Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 227

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227. Couple, sparring, test

‘How did we get here?’

Rapier Swordsman was used to teaching.

If teaching is a familiar task, the way you see it goes beyond familiarity and is skillful.

Although Frock’s talent reading was due to the unique abilities of that race, the rapier swordsman’s eyes were of a completely different type.

It was created through a combination of individual talent and accumulated experience.

From what I saw, my skills have definitely improved.

It’s hard to believe that ‘Will’ isn’t there.

Occasionally, the continuous sword strikes with shining eyes are a form of cutting off one’s own escape route.

‘At the official inspection ceremony.’

Heavy swords were mixed. It is literally heading toward something complete.

The opponent exceeded his expectations.

Originally, I didn’t even have any expectations.

It was such talent and skill.

I can definitely say that this was the first time that my judgment was so wrong.

That struck a chord in Swordsman Rapier’s heart. She touched her heart and moved her heart.

‘Map, Dalian.’

That was my intention from the beginning.

He tried to follow the path of a knight, but turned back because his talent was not there.

However, I have never been defeated by someone without Will. It’s still the same now.

‘It has increased.’

It’s very surprising, and it’s true that his skills are outstanding. However, the black-haired man in front of me still can’t deal with a real quasi-knight.

That was his decision.


Sword and sword clashed one after another, sparks flying.

Blue eyes stretched out between the ceaseless attacks.


It wasn’t easy. Human limitations have been surpassed. That’s for sure.

What if the opponents are those who were lazy and believed in their mediocre talent?

The man in front of me will win.

So, what happened to that guy named Jebikal?

I know this because I saw the fight and now have faced it.

‘The goal is not to kill, but to fight, and sparring comes first.’

Jebikal was the opposite. He fought to kill him.

However, it is only a small difference. In his view, the only difference is who took the first step. The guy named Jebikal didn’t even notice that.

Haven’t your skills improved significantly?

It was something to be surprised about again and again.

That was why.

I was told to give up and ended up taking up the sword like this.

Start slowly and evenly.

You won’t have to wield your sword to your full potential.

Even so, it is fast and strong, and the swordsmanship mixed in is a sword technique. Mix softness with a fast sword. It spills while hitting and hits while spilling.

It was to let people know that there is such a sword technique in the world.

We even had a fight with him.

If you recommend digging into only one form called ‘Jungjung Healing Healing’, that is a wrong teaching.

You may have a specialty, but it is right to learn all five sword techniques. It is right to at least scratch the surface.

Why should it be like that?

Because if you know how to prevent something, if you know how to avoid it, if you know something, you can do anything.

That’s why.

Rapier swordsmanship forced diversity in swordsmanship in that respect. It was also revealed that a water fight does not necessarily take place in the form of a straight sword.



As he was about to shed his sword, Encred’s eyes lit up. It’s a trick.

Encred struck down a vertical slash that seemed like it could cut through anything. It was like a lightning strike.

The rapier swordsman who faced him turned to the side while trying to block the sword as if he was going to meet him.

Yoo Geom-sik, shed without touching.

A black thunderbolt that seemed almost out of reach split the air.

Whoop! The sound of cutting through the air was clear.

Should we call it advanced swordsmanship or skilled swordsmanship?

Afterwards, when he raised the tip of his sword and stabbed, it was natural that Encred’s posture became disturbed.

The subsequent victory belonged to the rapier swordsman.

Just push on. Slowly, little by little, killing frogs was an art.

The way to kill a frog with boiling water is to start with cold water and gradually warm it up.

The basis of this sword technique was pressure.

It is said with a sword.

‘You can’t go beyond this. ‘This is your last place.’

As it rushes and rages, it becomes trapped and comes to a halt.

Encred had encountered a wall that he could not overcome, even with his heart of strength, his sense of evasion, and all the sword techniques he had learned.


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So are you frustrated?

Since he didn’t have time to do that and he didn’t think much about it even if he had time, Encred just swung his sword heavily.

But the rapier swordsman who saw it didn’t like it either.

It went completely differently than Dalian expected.

To sum it up, I couldn’t see anything flashing from the other person.

‘Wasn’t it a genius I missed?’

Otherwise, wouldn’t this growth make no sense?

But why can’t I see any sparkle? Why is the color of talent so dull?

I expected the frog to jump out of the pot. I tried to see it at least stretch its legs, but it just slowly withered away and died.

“Let’s stop here.”

“Whoa, whoa, that was a good lesson.”

Encred nodded.

It was a worthy sparring. This guy wasn’t aiming for my head or his reputation. He showed up right away and gave instructions.

“I will do it today too.”

A mixed-race giant with a sword and shield came forward.

The current sparring had no load on the body. All he had to do was catch his breath. En Creed nodded his head.

The fight between the two was similar to before.

The fierceness and extremeness made the eyes of those who saw it dizzy.

A fight with a swallow knife is a battle where you never know when your body might get punctured or cut off.

The battle with the mixed-race giant seemed as if something would be crushed or crushed at any moment.

Encred endured.

It was a similar injury to the first day.

This time, the mixed race giant showed a trick by holding the tip of the sword and swinging it like a blunt weapon. She also added some trickery by shaking her shield up and down.

Encred countered him and attacked his opponent with a combination of heavy and true swords.

It seemed like he was using what he had learned from the rapier swordsman a while ago.

Of course, the rapier swordsman watching was not satisfied.

‘It hasn’t increased.’

If you can see a difference with just one sparring, you are a genius.

However, if you look closely at Encred, he was considered an ordinary person.

That was annoying.

The prosecutor’s eyes suddenly frowned.

“Okay, that’s it for today. If you’re bored, you can do one request or another to deal with the demonic beasts around you. Not only are the rewards generous, but the frustrating pace is relieved.”

“That’s fine.”

Jebikal was pleased with Kreis’ words.

My hands were itching to death.

Above all, the two opponents I saw today both looked formidable.

One was his polar opposite, and the other seemed to be hiding his skills.

‘Damn bastards.’

However, I can’t just leave it like this. If there are circumstances, an assassination squad with black knives might come.

Haven’t you been using the thieves’ Crona indiscriminately?

Now is the time to risk your life.

More than anything, the impulse to kill made my blood boil. If I leave you here, wouldn’t it be difficult to cut as you want for the time being?

‘Ah, I want to kill him.’

I longed for the feel of his hands piercing my delicate skin.

However, since he couldn’t kill a vagabond in the city and be beaten to death, he couldn’t kill just anyone.

If you do something, aren’t the people next to you going to attack you with foam at the mouth?

They all have sharp eyes and outstanding skills.

‘I got caught so badly.’

I didn’t think it was an easy task, but it turned out to be a twisted and twisted task.

‘Let’s at least cut down the demonic beast.’

It was a reasonable decision.

Kreis nodded and spoke to the soldier who joined him.

“Yes, this way.”

Today’s sparring ended with the guiding soldier leading the swallow knife.

Encred had to be carried halfway. His thigh muscles were shaking and he couldn’t walk.

“This will get better with a little rest.”

Encred said.

“Well, it’s so bad.”

“It will get better, but if it repeats, it can lead to bone disease. Brother. “It is good to have faith, but avoid overconfidence.”

Auddin recited the words of the temple. It’s good to trust your body, but do it in moderation.

“Well, sure.”

Encred nodded. Of course, even the dog wouldn’t believe it.

“When we get to the dorm, let’s have a quick hand-blade sparring session.”

Ragna says.

“If you sharpen your senses, you can better anticipate your moves.”

Saxony was talking next to me.

Everyone seemed to have a lot to say.

To be exact, it seemed like he didn’t really like seeing Encred suffer.

Is it a little different from when they sold it?

Encred didn’t even care.

What does it matter?

There is so much work to do right now.

I’ve learned and mastered it, but it still doesn’t happen all at once. She had no choice.

Then, all you have to do is take it one step at a time.

At least the talent remains in my body and is no longer stationary like before, so this alone is a huge improvement.

Encred returned to his dorm with random thoughts and continued sparring with Ragna.

“I’m doing well even though I’m injured.”

Finn stuck out his tongue when he saw that.

Finn also seemed quite busy these days. After whispering with the fairy company commander, we often went out early in the morning.

“Where are you hanging out like that these days?”

Rem asked if I was bored. Finn answered roughly. This was what I said as I packed up my luggage without even looking at my eyes.

“They say night dew is good for the skin.”

“… … “I think they’re making fun of me.”

Rem muttered. Encred internally agreed, but took Finn’s side.

“It’s a sense of victimization. “You have a habit of listening carefully to what others say.”

It wasn’t like revenge. It wasn’t like I kept looking at my own hair and thinking it was broken.


As Rem frowned, Ragnar pushed Dunvakel forward.

“Go, go and do your job.”

What is that job to do?


Dunbakel approached Rem out of curiosity.

“Oh yeah. I need to train. “You’ve been a little quiet lately, haven’t you?”

It’s only the second day that I’ve been reduced from getting hit twice a day to once.

But what are you doing?

As Dunbakel cursed with his eyes, Rem expressed satisfaction.

“Yes, those eyes, that miasma! good night. Today is exciting, no, let’s train!”

Dunbakhel wanted to cry, but pride held back her tears.

And so the two of them leave.

Encrud continues the water fight sparring.

I spent some time like that, and when my body got better, I grabbed a person staying at the inn and started sparring with him again.

Jebikal was a master of sharp cutting and unpredictable anomalous attacks.

There was something to learn from him too.

The mixed-race giant swung his sword and shield heavily.

It is a combination of heavy swordsmanship and shield techniques.

There was a mix of traditional sword techniques, but as we dug deeper, a variety of heavy sword and shield techniques were revealed.

Moreover, the shield charger that was hit at first was still a threat.

Even if there was a slight gap, he pushed forward with his monster-like stamina.

In terms of physical strength, Encred was not far behind, but the size of the opponent’s physique alone made it a weapon.

The rapier swordsmanship was still the same.

I repeated the same thing every time.

Edin Molsen also attacked without stopping, but was no match. After falling backwards and fainting in the third sparring, it was not said that he would attack easily.

Instead, the escort stepped forward.

“The name?”

“You don’t need to know.”

He was a blunt and harsh man.

Encred didn’t mind. I didn’t even know why I was coming forward now.

I’m just happy because there are more good opponents to compete with.

Why are you smiling like that?

“It’s definitely not normal.”

Howie said. Encred didn’t even pretend to listen.

The opponent’s swordsmanship was based on Yugeomsik. He looks for an opening and stabs his sword in.

Encred was familiar with his opponent’s swordsmanship. It felt like I had seen it before. It wasn’t an illusion.

These are things you never forget because you replay and reflect on them countless times.


It was a technique used by Azpen guys.

To be precise, there were people whose names he could not forget, including the ones he had cut down with his left hand.

The author’s name is Mitch Hurrier. The Hurrier family was a family that symbolized Azpen’s power.

So, is the other person a spy?

It was none of my business.

Just being a good person to hang out with is enough.

So it suited me.

We fought and clashed. His skills are middle-aged and he cannot be easily defeated. Encred did not put emphasis on winning.

“If I had tried to kill you, I would have killed you a hundred times.”

Rem scolded Encred because he did not think he was a man with only solid sword skills.

“If you kill them, what’s left?”

This was not a battlefield. They are just people who came to compete against each other.

When it comes to swordsmanship, I just want to do it.

“Are you laughing again? Do you find this fun?”

Jebikal laughed often. His smile grew brighter and his tone became harsher.

I myself often tripped over Encred’s smile while laughing.

In that situation, I faced Encred one after another.

Since when did only Encred remain in Jebikal’s mind?

So, I was only thinking about killing the other person, but there were no other impulses involved.

There was only one person left.

All the killing intent ended up in Encred. This is my first experience as a Jebikal.

The mixed race giant also had a similar experience. However, instead of murderous intent, she felt something else.

‘Why do you keep attacking me?’

You have the upper hand. That was certain. If a man named Encred tried to kill him, then yes, he could have killed Jebikal at least.

The rest is impossible.

In fact, even Jebi Kal must have a hidden secret, so if he fights at the risk of his life, the odds are half and half.

That’s her decision.

But is there anything left in this sparring?

But why are you so happy?

“Okay, that’s you today.”

Why are you so happy even though you are being beaten so much by yourself?

He raised his sword with a gentle smile, and the emotions on his face were very clear.

So much so that even she, who is not good at reading emotions, could clearly see it.

I felt like a child.

A young child who had such a happy moment.

It was so joyful, so innocent, as if it were a birthday party.

I heard that the man is not that young.

But why do you make a face like that?

“Let’s get started.”

How can you speak so brightly?

I can not know. One thing is certain: everything about that man is making his blood boil.

It’s a fighting spirit, a winning spirit. The giant’s blood flowing inside his body boiled.

At this moment, she was not a cultist but a warrior. And for the first time, she felt like she wanted to be a warrior, not a prisoner.

It is the moment when something that has been engraved in us through brainwashing since childhood is cracked.

The moment when I recognized and realized that it was a desire, regardless of the teachings, commands, and such of a cult.

The moment when what you have been feeling implicitly throughout your life comes to you.

Because he never expressed his feelings outwardly, his inner feelings, unknown to the bishop or anyone else, were tangled in his heart.

“He’s a really strange guy. you.”

The mixed race giant opened his mouth.

Although the tone was vague, the meaning was clear.

“I told you from the beginning. “This place is broken.”

Behind the man named Encred, a gray-haired subordinate placed his finger on the side of his head and twirled it.

That attitude, which I ignored at first, now sympathizes with.

“Yes, you are broken.”

The half-blood giant said. And yourself.

Encred held out his sword, saying it didn’t matter.

“Because let’s fight.”

I just wanted a fight. I showed my desire. Enjoyed the moment.

Suddenly, something resembling a smile appeared on the lips of the mixed-race giant.

It was her first time, her first experience, to enjoy fighting itself.

Full of newness. There is a sense of reward in the senseless cutting.

She couldn’t help but laugh too.

In this way, indiscriminate sparring continued countless times.

Over fifteen times for each opponent.

At some point, Encred was seriously injured.

At some points, it ended in minor injuries.

After sparring after sparring, the rapier swordsman shook his head.

“Of course not. It’s the limit. Still, I might be wrong, so I’ll have to take a test. Will I be able to overcome it? “I’m just curious about that.”

The rapier swordsman, who was muttering wildly to himself, faced Encred.

The moment I wondered what that was, countless blades shot out from the rapier swordsman’s body.

Encred had already experienced this.

From a member of the Red Cloak Order named Eisia.

Will, an intangible blade equipped with will, strengthened Encred’s entire body.

It was daunting.


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