Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 234

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234. Pell was a genius.

‘What have you done now?’

Of course, none of the people present were blind, so they all saw and understood what Encred had done.

‘Dodge, dig in and strike.’

It was a series of movements that anyone could easily do.

However, it is different. Even if anyone can do it, doing it that easily is a completely different story.

If Encred had achieved such results by using unique sword techniques or tricks, I would have been impressed by his amazing wit, but I would not have been as surprised as I am now.


The half-blood giant’s eyebrows twitched. The same goes for the swallow knife next to it. Jebikal suddenly tightened his grip on his sword.

It was a reflex action.

‘If you do that to me now, can I stop it?’

It can be prevented. Because I saw it in advance.

‘Then what if I started without seeing it?’

Even though it wasn’t yet cold, it felt like a chilling wind was blowing.

Jebikal let go of the sword he was holding and carelessly stroked his arm.

Along with the chill, I felt dizzy and got goosebumps.

‘What is that guy?’

It’s only been a few days.

Jebikal wasn’t the only one who was surprised.

Everyone, including Rem, who could be considered an ally, was surprised.

However, none of the unit members showed or expressed their surprise.

Actually, I’m a little used to it now.

Of course I don’t understand. Since this has happened a few times, I just didn’t show any surprise.

‘What did they do?’

Audin had similar thoughts as Rem stroked his chin.

‘Even if the technique of isolation changes the constitution.’

Is it possible to develop talent that didn’t exist before?

Audin knows my taste and eyes. He also knew how to look at the body through the technique of isolation.

Although he is different from Frock, who is a talent reader, he also knows how to see talent.

In his opinion, Encred was not someone who had stepped into the realm of talent.

It means he’s not a genius. It is difficult to even consider a genius to be a genius, as we commonly call it.

‘Perseverance alone.’

The honesty that never gives up.

It means not backing down from any test of hardship given by God.

So, now that I am there.

Auddin saw God’s will.

God says My father conveyed his meaning.

Are you going to give up? why? Because I didn’t do what you wanted? So your faith stopped there.

That’s how the flower of your faith has faded.

That’s how your spring has gone.

So your season is over.

“no. father.”

Audin muttered.

Ragna did not turn his gaze even though Audin said that right next to him.

No, I couldn’t hear it at all.

Because I was busy watching Encred.



surprising. That was the end. It had changed, he was surprised, and now he recognized it.

It’s now familiar to me to see Encred’s skills improve.

How did it increase? How can things change like that?

I gave up looking for a reason. Knowing didn’t change anything, and I couldn’t know.

If you ask, the answer is obvious.

“Because I worked hard.”

If you answer with a joke sometimes.

“I was a genius.”

They’ll say something like this now and then.

Therefore, there is no need to ask. Just accept reality.

Everyone was surprised, but the person who was most surprised was Edin Molsen, who was hit.

The next person to be surprised was Encred himself.


Edin Molsen stood up from his seat and said:

Compared to what I had been hit with, I was extremely fine.

I accidentally lost my strength and hit him.

To be exact, when I stretched out my hand at the end, I felt like the count’s son would vomit blood if I kept it like this.

So I relaxed my strength, and thanks to that, Edin Molsen was able to stand up and speak again.

Encred blinked his eyes three times.

I was just coming to terms with what had happened.


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A brief realization followed. A flint light appeared and disappeared in my head.


Why did you struggle to overcome the wilderness shepherd as soon as you saw him for the first time?

‘Because he’s a genius.’

He is a genius younger than himself. When I first went to the continent, I felt similar to the kid who knocked down Encred.

In other words, Pell was a genius.

The genius improved his skills as Encred grew.

In the repeating day, Fel was prevented from pulling out his sword, but Fel holding the sword was no easy task.

Habits changed frequently, and bad parts were corrected from time to time.

If you are the one trapped in the repeating today, the other person has also changed.

Therefore, I could not feel my skills improving.

Because the other person’s talent is so outstanding.

‘It’s all thanks to Fel.’

Because I was so distracted by the sword, I couldn’t see it clearly.

No, I knew the other person’s excellence, but I did not recognize myself changing to match that excellence.

After understanding everything. Encred’s mouth opened.

“Of course.”

Encred nodded at Edin Molsen’s suggestion.

I also want to move my body and feel things again. It was also something that needed to be recognized and understood properly.

“… … you.”

Swordsman Rapier was also surprised, unable to speak. His mouth is open and his eyes are fluttering. Instead of answering, Encred greeted Edin Molsen.

“Don’t expect anything from Lady Luck!”

Edin said fiercely. This is because the game just depended on luck.

Edin struck his sword again.


Encred avoided it ‘in advance’. When he fought Fel, he had to predict his movements by looking at his footwork, shoulders, hands, arms, and waist.

Otherwise, you’ll get hurt right away, and the sparring will end just like that.

What I got then.

Open the door to your sixth sense and utilize it properly. My senses were fully activated and I was able to read the opponent’s sword strikes.

It is the price of countless sparring experiences and crossing the river of death.

After dodging the sword, Encred pushed down Edin’s wrist, placed his left foot on the opponent’s heel, and pushed his chest with his palm.

Edin also tried to turn his body to protest, but even though he went first, his position, balance, and timing were all taken away.

With a boom, Edin floated in the air.

Immediately after, Edin fell with a thud and gaped.

It looked like a carp.

Now that I think about it, when I first met him and thought he was a coachman or an escort, I used the same technique to knock him down.

Ballaf style martial arts, breaking the center of gravity.

“Are you okay?”

Encred asked. Edin’s face turned red. It’s two sparring sessions. Similar results were obtained both times.

What’s more, isn’t the second one a tactic we’ve encountered before?

It cannot be claimed that Lady Luck was involved.

Edin wasn’t that shameless either.

He stood up.


Edin opened his mouth and turned. Then he turned his head and asked.

“Have you really forgotten my name?”

Encred looked at his face for a moment.

It was easy to remember, but my memory was pretty good.

I couldn’t think of anything.

What happens if I say I really don’t know?

This is before Edin Molsen’s face distorts.

“Brother, it was a provocation. “Why would you ask that?”

A sonorous voice called him.

Just by looking at him, he looks like a blood-related younger brother.

Edin nodded at his younger brother’s words and turned his head.

He looked upset and somewhat relieved, and it was strange.

The younger brother just stared straight at Encred with an expressionless expression. It was difficult to read any emotion in those eyes.

Encred turned his head.

There were some who remained.

Swallow Knife, half-blood giant, Count Molsen’s bodyguard, rapier swordsman.

“From whom?”

To the question.

“Me first.”

As soon as I asked, the answer came back. A mixed race giant stepped forward. The warrior thumped his shield with his hand.

“let’s fight.”

Until about 400 days ago, Encred was crazy about sparring with them.

fought. He didn’t back down. In the meantime, something changed.

It wasn’t Encred’s intention, but things naturally changed.

The mixed race giant’s fighting spirit burned.

She herself knew very well that her mood and state were different from usual.

‘I don’t know what I did.’

This man in front of me has a knack for making you want to fight. He also has a knack for making you worry about handling your sword and shield every morning and evening.

More than anything.

“Break it. you.”

He has an outstanding talent for arousing the spirit of victory and the desire to win.

Has there ever been an opponent you absolutely wanted to beat?

No, this is my first time.

That’s why. The corners of the half-blood giant’s mouth twisted up. It was a smile. It was laughter.

When Encred saw that, he was inwardly taken aback.

‘I think this guy had almost no facial expression to begin with.’

I remember that clearly. Even if Edin Molsen’s name was forgotten, the face, special skills, and skills of the mixed-race giant remained vivid.

When Encred held out his sword, the half-blood giant struck Encred’s sword with his own.


It was a greeting.

Soon a shield covered my eyes.

Gray Barrier, a mixed-race giant’s specialty, was also a technique that had been used many times.

At that time, I had to use my feet to destroy it and counterattack, but now there is no need to do that.

With the shield blocking his path, Encred rushed forward.

I didn’t turn sideways or move my feet.

It was a brave charge.

Encred held the sword with his left hand, holding it close to the shield. He laid the sword sideways and placed the edge of the sword on the top of the shield, then changed his stance and placed the outside of his right foot on the bottom of the shield.

Naturally, the side of the body was attached to the shield, and the right hand was placed below the middle of the shield.

The surging force is great, but because of it, the mixed-blood giant holding the shield cannot see all of Encred’s movements as he stands close behind him.

No matter how talented you are, if you can’t see it, you can get hurt.

Encrud used a modified version of ‘lift and throw’, one of the Balaf style martial arts techniques, on the shield he was charging at.

“great! “Brother!”

Auddin shouted without even realizing it.

Encred listened to the cries and accomplished what he intended.


Reverse use of the pushing force and lift from bottom to top.

If Encred’s strength was poor, he would have been crushed by a carriage the moment he tried it, but he had a heart of great strength.

As I repeated today, my heart, which became stronger and more solid, made my blood pump wildly.

Push with your right foot and right hand, and catch and lift with the strength of your left hand and torso.

Encred silently took a breath, put a lot of pressure on his stomach, and then threw it up.

It is a scene that will make both the mixed-race giant being thrown and those watching widen their eyes in surprise.

This is the first time for a half-blooded giant to experience his body flying through the air, or being controlled by someone else’s power.

I flew through the air in surprise.

It’s a sight that seems to ignore some kind of law.

The flying mixed-race giant reflexively turned his shield downward and fell.


Since I used something similar to a fall technique using a shield, I didn’t get seriously hurt.

However, the subsequent defense was delayed.

Encred’s sword, which he had thrown at his opponent as intended, pierced the giant’s neck before he knew it. The blade stopped just short of the skin of my neck.

The half-blood giant realized that he had lost.

“… … Throw me away?”

She said in surprise.

“why? Is this your first time? “There is a first time for everyone.”

Encred answered indifferently.

Sometimes Encred’s tongue would move ahead of his heart.


The mixed-blood giant admitted defeat. Of course, Encrid didn’t think he had to leave just because he lost.

Above all, this time it was a bit of a fluke.

Because the opponent couldn’t gauge my skills.

Because it changed so suddenly, I wasn’t able to prepare accordingly. This is not an opponent to lose to so easily. Encred, who had experienced it, knew it best.

So there was something I could say.

“Let’s try again tomorrow.”

At Encred’s words, the mixed-blood giant looked at Encred.

It has big brown eyes. Until now, those eyes had never shown any emotion, but now they seemed to contain something.

“You really are an amazing person.”

The half-blood giant said. Then he answered, ‘Okay, let’s try again,’ and got up.

It looked very flashy and exciting.

“Well, you throw it well.”

From behind, Rem expressed his admiration in his own way.

“Can you join me too?”

What can I say? Are the mixed race giants the only ones Encred has influenced?

There was also an escort who quietly burned off the heat alone.

Encred twirled his arm.

‘In a few hours ago.’

Didn’t the heart of the monster explode a little more intensely?

Rem wasn’t impressed by saying, ‘He throws well’ for no reason. He would have seen it in his eyes.

The heart gave out more dynamic power.

This was also the result achieved through today’s repetition.


Encred nodded. It was slowly becoming fun.

So, it is a process of recognizing and utilizing changes in oneself through sparring.

How could it not be fun?

Sparring with Howie was not the same as with a mixed race giant.

The guard was cautious from the beginning and the sword focused on thorough defense.

Encred swung his sword slowly at first, then accelerating.

And the rapier swordsman who was watching it realized that Encred was currently assessing what he could do.

So, this is a natural question.

‘What on earth are you doing?’

How can a person change so much in just a few days?

That author didn’t suddenly learn great skills.

However, all the skills you have.


It looks like he risked his life to test his skills countless times. Because I have that time, I am confident in my skills. He also showed stubbornness as he swung his sword countless times in search of the right path.

It doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. A person who has wandered countless times on the wrong path does not hesitate when he finds the right path.

Traces of such things were visible in the sword he swung and the steps he took.


Now, the accumulation of time could be seen on Encred’s body. I just didn’t understand the method, that was certain.

The rapier swordsman’s eyes caught it.

It was truly something I couldn’t understand.

The sparring between the two was quite long, but in the end, Howie was defeated.

This happened because we were inferior from the beginning and focused on defense.

No, this is not an opponent you can beat by hiding your skills. The Count’s guard hid his skills.

Of course, it was none of my business.

Only then did the rapier swordsman take a step forward.

This is the place to face Encred. On the other side of the sparring field, it is the moment to crush and subdue your opponent with intimidation.

“Nothing will change just because your skills improve.”

Have you trained your abilities?

So has anything changed?

‘Will’ is the exclusive property of those who are born with it.

If only I could say I wanted it, that I tried, and that I had enough time.

‘Anyone can do it.’

Then, there wouldn’t be so few knights in the world.

If we make efforts, the number of knights will increase by two times compared to now.

So I was sure.

The opponent cannot overcome his intimidation.

“Go away.”

Spitting out words, the rapier swordsman raised his will.

Soon an intangible blade rose.

Encred responded by slashing away everything in sight with his intangible blade. He was like that originally. He did that.

But it was different now.


Encred put his sword back into its sheath.

There is no need to swing a sword. I realized it the moment I faced the pressure.


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