Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 236

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236. How to become a knight

Encred’s ‘Will’ was neither complete nor perfect.

It’s convenient. It is a sculpture, a part of it.

Nevertheless, it is ‘Will’.

This is why Marcus was surprised and why the fairy company commander came back immediately after going on a business trip or vacation.

The fairy company commander did not deny that he had come to relax his eyes while in the bathhouse.

“It’s nice to see.”

What she said was an acknowledgment.

“Do you have anything else to say?”

“does not exist.”

I came here just to confirm whether it was true that I literally overcame the pressure.

It’s a strange thing. Encred thought so.

You know what you did was amazing, but is it really worth making such a fuss about?

Moreover, Encred himself knows this.

It’s only a part, a fragment.

Of course, that alone made me feel joy and joy at the same time.

Nothing can give you this much satisfaction.

While I felt fulfilled, I also longed for it again.

‘If this is the beginning.’

That we can go further.

It feels like a faded and torn dream has gone beyond being patched together and has become one with something magical.

‘No, that’s actually true.’

I am thinking about this while scratching my cheek.

The curse that repeats today has brought together the torn fabric of dreams.

Encred didn’t deny it either.


The fairy company commander turned around. She turned around and walked out into the pouring rain.

Encred, who was staring blankly, stroked his hair once.

Along with the thought that that fairy also has a very strange personality.

* * *

No matter how nimble a fairy may be, she cannot escape the rain, so getting thoroughly wet was inevitable.

As he walked, Sinar examined the wound on his side.

‘It hurts.’

All you need to do is apply the medicine and rest for a day or two. At this level, it’s not like there’s anything wrong with it, but it’s still enough to move.

The fairy who was walking with her wounds healed thought of Encred.

Blue eyes staring directly at me while sitting in the bathtub.

I liked the face from the beginning.

so? Was it an opponent you were interested in from the beginning? no. It was clearly just the butt of a joke.

Haven’t you already become a mouth-watering great person?

‘It would be nice to bring him in.’

It may not be as easy as it sounds.

I have just come to take care of the work of a guild that was created with the purpose of recovering the kingdom’s language.

The fairy decided that it would be helpful for her future and what she wanted.

If I couldn’t help, there would be no reason to be here right now.

So, I had just finished some rough and tough work, but as soon as I got back, I heard that Encred had fainted.

No, more accurately, the story was that he fainted, but now he endured it without fainting.

It was something that people who didn’t know wouldn’t know, but people who knew could understand.


‘Will’ cannot be stopped unless it is ‘Will’. It is impossible to resist unless you have the same strength.

If you have endured beyond resistance.


Was that man the butt of the joke? ‘Will’?

Sinar was so shocked that he couldn’t take care of his wounds.

Isn’t it worth it?

She also has eyes. Even though I wasn’t at the level of recognizing the other person’s talent, I knew what state Encred was in.

Even if you were struck by lucky lightning several times, it was impossible.

Nevertheless, no matter what is in front of him, whether it is hardship or crisis, he overcomes it and stands up again and again. How could it not be fun to watch that?

‘He is a man I want to show to the idiots in my hometown.’

When I say I want to take you to my parents, I’m only half sincere.

Aren’t fairy jokes originally meant to hide their true meaning?

“It’s fun.”

Sinar moved his red lips and muttered to himself.

Shoot ahhh.

It was raining hard and not going to stop anytime soon.

Rumble boom!

Thunder was also heard.

The fairy smiled without realizing it.

It’s boring, painful, and the end is bleak, but it has to be done.


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It was rare that I laughed while doing something like that.

But now, isn’t it easy to laugh because of a certain man?

Even though she thought it was a very funny thing, the fairy was satisfied for now.

Is that why I didn’t leave this place even though I should have already?

‘Even if I make excuses like this or that?’

I didn’t know it might be so.

The fairy, Sinar, even took a step forward.

Neither the pain nor what I wanted to accomplish could hold her back now.

She just celebrated inwardly.

This is something that Encred has achieved.

That was enough for now.

* * *

‘I think I’m hurt.’

Encred also has eyes. With my heightened sense of smell, I smelled the scent of blood mixed in with the unique scent emitted by the steam.

I could see it with my own eyes.

If he noticed, other people would definitely notice too.

“It seems like it’s completely gone.”

Rem opens her mouth.


“To the captain. Well, if you have something like that, it’s a devil’s iron.”

I had just gotten out of the bath and had washed off my sweat and other things by pouring water on it.

In that situation, this was what Rem said while looking between Encred’s legs.

“You crazy bastard.”

When Encred answered that question, Rem shook his head and said.

“I lost. “I can’t win this.”

Anyway, this guy is not normal.

Encred kicked Rem’s side. Of course Rem avoided it.

“I come to see you even if I’m sick. “It’s a devilish thing.”

Ragna also said something.

“As expected, you have a face that should open a salon with me, huh, especially that one.”

Chrys also said, looking between Encred’s legs.

“It’s in front of the battalion commander.”

Encred warned us to be careful. Marcus chuckled next to him.

“I’m jealous of that too.”

What do you mean by envy?

That’s how everyone washes up and turns around.

“It seems like you’ve done some pretty rough work. I saw that the fairy was hurt. But it doesn’t look like it’s a major injury, so you can stop worrying about her fiancé.”

Saxony said as the hotel was right in front of him.

Encred listened to what needed to be heard and corrected what needed to be corrected.

“I’m not your fiancé.”


Saxony answered boredly and opened the door to the dorm. Dunbakel and Esther, who were inside, turned their gaze towards this direction.

No, before I knew it, Finn was back too.

“that’s right?”

Finn asked. En Creed knew that the question was directed to him.

Is it ‘Will’? Is it true that I overcame the pressure? This is probably a question about the truth of the rumor.

“Because I’m lucky.”

There was nothing in particular to say.


Finn just opened his mouth to express surprise.

“Then won’t you become a real knight?”

From the first time I saw him, I thought he wasn’t a normal human being, but this is really ‘Will’.

To Finn’s surprise, Encred did not respond.

My dream is to become a knight, and I work towards it.

I never thought about achieving it or not achieving it.

Just crawl and move forward.

That progress has now come to fruition.

It’s time for everyone to settle down to sleep.

A lame joke, Rem’s scolding of Dunbakeel, and when Encred asked where he had been, Finn spewed out nonsense about hanging out with people who were crazy about language.

Finn shook his head, saying he couldn’t go into more detail, and no one was particularly interested.

Encred also asked, but didn’t listen closely.

“If that’s the case, why are you asking? Why are you not interested in me? “Is there such a pretty woman in the same dorm?”

Finn said. Although her hair is a bit dull, she doesn’t have an ugly face.

Thanks to today’s repetition, I can’t even remember her face anymore, but compared to the female thief with the black sword, Finn is definitely a beauty.


Esther snorted next to her. It was a clear laugh to anyone who heard it.

“Even the leopard laughs. “Wash up and go to sleep.”

When Rem laughed and scolded him, Finn started swearing and blaming the sky for pouring rain.

“Damn rain.”

Finn was about to go out to wash up with the horse. As she was about to open the door to her dorm, Saxony grabbed her wrist, and before she knew it, Ester had woken up and was at Finn’s feet.

Rem, Ragna, and Audin also turned their heads.

There, Encred stands in Finn’s way.

Even Dunbakeel must have been feeling the animal’s unique instincts, as he shrugged his shoulders in his seat and showed his fangs.

“… … “What is it?”

This is what Kreis asks, as he was the only one who didn’t notice anything.


Encred answered.

This is the Border Guard barracks. It is not an inn in the city, and it is a place where uninvited guests cannot easily come.

And yet you are a guest.

“Can I see you for a moment?”

While everyone was watching the door, they heard a voice. Encred stepped forward and said.

“You are my guest.”

When I opened the door, I saw a middle-aged man in front of me who was so wet that he looked like a rat caught in the rain.

Rapier swordsman, a man who was once the guard of Lochfrid’s upper tier. He is a man who was intimidated by En Creed during the day and was so surprised after being rejected that he only repeated the word ‘uh’.

“I guess you’ve come to your senses now.”

Rem sarcastically scoffed from behind. Is that like a racial trait?

Anyway, my tongue doesn’t rest. Swordsman Rapier ignored Rem’s words.

“I risked being rude so I could see you one more time.”

I just said what I wanted to say. What a huge shock the daytime incident was to him.

It was a question that could be easily understood just by looking at the current situation.

Not only was it wet from the rain, but the areas under my eyes were black and my cheeks had become saggy in just half a day.

“However much.”

Encred did not refuse.

“I just took a shower. Doesn’t it bother you?”

Kreis asked a practical question. Encred shook his head lightly and answered.

“It can’t be a bother.”

If this bothered you, you should have put down the sword a long time ago.

The person in front of you is precious.

He knows how to use coercion, and I assumed his natural skills would be considerable.

I was already planning on saying that we would have a sword fight again tomorrow.

“Something came up and I have to go tonight. I’m sorry. “I came here even though I knew it wasn’t polite.”

He secretly climbed over the barracks wall during the night.

Of course, they came here to avoid the eyes of the security forces. He is also talented.

Of course, apart from that, Encred decided to increase the training intensity of his troops.

Do you think it would be useful if the opponent was able to get over the wall so easily?

Aside from that, I was also secretly happy at this moment.

“I got sick again.”

No matter what Rem says behind his back, there is someone who came to him to compete.

Was Joy Ivarun?

It’s not that kind of chaff. The impact of that chaff was so great that even though I forgot Edin Molsen’s name, the three letters “Ivarn” remained in my memory.

The other person was someone who wielded ‘will’, and in a sense, it was the same thing as saying that he was a true quasi-knight.

The rain hasn’t stopped yet. Although the rain has become lighter, the feeling of being wet does not change.

Encred had just washed, but got his body wet again. I didn’t care.

What’s wrong with getting a little wet?

When I stood in front of the dedicated training hall, the floor was muddy.

The dirt floor usually reduces the risk of injury if you fall, but on rainy days, it tends to drag your feet.

Of course, the floor was not a big problem for the two who were standing now.

* * *

“go alone.”

This is what Encred said as he stepped forward.

Everyone roughly agreed, but Saxony basically distrusted humans.

‘If it’s wrong.’

Hit from behind. This is why Saxony disappeared alone from the dorm.

Rem, who noticed this, didn’t move, and neither did the others.

Esther felt Encred’s strangely changed strength.


She knows how to use weapons, but unless it’s related to magic, she doesn’t feel this sensitive.

Has the power to obscure his curse dimmed?

That’s not it.

Has your attitude changed? He is just as crazy as before.

Still, Esther felt a strange change. But she didn’t think that was a reason to watch in the pouring rain.

Esther closed her eyes. She was sleepy. In recent years, he has transformed into a human several times and has gradually refined his world of spells.

Through several experiences, she also learned about the world.

This is thanks to the fact that he became a leopard on the battlefield rather than being a wizard who lived trapped in his own world without knowing anything.

This is what I realized.

The thing about human affairs is that you never know what might happen suddenly.

So, you should always prepare in advance.

Wizards are by nature a prepared race.

Esther put her head on my leg. En Creed wasn’t going to die, so he tuned out.

She sank into her own world.

“Now that the wild cat is gone, I guess I’ll just have to sleep.”

Rem says:

“Oh, it’s true. Saxony disappeared so quickly?”

Kreis, who noticed it too late, responded.

We all decided to spend some time alone at the dorm, but before we even had time to drink a cup of tea, Rem woke up.

“I’m bored.”

Those words will soon be on everyone’s mind.

Even if I have to make an excuse, I go see it.

* * *

Standing face to face in the training hall, Encred once again refused to be intimidated.

“It’s true.”

Prosecutor Rapier said. I was surprised again. It was natural. Who would have thought that ‘Will’ would realize this and come back?

Instead, a trickle of blood flowed from the left side of Encred’s nose.

‘It’s easier than a sword, though.’

Still, it’s not at the point where I can use it carelessly. However, there was something I felt.

“The more you use it, the more disciplined you will be.”

This is what Swordsman Rapier said after seeing a light nosebleed mixed with the rain.

It was the same as what Encred felt.

The more you use it, the more disciplined you will be.

I was already feeling it with my body.

The two had been looking at each other for a long time. The rain became thick again, and the rapier swordsman looked straight into the blue eyes and opened his mouth.

Those are the words that came out of his mouth.

“I cannot disclose my affiliation, but I am a member of and belong to the Order of Knights. “That’s all I can say right now, but do you ever want to follow me?”

The pouring rain filled the space between them.

Rumble! Boom!

The rain, which seemed like it was going to stop, poured down even more and thunder struck.

A bright blue lightning streak crossed the sky and brightly illuminated the world.

The rapier swordsman’s eyes met Encred’s.

‘It’s not sparring.’

I didn’t come to fight, but to reassess and win hearts.

Moreover, the other person said that he was a member of the Order of Honorable Knights.

That means this.

“Join the knights. I will light your path.”

It was a path to becoming a knight.


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