Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 232

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232. I felt like I was going to die.

Even if you have decided on a path and decided to walk along it, there is no law that says you have to look straight ahead.

Didn’t the great caravan Rengadis also say this?

“Open your eyes, look at the floor, and look around. “Someone may have spilled the Crona somewhere.”

In reality, he may not be a great man who can pick up even a single copper coin. Because he is a person who is worthy of being called a target person.

However, the meaning of what he said was clear.

For example, if a bag of gold coins is dropped on the way, it would be right to pick it up.

If you plan to stay overnight during your trip, it would be a good idea to pick up dry branches.

If you could kill two birds by throwing one stone, wouldn’t it be right to throw that way?

Encred did just that.


Just because I set my goal that way, I didn’t act dull and foolish.

I didn’t become a racehorse that only looks ahead.

Today is a repetitive day. What can I do until the shepherd comes in the evening?

sparring, fighting, thinking.

Encred narrowed down his tasks to three.

I learned the basics of Yugeomsik from Ragna and continued training on my own.

Afterwards, I learned more about Balaf style martial arts from Auddin.

Their reactions were similar.

“Where did you learn it? Or have you been swinging the sword alone without me knowing?”

“When did you train your martial arts like this? “You make me happy.”

Encred nodded roughly to each of them.

Although I was trapped in today’s training, it was true that I trained alone, so it wasn’t a lie.

In fact, it wasn’t often that I heard things like that. Encred placed more emphasis on training than sparring.

I ponder and think alone, swing my sword and move my body.

When my head stopped working, I was drenched in sweat and used isolation techniques to overwork my body.

“Do you want me to say that you shouldn’t overexert yourself, brother?”

Did Auddin behave to a point where he was worried? Encred answered indifferently.

“If you use your body, your brain will work better.”

“That is correct. “Your head needs to be pumping to think.”

Next to me, Saxony muttered.

I’m just guessing, but if you look at Saxony’s previous work or if he is currently working as a part-time job, he would be more knowledgeable about the structure of the human body than anyone else.

“Yes, that’s right.”

Encred realized that with his own body. If his head doesn’t turn, roll his body.

When I encountered a problem that couldn’t be solved by moving my body, I sat down and thought about it.

When today has passed for the hundred and eightyth time.

Encred acquired the basics of the Yugeom style, further refined the Balaf style martial arts through Audin, and learned how to manipulate the five senses through Saxony.

If you’re going to have to spend time anyway, all you need to do is organize what you have and sharpen it.

That wasn’t all.

Swordsmanship, martial arts, and sense.

What I learned from my colleagues and subordinates also became sharper, more sensitive, and bolder.

My senses have become more sensitive, my concentration has become sharper, and my ability to make bold decisions has been added.


I couldn’t avoid the blade grazing my body.

The blade that grazed the back of my hand swung back. The sword that flies and curves like a snake is based on the quick sword style and the circular sword style.

‘Once it’s picked, it’s difficult to stop it.’

If you have the skills to overwhelm your opponent by avoiding and blocking them without even brushing them, you will be able to win without even brushing them.

To do that.

‘I guess I should become a knight right now.’

The opponent in front of me was superior to a guy named Jebi Kal.

What if it was a mixed race giant?

‘I guess it’s a question of which side inflicts fatal wounds first.’

What does it mean to gauge an opponent’s skills?

This means that if Encred had tried to kill his opponent, he could have already done so several times.

I haven’t had a single wasted day in nearly 200 days. So it is possible.

However, it is still difficult to avoid even brushing. It felt like a separate thing.

Is it really impossible to become an article?

Otherwise, we’ll just have to defend ourselves all night.

I’ve already done that too.

After midnight, the same day just began.

‘Stop being defensive for now.’

There is no point in avoiding and blocking all day long through a sense of avoidance.

So, what should I do?

From then on, it was just a fight like a real battle.

Encred fought and fought.

If there was time for conscious defiance after the cut, the time before it was also fully utilized.

After defense and avoidance, it is time to learn how to overcome this wall, learn things through the other person, and apply what you have learned on your own. I wasn’t tired or impatient.

There was no reason for that.


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I was distracted by learning something new every day.

Even though it was pointless to rebel against something embedded in the sword, I ignored it.

I chased joy. Of course, in many ways, it made Encred realize many things.


Is it because I learned too much?

As he attached each new item to his body, Encred himself felt that it was becoming stronger than before.

However, there is no time to become absorbed or absorbed in it.

Even though today was repetitive, every day was busy. There is something to do every day without stopping.

I ponder, think, and move my body.

If anyone sees him, he is clearly, completely crazy.

“What is it, what makes you move?”

The boatman even asked that question.

Even though today repeats itself, why can’t I just get over one day?

It wasn’t that I couldn’t do it, it was that I couldn’t do it.

Encred was happy right now.

Even if you struggle to see a faded dream, it is better than the darkness where you cannot see an inch ahead.

Even if the road is blocked or a wall is in the way, the fact that there is light beyond gives him greater joy than ever before.

Even if suffering and pain follow.

Encred felt the joy of growth again.

I have never felt stagnant, but it is always a joy and joy to encounter an opportunity to move forward.

That joy made him move.

After hurting my wrist again.

The moment a scratch appeared on the back of Encred’s hand, the shepherd frowned.

It’s a face that says it’s a situation we don’t want.

Encred swept the back of his hand with his other hand.

As I scooped up a drop of blood, blood seeped out from a wound the size of two fingers.

Now I have become accustomed to the screams of a banshee holding my earlobe and the screams of a ghoul sticking its head in its stomach.

That doesn’t mean it wasn’t painful, but I couldn’t have shown it outwardly.

That’s why it was said in a calm tone.

“Is there a name for that sword?”

“… … uh? Are you okay?”

The shepherd was again surprised. Since he had only seen it once or twice, Encred completely ignored the other person’s reaction.

“Sword name.”

I just asked my own question the day before yesterday. The shepherd pursed his lips and answered.

“They say he is an idol killer.”

It was a sword worthy of a name. Of course, it was my first time hearing this name.

I still had no idea about the power of the sword or the principle of death from what was in that sword.

I asked questions related to that, but it was difficult to hear the other person’s answer.

Since today is his first meeting, it will be difficult for him to give a proper answer even if asked.

‘It would have been useless to listen.’

‘Will’ is something that cannot be explained, something that cannot be told, and something that cannot be conveyed.

Among them, baptism was also a type of superstition.

Baptism does not necessarily make one realize ‘Will’.

“Wouldn’t a talented human being realize it if he were on the brink of death? So, wouldn’t it be possible to know what it feels like to be cut by a blade created by willpower?”

The method that began with this question and has been passed down is baptism.

So there is no use in listening. It is said that no matter what that knife is, if you have ‘Will’ you will not die.

That sword was something made from ‘Will’. So, roll over without asking. I decided to wake up by rolling over.

“Well, do you know how to get into debt? Do you know how to stop it?”

the shepherd asked, and Encred shook his head. This is a common sound you hear as the time you can hold on to the sword increases.

Today’s repeat again.

Afterwards, Encred performed several tricks.


Instead of blocking and dodging swords all day, it’s like making it impossible for the opponent to even pull out the sword in their hand in the first place.

chin! Tap, tap.

He raised his chin under his palm and struck, and then raised his hand towards the nape of the neck of the shepherd who avoided it, and swung the blade of his hand horizontally.

It’s the shepherd who pulls his chin to block it again. He also had a knack for martial arts.

Encred was so dexterous with his hands that he stepped on his opponent’s foot.

When the foot was stepped on, the shepherd’s hands were twisted.

He has talent in martial arts, but he is not skilled in martial arts.

This guy is a prosecutor.

When the opponent held the sword grip, Encred held the same grip.

This was achieved by penetrating into close range and deeper than the dagger’s striking range.

‘Pressing the Balaf-style martial arts pommel.’

It is one of the secret techniques that prevents the opponent from even drawing his sword.

This is a skill that I learned and learned this time and made it ingrained in me.

“… … “I lost.”

The shepherd was filled with the spirit of victory and tried to draw his sword, but even that failed.

Even though I knew that pulling out my sword was a dangerous thing, I tried it.

However, the other party blocked the source. It was worth admitting defeat.

“No, let’s try again.”

But Encred bit back and spoke.

After retreating to the distance of the sword.


Encred drew his sword.

“Sharp and sharp. be careful.”

The shepherd bit his lip for a moment and pulled out his sword, saying that his weapon was not ordinary.


He also spoke as he immediately pulled out his sword and aimed it in front of him.

“Even if you pass by it, you die. “Think of it as poisonous.”

Two moons intertwined two shadows. Because of the strange angle, the shepherd’s shadow seemed larger than Encred’s.

‘You are kind too. ‘Don’t even brush against it.’

Encred is the kindness of others that I have experienced over and over again. He nodded.

It was a signal to attack, so the shepherd took a stance.

It was an unprecedentedly cautious stance.

It had to be that way. The opponent tied his sword with his fists and feet.

And the sword and the sword stuck out their tongues towards each other.


Metal met metal and sparks flew.

Even though I had seen a variety of things, such as the way the sword was used and the habit of using the feet, Encred felt something new every time he raised the sword and fought.

‘It increases as we fight.’

It’s a talent. Something you don’t have.

Recognizing that didn’t make me jealous.

I’m just happy for the other person to change.

Today is repeated, each day is a new opponent.

Also, because of that, it was impossible to win without being grazed by that sword.

Surviving the night and winning were two different things.

I don’t intend to get stabbed on purpose, but I also don’t intend to spend the day just holding on.

It was the same this time too.


A minor injury, and the screaming started.

Immediately, my heart stopped and my head turned white.

It felt like someone was poking my head with a heated poker.

It is extremely painful. It’s a terrible pain. That’s how Encred died.

dead. dead. And then he died again.

He died over three hundred times.

Death after death, death after death.

Every time, he was prevented from even drawing his sword with a Balaf style martial arts fight.

As I did this, my technical proficiency naturally increased.

Of course, all of that was just extra.

‘I didn’t get caught.’

In the invisible darkness, Encred became a wanderer who lost his way.

I could see a light in the distance, but I couldn’t catch it, and I couldn’t approach it.

So, has anything changed?

Nothing changes just because you can’t see the road, so Encred walked in silence. I crawled. He was able to move forward even if he struggled, and with that alone he was a walker and a wanderer.

“You idiot.”

These are the words of the boatman.

All he said from time to time was something like that.

You idiot.

Stupid guy.

Ignorant guy.

You don’t even think about the people listening getting hurt?

Of course, I wasn’t hurt at all.

I walked on this dull autumn day.

I picked up fallen leaves from the walking path.

One day, as I was walking and walking holding the fallen leaves I had picked up in my arms, light passed through my hands.


A voice was heard between the screams.

Encred reacted reflexively to those words. No, this is something I have always cried with sincerity until now.

Although he looked calm on the outside, Encred was struggling and struggling.

Because the struggle was always one, it ultimately came down to one wish and wish.


I don’t like it. I don’t want to die. I won’t die. No matter what your blade does, I will not die.

Those words were full of heart.

I died this time too. But it was a different death than before.

The pain is the same though.

“to? “I heard you don’t have one?”

I held on for a while, really a while.

What should I say about this?

People don’t have tails. It was clear that if I suddenly got a tail, it would be difficult to use it.

Well, it will take some practice to write it.

The moment I realized what to do, on a road filled with only black darkness.

In some ways, it is the realm of the senses, and in some ways, it is something intentional.

What is ‘willpower’?

What is ‘Will’?

‘As I wish.’

When you are cut by a shepherd’s sword, if what the sword speaks of is death, if what the sword forces is death.

Encred had one thing to do.

Today is the four hundred and eighty-fifth.

When you overpower your opponent with both your sword and your fists, but you cannot block the sword that grazed your shoulder.

Encred felt the will to die.

It was a one-sided attack and pressure with a sword.

It is an intangible force that tightens the heart and burns the brain.

Because I clearly felt that, I could have refused.

When I didn’t feel it, I should have died without knowing anything, but because I felt it.

When you see a hand approaching, you strike it away to make your intentions known.

That’s how I was able to show my intentions.


Show your will by speaking out loud.

Something I didn’t know until I realized it.

Willpower is something Will could never have expected before being replaced by some intangible force.


The shepherd opened his mouth in surprise.

Encred repelled the ‘dead will’ coming from the wound on his shoulder.

It’s just a cut, and all I can do is mutter to myself. There was no burst of intangible pressure, no explosion of light, no magical event.

Despite that.

Because it has stripped away the intangible coercion and will that can be felt by those who have touched the power of ‘Will’.

The shepherd knew, and Encred knew.

The shepherd’s sword could no longer be fatal to Encred. No harm could be done.

Aside from the utility of the blade, the ‘willpower’ of that sword could not kill Encred.

Encred recognized something he had bounced off.

That was someone’s whole life, life, and sorrow.

So, someone planted ‘Will’ in that sword.

I just broke it.

“… … “Have you realized it now?”

The shepherd was quick to notice.


I didn’t deny it. I felt a little bit like I wanted to be honest.

Not now, but more than four hundred times today.

Of course I couldn’t say that.

“I lost.”

The shepherd stretched out his arms. The tip of the sword in his hand touched the floor.

It’s a dejected expression. It seemed like a cool face on the inside.

Encred knew that the day was over.

The two moons still shone on them.

Among the long shadows, Encred’s seemed larger. It is the change in shadow that occurs as the moon passes.

Encred muttered to himself.

‘This is Will.’

This isn’t everything. It will only be a small part.

All I could say was ‘refuse’.


“I’m going crazy.”

Okay, I felt like I was going to die.


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