Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 222

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222. A soldier who ended the war

‘I don’t know how the rumor started.’

Encred saw something quite disturbing in the other person’s eyes.

He didn’t seem like a guy who just wanted to test his skills in a show of force.

What is young in those eyes is greed and covetousness.

“I’m a former soldier, don’t you think I’m a bit arrogant?”

Mercenary Ivarun asked. This is the question I ask while holding up my Morning Star.

It is a threatening posture and attitude. It meant combat readiness.

‘Can you break your head with this?’

It felt like I was speaking with my body like this.

Nevertheless, Encred stood still and answered.

“I know.”

“Are you confident in your skills?”

If it looks like it’s going to attack you without asking, check the liver. Encred didn’t like that either.


After giving a rough answer, Ivarun frowned.

“You’re so cocky. “f*ck you.”

It’s an intentional insult. A manipulation with the tongue to break the other person’s composure.

It was also Encred’s organ.

There were times in the past when, in order to survive, I used the sword in my mouth more than the sword on my waist.


The repeated disregard made Ivarun move his feet. It’s a blunt weapon that approaches you as if you’re running and suddenly swings around.

Is this Joy? City-level powerhouse?

The approaching speed was very slow. Compared to Rem, it’s so slow that you can’t help but say it is.

Even though it wasn’t an actual yawn, there was still some room.

But that doesn’t mean I’m going to fight half-heartedly.

If you decide to fight, do your best.

I didn’t say that out of showiness. Encred actually lived with that in mind. In everything he did, he gave everything he could.

That’s the way a person without talent moves forward.

If he had hesitated just a little while moving toward his dream, he wouldn’t be where he is today.

‘It may not be what it seems.’

Be wary and suspicious.

All of this may have been personal tactics.

It’s a tactic that catches people off guard. Isn’t it almost an essential skill for mercenaries?


Encred, who was watching the flying Morning Star until the end, put his left foot to the side. He rotated his body halfway and pulled out his sword.


I swung it at the same time as I pulled it.

Ivarun quickly tried to pull back the weapon he was swinging, but his movements were messed up as he recovered the weapon that had been flying due to inertia.


The mercenary with the sword scar, who closed his mouth and let out something that resembled a spirit, eventually let go of his weapon and flew to the side.

The blade split the air. On purpose.

Encred thought that his opponent might pretend to dodge and then lunge at him, so he simply swung his sword and paid attention to defense.

‘Why aren’t you coming?’

I didn’t intentionally try to show a gap, but wasn’t it enough to rush in now?

“Let’s do it with our bare hands.”

Ivarn said, losing sight of his weapon.

What is this. Encred felt it intuitively.


Afterwards, I learned that the nickname ‘Joy Lee Barun’ came from his grip strength.

All that was left was a handprint on Encred’s forearm, which had been trained to the point of ignorance through the technique of isolation.

Afterwards, Encred broke his wrist using the same method.


There was only a loud scream.

This was chaff. It was a false reputation.


Chrys, who was watching the fight, swallowed a groan.

There were also members of the company who were watching as they heard that it was the first customer.

Rem shook his head.

“Only assholes will gather.”

Saxony was speechless. Neither Ragna nor Audin added anything.

He said he wanted to travel the world and meet strong people, so he planned to invite those people together, but the chaff came.

“Are you going to do more?”

Encred asked Ivarn, who had a broken wrist.

“no! “I won’t!”

Ibarun was scared.

It seemed like Bell could fight at this level. Encrud thought about that and turned around.

“Don’t be too disappointed. “Didn’t they say that adventure begins only after leaving the village?”


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Kreis said. This means that the beginning and the end cannot happen at the same time.

In the East, there was also a related proverb. Did he say that you can’t fill your stomach at the first bite?

Encred thought while nodding his head.

Rem is intense and wild.

Saxony inadvertently threatens his life.

Ragna was good at fighting with swordsmanship.

Audin’s natural strength and ability to manipulate his body were truly outstanding.

Despite these people, Encred longed for new experiences.

‘There is a lack.’

Encred tried to achieve something different. He tried to fill the gap. It was a craving that was close to instinct.

But what about the first opponent?


The idiot has arrived. So he was disappointed? No, that won’t happen. Encred didn’t seem disappointed about this.

When it comes to waiting and enduring, he is a human being who might argue that he is the best on the continent.

“are you okay.”

Of those who came later, four out of five were similar to chaff. They were idiots who coveted Encred’s fame.

“If I defeat you, will you make me a company commander right away?”

“Did you fight with that body? “It seems like the training has been adequate, but it seems like it’s not enough.”

“Aren’t you going to pull out your sword? “Even if I die, you won’t blame me?”

Encred sprinkled the seasoning on the table prepared by Kryce as he pleased.

If you attack with poor skills, everyone’s limbs will be broken one by one.

Among them, there was a mercenary who had made a decent name for himself.

Some even said that he was a wandering swordsman for his own training.

There was also a guy who was complaining that he was a squire.

Still, most of them were mercenaries. There were quite a few people who coveted the nickname ‘the soldier who ended the war’.

Afterwards, seven more guests came, but it was difficult to find anything to learn from them.

Because there were literally a lot of people who were worse than soldiers.

Among them, there was one decent opponent.

“Beastman, Baracal.”

They were a beast people who were immature at human language, but their natural athletic ability was extraordinary.

It was a rare encounter for Encred.

The beastman used a claw, a blade with jagged nails on the back of his hand, and was very good at making irregular attacks.

He raised his knees to steal people’s attention and swung his claws from the top of his head downwards, or he lowered his stance enough to touch the floor and lunged at him.

Things that are possible thanks to innate athletic ability.

Encred saw, experienced, and learned.

It wasn’t a bad time.

Even though I didn’t repeat today, it was a time and day to absorb, tap, and train what I had accumulated over the years.

Nothing would change just because there were no threats or walls, so Encred lived as if he were repeating each day.

* * *

Rem wanted Dunbakkel. No, it wasn’t at the level I was craving.

“If you don’t do it right, it will fall apart. Prisoner.”

At first, it was treated as a joke, but now it has become a way to live a life well.

Why wouldn’t you do that?

Did you feel anything while looking at the captain next to you?

The crazy beast couldn’t even use his power properly.

So, what can I do?

If you force yourself to the edge of a cliff and push, isn’t that the way to apply force to prevent it from falling?

Rem did just that.

At the same time, I also felt something.

‘You have talent.’

Their innate physical abilities are different. There was a glimpse of sparkle in the use of the body.

So it was a little different from Encred. No, it was very different.

Although he was mentally ill, his body was different, so teaching him was fun.

However, this prisoner will never become like the leader.

“I’m in trouble.”

After rolling it a few times, he faints. Ability to endure? will power? If there was such a thing, the gap with Encred would be huge.

After Rem half-killed Dunvakel, he thought of Encred.

Now, I thought Encred’s skills had improved considerably.

To the point where it is difficult to deal with him gently while treating him like before.

So much so that if you let your guard down just a little bit, you have to do it right.

As I measure his growth, there is a word that comes to mind.

“It’s a knight.”

The path he wanted to walk was also a path open to Rem himself.

Of course, it wasn’t like a knight or anything like that on this continent.

Rem’s tribe had their own ways.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot, which is unusual for me. That was why. This is the reason why Dunbakhel is being stirred up more violently.

You’re pushing your opponent, and through that, you’re pushing yourself. That was a helpful act for Rem.

“Are you crazy? lie down? Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping right now? “Are you going to sleep instead of training?”

In response to that longing, Dunbakeel reluctantly got up. She was going to fully agree with someone if someone told her that this demon actually came from her demonic realm.

* * *

A former soldier who ended the war.

“This bastard is that bastard.”

The Magyeong Holy Land Church carried out various operations in the northern part of Pen-Hanil.

One of their key executives muttered inside the small pub.

We occupied an old wooden table, but because it was early, there were only a few people in the pub.

Encred’s face was drawn on the picture on the table.

‘The guy who always interfered with our work.’

The guy who destroyed the gnoll colony in the pioneer village and eventually killed the prisoner.

The one who sent a manticore and a zookeeper to assassinate him, and they also killed him.

‘It’s an obstacle.’

The executives of the cult made a decision. He said that the obstacle was spreading strange rumors and telling people to come find him.

“Go and kill him.”

The cultist ordered. There is a great person here who can destroy at least a gnoll colony. That level of power was overwhelming.

Of course, there is force beyond that.

At the officer’s command, the woman across the table stood up.

His shoulders are wider than those of other men, and his thighs are as thick as logs.

The eyes were so narrow that it was hard to see the eyeballs, and the lips were even thinner.

He was a warrior raised by a cult, and he had no talent for spells, so he was a swordsman who reached his current position solely based on his physical abilities.


The female warrior stood up. Her height made her look like a giant. In fact, the blood of a giant flowed through her body.

Magyeong Seongjigyo gave her that blood as an experiment.

If we exclude Will, his physical ability and fighting ability are outstanding.

‘He is of semi-knight level.’

So, there will be no problem in killing Encred. He didn’t even need to send assassins. He spread such a rumor that he gathered people to kill him, and he will do so.

I will let him fight and die as he wants.

* * *

The Black Knife Bandits knew that reputation was more important than anything else.

“I don’t think we can just end this by bursting out and retreating, right? Even if I were to step down, I don’t think I could just back out.”

The Black Knife headquarters has already taken over the manipulative actions carried out by a guy named Marcus.

And one of the black sword thieves from the main group also planned something similar to the cultist.

‘What if I kill the guy Marcus suggested?’

There are several nobles whose strings reach all the way to the center. It is a body that is in a contractual relationship with them. This incident will narrow the position of this guy named Marcus.

It is the fulfillment of a contract.

He is also willing to kill Marcus if necessary.

Of course, I will defeat the one who steps forward first.

Just as I was making up my mind, the guy hiding in the border guard started doing strange things.

Rumors that he was a former soldier who ended the war also reached this place.

“If you want to fight, come here, right?”

There were several members of the Black Knife Bandits who were good at fighting.

The headquarters decided to send one of them.

He was a man with brown hair and a simple appearance.

Nickname is Jebikal.

It was given this nickname because the tricks it performed with a single sword were so amazing.

“Are you coming back after doing some work?”

This is a guy who sticks a knife into an opponent’s throat with a smile on his face. A crazy pervert who finds joy in murder.


The executives of the Black Knife Bandits sent Swallow Knife.

Swallow was from Squire. There was also widespread talk that he was an unlucky genius who was kicked out for committing too many murders.

He is a great man who would have died long ago if he had not joined the Black Knife Thieves.

‘I spent quite a bit of gold while I was with that guy.’

A lot of Crona was used to cajole a noble who wanted to kill him, to keep him hidden, and to give him what he wanted.

Isn’t the reason for sharpening a blade to be usable?

It was something I had to use this time.

It wasn’t just cultists and black knives who sent people.

Several people also moved under Count Molsen.

“You’re doing something interesting. “Is there no warrior who will go and prove that the Count’s sword is greater than him?”

At the earl’s words, two children and a warrior came forward. One of them is the guy who was attacked by Encred earlier.

“I will go.”

I didn’t bother to stop my son from coming forward.

Whether it was a good impression or a bad impression, there was a need to make one’s existence known.

This wasn’t the end either. Encred’s news reached places that had nothing to do with Count Molsen, the Black Sword, or the cult group.

“That friend has increased that much?”

He was a rapier swordsman whose name could not be revealed when he was guarding the upper level of Lochfrid.

As was his habit, he ran his hand over the spot where his mustache was.

Now that I had pushed it away cleanly and there was nothing to grab, my hands were empty.

“That’s right.”

I had just finished various tasks. So, it means that there is more room.

‘Shall we stop by?’

I thought it wouldn’t increase any further, but it suddenly increased that much.

I could have sold my soul to the devil.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t look at it again.

There was also pure curiosity.

How has it really changed?

Isn’t it also a road I’m passing by?

“Isn’t this a situation where we have to turn around?”

The subordinate said.

The rapier swordsman looked at the map for a while and asked again.

“It looks like a passing road?”

Not at all? The subordinate thought for a moment and then answered.

“Yes, that’s right.”

Everyone nodded accordingly.

Considering his momentum and status, he must have realized that he had no choice but to follow my words.

This is how you cool off your head, it’s hard.

The man thought and walked away.

I was very curious about how much it would have changed.

* * *

After Ibarun was defeated, quite a few mercenaries came. At first, Encred accepted everyone.

“It seems pointless. “I’ll have to change it and say I’ll deal with him after at least beating Bell.”

Kreis, who was watching from the side, organized it neatly.

I did as he said.


During the training, not only Bell but also many other soldiers came forward.

There were times when a soldier lost, but then a platoon leader stepped up.

If the platoon commander seemed to be losing, the company commander level also stepped up.

“That’s not even close to that!”

The second company commander shouted with a knife wound on his cheek.



“Falto! “Falto!”

Untimely cheers were now a daily occurrence.

What was embarrassing for Allen, the inn owner, at first has now become a daily routine.

“More beer!”

They were busy selling alcohol to people watching.

These were days when nothing much seemed to happen.

In the meantime, a warrior appeared who even defeated the 2nd company commander, Palto.

“This is my first time hearing this name, but you have extraordinary skills. And she’s a woman.”

And so the female warrior stood in front of Encred.

A lot of merchants from around the gymnasium and market at the back of the inn had come to take a look.


Encred looked at the other person and asked. She was the first person to be taller than Auddin, but she was even more surprised by the fact that it was a woman.


The other person answered. Although the voice was husky, it was clear enough that it was a woman.

Encred raised his sword. The tip of the sword is pointed upward, and the center of gravity is in the middle of the sole of the foot.

Instinct spoke. The opponent is definitely not formidable.

The woman also picked up her weapon.

It was a sword and shield. The shield was made entirely of iron.

I could tell just by looking at the weapon he was holding.

He was the possessor of tremendous strength.


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