Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 228

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228. Belle’s Today

Associate Knight Acea.

He was a member of the knights who came with Proc Ruagarne.

What she used was a type of technique called ‘coercion’.

A skill based on willpower, just like the swordsman showed right before my eyes.

No, it was better than that.

Encrud saw an intangible blade cutting, stabbing, and dividing his body. There were more and faster than the previous Asia’s.

Even though I know it’s a lie and fake, I can’t ignore it.

Even though I instinctively knew that it came from the other person’s willpower, a sense of avoidance kicked in.

I almost retreated reflexively, but Encred bit his molars.

My body flinched. Her shoulders were shaking. If you don’t want to avoid the sword as it approaches, you will have to hold the sword in your heart.

It’s the same as back then.

If you can’t get through it, you have to run away or avoid it.

It’s the same as Acea’s intimidation.

If you can’t get over it, you’ll be crushed by the wall. It’s like admitting defeat without even putting up a fight or stretching out your hand.

The boatman’s smile came to mind. Laughter is sure to shake the river.

Encred suppressed his instincts.

“You could die.”

The rapier swordsman said that he would not back down.

Encred didn’t listen.

Even in a time when death was the end, he risked his life.

Instead of struggling to die, I struggled to walk forward.

So should I step down now?

Should I?

“Go away.”

Prosecutor Rapier spoke again.

And Encred began swinging his sword towards the approaching blade.

Changes the sense of avoidance to attack, explodes the heart of superpower, and opens the door to the sixth sense.

My one-point concentration is activated and I am completely immersed in the moment.

I could see all the approaching blades and intangible swords.

Slowly and surely.

Encrid swung his sword.

I hit them one by one to get rid of them, then knocked them down and destroyed them. The broken blade disappeared like a ghost. It broke like glass.

And the more it was broken, the more a new blade was created.

“It’s foolish.”

Prosecutor Rapier said.

Those were the last words Encred heard.

One blade was lost. The blade came in curved and became as fast as a nimble hawk. It was worth missing.

Encred felt the blade cutting into his throat.

It felt real.

It was terrible, and I felt hot. It almost felt like death was certain.

Encred closed his eyes.

However, I did not meet the boatman.

When I opened my eyes again.

“Are you awake? “Crazy captain Nari?”

I heard Rem’s voice.

* * *

Encrid was so intimidated that he swung his sword in the air like a madman, but then fell down with only the whites of his eyes visible.

At the same time, I felt like I had learned the sword properly and wondered why the posture for using the sword was so precise and clean.

After that, without any groans or screams, he collapsed like a kite whose strings had fallen, or like a puppet whose usefulness had come to an end.

It was right after Encred fell.


There was a person who hit the ground. One, no, several people moved.

Audin rushed forward and caught Encred.

Rem took out an axe. Ragna stood next to him, blocking the space between Encred and the rapier swordsman.

Saxony was already behind the rapier swordsman.

“If I had intended to kill him, I would have killed him long ago.”

said the prosecutor.

Rem knew too. The opponent in front of you is someone whom even you cannot guarantee a victory.

‘No, well, if I decide to kill him, I can do it alone.’

But was he alone here?

This means that you don’t have to unpack your hidden bundle.

“If you’re dead, I’d cut you off.”

Ragna says: There was no doubt about what he said. If you say you’re going to cut it, you’ll cut it.

That’s why I believe Ragnar’s sword is strong.

Rem spoke with an expressionless expression, without any trace of her usual smile.

“Let’s be careful. huh? My ax has a tendency to go out of its way. “He has an ego, he’s an ego dox.”

Even though he was telling a trivial joke, his expression was indifferent.


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So it was more brutal.

“I feel fine. “I’ll have to wake up to find out about the head.”

Audin said after checking Encred’s breathing. The title ‘brother’ as usual is omitted.

Coercion affects the mind. It is the power to press and tighten the opponent.

You may become an idiot when you wake up.

Of course, Audin had no such worries.

Encred is not the type of person to do that. This is not a person who can just break down like this.

There’s just one thing, what if the blade of fear settles in that heart?

That’s what the other person did.

Rather than a physical chain, it leaves a scar in your mind.

It leaves behind something that can safely be called psychological trauma. Once fear is engraved, it is not easily broken down.

“I’ll see you after you wake up and check your condition.”

The brother was still missing from Auddin’s words.

That was the fight that ended.

* * *

Encred, who woke up, listened to the whole story right after he fainted and nodded.


It is a technique based on intimidation and ‘will’.

So, the opponent is at least a semi-knight.

That means he is an opponent who knows how to use a sword properly.

“That’s fun.”

Encred muttered.

Sounds fun?

Everyone’s eyes gathered.

If this is sincere, there is a problem. My head is broken. Everyone knows that. But I also thought that Encred could do that again.

Isn’t he just a crazy person?

That’s the thought that passed through everyone’s mind.

There was a short silence.

This is the end of various random thoughts such as whether it is really good, whether it is just a show of curiosity, and whether it is possible to do that even after looking at a real sword.

“It looks like it’s okay since it’s still broken.”

Rem said as if concluding.

So, this is the summit of Encred.

Are you scared when you see a sword?

It could have been so. As I walked through the battlefield, I often saw people whose hearts were broken.

I also heard a story about a soldier who saw a giant on the battlefield and would turn a blind eye whenever he heard the two words ‘giant’ for the rest of his life.

However, this did not apply to Encred.

I already have a record of truly, actually, enduring pain one by one.

A person who did not back down even in the face of real death would not have to suffer if he was cut and stabbed to death by an imaginary blade.

“Like when I pulled out my sword, I think the captain really had a problem here.”

A relieved Kreis said, putting his right index finger next to his ear and twirling it.

It seemed like he remembered a similar experience when he pulled out the magic sword.


Rem, who saw that, hit Kreis in the back of the head.

The hit was so hard that it seemed as if his eyeballs were popping out, befitting his nickname “wang-eye.”

“evil! “Why are you hitting me?”

“That’s mine.”

What’s yours?

Encred shook his head inwardly and got up.

“Only I can do it.”

Rem was grumpy for no reason. Kreis pouted his lips but quietly retreated.

Isn’t this someone you can communicate with in the first place?

“Are you sure you’re okay? “Brother Captain?”

“I guess I slept too much. “I feel light.”

When I asked if I was okay, the answer was that I felt fine.

Audin grinned.

“This is truly an amazing mental power. “Brother.”

Audin looked at Encred again.

Why wouldn’t you do that?

During the long period of honing one’s divinity, the skills required of everyone are patience and stability of mind.

“Only those who do not give in to any hardship or threat should raise their heads.”

Auddin muttered a portion of the Bible.

No one listened closely to it.

Ragna is not a very suspicious person, but he still thought it was necessary to confirm.


He drew his sword and stopped it just a finger away from the tip of Encred’s nose.

“… … “Let’s spar?”

Encred said while looking into Ragnar’s eyes.

Those who are afraid of the sword cannot hide their anxiety.

But what do Encred’s eyes look like now?

It’s still the same. Straight and straight. It was filled with only the look in Jebikal’s eyes that he was tired of seeing.

“You can do it next time.”

Ragna took away his sword.

In Saxony, as always, Encred was amazing.

‘I don’t think I will die even if I kill him.’

However, when you are in danger of death, you won’t just ignore it.

Anyway, Encred woke up fine.

After that, sparring continued.

The rapier swordsman again showed intimidation instead of the soft and friendly sword he had before.

He struck out the intangible blade again and was cut to death. To be exact, it is fainting, not actual death.

It’s just something similar to death digging into my mind and heart.

That couldn’t change Encred.

“Are you holding on?”

These are the words of Prosecutor Rapier.

Jebikal grumbled after seeing that.

“Okay, just do it in moderation. “If you’re going to kill me, I’ll just kill you. Why are you only looking at the moment?”

Prosecutor Rapier ignored those words.

The half-blood giant and Edin Molsen’s escort expressed a different opinion.

“Next time, it would be better to do it last, right? “I ended up fainting before I even got out.”

Howie’s words. The mixed-blood giant also nodded.

The idea is not to take away your opportunity.

This is also an amazing thing.

Prosecutor Rapier saw Encred’s limitations, but acknowledged what was necessary.

‘Is it motivation?’

None of these people here are the same as the first time.

Everyone was changing as they faced Encred.

The heat has passed and it is now dry fall. The Border Guard is north of Pen-Hanil, where autumn is short. So the cold will come soon after that.

It was already halfway through autumn, and thirty days had already passed since they came to Border Guard.

“Tell them that the next time is the last time.”

Prosecutor Rapier said.

“Do whatever you want.”

Rem answered.

Encrid, who woke up after fainting due to coercion, nodded.

“I want to win that.”

“There is only one way.”

There was always advice when competing with people who came to the city.

This time too, Ragna stepped forward.

“If you can’t strike them all down, all you have to do is hit the imaginary blade with your heart.”

It was not a word with an ambiguous meaning.


The point was that if you don’t have at least something intangible to overcome the pressure, you won’t be able to overcome it.

“Will says he realizes it, but in reality, with that kind of power, the formation of the Knights itself is impossible. Semi-knights are those who forcibly woke Will up. It could be. “Of course, waking him up and immediately accepting such intimidation is a different matter.”

The last thing was that just because you learned how to walk doesn’t mean you can run right away.

In any case, if we were to conclude based on Ragnar’s words, it would be that the opponent is testing himself.

Whatever the intention, whether evil or good.

Whether it was goodwill or malice, Encred didn’t care.



Just like I did every time I encountered something that was constricting my body, I just wanted to get over it.

However, I had no intention of giving up my life and repeating today.

* * *

Another day passed and it was a night like any other day.

Belle, who was working in front of the castle gate, noticed someone coming forward during the night.

“Who? peddling?”

Even as Belle asked, she knew that the other person was no merchant or anything.

If I thought rationally, it was strange to go around alone, and if I looked at it emotionally, it was just because the other person seemed formidable.

“Is this where the former soldier is?”

He wasn’t wearing a black cape or wearing any suspicious clothing.

The man who approached the torch’s light was young.

His skin was a bit darker, and he wore a sword at his waist.

He wore an arming sword and three daggers side by side on the other side of his waist, and the outfit looked very natural.

So even though he had a weapon, it didn’t look like he did.

“I was wondering if I could see him.”

The man spoke again. Bell tilted his head to an angle, then turned it back and said:

“We cannot allow outsiders into the city at this time, so if you are going to come, it would be better to come tomorrow during the day. And we’ll meet tomorrow, right?”

The last question is directed to the colleague next to me.

“Yes, that’s right.”

The colleague next to me answered.

Tomorrow was the day Encred’s body recovered.

Those days of sparring that have continued one after another recently.

There were days off, but they will come out tomorrow. I wasn’t seriously hurt.

“You’re lucky. “We’ll be able to meet tomorrow.”

In response to Bell’s words, the man purred his lips and spoke.

“I’m only free tonight. “Can’t we meet now?”

Bell thought the other person was stubborn, but isn’t he a man with a strange vibe?

‘I’ll have to take the test.’

There are many people looking for former soldiers, but it is not common for them to overwhelm themselves.

There were quite a few people who turned around after defeating themselves.

“A single soldier is like this?”

That’s what I’m saying.

Bell tapped his colleague on the shoulder.

“I’m going to check it out in a moment. “If something happens, ring the emergency bell.”

“Don’t worry, I will put an arrow in that friend’s forehead before the emergency bell.”

A colleague standing guard with me tapped my side and said.

This friend carried a bow wherever he went.

So, I’m a friend who shoots a bow.

He was also a member of the Venjens platoon leader.

Belle thought as she opened the side door and went out.

The watching eyes are Senut, a guard.

Bell spoke, using the torch’s light as a warning.

“If you knock me out, I’ll tell you the story. Would you like to try it?”

“Well, that’s good.”

Soon, even though Belle aimed her spear, the man faced him empty-handed.

“… … “Aren’t you going to pull out your sword?”

Belle’s voice deepened.

“If you cut me with this, you’ll die, but I don’t think there’s any need to kill me.”

This guy? Are you overflowing with confidence?

Belle’s frustration rose, and it was reflected in the strike of her spear.

The fight wasn’t long. The opponent grabbed the extended spear.

Bell could see his opponent’s movement, but he was just half a beat short.

After closing the distance, the guy hit Belle in the stomach with his palm.


It felt like a shock went straight through my stomach. Belle actually thought there was a hole in her stomach.

Just as I was barely able to stop myself from feeling like my insides were pounding and almost throwing up, I heard the other person’s voice.

“You have good tenacity.”

“… … “There’s an instructor who gets really angry if you get knocked down with just one hit.”

Belle answered with a sigh. His legs shook from the heavy impact.

Still, Auddin’s fist was twice as heavy as this.

Belle finished her worries. The opponent has greater skills than you.

And he said he had no intention of waiting until daylight.

‘Just tell it, okay?’

The idea was to just tell Encred. Because the decision is his.

Didn’t Encred also say several times that there could be people like this?

Encred said of his own accord that he wanted to meet everyone, even those who stopped by on the way.

If you have proven skills, it doesn’t matter if it’s late at night.

There were several people who had already encountered this.

“I’ll go and come back.”

Bell obediently backed away. The other person did not show murderous intent or be rude.

So, let Belle go into the barracks and tell Encred.

“Wait a minute, I’m just watching.”

He came out right away.

“Are you going alone?”


“No, well, I think it will work.”

Bell served as the gatekeeper dealing with those who came to Encred.

In his view, the opponents were inferior to those currently in the market.

I didn’t feel any overwhelming force or intimidation.

As I relayed it as is, Encred walked alone with a light step.

“Let’s go.”

Encred stepped forward, and the two exchanged words under the torchlight, and soon encountered swords.


And a fight between the two continued.

It was intense and lively.

I had the illusion that dawn was rising between the two.

It’s like the light seeping through.

Meanwhile, a strange sight appeared before Belle’s eyes.

The moment the opponent’s suddenly drawn blade grazed the area around Encred’s forehead, didn’t the opponent shake his head as if he was in despair?

After that, Encred’s body trembled and fell forward. He collapsed. It fell from his nose first. They say it happened because he couldn’t control his body.

Belle blinked.


Since then, the world has been distorted, torn, and changed.

Encred’s death is the pendulum that turns back a day.

Because the curse was activated, a day passed that Belle could not remember.

And Bell, who repeated the same thing again today and visited Encred, said:

“Independent Company Commander, someone came to visit.”


Belle tilted her head. Even though there is no detailed information, he seems to be stepping forward.

Then, Encred showed a smile on his face. He had a smiling face that he rarely showed, a very excited face.

“Do you know someone?”

Belle asked.


Encred answered as he walked. The answer was that I didn’t know, but behind that answer there was infinite joy and joy. Encred was unable to hide his emotions to the point where it was clearly felt.


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