Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 235

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235. A fairy joke made the bathhouse cry.

‘Are you crazy?’

As a rapier swordsman, those were the only thoughts that came to mind.

I was wondering if my head had finally broken down properly.

Considering that he had improved his skill level in such a short period of time, he must have been lucky after going through a series of arduous times.

Did that overlap of training and luck ruin that guy’s head?

Rem also had similar thoughts.

‘Are you crazy?’

My hands trembled reflexively. There is a big difference between rebelling against coercion and complying.

Ragna grabbed his sword.

I decided it was impossible. I was planning on running straight out and swinging to ‘cut’ it.

So, more accurately, the intention was to cut off the ‘intimidation’ that the opponent was using.

Auddin prepared for divinity.

As long as you don’t die, I can help you recover.

Saxony silently pulled out his stilettos from behind the prosecutor.

Stab and kill. No matter what talent your opponent uses, you can kill them.

Saxony was confident. Whether the opponent is a knight or not, a semi-knight or whatever.

Everyone was on the verge of reacting. Just before the intangible blade approaches and touches Encred’s body.

In a split-second, Encred showed his will toward something intangible within me.


The young will will be cut by the blade.

Then, what is the will that lies beyond the intimidation?

‘Go away.’

Encred refused it. An intangible pressure pressed down on his shoulders and he refused to let the blade cut him.

‘Will’ means showing one’s willpower.

Giving off some intangible power.

If coercion is that, then so is rejection.

Because I felt that the overwhelming pressure that had caused pain similar to the real one was now just an invisible force.

Encred could ignore it.

This was more comfortable than overcoming being cut by Shepherd Fel’s sword.

So, it was clear that what I was doing now was not unreasonable.

Encred showed this in his actions as well.

The flying intangible blades scatter like dust. It was a blade that could only be seen in an image.


Encred took a step forward and opened his mouth casually.

“What are you doing? Ragna? Saxony?”

Ragnar had already approached, standing next to him holding his sword vertically, while Saxony stood behind the rapier swordsman.

The two people blinked in surprise.

It was Saxony that reacted first.

He stepped back without a single sound of breathing or footsteps.

The rapier swordsman probably didn’t even know who was standing behind him.

Ragna froze while holding his sword.

Ragna said, as he must have thought of a good excuse.

“It’s a good day to hold a sword.”

Was it really impressive that Encred said that today was a good day?

As soon as the words were finished, there was a rumbling sound, and then rain started to fall.

Toad, toad, toad.

“… … uh?”

The rapier swordsman couldn’t take his eyes off Encred, as if he didn’t even feel the rain falling.

No, I couldn’t speak properly with my mouth open.

I felt like I had aphasia.


Only one word filled with questions came out of my shocked mouth.

Encred tilted his head.

“What do you want to say?”


The prosecutor just repeated the words, “Oh.” I’ve seen people become speechless from shock a few times, but this was the first time something like this had happened.

The other person’s mouth was open and he still couldn’t speak.

Encred opened his mouth cautiously.

“I need to find a healer.”

Those with mental damage are not easily cured. Even if a healer came, I might have shook my head.

“I think my head is broken.”

Encred continued.


Rem burst out laughing at those words. No, I didn’t mean to make you laugh.

This is something I said quite seriously.


The Rapier swordsman just repeated the words, “Oh.”


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He seemed really surprised.

“That sword will rust if it gets caught in the rain, but is it true that a day like this is really a good day to hold a sword?”

Encred looked to the side and asked. Ragnar was still holding his sword after what I said, but she soon agreed to Encrid’s words.

“yes. “This is enough for today.”

“Okay, put some oil on the knife.”

If you leave it alone, it will rust.

“I guess so.”

Ragna withdrew his sword and stepped back, and behind him, three people appeared who were as surprised as the rapier swordsman.

Everyone was just looking at Encred with their mouths open.


Among them, the half-blooded giant who seemed fine asked.


Encred responded kindly. In fact, he had nothing more to say.

Because ‘will’ is not something that can be explained.


Jebikal murmured. It wasn’t a question, but Encred willingly answered.


Howie frowned.

He was speechless because it was difficult to accept or understand this situation.

Wow, the rain started pouring down before he knew it, drenching his hair.

Of course, other people’s bodies were also wet.

“I think it would be better to avoid the rain for now, right?”

Encred said.


Swordsman Rapier answered. Of course, this guy still seemed to be out of his mind.

“Someone take care of it.”

Encred said and turned around. After that, Rem and his group followed suit.

No matter how much I got used to my captain’s changes, this was beyond the pale.

This is different from simply using a sword well and controlling my body well.

“Are you Will?”

Ragnar, who has the will to cut, asked. The voice was higher and faster than usual. I mean, I was surprised.

Thanks to the pouring rain, Ragna’s blonde hair drooped down and obscured his eyes.

“You need to cut your hair. huh.”

Encred answered indifferently. Being happy is being happy, and I don’t mind having fun, but this isn’t the end.

Because I didn’t come running after seeing this as the end.

In reality, ‘will’ in the article does not mean refusal, but naturally showing willpower.

Pressing the opponent with force, rejecting them, and cutting them are natural.

After realizing some of it, I realized it.

Acea’s intimidation, the rapier swordsman’s intimidation.

Both were specialized and developed in that direction.

If you look at it from the same perspective, Ragnar’s cutting is similar.

Even if the lion slash and steel slash reach the level of perfection, his ‘cut’ cannot be imitated.

Ultimately, it is a matter of realizing ‘Will’.

“What is it? Where did you learn it? No, are you training to the point of death in your dreams?”

Rem was equally surprised.

Encred responded to what he said.

“In my dreams, perverted boatmen usually appear rather than training.”

“to? Perverted voyeur? “What is that again?”

This was an unanswerable question, so I ignored it.

Rem will probably treat it like a joke anyway.

Afterwards, Audin muttered.

“It’s as if you’re running in a different time all by yourself. “Brother.”

Like the rapier swordsman, Gomtaeng has an excellent eye and is deeply absorbed in religion.

What he said was correct.

“Where are you training while stopping time, brother?”

It looks dull, but it’s sharp. Encred thought that in his mind and answered.

“That’s the way it is.”

Instead of answering, Auddin quietly began to recite the scriptures.

He thought that Encred’s answer must be a joke.

Who would even suspect?

Saxony is as usual. There were no words. Instead, the gaze was stinging. I’ve looked at Encred’s whole body repeatedly.

“I trained well and didn’t use drugs or anything.”

When Encred spoke, Saxony rarely shook his shoulders.

It’s something you don’t normally see.

“How come you suspected me of taking drugs?”

Saxony asked.

“Your eyes are full of doubt.”

I asked him if he was suspicious because he was very good at handling medicine, but it turned out to be true.

“Hmm, have you mastered mind reading?”

It’s not mind reading, but it’s thanks to the sharper sense of the blade that Saxony taught me.

I tend to be able to easily read the other person’s intentions and emotions.

Especially something hidden.

For example, in the case of the swallow knife that didn’t attack me in the end, I said it with a smile on the outside.

“I’m done. Just looking at it, if you attack it, you’ll be crushed.”

But what were the things hidden within those eyes?

It is murderous intent and malice.

The opposite was also true.

On the outside, he is a mixed race giant with a fighting spirit and a desire to win.

What was in that woman’s eyes after she was thrown away?

It was something like regret and sadness.

Of course, it wasn’t directed at Encred. It felt like self-deprecation.

‘Well, it may not be accurate.’

That’s roughly how it feels. En Creed took off his clothes instead of trying to go into the dormitory.

After putting the equipment aside and putting it under the eaves, Kreis came out of the dorm.

“Wipe the equipment dry and put it away.”

As Encred ordered, others piled their equipment on top of him.

“Isn’t that too much?”

Rem threw a pouch on top of him.

“Fee for trouble.”

“Please visit us anytime, Chryss Equipment Repair Shop!”

The attitude quickly changed. Rem tends to spend Crona sparingly, so the amount of money in his pocket must not have been small.

“If you go in while it’s raining, the place will be a mess. “Let’s go to the bathhouse right away.”

This is Encred’s suggestion. The Border Guard barracks had many good facilities. Among them, there was a well, but there was also a bathhouse exclusively for the unit, which could be accessed at any time after becoming an independent company.

In some places, water was stored in large wooden bathtubs, and water was constantly boiled.

That means you can wash it with hot water.

It was a place where a well was dug and a roof was built over it, so there was no shortage of water.

Water was constantly being boiled on one side, so the place was full of steam.

“let’s go.”

Everyone went to the bathhouse and took off their clothes, and the maids who were boiling the water smiled and said,

“Wow, I was just looking at my husband and then I looked this way and this is heaven!”

Everyone laughed uproariously at the words of one of the bold housekeepers.

“Well, be nice to your husband. “It won’t be easy for the husband to live with a woman who is bigger than him.”

When Rem laughed and teased her, the housekeeper suddenly splashed cold water on her.

“Ah, the water is cold.”

When Rem smiled silently and spoke without being surprised by the cold water, the housekeeper also smiled back.

“You gray-haired guy, you have a spicy tongue.”

It seemed like they knew each other.

Later, when I went into the bathhouse, I asked him how he knew me.

“Dunbakel kept fainting and rolling around in the dirt, so I threw him in the bathtub often and his face got used to it. “A generous lady.”

Just talking to Rem like this is amazing.

No, if you think about it.

‘Rem bastard.’

Be kind to women. Even if she picks a fight with anyone, she rarely beats up a woman.

‘Then, what about Dunbakhel?’

“Dunbakel? “She is a warrior, not a woman.”

I asked just in case and got Rem’s answer.

“Anyway, now I think I really need to use my ‘strength’ to get along with the captain.”

Rem said while soaking up to her neck in the bath water.

Encred looked at Rem, ignoring the maids’ glances.

What is contained in those gray eyes?

The spirit of winning and fighting must have been established in Rem as well.

It was something that had never been seen before.

No matter how wild he was, had Rem ever shown that kind of emotion towards him?

Have you ever seen something like that?

There was a time when I said it was difficult to use my strength because I thought I might accidentally kill him.

“If I do it right?”


Rem answered while splashing water in the bathtub.

“It will be fun.”

Encred also laughed at those words. The eyes of the crazy training enthusiast and the crazy axeman met.

It is a time when unprecedented momentum is directed towards each other. Saxony said while looking at it.

“Is everyone crazy?”

Auddin laughed as usual, and Ragna remained silent.

However, it seemed clear that he was lost in thought as his eyes were constantly shaking.

“Is that right Will? really? really? Isn’t it a lie? “Isn’t it a scam?”

Kreis, who belatedly took off his clothes and joined us, entered the bath and asked.

Wangnun also never stopped training his body, so there was a lot to see.

Some of the housekeepers said that their tastes were rather in that direction.

“It costs a fairy tale to see!”

Several of the housekeepers chuckled at Kreis’ joke.

He still gets along well with everyone. That’s Kreis’ question.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Encred through the thick steam.

It is said that he overcame the pressure.

Even if it’s not a rumor, it’s something that people in the know might hear about.

Encred told the truth at first.

“Repeat today, the same day repeats itself every day.”

“Next, not the novel.”

The answer was Saxony. This is a story that is so unrealistic.

Encred scratched his head and spoke again.

“Because I’m lucky.”

It’s still the same answer. In fact, there was no suitable excuse other than these words.

Everyone, including Rem, swallowed their words.

Are you using that as an excuse?

Was this guy actually a genius?

That can’t be possible.

I’ve taught it, but a genius is a person with no talent.

There was doubt in everyone’s eyes, but there was no doubt.

Actually, I didn’t have anything to say other than luck.

“Did you sleep with the goddess of luck?”

What Rem mutters is the correct answer.

Then, other guests came into the bathhouse.

“Will? Am I right? “Really?”

This is Marcus in casual clothes.

His face is red. He was dressed wet, as if it had been raining.

“Would you like to take a bath together since you’re here?”

As Encred spoke casually, Marcus took off his clothes and jumped into the bathtub.

His body was more disciplined than expected. There were scars everywhere.

Of course, there were fewer scars than Encred.

“Is it real?”

Marcus’ eyes lit up. What are you, and how far are you going? Because it seemed like there was a question like that.


Encred agreed.

He said he wanted to become a knight, said it was his dream, and showed his will and will.

But does that mean Encred can really be a knight?

Was there only one or two people who had this question?

It was the same with Marcus.

He believed that Encred would move forward, but he could not help but be surprised to hear that it was coming true.


Behind the empty laughter.


A fairy company commander came into the bathhouse.

“There are only men here, but you are full of confidence. Would you like to come in together?”

When Kreiss greeted her, the company commander shook his head.

“Anyone who sees me naked, except my fiancé, will have to gouge out their eyes. Is that okay?”

A fairy joke made the bathtub cry.


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