Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 224

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224. It was a good harvest.

As soon as I got back to the hotel, Saxony brought out the ointment.

Finn applied the ointment that was in a small wooden container evenly all over the body, and Kreis applied the bandages.

“I thought it was going straight to the goal.”

Kreis said, expertly wrapping the bandage.

“Because I was watching over you.”

Cryce laughed out loud at Encred’s words.

“Didn’t you see her forearms? “She was thicker than my brother?”

This is what I say after taking a quick look at Audin.

In other words, what can you say about looking at that? This is it.

“Because the thickness of your forearms does not prove your skills.”

Encred spoke without any change in his expression. The wound didn’t even seem to hurt.

Let’s not talk, let’s not talk.

Kreis spoke with his eyes and took his hand away. The dangerous wounds were all taken care of.

“Well, um. “Don’t be heartbroken even if the results are not good.”

Finn helped from the side. She didn’t know Encred yet.

If you have a desire to improve, your desire to win is also incredible. Yes, usually it would.

Encred is not without a desire to win. The company commander Finn had seen didn’t really enjoy losing. That’s not to say it’s wrong.

However, things were a little different now.

Defeat wasn’t the problem.

Encred learned a lot from dealing with the mixed-race giant female warrior.

Something more important than losing.

Something more important than dying.

It is a feeling of satisfaction that satisfies a burning desire.

It is the satisfaction of walking towards tomorrow.

‘tomorrow again.’

Besides, it’s not over. It’s not even dead.

We just parted ways, promising tomorrow, but now Encred felt happier about looking back on the path he had taken and looking at the path ahead rather than losing.

In other words, he was very happy that he could fight again tomorrow. It came out on my face.

Laughter and a smile leaked out, and when Finn saw that, he carefully got up from his squatting position, turned around, and asked.

‘Did you hurt your head too?’

There was no answer.

Audin, who had been watching silently, stepped forward.

He approached Encred. It is a bear-like monster that kneels down on one knee and makes eye contact.

But are you trying to show off your divinity? En Creed glanced at him, one of his eyes bandaged.

“Have you had a hobby of getting hit, brother?”

Auddin asked.

There was no way I could have a hobby like that. It was a question with a definite answer.

So what I really wanted to say was next. Was this an Audin-style scolding? It seemed so. It felt that way.

“No one can avoid all attacks. “Then what should I do?”

As if he had no intention of hearing the answer to his question, Audin continued speaking.

“If you stop here and get drunk on the fun of your body moving as it wants, it will be difficult to move on. “Brother.”

As I say this, I tap my temple area with my index finger.

Despite Audin’s words, Encred did not understand it right away.

However, I only had a feeling that there was something to be gained from what I just said. So, without even opening my mouth, I pondered Audin’s words.

When the religious monster retreated, the ax monster came forward and spoke.

“Well, there is no need to push with force. “Don’t hold on, let it explode.”

This realization did not come immediately either. Encred just thinks about it.


“If you know it, it hurts less.”

There was a horse from Saxony.

“Is it fun?”

Ragnar had a question.

I can answer at least the last question.


As Encred expressed his true feelings with sincerity, Ragna chuckled.

Encred, who had a bandage on one eye and cheek, also laughed.

Ragna felt that just looking at that smile made people’s hearts boil.

Why not?

Watching Encred fight like that gave me new motivation.

So, it’s been a long time since I felt this way.

I wanted to swing a sword.

Regardless of whether there was a partner or not, I just wanted to have fun. The sword, now, a certain moment.

So I wanted to say the same thing to my captain.

Have fun.

Encred replied that he was still doing that.

Ragna left the dormitory and stood in the private training hall.

As he was swinging his sword, several soldiers around him did something similar.


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Among them, there were people who saw Ragna and immediately requested a sparring match.

“I’d like to join you sometime, is that okay?”

There are people who do not break even when they are beaten so hard during training.

It was invisible before, but now Ragnar could see it.

These people grow up. moving forward You will learn more.


I didn’t refuse. I was sincerely applauded.

Ragna enjoyed today. I was so happy about that. It’s a moment that doesn’t come easy. Ragna was satisfied that it had been a rewarding and rewarding day.

* * *

Encred just lay down and breathed.

The god of regeneration is a structure that quickly heals any wounds as you renew and refine your body.

What is needed to increase the body’s regenerative power?

The first is a trained body.

Even if you are not moving, an active body automatically circulates blood throughout the body quickly. Because blood circulates, it has the effect of healing wounds.

This is why strengthening muscles and strength increases recovery.

As your muscles develop, your heart becomes stronger.

A sea that has been trained and awakened through actual isolation techniques.

Next is proper nutrition.

The energy your body needs comes from eating.

Didn’t Auddin say this over and over again?

They say you have to eat well to grow muscles.

Resting is only meaningful if you eat well.

Encred did just that. He has been eating well since returning to his lodgings.

It was a meal made of finely ground meat and vegetables stir-fried together.

It is a meat dish mixed with potatoes and hard root vegetables.

Feeling strong and abundant, it wasn’t too much of a stretch now.

“Order and eat whatever you want, and take whatever you need.”

This is what Marcus said after the battlefield was over. Of course, it was said in a fancier way than this, but the meaning was the same.

I ate well and rested well. There was no pressure.

Esther was there.

Lake Panther, a foolish human who spoke with his eyes, came into Encred’s arms.

“long time no see?”

Encred scratched the head of Esther, who was in his arms, with his fingers.

Esther did not reject it again.

Rather than being between a man and a woman, they are more like friends or colleagues. Encred treated him like that, and Ester unleashed her magical powers without any need for expression.

Although it is not a spell related to recovery, mana stimulation naturally affects the body.

She did what she could.

For this reason, it was natural for my body to heal quickly.

However, Dunbakel, who did not know all this, saw Encred’s recovery speed and his eyes widened.

“It’s already happening?”

Lift that body in one day?

Isn’t it absolutely surprising?

I know this because I myself got beaten up by Rem. It felt like I was going to have a boner.

That doesn’t mean I wanted to run away, but it was inevitable that I would feel pain and suffering.

Just because you’re a prisoner doesn’t mean you’re used to pain, and you don’t tolerate pain easily.

They are a species that fights based on their natural athletic ability and athleticism.

He couldn’t be dull like a giant.

Dunbakkel said it several times, but of course Rem didn’t even snort.

“Okay, let’s get double that today.”

I’ll just say this.

“You said it was training? “Not violence?”

Didn’t Rem always say that out of his own mouth, that he didn’t want to hit me, that this was just something that was necessary for training?

But sometimes, it seemed like I forgot that and just showed my true feelings.

“Oh, right. Let’s train, train, double.”

Then he shamelessly blurted it out. Of course, Dunbakhel could not say anything about him.

Encred responded by turning his body from side to side around his waist.

“My ribs are still a little uncomfortable. Have your skills improved so far? “Former thief.”

It bothered Dunbakeel to be called a former thief, but he was in a position where he couldn’t argue.


“It’s going to be exciting.”

What do you mean? What is exciting? Struggling to survive?

This is incomprehensible.

Encred woke up after just one day.

‘The ribs were somehow attached.’

It’s not perfect, but it still hurt a little when I lay down.

Isn’t it possible for that female warrior to return as is?

In Encred’s mind, there was no idea where that woman came from.

I am just filled with the desire to fight again when there is someone who can be my opponent and she remains.

It was natural for him to sound like a crazy person, but Encred was not conscious of it.

No, it would be correct to say that there is no time to think about it.

There are people called geniuses.

There are gifted people and there are gifted people.

There are people who are born with talent.

Among them, if you wanted to reach a place that was difficult for even the geniuses to reach, or if you wanted to climb there, ordinary struggles were impossible.

It was right to go crazy.

Fortunately, Encred achieved all of this without being conscious of it.

It would be surprising if someone who knew his inner self and his situation saw it.

No one could read Encred’s mind right now.

You can guess, but you can’t know everything.

Encred woke up from a good night’s sleep and woke up feeling refreshed. To be precise, he thought as he walked.

When I get stuck in my thoughts, going for a walk to relieve them is a habit I’ve had since I was young.

As I trudged to the market, I found the answer to my remaining question tickling the side of my head.

It is not a lightning-quick realization.

If I had to express it, this is like the realization of a gently surging tide.

It was such an awakening that the water rushing in like a rising tide suddenly wet my ankles.

‘Was I arrogant?’

The things I learned from my company awakened my body. As a result, I developed a talent that I didn’t have before. That’s how I felt.

Could it have been poisonous to him?

Did you think you didn’t have to worry about it as much as before?

What Auddin was talking about was his initial intention. Think and think again.

Encred pondered this as he walked.

The female warrior’s attacks were fast, fierce, and accurate. It wasn’t easy to avoid.

“If you know it, it hurts less.”

Saxony said. Know it and get it right.

‘Understand with your senses.’

If you try to follow everything with your eyes, it will be too late. Have you gained confidence in your body vision? Because my body changed? Even though it’s still not enough? If I stop like this, the dream of being a knight is just a mirage that will dissipate?

It’s not like there was a storm inside me or a tsunami.

I just don’t stop thinking.

‘Open all five senses and even open the door to the sixth sense.’

If so, I would have figured out the first shield knockback first.

In the meantime, there was so much chaff that I was dumping, so I locked myself in the well of experience.

I broke it. It would be a very difficult task for an ordinary person, but Encred was used to breaking and breaking his own limits.

Aren’t you a person who is more accustomed to breaking your limits than anyone else in the world?

‘Make it explode.’

The heart of the beast is bold.

The heart of strength increases muscular strength.

Is it right to use your heart as a way to maintain courage?


Isn’t this something I already half realized?

‘In an instant.’

The idea is to show off your mighty power, as if you were cutting it off.

That’s right, because right now I can’t maintain the Heart of Superpower throughout the fight.

Breaking it down even more than before.

I don’t think that’s impossible. Whether it works or not, you try. All of this was part of natural thinking.

‘Capturing with sixth sense.’

Explode your heart in an instant.

It was time to reach the market and find a way to fight the recovery.

“The atmosphere is strangely bloody.”

“They all look formidable.”

“I heard Belle almost broke her leg?”

As I heard the rumbling noise, it seemed like something had happened.

It was only then that Encred realized that he was nowhere to be seen, not even Rem. It was all here. He gathered here.

“I was wondering where everyone had gone.”

As I walked alone, people around me who recognized Encred came along.

“Are you here?”

Starting with the soldiers.

“Uh, already? “Are you feeling okay?”

There was a shoemaker.

“Have some beef jerky.”

Even a woman who runs a small store.

I passed through them. It is the central intersection of four inns that symbolize the Border Guard.

The road was blocked. I also saw several carriages stopped.

The top is the way to go. It shouldn’t have been blocked like this.

I looked ahead to see why I was blocked.

I saw the woman from yesterday. Perhaps thanks to the giant’s unique tenacity, her minor wounds were no longer visible.

Suddenly, the sight of my sword stuck vertically into the ground and my shield standing next to it reminded me of some kind of statue.

Next to him, several other faces appeared.

“Well, my name is Jebikal. Does anyone know my nickname? “I came because I wanted to hang out with that old soldier.”

The eyebrows are thin and the corners of the mouth rise upward with a wide smile.

It was a face that made me feel strangely uncomfortable. It was because the laughter didn’t seem real.

He had a sword on his waist, and it appeared to be an armoring sword of an appropriate length.

The thick belt caught my eye, and as soon as I saw the posture, I knew it was not normal.

Just by looking at the forearm muscles, you could tell that the body was well-trained.

Moreover, Jebikal was not the only author.

“It’s full of trivial things. I am Edin Molsen, son of Count Molsen! “I’ve come to compete with Encred, the independent company commander!”

It is a blonde man who steps forward proudly. It was spherical. He was the coachman at that time. He is, to be exact, the son of Count Molsen.

Next to him is a younger friend with a similar look.

Behind them, there was also a man with a long face.

‘It’s not bad.’

The man who appeared to be an escort seemed quite skilled.

Edin Molsen also looked better now than when he was standing next to the Count.

That was Encred’s judgment.


“So, that friend is injured and can’t come out?”

For a moment I thought someone had noticed the mustache was gone, but when I looked again, the face was familiar to me.

At the same time, there is a name that comes to mind: Leona Lochfried.

‘That prosecutor back then?’

He seemed to be a master of the quick sword. He was the man who told him to put away the sword.

Was it the bodyguard of Lochfried, who stood on the other side of Leona?

“Everyone, please wait. If you don’t like it, play with my Dok2. I had a blast yesterday, but I guess it will come out again today? “Our captain has a little trouble here.”

This is what Rem, in the middle of them, points to his head. I put my finger to my ear and twirled it.

‘That bastard.’

Encred had no reason to hide himself. He made his way by recognizing himself in those around him.

“Everyone came to see me?”

hmm. What can I say about this?

The moment Encred saw everyone’s eyes on him, he understood the farmer’s feelings.

It was a good harvest.

All of them looked as good as half-breed giants.

And they were all people who came to see themselves.


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