Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 215

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215. A short thunderbolt struck.

Esther knew the tricks and intentions of the five opposing wizards.

This was because she herself was a wanderer who indulged in the world of spells. Above all, aren’t her opponents all wizards of a lower class than herself?

‘Illusion magic and spirit magic.’

It is a combination of two.

Even though I couldn’t know the actual name of the spell, I understood how it worked.

The ‘Dream of the Bottomless Pit’ was a magical reality.

It creates an atmosphere that makes you feel comfortable, and then gives you the gift of tranquility.

The idea was good.

It is difficult to drive someone crazy, but it is very easy to give the gift of comfort to those under mental pressure.

They themselves would be hoping for peace and comfort, and that was what the original mental spell was.

The more something the other person wants and desires, the easier it is to be accepted.

Pahoe was easier. Just dissipate the magic power. But Esther didn’t do that.

I was planning on letting those who were going to sleep fall asleep properly.

I had no intention of showing myself turning into a human.

Of course, that didn’t mean I wanted to silence him by killing him.

‘Nothing changes just because I’m originally human.’

She is an addict of the world of spells.

A body determined to walk a different path from that of ordinary humans.

So even if others find out that the leopard is human, they will still fall into Encred’s arms. I’m not going to stop doing that.

‘I guess it’s funny that I’m worried about this at a moment like this.’

There is no reason to give up the power to blur the curse.

I couldn’t help but feel concerned about the increasing number of women around him.

Normally, humans tend to be envious and jealous, so wouldn’t he be reluctant to have a woman by his side?

In that case, wouldn’t you have to force yourself to dig into its embrace?

The right thing to do was to block the problem in advance.

‘If it doesn’t work, you can suppress it by force.’

I also considered a way to defeat Encred and get into his arms.

Various thoughts flashed through her mind in an instant, and Esther finished rationalizing.

The bottom line is that it doesn’t matter who knows.

Eyes, blue and deep, similar to but different from those of a leopard, turned to the owner of the voice.

“I knew you would be my beauty.”

I saw Rem smiling slyly. The owner of a beautiful appearance with gray hair.

Although he was short in stature, he was a great man whose abilities could not be ignored.


Esther answered indifferently.

At the same time, I roughly figured out why the other person resisted the spell.

‘You have mastered the mystery.’

It’s not magic, it’s a different system.

I didn’t necessarily pretend to know.

He wasn’t the only one awake.

“The fun brothers came to play.”

Audin, a humanoid monster whose size is comparable to that of a bear beast.

He had pale yellow eyes and was also handsome.

In terms of a balanced body, I thought it would be great to have a golem like this right now.

‘I didn’t even have time to take out Bonehead.’

The flash golem previously obtained through Encred was sleeping peacefully in her world.

Of course, it was not the time to use it yet, as it still needed to be remodeled and had a lot of work to do.

Anyway, I vaguely figured out why Audin was awake.


It is the power of reluctance. Something from God.

Afterwards, Saxony and Ragna also kept their eyes open as if they had nothing to do with fainting.

“Go back to sleep.”

It’s Ragna, it looks like he’s regained some of his willpower.

Saxony? That guy really doesn’t know. Feeling like you’ve gone beyond your limits with something that’s been trained to the limit?

While I was catching a glimpse of everyone like that.


Encred groaned in his sleep.

“You sleep well.”

“To be this dull means you lack discipline.”

“There’s no need to touch someone who’s sleeping, right? “You just have to fight well while you’re awake.”

“Hehe, I guess our company commander brother is tired. “This is all because there is no strength in the body.”

Starting with Rem, Saxony, Ragnar, and Audin looked at the sleeping company commander and spat out a word one by one.

Meanwhile, Rem saw the sleeping beast woman and added a word.

“It would be a nuisance if I left that behind.”

Finn respects the skills of a ranger, but isn’t a beast woman only good at fighting?

But how can you sleep well in times like this?

Even though beastmen originally have magic resistance?


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This was, in fact, something that could not be helped.

Dunvakel had very low self-esteem, and the spells of rest and tranquility were a fatal weakness for her.

Of course, Rem didn’t care about that.

I just think I have to do something about it.

Esther had no intention of showing off her spells, but she also had no intention of sleeping over the body.

She waved her hand in the air.

Using the intangible power of telekinesis, which is a basic spell used by wizards, he rolled the five bodies to the entrance of the tent.

“Soon the cognitive impairment spell will be broken.”

And he spoke to the rest.

Rem said something, but the other three didn’t even care about their presence.

Did you notice it in advance?

There are things like that, too.

“I sleep.”

There had to be someone like Ragna. So he doesn’t care if he turns into a human, a leopard, or suddenly a hairy giant.

‘It’s strange.’

Esther felt a really strange feeling.

I thought he would look surprised, if not shocked, when he saw me.

No, maybe I was secretly expecting something like this.

These are the main ones grouped together in one fence.

At the center of it all was a man with black hair who slept well even under these circumstances.

The time limit is over. Esther became a leopard again and entered Encred’s arms. The black robe that covered his exterior dissipated like smoke and disappeared as if it were seeping into the ground.

After she became a leopard again and the cognitive impairment spell disappeared.

“What is this?”

Benjens, probably included in the patrol group, came into the barracks and said in surprise.

I was speechless when I saw the bloody smell and the corpse.

“Well, please take it away while we’re here.”

You may forgive a commander who loses a battle, but you cannot forgive a commander who fails to remain vigilant.

Venjens couldn’t understand how they got here.

There was no way to know that magicians were involved here.

“uh? Uh, uh.”

I just thought an assassin was targeting them.

However, when looking at the dead guys, they didn’t look like they were very disciplined.

It was just a night when something absurd happened.

I think Battalion Commander Marcus will be furious if I report this.

Still, I couldn’t help but report it.

Venjens spoke through the captain’s escort during the night.

And Marcus woke up in the morning.

“Leave it alone. Even if a decent assassin came, it would be hell.”

It passed without much notice.

In fact, Marcus deliberately built Encred Company’s barracks on the outskirts.

I thought that Martai’s Olf might send an assassin as a last ditch effort.

At the same time, I thought it was a foolproof feat.

‘I even caught a mixed-blood fairy before.’

That assassin was also quite famous, right?

Marcus was keen on gathering information. He believed that these things come together to bring victory on the battlefield.

“Ask me to send more. “Anyway, you have to touch it to know if it’s a hot pot.”

Marcus said with a smile. He didn’t know that the wizard had come, but he had developed a kind of absolute belief without reason.

If it’s Encred, he will somehow overcome it without dying.

There are also thoughts that come to mind at the same time.

“It’s a knight.”

This is the dream Encred was talking about.

At the time, I honestly thought it was a mixture of nonsense, but now that I look at it, it really seems like that.

So then what should you do?

If you become a knight, if you really join the knighthood.

‘Under Cypress?’

I don’t think it’s a very fitting picture.

I do not know. Anyway, it’s a future thing, you’ll find out when you get there. Until then, Marcus would do his own thing. He might die before he sees Encrid become a knight.

In fact, I was on the verge of getting into such a dangerous job.

“So let’s take care of our own lives.”

Marcus was doing the same.

* * *

Pitch black, darkness, a blackened canvas, no light whatsoever, be it starlight or moonlight.

There was only the rolling river, the boat, and the boatman sitting on it.

Is there anything different from before?

‘I can see your eyes.’

Encred saw something resembling eyes on part of the boatman’s face. Although it is only one side.

If someone asked me what it was like to the human eye, I would probably answer that I had no idea.

The moment I saw it, I just knew it was snow.

It was a dream.

The boatman looked at himself. So she felt it was snow.

In order to perceive what you are looking at, eyes must exist.

“You are such a strange person.”

The boatman says. Encred had a hard time keeping his lips off his mouth, as if someone had sewn his snout with thread.

So I opened my mouth with strength. It’s a sewn thread, so you just have to tear it off with force.

“So, when is the wall coming out again?”

And then he immediately asks:

The wall is a curse; it is used to cause suffering to humans and to force them into a corner.

That’s the curse, that’s the wall.

The boatman knew this very well. However, the opponent in front of me is actually hitting the wall.

What a crazy bastard.

The boatman muttered, then looked at Encred with his eyes and said.

“Crazy guy.”

After hearing the familiar name, Encred opened his eyes. The dream becomes blurry. The river, the boatman, and the pitch-black darkness all disappeared.


As soon as I opened my eyes, I felt warmth in my arms. It’s Ester.

When he opened his eyes, the leopard also opened his eyes. For some reason, my eyes seem to have become more human-like than yesterday.

“Did you sleep well?”

After saying hello, I got up and started training in the morning. There is no reason for him to stop training just because he has surrounded an enemy city.

“Did you sleep well?”

On rare occasions, Rem asked me about my bed.

I lay down, fell asleep, and woke up properly. Then, you slept well.

It’s like a dream. Even if you have a nightmare, you can quickly shake it off and wake up.

“Is there a reason you can’t sleep?”

“… … “It’s quite obnoxious.”

What does that mean?

“There is a lack of sensory training.”

This was also a rare occurrence. Saxony had been nagging him since morning, and Audin was more enthusiastic than usual.

“one more! You can! “Brother!”

Did this bastard forget that this was a battlefield? Do you really want to overwork your body like this?

It is a repetitive motion of sitting down and standing up while carrying a large stone behind your back.

I felt like my thigh muscles were bursting and breaking, but I was able to do as Audin said.

“Did you feel anything last night?”

Rem approached me for no reason and asked again.

“It was a nice night.”

It was a night that was neither hot nor cold, so I slept well.

When I woke up, there was a faint smell of blood in the barracks, but I thought it was because there were traces of the battlefield.

It was after lunch when Encred heard about the assassin.

It was thanks to Venjens coming and telling me.

“I didn’t even wake up?”

“He was a wizard, wizard.”

Rem finally cleared his throat and teased him all day, asking what happened to his bundle of nerves that didn’t wake him up even when the assassin came.

That really bothered Encred.

‘Why didn’t you wake up?’

order? What kind of sleeping scent?

So, what about them? Why was my crew awake?

It means that you are lacking something. Something different from them.

I already knew.


Something called willpower.

I wasn’t in a hurry, but I still wanted it. She also knew what to do for it.

Swinging a sword every day.

They focus on training and training in the middle of the battlefield. No one frowns when they see that.

Knowing that you are lacking means wanting to go further.

Enthusiasm and passion flared up again. The heat that rose up as his heart pounded filled Encred’s insides.

“When will the battle take place?”

It was this enthusiasm that made Encred ask this question to the fairy company commander who came to visit.

“We are advancing this afternoon.”

“Isn’t there a ladder? “What about the gate?”

“I told you to just say that. Would you like to take the lead?”

Encred nodded.

I don’t know what the guy named Olf is doing inside Martai, but what about his strategy to break down the castle gate, as it has already become like this?

Contrary to expectations, the battle was quite bland.

“Raise your shield!”

Encrid, Rem, and Audin also advanced with their shields in hand.

It is a large square shield. It looks like it was made hastily, but it’s enough to block a few arrows.

And advance.

There was one reason why the battle was boring.


As we approached, the gate opened with the sound of a pulley turning.

The rain of arrows fired from the galleries on the watchtowers and walls was meaningless if they were close to the gates and walls.

By sticking to the wall, I escaped the attack range.

“Why is this open?”

Rem said something. Encred was also questionable. Some of the troops split to the left and right of the gate.

The 1st company commander who followed spoke to Encred.

“It’s the battalion commander’s magic.”

It was truly magical.

Encred could roughly guess the reason.

‘You planted three crops.’

It’s not just Sejak, but people who are influential enough to open the castle gates are placed inside Martai.

He was talented.

No, it didn’t end there.

As Encred entered the castle gate, he had a brief moment of enlightenment.

I learned from both my team’s sword and the enemy’s sword, but I also learned something from Marcus’ strategy. A brief but exhilarating thunderbolt struck his head.


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