Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 231

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231. Are you really not going to go to the temple?

Today, wall, threat, crisis, juncture, difficulty.

Just as there are many ways to call, there is not just one way to overcome it.

One of the easiest ways.

A demon born from a temple, an axe-man, a sneaky assassin, a grumpy leopard wizard, and a lazy swordsman.

Colleague, subordinate.

If you ask them to follow you, some of them will do so willingly.

This means that if they are the only ones present, the threat ceases to be a threat.

There were many paths even without their help.

In the end, it doesn’t matter if you don’t get cut.

There is also a way to fight until you win without getting cut.

Because of the curse, even if Encred dies, he only lives for today.

It would be nice to call him a soldier who lives only for today.

Just repeat, repeat, repeat countless times. That repetition will eventually open the door.

But all of that did not remain in Encred’s mind.

There are people who, when they find what they are aiming for, just focus on that and move forward.

Encred stood at the extreme of such a human being.

More than anything.

It was as if the wall was provoking me to climb over it.

Even if there are hundreds of ways.

Even if there is an easier way.

Even if there is a faster way than this.

Encred has the honesty to go to the destination I have chosen.

So, I was told that my head was broken.

‘That’s unpleasant.’

This is not something I should hear from Rem or anyone else.

It’s also something I don’t want to hear from the boatman.

One side’s hobby is beating or axing their superiors.

Isn’t the other side the one that enjoys trapping people in ‘today’ and going crazy?

Both of them are beings who should not tell others whether there is something wrong with their head.

Of course, even if it wasn’t those two, it was something Encred would never admit.

‘I can’t believe my brain is broken.’

This is nonsense.

Because he only has a clear dream, he is an ordinary person.


“what? “You had it?”

“Did you already have it?”

“If you have it, you won’t die. “Oh, thank goodness!”

“Ah, I was surprised again.”

This is the reaction you get when you are cut by a shepherd’s sword and speak in a calm manner.

These are words that make it impossible not to ask, “What on earth should I have?” So she asked. That was the word I heard.


The shepherd spoke, and Encrid felt the need.

There was something blocking the path I wanted to walk.

Encred looked at the wall blocking his path and found a clue. I felt it.

Dimly but clearly.

After organizing my thoughts throughout the technique of isolation, I entered the dormitory.

It was a bright sunny day, blue sky, and white clouds.

There was a beautiful sky behind the door of the hotel. With that in the background, Encred raised his left hand and spoke.

“Will, who can?”

Everyone fell silent for a moment at the question.

* * *

Since Ester the leopard was a wizard, she naturally ignored it.

Since morning, that person has been making crazy noises again.

It was everyday life.


Esther expressed her intention by raising her neck lightly and rolled around on the soft fur.

This is the fur that Kreiss got some time ago. She was also the person who was most horrified to see herself transformed into a person.

“why? Why become a person? “It was a leopard.”

“Insolent human being.”

When I said this in front of him, Kreis looked really pale and brought me various items.

It was one of them.

Although it looked quite strange to see the animal sitting on animal fur in the form of an animal, Ester was satisfied.

Heated leather is good, but isn’t the softness the best?

There was one animal that was so indifferent, and everyone else had their own circumstances.

To put it bluntly, Rem couldn’t be said to be handling ‘Will’.

‘Because that’s what kids on this continent use.’

Instead, Rem was able to reach a similar destination in a different way.


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Having the strength of a knight and ‘Will’ are completely different things, but if I told you that, would you accept it?

Encred spoke clearly.

I wasn’t asking how to reach the destination.

The word ‘Will’ was spit out exactly from his mouth.

Rem thought for a moment and then answered. The answer is to wear the boots on only one side and stop while putting them on on the other side.

That’s how much Encred’s words caused him concern.

“I can’t do that.”

It would be similarly possible if it were a method other than ‘Will’.

Anyway, it doesn’t mean it isn’t.

Rem replied, bent over and put on her boots.

Saxony has never become a knight in the first place, has never wanted to become one, and has never trained to awaken ‘Will’.

However, there was something I felt instinctively when I saw people who were of the rank of semi-knights.

There was something vaguely similar to that within myself. But is this ‘Will’? Is this the ‘will power’ they talk about?

I don’t know about that.

You can’t teach something you don’t know much about.

Saxony shook his head.

It is said that Audín contained divinity in his body, and that evil things cannot enter the body of one who contains divinity.

The evil did not necessarily include only unbeneficial and bad things.

The fact that humans have realized their own power based on willpower is also evil in the eyes of God.

Even though it may not be wrong, it is not a path that someone who takes divinity first would choose.

Those who awaken to actual divinity first open a path in their own way and rise to the rank of knight, without awakening ‘Will’.

The same was true for Audin.

For him, divinity was enough.

“Are you in a hurry, brother?”

It’s a soft question. He seemed lost in thought the whole time he was training his body using isolation techniques.

Nevertheless, I was faithful to the isolation technique.

Encred was an ascetic who witnessed and challenged his own limitations every day.

At least that’s how it seemed to Audin.

I move forward without any hesitation, breaking the limits of my body’s talents.

This is what such a person wants. I wanted to give it. But since I didn’t have it, there was nothing I could give.

‘It might be faster to take on divinity.’

Without sincere faith, it will only hinder you.

Audin also shook his head.

“I’m not in a hurry.”

Encred spoke in a clear voice. Before I knew it, the hand I had raised was lowered. Judging from the fact that his arms were naturally hanging down and his shoulders were relaxed, he wasn’t nervous, and he didn’t seem to be in a hurry.

All that was left was Ragna.

Ragnar woke up to Encred’s voice.

Oversleeping was like a symbol of his.

The blond man shook his head while his eyes were covered in mucus.

“The dandruff is falling off. “You lazy bastard.”

Rem grumbled, but Ragna paid no attention and spoke.

“I can teach you if you want, but it would be nonsense.”


Encred asked while standing.

Ragna continued speaking calmly.

“To explain, it’s like the captain’s hair is black and mine is gold.”

Ragna said that and slowly nodded. She seemed to be impressed by what I said. He seemed to think it was a very good thing to say.

What can I say about this?

The description was like a full-grown puppy.

“You call that an explanation?”

Rem, the second authority on the crappy explanation, came forward and scolded me.

Saxony burst out laughing, and Audin turned his head, pretending not to notice.

With that one ‘poof’, sparks flew between Rem and Saxony again.

“If you’re going to fight, go out and fight.”

In the past, Encred got in between the two without knowing it was cool. I blocked it with my body. It was a time when I knew nothing.

Now I know by seeing. Are they really going to fight, or are they just protesting because they feel bad for each other?

This was a protest.

Ragna’s simple words continued again.

“Even if you dye your hair blonde, your natural hair will still come out. And even though they have the same blonde hair, the color is strangely different, and in the end, I have to live with my own hair.”

If this bastard didn’t know how to use a real sword, he would have thrown it away somewhere.

I can’t find the directions, the explanations are crap, I’m lazy, and I’m not even that quick-witted.

However, if you give it a sword, it is literally a white crane flying alone among a flock of chickens.

No, not a white crane, but a golden crane?

This is what I think about emphasizing blonde hair.

“Do it with your body, not your mouth?”

Encrud’s sweat hasn’t cooled down yet. Ragna saw that and slowly got up.

“Of course.”

The two went outside.

Rem and Saxony also stopped their protest by giving each other blessings.

“You bastard who is suffering from a sexually transmitted disease.”

This is Lem’s blessing for Saxony, who goes to the red light district.

“I hope that I die within this year.”

This is Saxony’s blessing.

Audin happily looked at the two encouraging each other.

“What are you looking at, Gomtaeng?”

Of course, Rem’s spark sparked at him, but he ignored it.

A pouting Lem is more dangerous than a dog in heat.

“let’s go. Sister Dunbakel, please watch it too. “Sister Finn has been away a lot lately.”

“They said they were busy.”

Kreis answered and everyone went outside.

I just saw Encred and Ragna clashing wooden training swords.

“I don’t know how to be intimidating.”

These are Ragnar’s words spoken with swords clashing.

The admonition to explain with the sword instead of the tongue could not have been more appropriate.

Encred was just thinking about that. Why not? He shows this right in front of your eyes.

“Instead, I know how to do this.”


The wooden sword Ragna held disappeared. It seemed that way in Encred’s eyes. It was that fast. It leaves a long afterimage, like lightning when lightning strikes, but it cannot be tracked in real time.

Take a picture.

I only heard things like this.

The result of the invisible wooden sword left Encred’s hand in half.

The wooden sword was cut with a wooden sword.

Encred can do it too. But you can’t do it like this.

It’s not like I broke it, I cut it. All I could hear was a clicking sound, and it was happening at a speed that I couldn’t react to.

He said he couldn’t use coercion, but the force was similar.

Even with one swing of the wooden sword, Encrid felt something explosive from Ragna for an instant.

Looking at Ragna’s eyes, don’t they look like jewels emitting light?

“It’s an amputation.”

That’s what I said before about being an actor. Afterwards, I was told to learn steel slash and lion slash for this.

“This is my Will at the moment.”

Things that cannot be understood through simple couplets.

Encred asked and listened.

Even if the speaker’s tongue is poor, the truth contained therein does not change.

Although it was difficult because the listener’s ears and mind were open, understanding was possible.

Above all, there was advice from Rem, Audin, and Saxony who were watching.

What is ‘Will’?

It is ‘willpower’. That’s the basis. However, if it is only willpower, how can ‘Will’ overcome human limitations?

Why did the knight become a symbol?

An intangible power created based on willpower.

That is called ‘Will’.

“Everyone is different. “Just like hair color is different.”

Ragnar seemed to really like the hair color analogy and repeated it.

Okay, now I understand.

‘Will’ cannot be taught.

It is possible to provide a clue to enlightenment in the form of baptism, or to provide help to those who are stuck.

‘Will’ cannot be awakened through that baptism.

Awakening and learning were two different things.

You can learn it through baptism, but you cannot make it enlightened. However, you can learn it.

If you experience it again and again, you may be able to feel it. They said baptism was for that.

“I trained myself with lion slashes and steel slashes at least a thousand times a month to cut.”

If we understand based on the words of Ragnar, who is overflowing with talent,

‘Will is not teaching, but enlightening.’

Well, you might say it’s a long way, but I also heard about baptism in the middle.


It was not originally meant to be used in temples.

Intangible power created by willpower.

After creating a technology based on that, you are exposed to it.

“In order to enlighten Will, the squires of the Knights will be baptized once a month at most, and in most cases once every three months.”

“Isn’t the number of times too small?”

“Even if you do that, some people will go crazy. “That’s why the intimidation of the guy with the rapier is so dangerous.”

Why did Rem and others react sensitively to the intimidation of a quasi-knight named Acea in the past?

It was for this reason.

“It is a rebellion against baptism, a way to arbitrarily learn Will.”

Ragna surprisingly knew a lot. It makes me wonder what it would have been like if I had said this from the beginning.

“Why did you use the hair color analogy?”

“I want to say something easier to hear.”

I hope you stop putting in effort like that. En Creed said to himself and nodded his head.

You can’t dismiss the other person’s efforts as worthless.

That effort will pay off someday, even if not today.

Just as he was learning his sword, Ragna could also be learning something. She knows how to speak and how to find her way.

“But why are you splitting?”

Rem, who was watching closely, asks. Encred stroked his face.

‘Ah, I laughed without realizing it.’

I couldn’t help but laugh.

He said that even if there was baptism, even if he endured it, he couldn’t learn ‘Will’. It’s hard to catch even the smallest clues.

Encred laughed.

Because I feel like I’ve already seen something.

It won’t be an easy road. Of course. He also recognizes it.

so? When was it easy?

For Encred, the path between the sword and the dream is never easy.

The shepherd said he needed ‘Will’ to overcome the unknown power of the blade.

The answer wasn’t far away.

Today is repeated, the sword held by the shepherd, that is baptism, that is opportunity.

I’ve already experienced it more than eighty times.

There was nothing I could do when I didn’t know, but now I have vaguely realized it through the explanation.

The same goes for sixth sense and intuition.

What did you know when you learned it?

Wasn’t it similar when I trained my senses and opened the door to my sixth sense, and when I broke through the trap created by the spell?

So, how about doing the same thing this time?

How to resist invisible forces? I do not know.

road? It’s not visible.

So does it matter?

No, it wasn’t a problem.

Encred laughed. He planned to roll around until he died, or rather, while he was dying. No matter how difficult the road was, he was able to smile.

That will put you one step higher.

Rem, who was looking closely at the smiling Encred, spoke with a serious attitude and expressed concern.

“Are you really not going to go to the temple?”


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