Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 217

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217. Proposal and

The moment Zimmer’s feet fell and he ran, his body became blurred like an afterimage. It was a scary speed.

So much so that it reminds me of a semi-knight’s charge.

However, it was not at the level of a semi-engineer. That was certain.

Raise the sword at an angle. Strengthen your wrists and forearms and hold on like a solid wall. It was a defensive style that was somewhere between a straight sword and a heavy sword.


The tip of Estark’s sword struck the side of Encred’s twisted sword. Sparks flew and the sword Zimmer was holding flew to the side. Zimmer immediately drew his sword.

Of course, Encred was not pushed back by force. It didn’t budge. Zimmer, who had his sword in his mouth, stepped back.

‘A naturally light body.’

His body was trained to the limit, and he didn’t even wear armor for this one punch.

The sword is also thin and narrow. The weapon seemed to have been lightly modified, and even the boots seemed light.

All of this was figured out with just one search.

The moment Zimmer’s tactics caught my eye and were recognized, I knew it wasn’t going to be a long fight.

Encred had seen what Zimmer had done before his eyes, so he knew he could do something similar.

It was possible without any equipment or grip.

If so, it was something to be done.

Slide your left foot back and push your body forward. It was a stab that was different from the opponent in front of me, but seemed similar.

Explode the heart of super strength and send strength from your toes, ankles, and thighs.

Above it shows the stabbing technique learned in the first battlefield.


Kicking the ground and moving forward.

The air was torn apart and Encred could not see any other objects in his immersed eyes.

All that is visible is the sword and the owner holding it.

Zimmer also tried to stab him with his sword. In Encred’s eyes, everything seemed slow. Holding out the sword and moving the center of gravity forward.

Encred knew that his sword would reach his opponent first.

Nevertheless, the opponent will not stop his sword. Knowing that, he stabbed the opponent’s shoulder with the sword he held in his right hand, pulled out a second sword with his left hand, and struck Estherk, to be exact, hitting the opponent’s sword in the middle.

It is a defensive technique with timing like a knife.

In Encred’s view, the sequential exchange of moves was a feat itself in the eyes of a group of soldiers.

Sigh! earth!

As soon as Zimmer rushed and retreated, Encred rushed in, and the sounds of stabbing and hitting were heard one after another.

That was the end.

In the eyes of the soldiers, the combination of the two was not even visible.

All that was visible was a hole in Zimmer’s shoulder and him falling to the floor.

“Turn it off.”

Zimmer swallowed a groan. He was a man who knew how to endure pain.

The half of the blade, which was hit in the middle and split, spun around in the air and landed on the ground.

It was a thin, straight sword designed for a single thrust. Naturally, it was weak against the force of being struck sideways.

It was one of the heavy sword techniques called ‘weapon shredding’. I did that with my left hand.

Encred did not celebrate his victory in the duel.



I just raised my gaze and asked.

General Olf spoke quickly.


It was no different from the surrender of the entire Martai.

It was also a battle in which the name Encred was bound to become well known.


A belated cheer rang out. The faces of the Martai troops turned blue at the shouts of our troops.

It is the commander’s surrender. Some of them will not be able to avoid having their necks cut.

Cleaning up was Marcus’s responsibility.

“Everyone, put down your weapons!”

The commander shouted to all directions. He was the one who announced the end of the war.

Struggle, fight.

In the late summer heat, rain began to fall.

It was raining even though the sky was clear.

It was a prank by the summer gods.

Sunlight shining through the rain, Encred holding a sword.

Not only the soldiers of Martai, but also the soldiers of the Border Guard standing army.

At the end of everyone’s gaze, a man was seen standing in the midst of Summer God’s antics.

He was the man who led this battlefield, fought through it, and ended it.

His name was Encred.

* * *

“Are you going to die? “Are you going to get trapped?”

Marcus left the choice to Olf. Olf, the Eastern Man, chose life.

“I will be trapped.”

Killing was a burden for Marcus in many ways. There was still a lot to take away from the great man named Olf.

‘Well, it feels like I ate it raw.’

Marcus showed cool hands even after processing.


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“I was the guard captain.”

I looked at the guy who surrendered right away without even stepping forward.

“Kill me.”

“… … to? It’s surrender. surrender!”

“Are you saying that this bodyguard bows down headfirst without a single protest?”

Marcus was cool. Not even a common smile was visible. He criticized the other person, but it seemed like the words were not necessarily directed at him.

Only then did they calmly sentence him to death.

“This kind of law… … .”

Sigh! Crack!

The 1st company commander took direct action. He hit his neck with a mace. He had been killed with one blow.

The head of the person who was hit hit the floor. His neck muscles were bent and stretched at an abnormal angle, resulting in a corpse with his head lying on one side.

“You talk a lot.”

That’s about the time it gives anxiety to enemy soldiers.

“Did you say Zimmer?”

Marcus called out Zimmer, who was bleeding profusely from being stabbed in the shoulder.

The battalion commander glanced at Encred and spoke in a whisper. It was a voice that only Encred and Zimmer could hear.

Of course, a Saxony or Fairy company commander with sensitive ears would hear it if they listened closely, but it was just a whisper.

“How is it? “He seems like a man worth killing.”

The question was not directed at Zimmer, but at someone on his side, namely Encred.

Encred wondered what Marcus’ intentions were.

“I don’t think there’s any need to kill him.”

As Marcus muffled his voice, Encred also responded softly. In response, Marcus nodded loudly and raised his voice this time. I shouted very loudly and loudly.

“You really know how to acknowledge others! You have a big heart! “You’re begging me to save the person you’re crossing swords with.”

‘supplication? When did I?’

For Encred, it was absurd.

Unlike when he asked, Marcus still spoke loudly so that everyone around him could hear.

“I will accept that request! Not only did you lead the battlefield to victory, but you also showed generosity to the enemy commander. You are the best soldier I have ever seen. is not it? “What do you think?”

The last question was directed to our soldiers. In other words, it was a float.

Despite the victory, the overwhelming force, the pattering rain, and the hazy sunlight that fell through the cracks.

Some of our soldiers, who had missed the right time to cheer, finally started shouting.

“We won!”

That short, brave cry quickly turned into cheers from the entire team.

“The flower of the battlefield!”


“Border Guard’s flower!”


Encred burst out laughing.

‘That absurd slogan seems to be getting weirder, doesn’t it?’

It also seems consistent.

“You lost.”

As Zimmer below muttered and gestured backwards, the enemy soldiers gathered on one side.

“Do not rebel. “Don’t die senselessly.”

Originally, inter-city struggles were all about capturing the enemy commander and receiving Krona or other compensation, but this time it was different.

It was a crushing defeat and a complete defeat.

Since the city had been captured, it was going to be a war that would be recorded in history books.

“My name is!”



As the soldiers’ cries grew louder, the anxious citizens of the city took notice. Instead of locking the doors of their homes, everyone was busy looking through cracks in windows and doors.

Those with less courage did not even look outside.

It was common for groups of soldiers to turn into bandits after the fall of a city.

Even if they rob the entire city like this, who will stop it?

If theft really starts, will only property be taken? Rape and robbery will occur everywhere.

Anxiety seemed to encompass the entire city.

Some of the citizens wondered if they should at least grab a poker and attack, but it would have been at the level of literally throwing their lives away.

“Zimmer, on your honor, this city will be under the Border Guard from now on. Do you think it would be a problem if the standing army was defeated and only some troops remained?”

Marcus was a politician among politicians even among the central nobility.

He also knew how to win the hearts of others.

“If you promise, we plan to return today.”

Zimmer blinked. What do you believe in? If we leave some troops behind, Martai will have more troops, right?

honor? Are you asking about honor?

“If you have any other thoughts, look over there.”

Marcus came over and whispered. Before I knew it, I took a few steps back and saw a black-haired man standing alone. His name is Encrid, and he has a hobby of making his name known on the battlefield.

I really didn’t like how it looked. It’s hard to say he’s handsome, but he’s more handsome than necessary.

“He’s a crazy company commander. “If they take out their anger on our troops, they will take out their anger on all the citizens.”

Basically, trust requires faith, but if there is no trust, it can be created naturally.

When you are in a corner and have no options, faith and trust arise naturally.

“Yes, on my honor.”

Zimmer promised.

“We are returning.”

Marcus spoke and proceeded with the rest of the work smoothly.

Encred fell backwards. On his way back, he found out that the entire border garrison was staying in the city.

“Hey, I won’t be able to see you often anymore.”

Torres came and started talking back and forth. In addition, several of the main forces of the garrison also came and spoke to us.

Among them, there was a friend named Hyo-un, and we exchanged a few informal words with Encred.

“I will break it next time, so don’t neglect your training.”

After saying such nonsense, he would say something to Ragna.

Encred did reply that he would. I will work hard and move forward.

Hyoun didn’t mean anything seriously either. This kid was as bad at telling jokes as a fairy.

“So what, the battalion commander says he will now hand over this city to our captain?”

Kreis, who was listening from the side, nodded.

“It seems like they are going to make this city completely one with the border guard unit as the center. Oh, you like that bowl? “Marcus, this guy didn’t eat the city’s cooperation, he ate the city itself.”

Torres asked after glancing at Kreis.

“Does he always call the battalion commander’s name?”

“Don’t worry, I always check to see if there are any adjutants under the battalion commander around.”

This isn’t that kind of problem, is it?

Well, it doesn’t matter.

Torres nodded roughly and said.

“You become a knight. “I want to become the next Martai commander.”

That meant going to the top of the border garrison.

The very fact that he said this was thanks to Encred’s influence.

That’s why. Torres wanted to say something.

“Have a hard time.”

Okay, that was the end of the greeting. The army was withdrawn, and the border garrison remained there for the time being.

Immediately after returning from the army, Encred washed, rested, ate, and slept.

I haven’t had a proper rest since returning from the attack on the Black Sword.

“What did you say is as important as training? “Brother.”

Isn’t this something that Audin lives by?

Rest was as important as training.

Our friend was still excited. For some reason, there were quite a few people snooping around the Mad Company, but Rem wasn’t there for nothing.

No one came closer than that.

I rested like that for two days. Aside from simple training and training, I also gave my body rest.

After a long time, I slept soundly without any dreams, and when I woke up, I saw a green-eyed fairy in front of me.

“… … “Is this a nightmare?”

Encred chanted.

“If I appear in a dream, it must be a wet dream.”

“It’s reality.”

It’s a fairy joke. When I woke up in the morning and asked what was going on, the fairy looked at me and said.

“After you finish training, go to the battalion commander.”


Did you really have to come this early in the morning just to say that? It was truly a fairy whose true nature was unknown.

I feel this way every time I see him talking about wet dreams with a blunt expression, but it’s true.

‘It’s beauty outside of humanity, and personality and jokes beyond humanity.’

After the fairy left. Esther got up and rubbed her eyes. It was cute to see her rubbing with her front paws.

“Good morning.”


After saying hello to Esther, I started training, and when I was about to leave around sunrise, Rem came out, opened her mouth wide, and yawned.

“I guess I can take care of that prisoner.”

It’s not a question or a request for permission, it’s a message.


“If I just leave it alone, it looks like it’ll end up just wasting food. Wouldn’t it be better to leave it to go out on the battlefield and waste its money? Well, if that’s what you want, then do it.”

“Aren’t you just making an excuse because you want to beat me up?”

Rem closed his mouth at those words. Sometimes, when I see him speechless, I realize that he was a human being too.

“… … No, the captain accepted it as our affiliate, so I did, okay? “I’ll train you by hand, what do you mean?”

That’s a good excuse to beat up. Encrid knew, but nodded his head indifferently.

There seemed to be nowhere to go, and the young fierceness in those eyes reminded me of myself. So she accepted it, but what Rem said was not wrong.

If I leave it like this, I’m going to get stabbed somewhere.

“Audin, ask the prisoner’s intention, and if he says he will, leave it to him.”

If not, I was thinking of handing it over to another unit.

“Of course.”

Next to me is Audin, who sweated through morning training. This was a familiar experience for them.

Whether you rolled on the battlefield the day before or fought for your life.

From the day after I returned, training my body and rolling were my daily routine.

Encred said that and went to the battalion commander’s office.

I had that thought while walking.

‘I guess I’m also a company commander.’

Now, do I have to manage the soldiers under my command?

Until now, it couldn’t even be called management. It is fair to say that he was busy being dragged away.

So, now?

They created formations on the battlefield and later issued similar orders.

They have changed as much as you have changed.

I thought it was a troubling idea because it was about strategy and tactics. It was a matter of just moving as needed at the time.

“Tell them I’m here.”

I said hello to the guard in front of the office, and the guard opened the door and said,

“It was an honor to stand on the battlefield together.”

Looks like this guy had a fight too.

Because we fought at the cutting edge of the battlefield, there was no time to look back.

The excitement of the battlefield had not yet subsided.

Those were the words of the guard and the envious looks of the soldiers passing by.

There were people talking about their own saga, and there was also a crazy person who wanted to make Encred’s saga into a song.

If other guys hadn’t grabbed his head and stopped him, he would have grabbed his head himself.

He was a soldier who couldn’t sing.

There hasn’t even been a party to celebrate the victory yet.

This time, if I wanted to rest properly, I decided to prepare for two days and then eat, drink, and have fun.

Until then, I was told to rest as much as I could.

“Oh, are you here?”

Marcus smiled and welcomed himself.


The adjutant, the fairy company commander, and no one else were seen around.

Marcus said with a smile on his face.

“Are you planning on becoming a border guard battalion commander?”

Then he asked.

It was an unexpected suggestion.


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