Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 225

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225. Unchanging eyes

“Get in line!”

As if Encred wasn’t the only one who was happy about this, Krys came forward.

No, I was not afraid and shouted as soon as I saw Encred come.

Nevertheless, the eyes of others did not leave Encred.

Those eyes seemed to contain a question.

Encred reflexively made eye contact with them once in a while.

Giant mixed race.

‘Keep your promise to fight again.’

It was as if he was saying this with his eyes.

Jebikal took a stance similar to provocation. He shrugged his shoulders and snorted as if he thought the other person was no big deal.

It was a crude provocation.

“I came to repay my previous debt.”

Count Molsen’s son spoke in a commanding tone. Of course he had the attitude of putting himself first.

Lastly, the swordsman, who had been sucking blood like a mosquito at the top of Lochfrid, scanned Encred’s whole body with his eyes wide open.

He seemed very surprised.

No, I didn’t hide my surprise. It didn’t seem like he had any intention of doing so. She even spit out words.

“Nonsense. “Your skills have really improved. I thought you wouldn’t be able to survive even if you die dozens of times.”

That was correct.

Encred has risked his life hundreds of times to get to where he is today.

It wasn’t the level of dying and coming back to life, but it was now that I had actually died hundreds of times.

Of course, it was impossible to know that.

It was also time for Encred to worry.

Who should we fight first?

“What is the line? Hey, you had a fight with that girl yesterday? “You managed to survive.”

It was a guy named Jebikal. He smiles with some kind of mischievous smile. I don’t really like what it looks like.

But that wasn’t the important thing.

Everything from his standing position to his arm hanging posture was evidence of his skill.

The position was to capture everyone at a glance, and the hand was hanging down in a place where the sword could be drawn at any time.

Encred was surprised to see that again.


Think and think again.

Should I say it is a hot topic?

This happened while I was pondering what Audin had said.

“I don’t care about anyone.”

Encred answered after reaching a conclusion.

“… … “You’re confident you can beat anyone!”

What was your name? I heard it a little while ago, but quickly forgot about it.

“I’m sorry, but what did you say your name was? “The Count’s son?”

When Encred asked, Edin Molsen’s face turned red.

A true provocation must be sincere.

It was a different provocation than Jebikal’s clumsiness. Because I really forgot the name.

We had a good harvest and were busy looking at it.


Edin expressed his anger beyond absurdity, and he did not care about what others thought.

“I’ll correct your habits.”

Edin took a step forward.

“No, I told you to wait in line.”

Chrys, who had left his scared head at the dorm, opened his mouth again. Edin’s anger turned towards the company members.

“If you want to get out, you can come back in. soldier.”

Chrys shrugged his shoulders at Edin’s arrogant words.

“It’s going to be difficult if you keep doing this here. “Right now, the carriages at the top are blocking the way for people to travel.”

“Come on, I’ll kill you.”

Edin turned to Kreis, probably very angry. Puts her hand on her sword and draws it. This is right after the sound of metal and sword sheath coming into contact is heard.

“Rem! Rem! Leader! Leader!”

Kreis stepped back and shouted loudly. As he hid behind Rem, who was nearby, Edin’s sword stopped.

“… … “Why do I think you’re so mean sometimes?”

Rem mumbled and walked out. Two hatchets dangled from his belt. Rem spoke again with an awkward attitude.

“Well, I think that’s true, but let’s move to a new location.”

Rem then looked left and right with his eyes. It was meant for everyone.

And then be surprised again.

‘That crazy captain.’

It was because of Encred’s actions. What’s so exciting, yes, I know why I’m excited, but isn’t that going too far?

“Against the three of us?”

The swordsman holding the rapier said.

Just like he said.

Encred was measuring the distance against the giant mixed-blood warrior, the rapier swordsman, and the swallow knife.

That means he acted as if he was going to deal with all three at the same time.


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‘If you do that, you won’t be able to be expelled.’

As expected, I don’t know about Rem, but Encred has already been disbarred many times.

“It’s greed. “Brother.”

When Audin opened his mouth behind him, the bloody momentum that had started from Encred broke down.

“Whatever this is, I don’t think it’s something that would go to the extent of causing damage to the city.”

The rapier swordsman said and took a step back.

“What am I?”

As Jebikal took a step back, the giant mixed-blood warrior also lost his momentum without saying a word.

“… … “I did clean up the back of the inn.”

These were the words of an inn owner named Allen. I guess it’s a businessman’s habit. Looking closely, I guess they’ll all be staying in the city.

It doesn’t seem like everyone is obsessed with Crona.

It means that there is a hint of leisure.

Recently, word had spread that Vanessa’s pumpkin soup and herb pie were delicious, so there was a tendency for the inn to lose out in attracting guests.

Allen chose space, not cooking, as the weapon to overcome it.

In other words, a fairly decent training hall was built behind the inn.


Encred nodded.

Soon, Allen, the inn owner, led the people this way one by one. While everyone was moving, Rem came to Encred’s side.

“Is it because you want to die? “If she hurt her head, she needs to rest.”

“I don’t want to hear that, at least not from you.”

Chrys, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, intervened.

“What do you think, Captain?”

The trick I tried worked well, so tell me.

Encred had no choice but to admit it.

They poured water and sowed seeds, and there was a good harvest.

“You eat this month too.”

It was about the Gilpin Guild remittance. Isn’t it worth giving up the most important thing in Kreis’ life?


As we walked and talked about trivial things, Edin, who was the last one left, got really angry.

“You bastards! How dare you treat the kingdom’s nobles!”

If it were a dragon, it would have vomited fire.

Oh, I forgot.

Encred thought to himself, made up his mind, and then spoke.

“I’ll deal with the Count’s children first, so why don’t you go in?”

He is the son of Count Molsen, the son of a nobleman and also known as the arrogant King of the North. You have to be treated well.

“This guy, yes, I will take away his arrogance.”

The three of them, led by Edin, followed by a group that looked like him, and finally the person standing behind them, passed by Encred’s group.

Whatever happened to Encred, he was satisfied with the current situation.

Everyone silently headed to the open space behind the inn. A building that had been used as a warehouse was completely demolished and a large area was laid with bluestone. After that, we brought some chairs. It looked like it had been deliberately decorated to resemble a training hall.

“Count Molsen’s children come first. “Everyone, please wait!”

As if he were a clown trying to liven up the mood of an acrobatic troupe, Kreis came forward and started talking.

I expected everyone to see something similar to complaints, but that didn’t happen. All I could do was watch in silence.

With curiosity in some people’s eyes and arrogance in others.

Encrid stood facing Edin.

Edin said, raising his sword forward and aiming it.

“Come first!”

Encred did as he was told.

Shorten the distance by walking briskly. The sword was not even drawn.

“Are you looking down on me?”

Edin bit his molars, spitting out the words, and struck down his sword.

Encred didn’t stop walking though.

What can I say?

I wanted to let the people watching know.

How far can you go?

What is your sword?

What kind of person are you here to see?

In some ways, it’s a formidable attitude, and in other ways, it’s a generous spirit.

If I achieve what I want, it will be a great opportunity; if not, it will be nothing more than a fool’s errand.

Isn’t there a slight difference between confidence and arrogance?

And Encred showed confidence instead of arrogance.

He looks at the slashing sword until the end and then pulls out the sword in his left hand.


He raised it in one breath and caught Edin’s sword with the ricasso part close to the handle, not the middle of the sword.

The closer it was to the handle, the easier it was to transmit force.


A dull sound rang out compared to the force of the strike.

This is thanks to bending my knees and channeling the power of the sword I received.

Bind after spilling.

All you had to do was attach the sword, the rest was easy. Extending his left foot forward, he closed the gap, twisted his waist, and extended his right fist.


Although the defense and attack seemed to be separate, they occurred almost simultaneously, so they seemed like one movement.


Even with leather armor, Encred’s fist is not only heavy, but a weapon.

Even mixed-race giant warriors possess surprising strength inside.

As if all the strength training had been in vain, Edin spewed something out of his mouth with that single blow.

Edin Molsen, it’s better than when he was next to his father.

‘It’s not enough.’

Many things, including practical experience, were lax. It will take time to fight with swords, but it is weak against irregularities. That was Encred’s decision.

In some ways, it was a very ignorant thing to do.

Approaching defenselessly, blocking the opponent’s attack and punching him?

If a mistake was made, Encred would lose the victory.

But in battle, nothing is more important than the result.

Encred looked up from the fallen Edin.

“Are you just going to watch from behind?”

And asked.

To be exact, it is a question directed at Edin’s escort.

The escort driver’s expression hardened at that question. His eyes turned to Encred, and his gaze was quite harsh.

Howie bit his molars and shook his head.

You didn’t seem like the type to avoid competition, but maybe you don’t think that’s the case yet?

It didn’t matter. Besides that, there are many people to deal with.

* * *

Swordsman Rapier was truly surprised.

‘Have your skills improved?’

There is bound to be a gap between judging by looking at posture and seeing the actual battle.

Encred was skilled, bold, and knew how to enjoy battle.

What can I say?

He couldn’t have imagined that he would change like this.

‘It has increased tremendously.’

What should I say about this?

What was clearly a wasteland suddenly turned into a green field.


I was talking to myself without realizing it.

No matter how you look at it, he doesn’t look like a genius, but his skills have improved at an abnormal rate.

“There are many surprises.”

A female warrior spoke next to me. Her height is several heads taller than her own.

“You don’t know that friend’s past.”

“Only the present matters.”

He speaks and his eyes shine. Where did this great man come from? He was not an ordinary person.

The female warrior also had similar doubts as she looked at the rapier swordsman.

‘What are you?’ This is it.

That was it. They both lost interest in each other.

No, I wasn’t interested.

Because right now, there was someone more important to them than each other.

The rapier swordsman’s curiosity piqued for the first time in a long time.

This body was once called the reincarnation of Proc.

He was weak to the curiosity that stimulated him.

That’s why I want to fight. I wanted to compete and gauge my opponent.

But a female warrior stepped forward first.

“I guess it’s my turn, right?”

But there was no way.

“Sister, why don’t you spend a day playing with me? “I think the problem is that the brother over there has itchy hands.”

With Audin’s words, a prosecutor named Jebikal came forward.

“You have a good eye, big guy.”

That was correct. As he watched the fight, he felt his blood boiling.

What can I say, he was a guy that I wanted to cut up when I saw him.

“Well, he’s just a nice guy to have fun with. “I can yield.”

This was something I heard while Jebikal was heading towards the center of the training ground.

It’s probably not something he said to himself. He was a guy with gray hair and strangely annoying eyes.

The guy who first came forward and said that my captain’s head was broken.

Looks like I want to chop that guy up too.

With my thoughts in mind, I faced a guy named Encred.

“Are you making some punches?”

“I think I’m better at cutting.”

Look what this guy is saying.

Jebikal no longer smiled outwardly. He was originally different on the outside and the inside.

When you smile on the outside, you are not happy.

If your expression is stiff, you are not happy.

‘I’ll have to cut off one of my arms.’

Then, the color of those eyes will change, right?

Straight and straight. The color of the other person’s eyes revealed his temperament.

Jebigal was good at reading the temperament of others.

And to change that temperament.

He felt pleasure when his straight, straight eyes fluttered in fear.

Just imagining it made me excited.

‘I want to cut it up quickly.’

It will be cooked slowly, like cooking. I hope it doesn’t fall apart after a few scratches.

Jebikal really hoped.

* * *

The fight between the two was quite long. A series of small tricks were aimed at each other.

In the end, the swallow knife left sixteen knife marks on Encred’s body.

Among them, the hole in the stomach would have been fatal if it had been hit just a little to the side.

And yet.

“Hey, it’s your thing.”

The other person’s eyes did not change. Jebikal laughed.

Because this situation is not fun right now.


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