Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 218

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218. Not finding it, but making it come to you.

The fact that I didn’t even think about it means that I had no expectations.

To add to this, he also said that it was something he did not want to do.

‘Am I the battalion commander?’

To be honest, just controlling Rem and the other members, as well as the beastman Dunbakel, was quite a hassle.

Rather than that, I wanted to swing the sword one more time. It is a natural desire and desire.

It felt as if my fingers could not reach the dream that had been out of reach until now.

Anyone would bend and straighten their fingers, pull and stretch them as if struggling, and bring their dreams to themselves.

It’s that kind of moment. When you want to get drunk on desire rather than responsibility.

But covering the entire city?

One day I might welcome such a thing, but not right now.

My first thought was that it would be ridiculous to even bother looking for a reason.

What happens if you become a battalion commander?

What Rem had to say came to mind clearly.

“Great ego? “Then I can be the company commander. Please give me my company commander.”

In this way, dozens of soldiers will be rolled again and again to be discharged with honor.

Because everyone will be busy running away.

In hindsight, it might have been a mistake to entrust the beastman named Dunbakel to Rem.

I had no intention of taking care of it separately now.

Therefore, the answer was fixed.

That I don’t want it now.

“That’s it.”

The thoughts were long, but the speed of thinking was fast. It was okay to say that I didn’t have to worry about answering at all. The question was answered immediately.

“I thought so.”

Marcus also nodded as if it was obvious. She didn’t seem to have any regrets. Still, there was a lot to add to what he said.

“Let’s say I said it twice more and suggested it a total of three times. “If you change your mind on that premise, you can tell me at any time.”

“All right.”

Encred answered casually once more.

“Now then, let’s hear the reason. “Shouldn’t I know the reason for the rejection?”

Marcus clasped his hands and rested his chin. That pose seemed to be a habit. It was a posture he saw often.

I didn’t really get the feeling that he was curious from his attitude, but I answered. If you ask a question, isn’t it right to answer it?

It was also a question from a superior.

Encred opened his mouth while standing straight in front of the table.

“The 1st Company Commander will not approve.”

First of all, it was said that there would be internal opposition.

The 1st Company Commander was originally the man closest to the next Battalion Commander. Since the border guard commander was in charge of Martai, wouldn’t it be right to give him this position?

Even if you press him down, it doesn’t come out as a good picture no matter how you look at it, as he is a subordinate with malicious intent right underneath him.

“You also have political insight.”

Marcus said, maintaining his posture by resting his chin on his hands. He asked again if this wasn’t enough.

“Another reason is?”

“There is no need for the position of battalion commander.”

“… … Isn’t it a bit unusual to say that this position is not needed? “It’s even more so because it doesn’t seem like an excuse or an excuse.”

Marcus relaxed his posture. I leaned back on the chair. Now I’m starting to feel interested.

Encred knew that this guy had a few snakes inside him.

But since it wasn’t a problem, I was able to continue talking.

They said it wasn’t necessary, that’s what Suje said.

To become a knight, skill comes first. Force comes first. The qualifications as a commander are a matter of later.

Of course, if your skills as a commander are an issue, if it is necessary, you will get used to it and learn it again.

Didn’t you originally learn by rolling your body and risking your life whenever necessary?

But it wasn’t really necessary right now.

I must have felt my lack of skills again.

No, it would be more correct to say that it was thirst rather than lack.

Starting with Zimmer’s stabbing and everything before that, there were a lot of new things to learn and learn.

I also learned something from Battalion Commander Marcus’s strategy. There was still a long, long way to go.

I wanted to walk that path.

It is the path toward a faded dream. That’s why I wanted to postpone my responsibility.

That was the true intention.

This is something Encred has finally realized. It was like looking at his present through a few words.

Originally, you had to dig into your own speed to find out.

“Because I’m not good at handling a sword yet.”

Encred answered.

“If that skill is lacking, I think most of the soldiers will have to go out and die.”

Marcus continued. He said he understood and clapped his hands lightly.

“Well, it’s hard to give it to someone who says they don’t like crona bags.”

Marcus muttered that. Then, instead of telling me to leave, I asked about the recent situation around me.

Encred answered those words as if it were obvious.

“I think the situation around us will continue to get worse, don’t you think?”

Encred spoke with intuition, but in reality, such a problem was emerging.


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It was just a few days after the battle ended so it wasn’t visible to the eye.

Above all, this battle ended quickly, like corn being fried by lightning.

I thought it would be a series of slow sieges, but I broke it with a plan.

First by hiding Encrid, and secondly by opening the gates of Martae.

Because of that incident, both the enemy army and its commander lost morale and surrendered at once.

If I had fought with all my strength from the beginning, I might have seen a lot more blood than I expected.

In any case, Marcus also knew about the surrounding situation.

As the city grew in size and power, problems were bound to increase.

However, it would be difficult to expect help from the center in the current situation.

The situation has changed so much that the Border Guard has been removed from the Border Guard. It is a weakening of our forces.

In addition, he started a fight with the sword, and by swallowing Martai, he became a threat to the surrounding nobles.

Encred personally even killed a cultist.

“That’s why I offered you the position of battalion commander.”

“What difference will it make if I do it?”

Are you asking because you don’t know?

“Because it’s impressive when the commander is so strong that he’s ignorant.”

I guess that’s separate from having to command an entire city, right?

“Besides, to be honest, the 1st Company Commander won’t have any complaints.”

Marcus added.

If you feel like it’s worth it, then attack it. This is a homemade monster. The 1st Company Commander rebels? No way.

This is a reason to unconditionally accept it on the outside, even if you may be dissatisfied with it internally.

Marcus thought so, but Encred disagreed.

Humans feel the most upset when they are robbed of something that was supposed to be theirs or something they were so confident about.

Everyone had different thoughts, but that wasn’t a problem.

Encred wouldn’t take it, and Marcus actually had no intention of giving it.

Marcus also thought it would be fun to give Encred a bigger position than this.

Moreover, once you become a knight, you will automatically have territory.

‘Did you already believe that this friend would become a knight?’

Regardless of what he was thinking on the inside, Marcus spit out the words he had prepared on the outside.

“Then, please at least serve as the training company commander.”

From here on, it was Marcus’s opinion. The frontier guard was away, but it was difficult to easily increase the number of the Mad Company as an alternative.

No, I will try.

“I think it’s better not to have any expectations.”

Didn’t the fairy company commander say that?

Did you say that this guy Rem is an expert at harassing people?

Probably 9 out of 10 people will defect after being affiliated?

So this is the next plan I came up with.

‘It gives me a sense of belonging and status, a sense of legitimacy, and something to do.’

A friend named Encred gets excited when it comes to training, so teaching seems to be a good fit for him.

That is how the new organization of training company commanders was created.

“all right.”

Encred also accepted this easily. It was surprising to Marcus, but Encred also had similar thoughts.

What is best for city safety?

All you have to do is raise the overall quality of your troops. What can I do for that?

‘Just roll over.’

Although they didn’t ask him to do as well as he did, if he extended the training time to a certain extent and put in some forced effort, his skills were bound to improve.

Isn’t the proof yourself?

It was news that would have shocked anyone who was part of the Border Guard Standing Army under the commander.

Marcus and Encred were the only ones present.



Encred retreated with military honors. The position of a training company commander was a position, but the victory party came first.

At that time, you will be recognized for your contributions in this battlefield.

The rest will have to be done after that.

Encred planned to sharpen what he had seen and felt until then.

As always, time is more precious than gold.

Especially these days, we can’t even meet walls.

‘Is the boatman lazy?’

If the boatman heard it, I didn’t think he would even laugh out loud.

Then, two days later, a victory party was held.

“Oooh! A battle of glory! “This is a battle that engulfs Martai and announces the birth of a new star and hero in this area!”

Through this battle, the name Encred quickly spread beyond the city level.

Was it valid to say my name in the middle of the battlefield?

I do not know.

That may or may not have had any impact. This is because it is truly unknown.

While everyone was eating, drinking, chatting, and cheering loudly, Encred was preoccupied with something else.


Digesting previous experiences meant digesting them, but I thought that was stagnation.

Apart from digesting what I already have, I now have something to wish for.

So do we need adventure? Should I leave this place?

For new patterns, new experiences?

Something that I had realized after seeing Marcus’ strategy ran through my mind again.

“What are you thinking?”

Rem asks from the side. They each held a pumpkin pie and a bottle of distilled liquor in each hand. The pungent scent of alcohol pierced her nose. It is a liquor close to hard liquor.

Rem seemed to be having fun soaking her stomach with alcohol.

Encred was sitting on a chair on one side of the market stall.

The drinking scene has been going on since broad daylight.

At the same time, the surrounding soldiers, citizens, and even children were busy glancing at Encred.

Indeed, isn’t he the hero of this battle?

Of course, the crazy company members, including Rem, also received attention.

These are the people who originally don’t care about what others think.

In the meantime, Saxony suddenly disappeared.

I might have gone to the red light district again.

“I wonder how many good fighters I can meet if I wander the continent.”

It was an honest answer.

Rem chuckled when he heard that.

“I know from my wanderings, it’s not easy. “If you hear a rumor somewhere and look for people who say they are going to hit you, most of them are just mouthy people.”

“That’s right.”

Ragnar, standing on the other side, agreed with that.

His cheeks were red as he must have had a few drinks. Still, he didn’t look drunk. He probably didn’t drink much.

Have you ever said that you are not the type of person who enjoys drinking alcohol?

Anyway, from what I heard, they both seemed to have wandered around the continent for a while.

“is it?”

As Encred asked back, he felt a strange thirst.

What is the identity of this thirst?

Because you want to fight more? It wasn’t that simple.

Are you itching to sharpen your sword? She felt that wasn’t the case either.

Is it some kind of compulsion caused by not being able to repeat today? Are you waiting for repeated death?

To Encred, the repetition of the day, the wall, the boatman, these were all separate things.

As a joke, I blamed the boatman to myself, but it didn’t matter to Encred whether there was a repeat of the day or not.

He is where he is today simply by moving forward in silence.

It’s just today’s repetition that I used as a necessary tool on the way forward.

He also thought it was a coincidence that it came to reside in his body.

So this thirst was something else.

Something completely different.

It arose after realizing the form of traditional swordsmanship. It was just a desire to compete with people all over the wide continent, in other words, a desire to win.

It was okay to say it was a boiling fighting spirit.

‘Fight and experience.’

That is the only way to make your dream come true.

If I’ve always been drawn to learning something new, this time was different.

After looking at Marcus’ strategy, Encred pointed out what he was lacking. It is a milestone that you realize and set for yourself, dissolving previous experiences and building a tower of new experiences.

“Would you like to gather some rumors about this guy who is good at fighting with a sword or something else?”

It was bald Gilpin. When did this friend come again?

This friend also seemed to have drank too much. Still, her posture was correct. He wasn’t the type to make mistakes.

Encred thought after hearing Gilpin’s words.

What if I get that list? So should I leave now? Leave the city behind?

This is a question to consider.

Chrys, who was watching quietly, suddenly asked a question.

“But boss, I don’t know why you want to become a wanderer and talk about adventure when there is an easier way.”

“What are you talking about, Wangnun?”

Rem asked, sipping his drink. And our big-eyed soldier indeed had a unique head.

The brain inside the head must have been as strong as those big eyes.

“Through this battle, our name has spread widely, and there are quite a few people in Martai and the Pioneer Village who will become our mouths. Then it’s easy. “You don’t have to go find it, you just have to make it come to you.”

Kreis’ few words were truly appropriate and were like a lightning bolt of enlightenment.

Is Encred the only one who has the will to win?

If you’re a guy who fights a bit.

“That sounds plausible. “Brother Wangnuni.”

Auddin agreed, and Dunbakkel nodded beside him.

“Among the mercenaries, there were quite a few who wandered around wanting to train their swords.”

Dunbakhel says.

That was correct.

“What about the soldiers who finished the war? Well, it looks like they will come flocking to you one after another. If you defeat them every time, rumors will spread again and you can fight until you die if you want? Well, if this becomes a battlefield, the number of visitors will decrease significantly.”

“Kreis, you do it.”

Encred was impressed. Therefore, he paid him the most reasonable price. It’s a Crona bag. This time, one of the pockets that I had left empty to fit new armor went into Kreis’s hand.


The skill with which he grabbed his pocket was as if he was blocking a flying dagger. His hands were that fast.

“thank you.”

Kreis laughed loudly. Encred was also satisfied.

“Get the word out.”

“Yes, don’t worry!”

This is a deal that satisfies everyone.

Rem also chuckled. It was a pretty good victory party.

As time passed, several soldiers approached me and said that they also wanted to join the Madman Company.

“I want to go crazy too!”

“I want to be a crazy person!”

“I’m basically a crazy person!”

But I didn’t know why all the applicants for transfer to the unit said this.

Rem was probably half drunk when he said that it was okay and that he would accept everything.

Then he looked at Encred’s gaze and opened his mouth.

“For a company, the number is too small.”

That is correct.

If they didn’t regret it even after they got sober, they all decided to come to the crazy company.

Even if it’s not a test, if what I’m saying right now is true, I’m saying that I’m going to test my skills at a glance.

Aside from that, there were all sorts of things going around, like it was an honor or it was the birth of a hero.

What was certain was that Encred was the star of this party.

“Don’t you want to eat marmalade for the rest of your life? Of course, it’s all free.”

There were also temptations from city merchants and attractive women.


A city youth saw this and screamed.

Even if there had been no scream from the young man, Encred had no intention of doing anything with this marmalade girl.

What’s more, I wish I had seen a man with an expression like his world had collapsed.

“I’ll buy it at full price and eat it.”


Some of the market women were bold and some flirted subtly, but a great person appeared who put an end to the whole situation and complicated it.

“Your Excellency the Count, please eat!”

The servant’s shout rang through the party hall.


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