, should I say it just in case?

It’s meaningless. He may be less talented than anyone I’ve ever seen, but his eyes were high from the beginning.

That’s why you didn’t try to take him with you.

At that time, I was looking at something other than the sword.

“Beware of the swallows. “I’m not a quiet guy.”

“I understand.”

Encred nodded.

“Don’t abuse Will. If a child who has just started walking continues to run, his or her knees and ankles will all be damaged. “First, strengthen your ankles and then run.”


This is good advice and an added comment.

“Well, I’m leaving now. “I don’t know if I’ll see you again next time.”

It was a needlessly honest greeting.

“See you again.”

Encred spoke in response.

The rapier swordsman turned around. In the end, there was no sparring.

That was just a shame.

“Do you regret not being able to fight now?”

Rem pointed out his thoughts. While Encred was disappointed, he rallied his fighting spirit towards Rem.

“It’s already wet?”

“f*ck, that’s good. “I told you in advance that I couldn’t just treat you like before.”

“I have never looked at you before.”

“That’s natural. Anyway, that guy’s tongue.”

On a rainy night, Encred stood with his sword in hand. Rem took out an ax in front of him.

The two of them ran toward each other, ignoring the darkness and the rain.

As a result, Encred lost again.

“I really can’t look at you anymore.”

This is what Rem said while being hit by the rain.

Fortunately, there was no bloodshed because both of them fought while keeping in mind the circumstances.

‘Rem is.’

You can go higher. There was a hint of something like he was limiting himself.

Encred didn’t ask about it just because he felt it.

It’s all up to me to take care of.

He just decides that he will keep his loyalty to them based on his beliefs, justice, and honor, if that means staying here.

“What if one of the axes breaks?”

Encred’s sword was hard. The sword he swung with great intention broke one of the ax blades.

Rem decided to use that as bait.

“Weren’t you going to buy me another one?”

“I don’t have Crona.”

“I don’t have one either?”

It’s because I told Kreis that he had done something unusual recently.

There isn’t even Crona to fit a single piece of armor.

In the first place, neither Encred nor Rem were people who collected Crona and used it generously.

Naturally, my gaze turned towards the accommodation.

“You big-eyed bastard.”

If Crona wasn’t there, Wangnun would just have to bother Chrys.

Rem decided that way, and Encred did not stop him.

“Will starts now.”

These are the words of Ragna, who was watching the sparring match.

A guy who was so lazy was able to watch while getting caught in the rain.

A wet Esther jumped into my arms at my feet.

“I know.”

I know because I felt it and realized it.

I was at the moment contemplating whether to go to the bathhouse again or just take a quick shower and sleep.

“Independent Company Commander!”

It’s near the entrance to the barracks. It’s already midnight. I can hear a soldier looking for me.

Everyone’s eyes turned towards that.

Even Rem, who had been harassing Kreis after entering the dorm, came out again.

“No, everything is wet. Come in after drying yourself off.”

In between Kreis’s grunting sounds.

“Something happened!”

The soldier found Encred.

I wondered what was happening again.

* * *

His original companions clung to the side of the leaving rapier swordsman.

“You took an unnecessary step.”

To be sarcastic.

“I just wanted it to be fun.”

“Are you sure? But are you just going to leave him behind? “What kind of trick were you using?”

Everyone has their own talents. One of them refers to a crazy bastard named Jebikal.

The prosecutor stroked my chin.

It is a habit that does not go away even though the beard disappears.

“You’ll figure it out.”

It’s not really my job. And, I’m not the kind of guy who can be attacked by something like Jebikal.

‘He’s a bit of an idiot, though.’

“But was it real?”

The subordinate asks. Rapier Swordsman nodded without hesitation.

“It is a talent that is invisible to my eyes.”

This is high praise.

In fact, it has happened over and over again to reach the present, but there is no way for them to notice that.


The subordinate was surprised. These are not words that easily come out of the mouth of a superior I serve.

“So, where do we go now?”

“Let’s go back. To the empire.”

At the prosecutor’s words, the faces of his subordinates also got angry. It was finally my return.


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