Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 221

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221. Because I endured the time of training

When Encred was standing on the platform, something similar to resentment could be seen in the eyes of the soldiers being trained.

“When you come running in, they tell you to pretend to take a break. They say it’s better that way.”

Rem says:

And so it was. Do as you are told.

Could that have been the driving force behind them running more?

You never know.

“Listen, Boshu, I specialize in influencing people.”

Since Rem argued like this, I only listened because he told me to just sit back and watch.

Again, it wasn’t wrong.

Because Rem treated one person well.

Otherwise, there was no way such an evil spirit would have appeared in their eyes in just one week.

Something like a blue energy seemed to emanate from the eyes of those who rushed into the parade ground.


It looked even worse thanks to the pouring rain.

I don’t really like the rain pouring down all the time.


I really liked their eyes. Just by running around with my feet, my eyes were filled with evil.

There was no reason to stare blankly anymore.

Even before repeating today, Encred was a half-crazy training freak.

My palms would explode from moving my body and swinging my sword every day.

Is it any different now?

Rather, it was just difficult to endure.

When I thought of Count Molsen after making them run for training, it was natural that I wanted to swing the sword.

In addition to his personal training time, Encred also worked hard on his body. Both above and below the podium.

“I think I should call this level ignorant.”

Encred was the same as before, to the point where Chrys, who was watching, muttered quietly.

This was a series of such moments.

Encred liked the look in the soldier’s evil eyes, and he also liked the fact that he was currently moving forward.

“Now let’s swing the weapon.”

We were told to run all day, and only after seven days were we allowed to raise weapons.

There are no squares, formations, or pass training. That’s not Encred’s specialty, and it’s not something he can do.

Encred planned to further develop their basic abilities.

Marcus was watching all this from afar.

“They just gave me a title.”

Wow, why are you working so hard?

The adjutant next to me nodded and answered.

“Iknow, right.”

“Are there any deserters?”

“… … “Your heart looks like a chimney.”

As the adjutant trailed off, Marcus asked back.

“Can you see it?”

“I don’t think I have the strength to do that.”

They say that if you don’t have the strength to run away, you won’t be able to run away.

Encred’s training was like that.

In Marcus’s opinion, Encred enjoyed receiving cheers and praise from others.

However, there was something that preceded that.

Encred was a man who ran straight for a purpose.

Before cheers and praise, he was a human being who did whatever he had to do.

‘What should I do to become a knight?’

All you have to do is sharpen your sword.

Then just do it. Every day, the same.

Encred did just that. When he saw it, he couldn’t help but be amazed. He couldn’t help but be amazed.

So, what is he doing this for now?

‘I think I was waiting for the title of training company commander.’

Doesn’t it move as if it was waiting?

Looking at it now, it seems like he enjoys murderous intent and hostility as much as cheers and praise.

‘Isn’t it just fun to bother others?’

I could have thought that way.

Marcus was just glad he didn’t go down there.

* * *

Belle had a connection with Encred.

He saved her life, and they saw each other several times after that.

That’s why.

‘I’ll do it in moderation.’

I thought it was natural for humans to do that.

That Encred man is not ordinary.

He wouldn’t have thought that everyone would be able to do the training he was doing.


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So I guess I’ll do it in moderation.

It will be so. It was supposed to be like that. I believed so.

That idea was shattered within two days. The tower built on faith disappeared without a trace. erased cleanly It collapsed.

“Huh, huh, huh.”

My breath is reaching all the way to my chin.

“Do you get hit if you fall behind?”

Behind him, a crazy ax murderer was chasing after him, smiling.

He laughs and swings his ax in the air. Even if it didn’t actually kill it, it seemed like it would beat it, and it was a natural fact that getting hit there would cause more painful things than running.

“Should I run?”

At first, he only went around the parade ground, but now the ax murderer is chasing him from behind and harassing him. He had to run for his life.

In reality, it was a time where if you fell behind, you would get hit and run again.

“Do you want to kill me? Then kill it. A sneak attack is good, and a surprise attack is also good. Come on, comrades.”

The shoulders of several of the soldiers trembled as they laughed and spoke.

I really want to beat him to death.

Bell didn’t do that. No, it couldn’t be done. Even running makes me feel out of breath.

After conquering a few hills at a full sprint, we arrived at the parade ground.

“Raise your weapon.”

Afterwards, it’s just repetition of the basics.

“I will fight whenever you want. “Please attack me?”

The ax murderer’s provocations continued from time to time, and there were a few soldiers who challenged the blond-haired swordsman who seemed calm and easy-going.

“If I last five sums in sparring, I can take a break?”

“Because your skills have been proven.”

The name is Ragna.

Well, he wasn’t what he seemed.

I thought I would have my hands free.

Sigh! Jump!

I was swinging a wooden sword, but I couldn’t even see it clearly. What if it wasn’t a wooden sword, but a sword made of iron even if it wasn’t sharpened.

‘I guess I lost it.’

Looking at the unconscious guy, Ragna opened his mouth indifferently.

“It’s weak.”

No, f*ck.

It’s not that we are weak, but that you are ignorantly strong, aren’t you?

Those words rose up in Belle’s throat, but she didn’t spit them out.

“If I tease you, come at me. Please come at me too. “Please come here.”

The ax murderer’s words calmed Belle’s excitement.

If you attack, you will fall. Understood.

After sprinting all morning and eating lunch, I swing my weapon with all my might all afternoon.

It’s simple training.

However, it was truly hell in that I had to repeat this every day.

“Is it the devil?”

Bell secretly agreed with his colleague’s words before falling asleep.

‘Devil bastard.’

However, what cannot be said is that this author had longer training, was more difficult, and was rougher than the group of soldiers.

“Why don’t you go see Dalian? “Brothers.”

There was Encred fighting a large religious soldier.

“The ax murderer is leaving.”

Before I knew it, I was sparring with Rem, who was spitting out the nicknames the soldiers had given him.

I fought Ragnar and I also fought Saxony.

Encred fought hard, but couldn’t win either.

No, on the contrary, I was beaten more harshly.

At the same time as Audin’s ankle was kicked, he was hit by a spinning kick with unexpected speed coming from his large body.

With that one blow, Encred flew. became a bird He flew backwards and landed in a place where false swords were stored on one side of the parade ground.


It had been raining for several days and I was stuck head first in a muddy area.

Isn’t that what’s going to happen? I was so surprised that my hand stopped moving.

“If you want to rest, lie down and rest.”

Then Rem, who was watching as an instructor, spoke to the soldiers. Or, a guy named Saxony would come up to him and poke his side.

This means move.

Even as he reflexively moves his arms and swings his weapon, his eyes do not leave the fallen Encred.

The demon of training and discipline rose again.

It looked like he had returned from hell.

His head was broken and bleeding, and his body rolled in the mud, dripping with black-brown sewage.

My gaze moved from the dark brown something that had fallen from the base of my forearm to his face.

Is that okay?

This is a thought for everyone.

“Well, that hurts.”

And that’s what I mean by doing.

That guy was crazy. A guy crazy about swords.

‘Geomchin bastard.’

Belle chewed and swallowed the thought that suddenly occurred to her.

“Now it’s hard to keep my hands as relaxed as before, Brother Company Commander. Especially if you attack me like that.”

It seemed like Encred had crossed a line and attacked.

It was a scene that lasted a day.

It was surprising at first, then terrifying, but after a month, I got used to it.

As summer passes and fall approaches.

For two months, there was talk of the need to eliminate demonic beasts among the forced marches, who had not even had a day off other than a half-day break once every ten days.

“Recently, the number of demonic beasts around has increased. They say there is a horseman with fangs. “It is a subjugation operation.”

It started with the words of the battalion commander and the guidance of the 2nd company commander.

“Huh, f*ck, if this is the case, then there’s no training today?”

This is the Venjens platoon leader. A venom flowed from his eyes, and his whole body felt like a knife.

A person changed in just two months.

“We’ll fight all day, won’t we?”

Bell, who was nearby, answered.

Bell’s momentum has also changed.

If not, I was ready to desert.

It wouldn’t be as funny if you died while training.

“Let’s catch the crazy colts first.”

Venjens said, waving his longbow. He became stronger than before and received a new longbow.

It was a bow half times larger than before. The tendon used as the bowstring was also stronger and stronger than ever before.

All of the archers under his command were similarly armed.

Marcus did not spare Crona in arming his troops. That’s something I really like.

Although entrusting training to a crazy company commander was the worst.


Three soldiers went out on a patrol and spotted a group of approaching demonic beasts.

Usually, demonic beasts become carnivorous animals, but sometimes they become demonic beasts of herbivorous wolves.

Among them, the most troublesome type was horses.

The horse with its fangs showing was threatening just by charging. These are the guys whose weapon is a hand-to-hand attack.

“There are more than ten!”

The 2nd company commander shouted at the report of the reconnaissance team.


Venjens faithfully followed his words. The 2nd company commander participated in the training while also being the company commander.

He was a loyal man.

I heard that the 1st company commander missed training.

Vengeance’s platoon moved at the call for archers.


Venjens said, and he also put his arrow on the string and pulled it. The longbow twisted and she let out a moan.

The time when muscles scream is over.

Although it was only two months, I lived with a devil worse than a demonic horseman baring his fangs and spouting snorts.

Are those days truly in vain?


The arrow bounced off the string and landed in the horseman’s head.

The sound of flying through the air and the sound of a head exploding was extremely cheerful.

The head of the person who had been hit lifted up with a thud. The charging horse rolled on the ground and fell.

Benjens was caught by a strange sensation.

It feels like each muscle is acting according to its will.

The increased strength and physical strength gained from harsh training provided him with a new perspective.

Above all, although it was only two months, the experience of being pushed to the extreme allowed me to use my mental composure.

‘One more step.’

Even though the horseman was rushing towards him, he decided that he still had time.


As the demonstration was pulled, the horse rider appeared large. Especially that head.

My concentration flared up like never before.

Venjens saw that and let go of his protest.


He worked together with his subordinates to raise and release protests.

Thanks to the arrow that flew, ten demon beasts died quickly.

The arrow flew and stuck in both the head and the torso.


The horseman’s final bell rang.

“Here we come again!”

Before I had time to express my admiration, the shout of the scouts rang out. As soon as I could kill ten of them, fifteen more came running from behind.

These are the guys who close the distance without giving you a chance to fire arrows.


This is the shout of the 2nd company commander. Soon the skirmish between horsemen and humans began.

You cannot achieve rapid growth in two months.

However, my strength increased, my stamina increased, and my concentration improved compared to before.

Belle felt it too.

The body is light. Moreover, isn’t a horseman a much more formidable opponent than a monster like Encred?


“Screw you!”


Everyone was talking about something and making holes in the horseman’s head or cutting the horse’s muscles, which had become stronger after becoming a horseman.

He stabbed with a spear and swung a glaive obtained as a trophy from a previous battlefield.


The 2nd company commander also swung a glaive, and its power was extraordinary.

The blade of the glaive he swung cut off the horse’s front leg.

Purple blood spurted out.

The blood of monsters is black, and the blood of monsters can also be blue or purple.

The demonic beast’s characteristic blood was everywhere.

In some ways, the battle was boring.

One of the infantrymen, whose entire body was covered in blood, opened his mouth.

“… … “Why are they so easy?”

I meant it sincerely. There was no crisis.


Afterwards, there was an incident where a griffin rushed in.

The Vengeance archers hit their wings and a group of soldiers rushed in and hacked them to death.

The griffin could easily be called a high-class monster, but it was worth catching.

Because it wasn’t many, it was only one.

Immediately after the battle, there was no question that their skills had changed.

Originally, the Border Guard standing army was a group of people who stayed close to the battlefield.

His skills were originally exceptional, but now he had gone further than that.

At the unit that returned, Encred praised them. In his own way.

“You haven’t run yet today, have you?”

Hunting a monster is hunting a beast, and if you want to run, you should run, right?

“f*ck you bastard. very.”

Belle let out the curse she had been holding back for so long. While she was thinking that she had changed thanks to this training, the words that came out of Encred’s mouth were so absurd that her inner thoughts came out without resistance.

“It’s a sparring request, right?”

If you start swearing and get angry, ask for a sparring match, this is the rule set by Rem.

“A long time. bell.”

Encred nodded and called Bell.

This couldn’t be backed away.

I couldn’t say let’s do it gently.

If you decide to attack, do your best.

This is what Encred emphasizes.

Now was the time to strike.

Training continued.

Regardless of Belle being beaten, Encred did his job.

And it wasn’t just training.

“came. “You are the first customer.”

Cryce visited Encred before evening.

Encred wasn’t tired of the repeated training every day, but he felt a brief sense of joy and joy at the presence of someone who came here.

“It was a big deal from the start.”

Kreis continued.

It was something to look forward to.

With his guidance, Encred entered the bottom of the market.

He said the other person was waiting for him at Vanessa’s Pumpkin Inn.

As Kreis confidently said, if you spread the word, they will come to you, not come to you.

He was the first customer to come like that.

“Is it you? “A friend who is a former soldier?”

I saw a man standing in the training hall behind the inn. Two knife marks were visible on his face. One crossed the bridge of his nose, the other went deep into his cheek.

It’s a face that makes you feel powerful.

The weapon in his hand was also like that.

It is a morning star with a sharp thorn at the end.

The thorn needles all looked sharp, and the weight of the iron itself seemed unusual.

“I am Ibarun.”

The man revealed his name. Then Kreis added from behind.

“The mercenary Ivarun is very famous. “It is said that the city-level powerhouse has the nickname ‘Joy is Ibarun.’”

“I think my nickname is fancier.”

Encred muttered while looking at his opponent, and Chrys replied, saying it was no big deal.

“Yes, that’s right. “Both bees and butterflies fly to colorful flowers.”

The rumored nickname that Kreis came up with was more flashy.

A former soldier who finished the war. It may seem odd, but Encred wanted it anyway. He stood in front of him.

Before I could say anything, Ivarun, a mercenary with an impressive sword scar on his face, spoke first.

“Let’s give it a try.”

Encred nodded.


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