Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 216

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216. Preparation, pattern, experience


Olf was horrified to hear that something resembling a rebellion had occurred.

In this situation? In moments like this?

“What kind of guy are you!”

There was also news that the person who led the rebellion had taken control of the castle gate.

The rebels can’t do anything about the watchtowers or the castle walls, but isn’t the castle gate the problem right now?


Olf called the guards in a hurry. They ran ahead.

“good! Stop it!”

‘What kind of guy is this!’

Olf also quickly took his steps. Forgetting the weight of her armor, I ran. Her breath rose to the tip of her chin.

A metallic smell rose from inside my throat. It smelled like dried blood.

That’s where I ran.

“I am sorry.”

Three of the guards appeared to have become Bolt Hedgehogs.

At least a platoon-sized force blocking the front of the convoy was also visible.

He was aiming this way with the crossbow in his hand.

The guy who opened his mouth a moment ago smiled slyly. As expressed, it was a sly laugh.

Twisted mouth, narrowed eyes, a face that is not normally seen.

He was an ignorant adjutant who excitedly shouted that he would give up the cavalry and that he would destroy the enemy.

He was a fool who only knew how to fight. It was like that until a little while ago. He was that kind of guy.

‘That bastard?’

We fought so ignorantly that I never thought it would happen.

No, was that even what you were aiming for?

Are you playing an ignorant lieutenant who knows nothing but fighting?

If that’s the case, then it’s a natural acting position.

Olf realized that he had been tricked.

“The enemy is coming!”


A large horn sounded. It was a signal announcing crisis and threat.

“Shoot! Shoot!”

While the archers on the gallery and watchtower were frantically pulling their strings and shooting arrows, the ignorant adjutant repeatedly hacked at the castle gate pulley with an axe.

Boom! Jump! Boom!

Olf heard that sound as a death sentence for himself.


It was a situation that made me sigh, but the accident stopped. I couldn’t even tell him to stop. It’s already too late.

Even if you rush in and stop it right away, you won’t be able to do anything about the castle gate opening.

If that door opens, those who were rampaging on the battlefield at that time will come in, right?

It’s a nightmare, it’s fear. Five monsters.

Sea as expected.

I sensed that the wizard’s attack had failed.

If that’s not the case, then why don’t the guys who were talking about what they want in return even show their noses?

‘Shadow bastards like dogs.’

Olf gave up emotionally. A decision to make a decision here? Are you risking everything you have, including your life? Throw away the lives of these soldiers?

“f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.”

That can’t be possible. If you kill them all and survive, what will be left?

Olf didn’t want to end his life with something stupid.

Even if he is a defeated commander, his name will not be tarnished.

I will end up dying alone.

“You must surrender.”

Even though I had made up my mind, I felt like slapping my cheek when the guard captain spoke next to me.

This guy?

There was something similar to anger in Olf’s eyes.

“You have to face reality.”

The guard captain spoke again. Just looking at him, his eyes were filled with excitement, as if his life was a waste.

But why is this guy talking so much without even coming forward to fight?


The gate opens. Soon, a man with black hair appeared alone, looking into the distance.

He wasn’t even wearing a helmet.

His blue eyes looked into space, not at himself.

While I was watching the guy coming towards me like that.

The guard captain unlatched his sword and quietly put it down.

Ready to surrender.

You f*cking bastard.

Olf tore the bastard to death in his heart. And he gave up on himself too.


“There is no law that requires a city to be handed over without a fight.”


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Zimmer takes a step forward from behind.


“Please leave the final duel to me. “I will show you the spirit of the Eastern Lion.”

Zimmer’s eyes burned. He called Olph again.


Zimmer was originally the best swordsman among the battalion commanders, including Greg. He was also someone who properly learned swordsmanship.

While the guard leader, who had always been holding on to his weight, was already contemplating whether to put his hand on his head or kneel down like this, Zimmer, who was in charge of all kinds of dirty work, including chores, and who often spoke out loud, stepped forward.

‘My eye is sprained too.’

Olf admitted. The appointment process also failed. He was bullied by an ignorant lieutenant, and compared to the importance he placed on the guard captain, he did not spare Zimmer.

I felt like I wanted to tear out my eyes.

“do it.”

Olf nodded. He thought that even if the fight was over, he had no right as a warrior to catch someone who burned something of himself.

Just like that, Zimmer moved to meet Encred.

* * *

Sejak was planted in Martai.

‘When did you start planning?’

It is the same time as the gate opens. Encred recognized that this was someone’s handiwork, Marcus’s handiwork to be exact.

‘Is this what you planned?’

It may have been just preparation, separate from the plan. I didn’t necessarily intend to use it at a moment like this, but wasn’t it something I planted for convenience?

The thoughts continue. The thoughts that followed accelerated and before I knew it, I had reached the standard swordsmanship technique.

An anonymous swordsmanship whose name I don’t know, something I learned from the evil spirit of the magic sword.

‘Jeonggeomsik is based on pushing the opponent in one direction.’

Preparation for that was the basis and everything of swordsmanship.

If heavy swords suppress with force, and quick swords win with speed.

Jeonggeomsik is a way to create a ‘pattern’ that pushes the opponent.

And preparation of the ‘pattern’ was necessary.

A ‘pattern’ is a preparation or method to push the opponent.

It’s good if the other person moves according to your thoughts, but what should you do if that’s not the case?

‘Prepare widely, a lot.’

All you have to do is assume all the different numbers and make your move.

This is why Jeong Geom-sik is good at fighting.

This is preparation. Diversify and vary your preparations.

The three items that Marcus had included were one of those preparations.

Besides that, there are probably more tricks he has hidden. He wouldn’t have given up even if the gate wasn’t open. He must have been up to some other trick.

Jeonggeomsik swordsmanship is the same. It should have been written that way.

‘Not limited to one pattern.’

All you have to do is prepare a lot so that you can respond in a variety of ways according to the other person’s reaction.

Just like Marcus did.

This is the reason why among the sword techniques that become stronger as experience is gained, the straight sword method and the Yu sword method are particularly mentioned.

The more you fight, the more different patterns will become familiar to you.

The thoughts that started with the magic that Marcus used continued to lead me to a certain direction in swordsmanship.

While fighting the evil spirit of the magic sword.

Coming back again and competing with Ragna.

Also, things I learned from Proc Ruagarne.

Everything was mixed and intertwined.

Encred took three steps and crossed the gate. In the three steps he took, he realized his advantage.

‘Repeat of the day.’

Experiences of fighting for one’s life.

Experiences of fighting and giving up one’s life.

A recovery that followed countless defeats and battles.

Aren’t those all patterns and experiences?

right. It was a pattern and an experience.

‘That old teacher, Jeong Geom-sik must have had a specialty.’

He even realized the special skills of a swordsman from a coastal village who taught him the importance of martial arts.

Two steps again, realizing the diversity of patterns.

While walking five steps, Encred felt the need to reflect on the experience he had gained so far and warm it up.

If you were a genius, or rather a genius, would you have realized these things at once and put them into practice right away?

I would be lying if I said I didn’t regret the talent I had in life.

However, the need for talent is no longer as keen as before.

‘One step at a time.’

moving forward This is the road to ‘Will’ and the road to the knight.

A forgotten dream hit my heart again.

Only then did Encred become aware of his surroundings.

The gate was opened, and one of the protagonists of the battlefield entered.

Even though the arrows were flying, they had to have flown a hundred times more, and even though it was a moment when I should have seen things like spears and hammers right in front of my eyes, it was quiet.


Someone’s short exclamation sounded and Encred lowered his shield. It is a wooden shield with an arrow stuck in it. When I put it down to the side and looked to his left and right, the situation came into view at a glance.

‘I have no intention of fighting.’

The only thing in front of you is troops who have lost the will to fight.

They were the ones who returned from the previous battlefield and entered the defensive battle.

Their last stronghold is the gate and the wall.

It was right after I saw the opponent ignorantly clinging to the wall.

“Maybe it won’t break?”

“What the f*ck is our castle gate made of?”

Harsh words were exchanged due to anxiety, and an uneasy atmosphere spread among the soldiers.

Even though I knew that, there was nothing I could do about it.

The gate opened, and five battlefield demons entered.


Is running after knowing death courage or foolishness?

There was no need for Martai’s band of soldiers to know the difference between courage and foolishness. They didn’t confirm it.

It just stopped.

The eyes of those who had given up the fight were focused on Encred.

It’s silence. The wind blew. The wind blew through the flagpole above the city.

Para la la rock.

The sound of flags fluttering was mixed with the swearing of several soldiers.

It’s an insult mixed with abandonment and self-deprecation.

Encred, who saw and felt all of that, opened his mouth.

“Should I say my name again here?”

My name is Encred.

The weight of those words, which at first seemed arrogant, funny, and crazy, settled within the city of Martai.


Even if everyone gave up, there was always someone who would make a final struggle.

Between the heavy silence and the frozen soldier. A thin man stepped forward through the soldiers who were watching with his finger resting on the bowstring.

Encred knew that although the opponent was not large, he was full of solid muscles.

The balanced feet caught my attention, and the lack of fear in my gaze was also impressive.

“My name is Zimmer.”

The person who stepped forward said.

Encred did not know who the opponent was.

I never made any moves with that in mind in the first place.

“I am the 2nd battalion commander of Martai.”

As the other person politely introduced himself, Encred also opened his mouth.

“Independent company commander of the Border Guard Standing Army.”


Encred looked into Zimmer’s eyes. These are not the eyes of a writer who has given up. He was a bastard trying to at least do something.

“Why are you interfering here?”

As Rem, who followed, grumbled, Audin smiled and added.

“Duels are sacred. “Brothers, I convey this message on behalf of the Lord’s eyes.”

It was something a priest who worships the whole body would say, but no one took it seriously.


“I can’t back down without swinging my sword properly.”

Zimmer just showed his will.

Behind him was General Olf, but he already seemed half out of his mind.

This is a writer who has returned from the edge of anger and reason. Of course, Encred didn’t care.

Kreisman is just looking around.

The fight is over, but for some, it is a fight that cannot end with just surrender.

‘Why are you risking your life like that?’

Although Kreis cannot understand.

Others seemed to have somewhat accepted the situation.

Ragna retreated to the right. If anyone, whether an opposing archer or anything else, intervenes, he will draw his sword without mercy.

Ragna’s body seemed several times larger to the enemy soldiers as he showed a force that would normally not be visible.

And there was actually a warrior that was that big.

“If you interfere, your head will be broken and you will go to heaven. “Brothers and sisters.”

Auddin took it upon himself to be the judge, and Rem also stepped down.

Rem also spoke highly of his opponent’s morale. In this situation, isn’t he literally acting like a warrior, asking for a sword fight?

Even if he was in my tribe, he would have been called a hero.

Seeing that Saxony had already hidden himself, it seemed like he was thinking of getting on the hands of the commander if he failed.

Encred was also impressed by the sight of Zimmer stepping forward.

It is a duel in which there is a high probability of death even if the other side wins.

Still, you won’t back down, right?

He is a warrior. He was a man who knew how to fight.

Cheer ring.

Encred drew his sword. It was once a magic sword, but now it is just a very sharp and hard sword.

“My sword is not ordinary.”

And Encred told me about the benefits of armour.

I respected the courage shown by the person who stepped forward.

Zimmer nodded.

Soon he too drew his sword.

Tee ring.

It was a short and straight sword. It was Estherk.

Encred guessed the opponent’s special skill as soon as he saw his posture. No, it was an intuition that was close to certainty.

‘Fast sword, light feet.’

Light feet mean that you can move quickly.

Zimmer lowered his knees. The moment he aimed forward with the tip of his sword, his foot kicked the ground.

The tip of the sword, which became blurred like an afterimage, was aimed at Encred and was fired as if flying.


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