Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 219

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219. I want to hang out sometime

Although the entire city was very excited, there were security forces.

Guided by them, the two carriages crossed the city and entered the middle of the market.

There would have been no reason to stop it.

Externally, it was an ally, and it was the arrival of one of the great nobles.

The coachman with well-trained forearms got down from the carriage and opened the carriage door. A man with a handsome mustache got out of the first carriage.

“Count Molsen?”

Marcus muttered and greeted him just like that.

“I stopped by on the way to celebrate the victory.”

He was a great man who was completely unexpected to appear here.

Not the kind of person you would see in the middle of the Border Guard market.

The squad leader, who was the security guard, could not help but notice. When Marcus winked at him, the leader retreated without a word.

The strange air current emitted by the Count and his entourage had the mouths of those around him in stitches.

In the silence, the Count’s voice rang out. It was a voice that made you feel strong.

I am full of confidence because I believe in myself and know my authority.

“I stopped by because I was curious to see the face of my friend, the hero of this battlefield.”

Count Molsen was bold. He was direct. It made him look more confident.

Even though he was a great nobleman, he did not wear expensive satin or silk, and even though he wore thin cotton clothes, he had a hint of class.

His well-trained muscles were visible through his thin clothes, so it seemed like he himself was not neglecting his training.

Even though he is stepping on muddy dirt due to the alcohol spilled by excited people, he feels like he is a nobleman. He was an impressive human being.

This is the first time I have ever met someone who gives me this feeling at first impression.

Encred thought so.

“How is it? “I heard it’s a hidden gem, so let me take a look.”

The Count’s relaxed voice rang out. Even after Marcus heard that, he didn’t open his mouth easily.

The two appeared spherical. Encred was watching the situation from a few steps away. Naturally, he immediately heard a voice looking for him.

‘Should I step forward?’

Or should I leave it alone?

When I glanced at Marcus’ face, I saw a stern expression for the first time.

Didn’t he chuckle even during this war between noblemen?

“The back of that bastard’s head looks like I want to split it open.”

Rem muttered next to him. Her tongue wasn’t twisted, but it couldn’t be said that it was normal for her to want to split the head of a noble chick she saw for the first time.

Encred left the drunk Rem and motioned to Audin and Ragnar.

Take this bastard with me.

Because if you leave it there, you’re going to have a big accident.

And he was going to relieve Marcus of his troubles.

Because I had no intention of hiding myself.

Hiding himself was Marcus’s handiwork, not my intention.

I agreed, but now it’s all exposed.

Therefore, it would be right to step forward.

No, since it had already come to this, I thought it would be a good idea to have the swordsmen under Count Molsen come to see him later.

I really liked the craftsmanship that Kreis had told me about.

I said it’s not about finding it, it’s about making it come to you.

Above all, no matter how much he gave off, Count Molsen was not a threat to Encrid.

Before repeating today, I risked half my life, and after repeating today, I really risked my life, so in terms of strength and courage, Encred might be the best on the continent.

So it was.

In Encred’s eyes, Count Molsen’s appearance seemed like an opportunity.

‘I heard that recruiting talent is my hobby.’

I heard that Count Molsen’s nickname is a talent collector.

Then, aren’t there many people under your command who are good at using swords?

There must be many people who are good at using spears. Among them, there will be martial artists, and there will also be people who are good at handling blunt weapons. No, there will be a lot.

There are also rumors that there are people like knights.

The elite catcher named Kal, who targeted Encrid on the previous battlefield, was also under Count Molsen’s command, but Encred didn’t know that.

He didn’t even know the dead guy’s nickname.

In any case, Encred thought that if Kreis spread the word, there would be someone under Count Molsen with a strong will to win, and there would be a few swordsmen among them who would come to see him.

“Was his name Encred?”

Count Molsen opened his mouth again. At this point, Marcus should have stepped forward as well, but Encred took a step towards him before he did.

“Stay back. soldier.”

The man claiming to be an escort blocked Encred’s chest with his arm. No, rather than blocking, it was closer to hitting. He said he was slapped. It seems as if they are arguing roughly and fiercely.

He had well-trained arms and was a charioteer.

Trained chest muscles were visible. He looked into its eyes and saw that it was yelling fiercely.

‘Is this going to be a fight?’

It seemed like a good idea to look at it that way.

Moreover, the opponent hit him first. Then wouldn’t this also be a reason to use violence?

It seemed like it would work.

Deep down, I was hoping that if I made a strong impression here, the level of those who would come to me later would be raised.

Therefore, Encred didn’t think much of it.

In fact, it may be because of Rem’s influence.

It’s also because I drank a few drinks.


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So it was.

When he grabbed the arm that was blocking him and pushed, the other person naturally also gave him strength.

At one point, Encred pushed and pulled the opponent’s hand with his right hand and kicked the opponent’s heel with his left foot.

Break the center. It was a Balaf style martial art learned from Auddin.

The opponent was caught off guard. His kicking foot floated in the air, his buttocks lifted, and he hit his buttocks with a thud.

I don’t know if the Count intended it, but it seemed as if he had deliberately torn apart the veil of silence he had created.

The surroundings seemed to become quieter than before.

One of the soldiers let out something similar to a groan without even realizing it, saying ‘Oh my gosh’.

“It must hurt.”

The silence was uncomfortable, so Encred quietly spoke, and the fallen guy’s face opened. Encred spoke as the bastard tried to get up again with a fierce look in his eyes.

“I thought you came to see me.”

And he doesn’t even look at the guy he knocked down. He turned and looked at the count.

The Count was also looking here.

The driver who got up clenched his fist and wondered whether he should hit it or not.

In the end, he couldn’t make a fist. Isn’t his own lord watching him?

Encred showed force first, and conversation followed. The small commotion seemed to naturally catch the count’s attention.

Since there was no intention of attracting attention, Encrid was able to look at the count calmly.

It’s truly an attitude and behavior that doesn’t seem to be in the least bit complacent.

It seemed half crazy, but the Count was busy observing Encred in silence.

Encred also did that.

‘You’ve grown a pretty mustache.’

It looked as if he had left the beard care to a separate hairdresser.

Marcus, who was behind him, was about to step forward but then closed his mouth.

Because Encred stepped forward, there was no time for him to intervene.

“Are you Encred?”

the count asked.

“Yes, it is.”

Encred answered.

Their eyes met. En Creed looked at him calmly, and the Count also looked calmly at his black hair and blue eyes.

Was it rude to hit the coachman at first sight?

After starting work, this thought suddenly occurred to me.

Encred didn’t think much of it.

Well, actually, I tend to have something similar to resentment.

Everyone knew that Count Molsen had secretly brought in a fork on the battlefield.

Although you can’t ask why it was like that.

Because the troops who erased the sentence didn’t attack me for no reason.

Moreover, as soon as Martai was pushed away, they all fell to the rear and jumped out.

They couldn’t catch a single one.

It wasn’t hard to chase and catch a few of them, but there was no need. No, I said I shouldn’t do that.

Kreis said it would be a problem even if they caught them. This was said with a very valid reason.

“What if we find out? Should we admit that the Count is right? Nonsense! Wouldn’t you rather say that you are being framed? Then, we might have to take a low-key approach from here. “It’s better to just leave it unnoticed.”

This is it. Power is law.

Marcus may have expected that, but he didn’t bother to chase after those who ran away.

In any case, Encred decided that the person he had defeated was not the earl’s son, and that it would not be a big deal that he had embarrassed a guard who resembled a coachman.

“Are you okay?”

The Count said to the coachman who was standing hesitantly behind Encred.

“Yes, father.”

hmm? Encred wanted to reflexively pick his ears.

I think I heard something wrong.

“Are you going to lecture my son like that the first time you meet him? “Your courage is truly formidable.”

said the count. Encred realized that there was a big misunderstanding in the middle.

“Well, um. yes. So that’s it.”

There is silence again. It felt like the torn veil of silence had been repaired and restored to its original state.

“Did you think he was my son?”

This time, the Count himself tore down the curtain and asked:

“I didn’t know.”

“Then you know now.”

As if to ask for an apology, the count turned completely and looked at Encred.

There was something like a faint halo of light in the count’s eyes.

What can I say, Encred felt a strange feeling when he saw that. Should we say that it is the kind of eye that examines one’s inner thoughts?

So, it is a look that looks deep inside rather than on the outside. It felt strange to put it into words.

Should I apologize? Encred knew it wasn’t a difficult task.

What’s so difficult about saying a few words pretentiously?

It’s not like I’m telling you to cut off your finger and hand it over.

But strangely enough, my mouth didn’t drop.

Just because your skills have improved, has your arrogance also increased along with it? It wasn’t like that.

The person in front of me just clicked in my mind.

So, I felt like I was encountering a monster on a remote road, a monster with the utmost insidiousness.

It was right after the people around them started to notice the two and a cold air began to fill the air.

“Hahaha, it’s okay. “The person who got hit is stupid.”

The Count burst out laughing. It was accompanied by a smile on his face and a hearty laugh.

Encred silently showed his respect for the other person’s generosity with a military courtesy.

“I said it’s okay. I really stopped by just to see the face. The rumors were not in vain, indeed.”

The Count said and looked at Encred’s face.

“I heard that regardless of your skills, your face is great. It must be hard for all the girls in the surrounding area to sleep.”

“It seems like all the girls nearby have insomnia.”

In response to the Count’s words, Encred told a fairy-style joke.

“Haha, this guy is witty.”

After saying a few trivial words, the Count apologized to Marcus for the incident.

“The hordes of monsters and beasts coming from the south were formidable. Isn’t protecting the territory a duty entrusted to you by the king? It wasn’t easy to stop. So I couldn’t help. Martai, that city had too much Eastern influence. “Your contribution is great.”

It seems like he has become a male king. As Encred thought this, Marcus answered with his usual gentle smile.

“I will listen to the praise of the Duke from my lord and the rightful queen of the country.”

You are not a king. You bastard.

That’s what Marcus seemed to be saying.

“See you later then.”

Count Molsen didn’t care. No, he stepped away as if he hadn’t even heard.

Although his stay was brief, the atmosphere he left behind lasted a long time.

As soon as he left, Marcus said with a crooked smile:

“You unlucky bastard.”

It was a word that revealed a deeper emotion than the contempt usually shown to the noble group of Border Guards.

“Are you on bad terms?”

“Do you know what that bastard’s dream is?”

You have no way of knowing, right? Marcus spoke without Encred even having to look back.

“A usurper, a usurper of the throne. “He’s completely crazy.”

Encred was still in a position where he couldn’t laugh at other people’s dreams, so he couldn’t criticize them after hearing them.


‘I don’t think my eyes are strange because of my dreams.’

Marcus didn’t seem to notice, but the look in his eyes was really annoying.

The party, whose atmosphere had changed thanks to Count Molsen, became energized again thanks to the activities of a few soldiers, but it did not last long and quickly cooled down like an extinguished bonfire.

There was a simple installation ceremony the next day after the party.

“Encred is appointed as the training company commander!”

Marcus shouted directly from the parade ground podium.

Everyone thought so.

“Are you a training company commander because you trained so hard?”

Some soldiers were very talkative, but one soldier with a good sense of humor expressed his ominous feelings.

This was especially true of Platoon Commander Benjens.

“no way?”

That ‘no way’ was ‘no way’ that would catch people.

When Rem returned after the appointment ceremony, he had a thoughtful look on his face, then suddenly clapped his hands and said,

“It’s that bastard!”

What is this guy?

Encred asked again, realizing that Rem’s head was different from that of an ordinary person.


“That count.”

“Yes, that count.”

“Didn’t I tell you before?”

“You usually talk a lot. “Rem.”

There’s a lot I’ve said so far.

“No, I told you why I ended up here.”

What was it? Encred remembered. I remember hearing it.

It was said that he beat to death a man who was raping and murdering a commoner woman. After beating her to death, it turned out that she was the son of a nobleman.

“He was the father of that son at that time.”

“… … Count Molsen?”

“Ha, I wondered where I saw that.”

Rem nodded with a cool expression on her face.

Encred thought as he entered the dormitory.

‘It may be a coincidence, though.’

Did Count Molsen not recognize Rem?

If there was something similar to a wanted list on Rem’s neck, I don’t think he would have let it go. I don’t know. I do not know. In particular, Count Molsen seemed to have hundreds of snakes inside him, as well as the legendary nine-headed monster Hydra.

Above all, those eyes.


It’s different, but similar, to the eyes of the leopard staring at me in my dorm.

That means he was a wizard. It is a suspicion that is half certain.

Was that body there, maybe that little magic swordsman?

If so, then.

‘I’d like to join in sometime.’

Scratching, Encred scratched his head for no reason.

It was Esther who was staring at it. The leopard asked, ‘Why is that man half crazy again?’ He gave me a look.

Because the eyes looked like something was burning.

“Let’s spar. “Couple.”

Then Rem, who was next to me, suddenly spoke.


I looked at it, amazed that Rem had spoken before me.

“Why are your eyes rolling back? “Let’s spar.”

Encrud stuck with Rem. I take out what I learned and learned before and put it into practice in a new way.

It was a fun time like never before.

And two days later, the entire company participated in the training, except for the soldiers who were on duty as scheduled.

This included the 1st Company and the heavy armor unit.

Some of the heavy armor troops were looking dissatisfied for no reason.

Because each unit’s training is different.

In particular, they have undergone more rigorous training than any other unit.

So, some people could make such a disrespectful expression.

Of course, Encred, standing on the podium, didn’t care at all.


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