Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 233

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233. Because it’s a nice day

“I don’t know if you will believe it, but I am indebted to you. I am Fel, the shepherd of the wilderness. “I hope to see you again whenever I have the chance.”

Shepherd Fel said. Encred, facing away from the moonlight, nodded.

Fel looked at Encred like that and couldn’t stand it anymore.

“I’ve never seen a genius like you.”

Encred did not bother to deny those words.

In fact, it would have been okay if Pell had said, ‘Is your head broken by any chance?’

That much joy and joy filled my whole body.

I was so intoxicated by the realization of something new that I wanted to test it again and again.

“Can I cut you one more time?”

That’s why. En Creed couldn’t bear it even though he saw Fel’s expression crumpled and knew that what he said was something a person with a broken brain would say.

“Um, uh, uh, yes.”

Losers say nothing. He did as he was told.

A former soldier looks at himself with eyes full of anticipation as he receives a stab wound to the forearm. Pell thought his opponent was crazy.

I once heard the nickname ‘Crazy Company Commander’, but I guess that wasn’t just an empty phrase.

I think that’s more fitting than the previous nickname of soldier, don’t you think?

No, are all geniuses like this?

If I think about it, there was a member of my group who was similar to the person in front of me.

Would you have to be crazy to catch up with that squire?

It was the moment Encred abandoned a person.

Of course, Encred didn’t realize that.

After being cut again.


It is a clear coercion heard between screams and shouts. It is will. It’s pressure.

Encred gathered his thoughts and answered.


It bounces off. It’s my second time, but I feel like I don’t need any more practice.

‘it is not diffcult.’

That’s also very enjoyable.

Every time I learned something, I had to roll and roll. I had to struggle and struggle.

In order to learn the heart of the beast, one had to die rather than overcome death.

None of it was easy.

I can’t say this was easy either.

Because there have been over four hundred today.

But when I realized ‘rejection’, it felt natural, like it was part of my body.

I feel like nothing in the world is this easy.

After throwing out the second prosthesis, my head started spinning.

This is what happens when you focus too much.


I also had a nosebleed.

“… … “Are you okay?”

Fel asked. Encred said, assessing the time.

“Can we do it one more time?”

Wouldn’t it be okay to try it one more time?

Then Fel’s face crumpled, as if he had seen something he couldn’t see before.

Encred finally received the third knife blow.

A knife mark was left once again, like a slash was drawn on the forearm.


A dizzy feeling invades my head. The other person’s will, force, and pressure suffocated his heart. They strangled his neck and tried to burst his heart.

Encred answered easily.


Immediately after rejecting the coercion and pressure, Encred closed his eyes. He literally fainted.

“uh? “Crazy man?”

It seemed like Fel had called him strangely before he passed out.

“Great ego!”

I think I also heard Belle’s voice behind me.

Anyway, Encred fell down laughing.

* * *

In some ways, the shimmering black river water was like a thick, black cloud.

A ship floating on black clouds, a boatman on it, and a purple lamp.

It was the same scene as usual.

It was a sight I saw every time I talked to the boatman.

However, if there is anything different from before.


The boatman interrupted.

Encred looked at his face. His face, where only one eye was visible, now had eyes, nose, mouth, and skin.

The skin is the color of gray pebbles.

I saw black eyes that matched the black river, a high bridge of the nose, and dull gray lips.


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No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like a human.

However, it didn’t look like a giant, a prog, a fairy, or a dragon.

That was natural. The author is something unknown outside of Encred’s knowledge.

Or maybe it’s something like God.

Or maybe it’s the devil.

“Is knife bread your hobby?”

Why do people say things like that when they look like that?

I soon thought that Encred himself was to blame for the change in the boatman’s tone of voice.

“I think the knife needle suits my taste better.”

Wasn’t the conversation like this every time?

The boatman quickly changed the topic.

“Because you are crazy, you can walk, and because you are crazy, you can see. What does it look like? “My face?”

the boatman asked.

Encred answered honestly.

“It won’t be popular with either the opposite sex or the same sex.”

It might be popular with those who are said to be devils or the devil’s illegitimate children.

The boatman chuckled without answering.

The mouth remained the same, but only the sound of laughter echoed in the space.

I become dizzy and move away. With blurred vision.

Encred heard the boatman’s laughter as if there was some absurdity in it, but he had no way of knowing what the other person was thinking.

The boatman muttered on the black river where Encred disappeared.

“So, was it good to go over the wall?”

If Encred had been there, it was a question he would have nodded his head to more than a hundred times.

* * *

When I opened my eyes, I immediately knew that today was not to be repeated.

“Why does a gentleman who went out to dinner come back with a knife wound to his body? No, you said he was hit on purpose? Couldn’t you have told me? “I can draw it prettier with an axe.”

It was something I couldn’t understand because I heard it the moment I woke up.

I raised my head with Rem’s words flowing through one ear.

Fel must have gone.

It must have been Bell who delivered Encred himself here.

Bell watched the fight, so he would have said something.

Even if he didn’t want to do it, he went out in the middle of the night and saw himself being carried away, so Rem and others wouldn’t have left him alone.

The situation was assessed with a brief accident.

I completely understand what Rem said.

“What’s in your axe?”


Rem said without giving up. Is this kid bored?

“What about Dunbakhel?”

“I fainted.”

What did Suin do that made her faint?

Dunbakel doesn’t seem to be that stubborn either.

Of course, it can’t be as good as a giant.

“Are you going today too, brother?”

Auddin asks. Encred realized that he had skipped morning training.

The sun is already high in the sky. A rebirth god, despite having a body that recovers and regenerates, he slept until noon?

‘It puts a strain on your body.’

I’m still trying to get a rough idea of ​​what ‘Will’ is.

Although it is still difficult to define it, showing the will to refuse can now be done as easily as taking a copper coin out of one’s pocket.

However, doing it and enduring it are two different things.


My nose was so stuffy that when I blew my nose, blood came out.

“It’s dirty.”

Rem grumbled. She had her ax on her belt, was sweating lightly, and judging by the fact that Dun Bakel had fainted, it seemed like she had just beaten him down.

The only people who watch him wake up are Rem and Audin.

No, there was also Esther napping on one side.

Since he was not a great man who fell once or twice, no one was embarrassed or scared when Encred fainted.

I just asked who the other person was.

Of course, the delivery man, Bello, had nothing to say.

“Who could it be?”

The question was who was the person who came to visit last night.

To Encred, he was familiar and familiar as he had been with him for over 400 times today.


That’s why I said my name right away.

“Oh my, it’s Fel. Yes, it was him.”

Rem spoke without any change in expression.

What a mistake.

“Shepherd of the wilderness.”

Encred spoke right away.

A crazy group of people who herd sheep against monsters and beasts, they are the shepherds of the wilderness.

It was a name that was difficult to recognize for someone who eats kalbap on the continent.

“hmm? “Why did they come all the way here?”

“I don’t know.”

Is he wandering and practicing, or is he stopping by to run errands?

Now that I think about it, I didn’t ask that question at all.

“Looks like you had fun?”

Rem asked again. I wonder why there are so many things I want to ask.


“I fainted while laughing, Captain. “I don’t think he’s ever fought with me and rolled his eyes.”

I fainted laughing… … .

Encred chuckled and shook his head.

“It’s crazy. Move.”

Since I skipped morning training, let’s finish that training first.

“I’m going to the market in the afternoon.”

“Is that so, brother?”

Audin nodded with the same smile.

No one stopped Encred. As if Rem had asked all the questions, he threw his ax aside and went to wash his body.

After training with the technique of isolation, Encred briefly checked his equipment, swung his sword in the air a few times, and prepared to leave.

In the meantime, Saxony came in and then left.

Kreis came in and asked if I was feeling okay.

“It’s time to eat good food.”

Then he was so fussy.

Encred enjoyed the new day, telling him to give some if he had any.

There have been over four hundred today.

I sparred and trained with them there, but it wasn’t as enjoyable as being in a frozen time.

And so we welcome a new day.

Even though it may not be the same every time, it is a day that I remember alone.

Therefore, I did not talk to them anymore and passed by them as indifferently as possible.

I have already clearly realized why it is a curse to repeat the day that only I remember.

So you can skip it. I was able to forget the time I had experienced alone in silence.

More than anything, the rejection I realized as I passed through today filled me with a great sense of fulfillment, which made me even more happy.

“What’s so good about it?”

Ragna asked as he was about to leave. A sword dangled from his waist, as if he was planning to follow him too.

It’s not a good sword. Because I picked up the sword that was rolling around in the previous battlefield and used it again.

If you get the chance, it would be a good idea to get him a good sword.

The tone of his speech was crude and bordering on quarrelsome, but Encred answered obediently because he knew that was not his intention.

“Because it’s a nice day.”

Ragna looked at the sky at those words.

Yesterday was definitely nice weather. But isn’t it a bit dark today? The clouds are slowly taking on a dark gray color.

It looked like it would soon become dark clouds and maybe even a shower.

Autumn rain is also a symbol of the change in temperature, and it is also a sign that summer is slowly approaching.

“What is this weather?”

Ragna asked back.

“I only looked at the bright day.”

It’s an unknown answer. Although it is a natural answer for Encred.

Even though I naturally prefer bright days to cloudy days, I have had the same weather four hundred times.

Even if it rains and your boots get wet, it is a good time for change.

After warming up and condensing the morning training using isolation techniques, I headed to the market.

When I entered the inn, I was greeted by the inn owner, Allen.

“It’s nice to see you often these days, but is it okay?”

In the Border Guard, the position of company commander is almost the highest rank outside of nobility.

Allen was polite.

Encred found it very awkward to say that he saw him often.

Today was almost four hundred days later.

“Okay, I guess I’ll stop coming before I get used to it.”

Allen laughed at Encred’s answer. She seemed to think it was a joke.

As I entered the training hall, I saw a rapier swordsman standing, leaning against the wall.

“Did you wait?”

“I thought you would come today.”


“No, my other three friends didn’t want it.”

The rapier swordsman who opened his mouth crossed his arms. Then he said it again.

“Today is the last day. It’s a pain you don’t have to go through. “It’s okay not to challenge yourself.”

“That’s a matter for me to take care of, and if you’re scared, you can run away.”

Encred’s Tongue is the most famous sword on the continent.

Even simple, insignificant words, when used appropriately, can become deadly weapons.


Swordsman Rapier hated the two words coward and run, so he made up his mind after hearing what Encred said.

‘With coercion.’

Breaking that dream would be good for that guy too.

You need talent to go higher. From what I’ve seen so far, I don’t know what kind of luck was at play, but this is the limit. It’s over.

A friend named Encred tapped into his entire well of talent.

No, it’s not just a waste of money, it’s probably even a talent that wasn’t there before.

So this is the end.

Encred walked past the rapier swordsman.

The prosecutor, looking at his back, frowned.

My gait seemed to have changed strangely.

I can’t pinpoint what it is, but it has changed.

In just one day?

Even if something changed, what would have changed? Attitude is everything.

Next to him, the barbarian soldier who followed Encred cleared his throat.

“Our captain sometimes breaks down worse in a day, so don’t worry too much. “If you do too much, my ax may start dancing, so be careful.”

“Don’t worry, brother. “I’m not the type of person who would die from being coerced.”

After that, a soldier who resembled a large bear also spoke.

A blonde soldier who always passes by as if indifferent.

When did they come in? Even the red-brown haired soldier was already seated to one side.

Everyone gathered to gather.

The people staying at the inn, and in Encred’s opinion, the people he had dealt with four hundred days ago, came out one by one.

Among them, Edin Molsen came out first with a stern face like never before.

“I request a sparring match.”

Has what happened so far not been enough?

While everyone was thinking that, Encred fell into serious trouble.

‘What was this bastard’s name?’

It’s been four hundred days. I forgot the name.

“Well, what was your name?”

What can I say, it was like Edin Molsen’s seizure switch.


Four hundred days for Encred, and only a few days for Edin Molsen.

Forgot your name? My name?

Edin Molsen lost his temper.

“Come on, I’ll kill you!”

visor! Edin drew his sword and charged powerfully.

Howie, who was watching, frowned. I can’t believe I got caught in that kind of provocation.

Encred thought he had asked his name for no reason and used his hands and feet.

There was no need to draw the sword, so I did so.

As I see the approaching sword, I walk with the steps I learned through Yoo Geom-sik.

Avoid the blade with a gentle step. It was like a promised sparring.

The dodging movement came first, and Edin Molsen’s blade later split the space where Encred was.

It was a stunt that was possible because he had seen, judged, and predicted in advance, but to someone who didn’t know him, it was a move that could have seemed like a play.

Why do you swing a knife at a place where there are no people?

Afterwards, the back of Encred’s hand hit Edin Molsen’s wrist.


He hit the opponent with the back of his hand, took a step in, and pushed the opponent’s abdomen with his palm.


Ballaf style martial arts, pushing.

It is a blow with rotational force from the ankle, waist, shoulder, and palm.

With Encred’s strength added to it, it was by no means a light blow.

However, that is not the only surprising thing here.

Before, when I first knocked out Edin Molsen with one blow, it was half a gamble.

Not now. I was overflowing with leisure. I felt like I became a different person in just one day.

And after pushing the opponent, Encred looked at his palm and thought.

‘Why is it so easy?’

Has the skill of the author whose name I have forgotten degenerated?

That couldn’t have been possible.


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