Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 220

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220. Hmm, good

Count Molsen had three wives and six concubines.

As a noble living in this era, that was not a flaw.

He saw many descendants under his command.

Together with his sons and daughters, he had more children than the royal family.

Still, there wasn’t a child I particularly liked. Nothing in this world ever goes as planned.

“I will handle it.”

one of my sons said. The Count looked into the eyes of his son who came inside from his coachman’s seat.

Jealousy and anger were visible in those eyes.

Because I got hit once? Or, didn’t the guy whose name is now known on the Pen-Hanil continent look like that? So, is that because it’s weird?

The name Encred is now known all the way to the kingdom’s capital.

So it’s natural to be jealous.

But you’re showing it off.

‘I’m good at fighting.’

The other one is a son I don’t really like. He can’t tell the difference between when to use his heart and his head and when not to.

At best, all I can do is use it as an escort.

This means that the children’s farming is not going as planned.

Since I had prepared other measures to continue the legacy, I no longer have any regrets.

That was the reason the Count no longer had children.

‘If it were me.’

Instead of envying and hating that guy, he probably thought of making him an ally.

It was still like that.

However, there was one thing that ticked my mind.

“I didn’t see that friend’s eyes. you.”

When I told my son, he blinked.

Those eyes make you wonder what the heck is going on. In some ways, it resembles a cow. So, are you fighting well and honestly?

It is said that eyes are the window to the heart and a mirror that reflects a person.

“That guy.”

The count thought for a moment after speaking. Was what I saw correct? right. It was an attitude and momentum that left nothing to doubt or reflect on.

“He wanted to fight.”


“It seemed like he wanted to fight me.”

The son, who had an absurd expression on his face, also became angry at those words.


“why? “Do you think that won’t work?”

The Count interrupted his son.

He himself seemed to have something similar to his desire to win. Those eyes, those eyes that say that they want to compete for what they have in a straight, upright, straight line, have also reached his heart.

Looking at that, doesn’t it make you want to gauge the level of his skills?

However, it was impossible to fight directly. I can’t accept that.

You shouldn’t give people what they want easily.

That’s what I’ve learned in my life so far.

Anyway, stopping by to see his face probably wasn’t in vain.

‘He’s a fun guy.’

He’s a guy you can’t just let go of just because he’s having fun.

ruler. So, what should I do to keep that guy by my side?

People are easy to manipulate when they have a debt in their hearts. So how do we create that debt?

“What will the southern group of demon beasts do? father.”

The three letters ‘Father’ tickled my heart. But I don’t blame that. Sometimes, there are people who do not need an oath of loyalty just because they are related by blood.

The son in front of me was like that.

‘Who was this child’s mother?’

Greta? Helen?

Anyway, since you gave birth to such an honest and loyal child, it would be nice to give the child’s mother at least a small gift.

That one act will cause a stir in the power struggle between wives within my family, but I am giving it to you for that. Fight and argue.

It’s something that happens underneath you anyway. Everything is under your control.

“Leave it alone.”

The original reason for the expedition was to deal with a group of demonic beasts coming from the south. Some were processed and some were left alone.

In the future, Border Guard will have a lot of trouble dealing with hordes of demonic beasts.

‘Then I’ll ask for help.’

It will happen within a few months at the shortest, or within a year at the longest.

“What about the servants who move under the cover of night?”

The son answered the count’s question by lowering his head.

‘Geor’s Dagger’ refers to a group of assassins whose reputation is prominent throughout the continent.

My son had inquired about the news that the people he could reach were in the Border Guard and had just reached him.

No sooner had the two finished speaking than the coachman spoke in front of them.

“Someone was blocking the road ahead. “What should I do?”

“Set up.”

In northern Pen-Hanil, if you did not recognize the Count’s emblem and blocked it, you would be able to doubt his intelligence. If not, then you knew about it and blocked it, which means that the other person had business.

The latter was correct.


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He was a guy whose entire body was covered with black cloth.

‘He is a reckless bastard.’

Thinking so, the Count opened the door inside the carriage and asked.

“Who are you?”

“Geor’s dagger.”

A short answer came back.

“this guy!”

My son shouted as he got out of the carriage. Words like how dare you stand in front of someone, you arrogant bastard, etc. continued.

Geor’s assistant just listened calmly.

“Why did you find it?”

Then I just say what I have to say. The son who was ignored and determined drew his sword.


“Cut off an arm and talk again.”

said the son. Although he is a skilled person recognized within his territory, his opponent is Geor’s dagger.

Seeing him block the front all by himself showed his confidence.


The count spoke to his son. His son’s eyes fluttered and he took a step back.

“I want the Border Guard to take care of someone.”

The opponents were people who made a living from assassination, so it was enough to treat them as they deserved.

So, I wanted to test this. Will they be able to withstand even if an assassin is sent? Even if the opponent is Geor’s dagger?

Half of me wanted to make it work for me, and half of me wanted to get rid of it because it was an eyesore. This project was for the latter.

“name is?”


“Not possible.”

‘… … ?’

refuse? No, I’m not even breathing and it’s a rejection. Is this a name that even the person in front of you knows? Well, that friend’s reputation has been on the rise lately.

“There’s no need to kill him?”

“Not possible.”

This time too, it was rejected without hesitation.

It’s not like they’re telling you to kill them right away, but they’re refusing even when they tell you to kill them only halfway.

Aren’t these people who will do anything if you give them a bunch of gold coins?

“Are you not confident?”

Despite the provocative remarks, the other person remained silent. I just said it was impossible again.

“In that case, please just investigate the surroundings. Do you have family, who is around you, what do you have, how did you get to where you are, and what do you want to do? Do you understand what I mean?”

The assassin from Geor’s Blade, a man whose entire body was covered in black, thought about it and nodded.

“I will send someone on the first day of every month. “All you have to do is exchange information and compensation.”

“Don’t be too expensive. “You people who survive on drops of blood.”

The Count said something. He is a person who rarely expresses his feelings outwardly. His son seemed like it was for him.

To the man from Geor’s side, it seemed more like an urging to do things properly rather than a threat.

The assassin retreated without a word.

The count got into the carriage again.


“When you have to endure, be patient. “It’s not a good thing to show emotions carelessly.”

After admonishing his son as if teaching him kingship, the count’s carriage set off.

The man who was Geor’s assistant, who had been watching until the end, took off his mask.

After covering my whole body for the first time in a long time, I felt stuffy.

‘I can’t believe it’s this frustrating.’

This is because the life of a relaxed mind has become longer. If you fight with your face exposed on the battlefield, you have no choice but to fight honestly.

In Saxony’s opinion, the battlefield was an exciting fight.

The idea is to secretly hit him from behind and cut off his head, but why use his own hands when there are so many easier ways to kill him?

Even though the enemy can notice, why do you approach with your feet?

So, in his opinion, it is a fair fight. In a way, it’s close to exhilaration.

‘No, isn’t it exciting?’

I saw my captain fighting with a barbarian or a religious cultist. It is difficult to say that it is exciting. Your battlefield.

But it wasn’t that I didn’t like it.

You have your own battlefield.

“How was it?”

As we walked towards the city for a while, a group of people joined us. She is the girl from the brothel. Personally, she is a lover-like person, and within the group, she is a woman who leads those with excellent information.

“It looks like a snake.”

It refers to the form of the other person seen in the realm of intuition and sixth sense. The Count is a cunning and cunning snake. It seemed that way.

“Hmm, that’s bad.”

The woman answered.

“Did you recognize it?”

The woman nodded to Saxony’s question. The two walked towards the city and talked.

“I think they are presumed to be related.”

Just because you belong to the group called Geor’s Assistant does not mean you will receive all requests.

Moreover, Saxony is in no condition to receive requests right now.

But I had a purpose, a reason for joining the army.

It was a clue that fit the reason. Originally, I was going to leave because the clues were cut off, but this turned out to be a different story.

I came here for revenge.

That was the clue for that.

“I think he’s going to ask me to kill that company commander.”

“I refused.”

“Is that okay?”

The opponent is a nobleman nicknamed the Grand Duke of the North. His actual title is limited to that of earl, but that’s because the royal family is wary of him, and his actual power is that of a being worthy of the word grand duke.

To be honest, if they decide to attack them, Geor’s daggers will not be able to overcome them easily.

That’s what a great noble that rules over a territory is like.

“It’s none of my business.”

Saxony answered.

hmm. The woman nodded her head to herself. Well, this was his original personality.

He said that the commander of my company was becoming increasingly crazy, but wasn’t Saxony a very normal person?


In front of the city, Saxony moved first. A woman spoke from behind.

“Please come here often.”

There was no answer.

Geor’s assistant decided to carry out the mission. There may be many things that can be found out by providing information.

Saxony did not feel burdened by the task.

Should I tell the captain in advance? That’s what I thought, but I don’t think it’s necessary.

In fact, let’s say it’s news to be delivered.

‘I don’t have a family, I’m crazy about the sword, and my dreams are knights.’

Well, that’s great. If you tell it like this, the other person will wonder if you are joking, but what can you do when there really are people like that in the world?

Even if he went from being a mercenary to a soldier and a company commander, Encred’s dream from the outside would still seem like a vain delusion.

But what are the views of those who actually see it up close?

Right now, Marcus seems to believe that.

Anyway, it was a city full of crazy people.

Saxony thought so and prepared to go between them.

It was time for the sinister wild cat, not Geor’s assistant, to become a soldier guarding the battlefield, and a subordinate to assist my company commander.

If you leave it alone, the crazy savage will do crazy things again, and it will be up to you to control it. At least I was going to do my job while I was here.

* * *

“The position of the Grand Duke of the North is this.

Give me the commission.

But the royal family refused.

What is the reason?

The Count claimed that it was because he was being pushed out of the royal family.

why? Are you afraid of losing the throne? The Count argues that this is a world where you have to take it away, and if you don’t have the power, you have to take it, spit it out, and give it away.

But the royal family remains silent.

Just treat it according to the law. All of this is for Naurilia. They say that if you want the rank of Grand Duke, do something appropriate.

In fact, they cover their eyes and say nothing. “Everyone involved in political strife knows that the Count is interested in usurping the throne.”

At the end of Kryce’s long talk, Encred asked a question.

“It seems like the Border Guard nobles don’t know anything?”

“They’re half a penny.”

Right. En Creed nodded his head. People who think that a title that they know nothing about and has not inherited is truly great.

They are the nobles of the Border Guard, and it is shameful to even call them nobles.

Moreover, recently, there are nobles who have gone to heaven or hell due to Rem’s axe.

It was said that he was killed by bandits and that it was the work of a black sword, but some sharp-witted nobles suspected that it might have been Marcus’s hand.

It wasn’t Encred’s concern.

He was just curious about Count Molsen.

In the meantime, I have been training repeatedly and have accumulated countless experiences, I have built my body using isolation techniques, I have developed an eye for the opponent’s skills, and thanks to Saxony, I have also opened my eyes to a sixth sense.

‘The guy called son.’

I didn’t suddenly feel like dealing with him.

But what about the count?

The moment I saw it, something similar to a desire to win was burning.

His body was like tempered steel.

That eye color.


Have you ever seen a wizard once or twice?

Moreover, there is a leopard nearby that can turn into a human.

Since Rem knew, it was only natural that Encred knew as well.

Esther didn’t seem to think it was really a secret.

Well, Encred noticed it before Rem did.

Esther heard that.

“Even when taking a bath?”

Although I asked this.

Aren’t wizards people who explore mysteries and walk on mystery?

I thought I didn’t care about any physical contact between men and women. So, Encred was ignored.

But recently, it has become rare for Esther to fall asleep in my arms.

The reason was, ‘It’s not as necessary anymore as it used to be.’

It wasn’t something to worry about.

“What are you doing?”

Rem asked from next to me. I had nothing to do and was lost in random thoughts.

He was in the midst of concentrating on unit training. Encred was also performing the isolation technique on the podium.

In the meantime, the people who told them to ‘run’ came back.

“Are you all there?”

“I’m here.”

Rem laughed heartily while saying this. This bastard is a person who gains strength when he harasses people. He was an unusually bad seed.

“Did everyone run?”

Encred thought as he looked at his troops.

‘I’m not in good physical condition.’

Doesn’t everything start with a well-beating heart?

That was why.

For seven days they just ran around armed. It could be said that it was nothing special training, but it was actually something that those who did it were tongue-in-cheek.

Why not?

From breakfast to lunch, and after lunch until dinner.

I just ran.

After going around the parade ground, I went out of the city to run, and I also climbed the hilly area next to the city.

Of course, you will be out of breath until the end.

It was natural that the muscles of my entire body were screaming.

Among them, the most painful one was the 1st Company.

“Our company training is different from yours.”

There were a few who expressed a strange sense of superiority, but they soon became thoughtful and had the same complexion as the other soldiers.

“We also have to run wearing light armor, it’s unfair!”

Since each person was told to run with their weapons in hand, the heavy armor company was, of course, armed with heavy armor.

When Rem heard that, he got excited and ran out.

Standing in front of him, I realized that he was a soldier who had shown a sense of superiority since he first started training.

Encred had requested. Don’t hit anyone. Without a justifiable reason, it would not be training but torture.

The plan is to beat them up and make them stronger, not to make them give up everything.

At the same time, I don’t think it makes sense to give this type of training, but that’s up to the captain to do.

Rem was just so happy that the moment to step forward as a teaching assistant had come.

“It turned out to be unfair. You bastard! Then, change your affiliation to the 2nd Company! Sometimes training is different! “Where is the 1st company assistant referee?”

Rem comes forward and glares. If it clears once more here, it will immediately become an exercise in skill.

The soldier quickly closed his eyes.

Because I couldn’t communicate with this crazy person.

‘Hmm, that’s good.’

Encred looked at it and thought that his training was going well.

I was a bit worried that this might be too weak.

It was truly a delusion worthy of being called a crazy company commander.

It was worth it. It’s Encred himself, hasn’t he been through more rough times than this?

So this was an appropriate level.


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