Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 226

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226. Swallow knife

The fight with Jebikal was a bloody battle.

If I tried to cut him with one cut, I had to cut him twice.

Nevertheless, Encred did not change. It was like usual. It was the same even if his life was at stake.

It is what it is now because its momentum and temperament do not change easily.

“Wow, that’s really annoying.”

The smile on Jebikal’s face grew stronger.

Seeing that, Rem pursed her lips even though she flinched several times while the two were fighting.

Isn’t this a moment you can’t bear?

Naturally, my mouth opened.

“Yeah, it’s annoying, it can be that way.”

Why can I understand Jebikal’s feelings at a moment like this?

Isn’t this something you experienced yourself?

Sure enough, Ragna, Saxony, and Audin were all busy nodding their heads.

No matter what you do, it is constant and unchanging.

I just quietly do my job. He is a man who walks first before considering right and wrong.

As a result, Audin was the first to apply the technique of isolation to someone else’s body, Saxony taught him the so-called sensory arts, and Rem taught him the heart of the beast.

Ragna also had a similar reason for handing over his skills to Encred.

Those eyes, that honesty, I don’t even think about giving up. It’s a temperament that makes people go wild when they see it.

“Aren’t you scared?”

Jebikal asked as if he was tired. While saying this, he gently twists the blade. Her erratic posture changed and the position of her feet also changed.

Encred also changed the position of his sword while looking at his opponent and changed his body position by pushing with the soles of his feet on the floor.

It seemed as if his body was moving smoothly while standing on his feet without using his knees.


“You almost died.”

“I think it’s the same there.”

A little while ago in the workshop, Jebikal faked a trick by pretending to extend his left foot forward and then pulling it back.

Encred was deceived and swung his sword forward, but the thrust came back at the exact moment.

The moment I saw that the tip of the sword was split into four and bent, I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t feel dizzy.

Encred was like that too.

However, he didn’t die because his neck was pierced by the blade.

How did you avoid it?

‘A sense of avoidance.’

Saxony’s technology saved his life. Instead, the nape of his neck was cut. It was as if a heated fireball had wrapped around his neck. A burning pain continued.

This wasn’t just one wound.

Encred suffered a hole in his stomach and almost severed a tendon in his forearm.

A little while ago, I almost got my head cut off.

“That’s all for today! Well, today is not the only day.”

Chrys, who received Rem’s signal, shouted loudly.

Of course, Jebikal had no intention of stopping. He was planning on cutting it down.

Of course, he couldn’t get his way.

“be careful. “You’re annoying.”

This is what Rem says first. I don’t know when it approached, but it was behind Encred’s left side. What would happen if you cut down a guy named Encred here?

I haven’t pulled out my secret weapon yet, but even if I do.

‘I’m going to die too.’

Of course, Jebigal’s life was more important than other people’s necks.


He retrieved his sword and showed both palms. This is a signal to stop. Still, life remained difficult.

Rem snorted and took his eyes off the guy.

It didn’t matter if I looked away. It is an expression of confidence that no matter what you do at this distance, your ax comes first.

Moreover, Rem did not go out alone.

A sinister wild cat was on the other side.

How many people have noticed that?

At least I didn’t know about this guy called Jebikal.

“Now, today is not really the only day. Take a break, okay? You can make friends with each other, but if you get bored, you can go to the alley behind the inn and there are many shops that will entertain you. Not sure where the best food is? Oh, that’s such a pity. “I thought that might be the case!”

Kreis took advantage of the interlude to get his own benefit, but strangely enough, I didn’t hate him.

There was a strange charm that eased the harsh atmosphere.

“Now, this is Border Guard the Good Map.”

It was a map that did not need a long explanation. It is an easy-to-recognize map that marks stores that sell seasoned beef jerky, marmalade, and well-baked bread.

“It costs ten donghua per piece.”

The amount was ambiguous. Ten copper coins is neither too big nor too small, but it is definitely a small amount for those with large hands.

“Give me one. “I need to eat everything well because I’m bleeding.”

Jebikal smiled and took one, and the people at the top who were watching also bought a few.

The rapier swordsman and the count’s party naturally took each one in their hands, and finally, the half-blood giant asked carefully.

“Isn’t this given to you by the gentleman who shed blood today?”

Kreis, who had handed the map to his hand, quickly took his hand away.

“That was until yesterday. From today onwards, you must pay the full price. Lady.”

The mixed-race warrior, who had never heard the word ‘lady’ since birth, nodded.


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Then he handed over exactly ten copper coins and received the map.

Kreis clapped his hands and spoke to everyone.

“It won’t be a business where everyone loses money. Take a good rest, take a look around the city, and if you’re bored, you can spar with each other, but no accidents are allowed. “Please pay particular attention to the safety of city residents.”

Kreis lowered his hands and bowed like an actor on stage.

Then he raised his head and said.

“Welcome to Border Guard.”

Even though he lost a lot of blood, he wasn’t dead, so Encred watched everything and thought.

Does that bastard think Border Guard can be a tourist city or something?

Although it wears the guise of a trading city, this city is still a military city.

There wasn’t really anything for them to see and enjoy.

It didn’t seem like I was going to leave though.

Why not?

“I’ll do it next time.”

What were the eyes of the rapier swordsman who said that?

It shone. A desire to win was evident. Curiosity was also evident.

No matter what his intentions were, that guy wasn’t going to leave.

The same goes for mixed race giants.

There seemed to be enough intention to stay.

Needless to say, Edin Molsen and his group.

“Stick back together!”

As soon as he recovered, he shouted that, but after seeing the battle with Jebikal, he kept his mouth shut.

Still, the twitching of his eyebrows showed that he really didn’t like this situation.

Anyway, since he stays, the person who came with him as an escort will also stay.

‘Ah, there is plenty.’

Is this the feeling of having your heart filled with food?

I was full even without eating.

“You were determined to grab a share. “What about the safety of the last city dwellers?”

Isn’t that a matter of taking care of yourself?

Satisfaction is satisfaction, and when I questioned Kreis on his return, this big-eyed company member whispered as if he had not said it without thinking.

“That guy named Jebikal, I have a bad feeling. I should tell you above to pay more attention to security because it seems like an accident will happen if you leave it alone. “It’s inevitable that you will die fighting a soldier, but if a stranger comes to the city and causes an accident like killing civilians, it will be a pain in the ass.”

Encred thought about the swallow knife he fought with today.

That sword, that cut, is memorable. There was no time to get a glimpse of his personality as he fought against the knife. I was busy dealing with it. However, Kreis’s eye for people is sharp, so he can be trusted.

“Saxony, please report this to your superiors.”

“Of course.”

After sending away the sinister wild cat, Encred limped home again today.

“Well, will my body survive?”

Rem, who was next to me, said.

It was nagging, but I couldn’t say anything back to Rem. That was correct.

My body became a rag. There was a hole in her stomach and the tendons in her arm were nearly torn.

Everything gets better when you die. What remains is what has been healed and tempered. In some ways, it could be said to be a convenient and advantageous ability.

But Encred endured.

If someone asks why I do that, I have nothing to say.

I just want to do that. Just struggling and struggling and moving forward.

All I did was delete the two letters ‘give up’ in my struggle and struggle.

Encred didn’t know it, but that was what the Boatman’s Curse was all about.

Because the key was to make me settle for one day.

If the boatman had known this was his mindset, he might have been so angry that he threw the lamp he was holding into the black river.

Of course, Encred did not know all of this.

I just quietly did what I was supposed to do.

“Well, you’re not dead.”

“You speak so easily. let’s see. “Did you really see that guy cutting his sword just now?”

“It was visible.”

For a brief moment, I relived the fight from earlier.

Jebigal’s swordsmanship was a mixture of straight and circular swordsmanship. This kind of thing was called a sword on the continent. To be exact, it is an Eastern style sword.

The sword’s trajectory was strange and its striking point was strange.

It seemed like he was aiming for the arm, but before he knew it, he had taken a picture of the shoulder, and while he had been aiming for the shoulder, he had already taken a picture of the thigh.

It was difficult to read the trajectory.

So how did you react?

At first it was a tit-for-tat response. The thought was that if you eat one knife, you eat another knife.

He threw down his sword quickly and strongly.

What was the other person’s response?

He blocked my sword and aimed at my wrist.

From a technical point of view, the nickname “Swallow Knife” was not given for nothing.

The swordsmanship that gave him his nickname wasn’t even there.

So I was pushed back. lost. It’s defeat.

So is it sad? at all?

‘I can catch it.’

If one day of training is not enough, two days are not enough. If two days are not enough, seven days are not enough. If seven days are not enough, one month.

I thought I could reach it if I had time.

It wasn’t that he was outmatched in terms of numbers, nor was he outclassed in strength and speed. The only difference is the skill level of the craft.

That’s what swordsmanship originally was.

Isn’t the word ‘strange’ aptly describes swordsmanship?

“It’s easy if you can see it. “Look at everything and throw it away.”

Rem’s teachings resonated with me again.

‘Is it really necessary to win with skill?’

Even if there is one destination, there is not one path.

“Get your head around it.”

Rather than just running along that path, I decided to take a broader view.

Even if my body complied, I decided not to settle for that.

“Well, I like it.”

Rem laughed. It was nice to see that guy’s smile.

When I thought about it, I didn’t like the way that guy named Jebikal smiled.

Kreis may have seen it well.

When he came back with a lot of blood, Esther looked at it and cleared her throat and coughed.

He complained that it was absurd.

I sent him away this morning unharmed, but he came back like this?

‘Hmm, how could it be that the nagging seems worse than what I hear from Rem?’

It was an amazing thing. Rem said with a chuckle after seeing that.

“Hey, leopard wizard, will this guy always be like this?”

The black panther did not respond to Rem’s words. Ragna silently asked if today was fun.

Encred nodded.

There was no way I could get rid of this injury in one day.

However, this is also a surprise to Dunbakhel who is watching from the side.

“In three days?”

“I’m okay now.”

Does this prisoner intend to be surprised every time he wakes up?

Encred thought about that and took a step forward.

I heard they are still staying at the Market Tong Inn.

Who should I stick with this time?

Encred’s pounding heart pushed his feet.

My arm wasn’t completely healed yet, but my other hand was there and the ointment Saxony gave me was working well.

Auddin also secretly sprinkled divinity.

It wasn’t powerful enough to show the light of divine power, but it had already awakened because it had infused energy that boosted healing power.

Otherwise, being a rebirth god or something, it was right for Encrid to lie down for over a week.

* * *

Jebikal had the urge to kill.

Should I leave the inn in the middle of the night and pick off a few guys?

After two days, the wounds I got from getting stuck with a guy named Encred started to crust over.

When I saw my wounds, my desire soared.

I can’t stand it anymore and am about to leave.

“Leave it. “Little human.”

A mixed race giant blocked it.


“I told you to quit.”


I pretend not to know and smile at me.

A man drinking at a table in a pub on the first floor also caught my eye.

It’s a rapier swordsman.

“Jebi Kal, you belong to Black Sword, right? They work together well and work together well. “Oh my gosh, isn’t this a disservice to everyone staying in the city?”

“What do you keep saying?”

When Jebikal smiled and walked away, neither of them said anything. But she can’t just ignore it and get out of here.

“I was thinking of going for a night walk.”

The one who was muttering went up the wooden stairs that made a screeching sound.

And so it was after the swallows went up.

The rapier swordsman drank his drink and the half-blood giant stood silently, lost in thought.

It was impossible to know what thoughts were going through each person’s head.

“Why didn’t you get along with that big guy?”

Prosecutor Rapier immediately asked.

“Because it is neither a goal nor a purpose.”

I was also curious about the skills of a friend named Audin.

Rapier Swordsman nodded.

Soon, Edin Molsen’s escort came down between them.

The sound of screeching steps on the stairs to the second floor naturally brought the two’s gaze upward.

He walked out of the inn without saying a word.

However, as if he was still watching and had not returned, the swallow came down after him and asked.

“Why did you let that friend leave?”

“It’s not the time to cause an accident.”

“I am?”

“You cause trouble.”

Jebikal was troubled by the answer that the rapier swordsman gave without even taking a breath.

Should I take a bite of this?

Then he soon withdrew.

You can’t call it an injury, but it was still an injury.

Haven’t those two already seen his swordsmanship?

It is right to look at yourself equally.

So, next time, it would have been just a guy named Encred and one of those two.

Soon it was as he had hoped.

When Encred came back, Rapier Swordsman came forward.

“I guess it’s my turn this time.”

“Let’s do that.”

Encred was calm because it really didn’t matter who came forward.

Jebikal, who was watching that, felt a little upset again.

‘That bastard’s eyes are so cool.’

Why is it so straight?

Anyway, Encred faced the Rapier swordsman.

There was no serious injury like before.

They looked similar and a clean sparring ensued.

No, to be honest.

‘What did that bastard do?’

Jebikal could vaguely see the purpose of those who came with him. He especially knew the identity of the large female warrior.

Just pretend not to know.

But the rapier test was different.

He was teaching Encred through sparring.


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