Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 214

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214. The wizard looks down on the swordsman.

Wizards usually look down on swordsmen.

A wizard who enters the world of spells realizes another sense for the first time.

A new hand, something new, something beyond the sixth sense, through which he built his own world of images, which he called the inner world, or the world of spells.

To get there, there was no need for a key, no need to open the door, and no need to walk.

Because the world of spells is within me.

So we polish the world by looking at the sky, polish the world by looking at the flames, and polish the world by looking at the glaciers.

That is the training and discipline of a wizard.

The reason people often call him crazy or a maniacal wizard is because of the way he cultivates his inner world.

In the 48th year of the imperial calendar, the wizard who built and decorated everything in his inner world with flames burned down a city for a new world.

I wanted to use that completely burned flame as a stepping stone to advance into a new world.

It was the most horrific arson incident in the history of the empire.

The number of people who died during the incident, which was called the ‘Flood of Flames Incident’, exceeded 1,000.

The purpose of the wizard who caused the flood of flames was not mass destruction.

I have already tried to kill people by burning them several times, and seeing people being burned to death did not give me any inspiration.

So he burned the city.

That is how the worst fire wizard in history, the Flame Demon, was born.

Many knights and wizards sacrificed their lives to kill him, but he eventually died.

Doing anything for the sake of exploration and inspiration will turn you into a crazy wizard, but those who show talent for spells have no hesitation in exploring that world.

That’s what magic is.

Desire for exploration and knowledge, seeking and digging into the truth. When I get the chance, I try to have the truth.

Those who go crazy with the joy of gaining knowledge, the world calls them wizards.

Anyway, for one reason or another, it was natural for them to look down on the swordsman.

Wizards can wander through worlds they cannot see.

If you were a wizard who knew how to use spells and specialized in this, it would be no problem to kill a few people, no matter how good a swordsman you were.

So, of course this was easy.

“I do my job, get everything I deserve, and then go back.”

There were many places on the continent that trained wizards, but there were not many places that accepted requests.

Among them, the place that is most widely known is ‘Shadow Nest’.

These people were members of Shadow Nest.

He hides himself in black soot and casts his spell on the enemy’s tent.

The thick scent of sleep was spread by the wind, and a perception-impairing spell was cast on the entire tent.

It was a spell called ‘Darkly Painted Cover’, and this type of spell was also commonly referred to as a cognitive impairment spell.

What I did this time was to paint the entire tent black and put it outside of people’s perception.

An ordinary soldier would not be able to notice it, and sometimes only those with a sharp sense of perception might sense something amiss.

These are people who have a sixth sense developed from birth.

“Isn’t it a little strange over there?”

That guy happened to be there.


It was a soldier on patrol. The number was three, and the guy standing on the far right said while pursing his lips.

“Isn’t it dark over there?”

It silences the sound and eliminates the sight. This is the effect of the darkly painted cover.

To those with a good sense of humor, it seemed a little dull.

“It’s dark because it’s night.”

This was what I was aiming for, so much so that you would be mistaken if it was night.

“No, I mean, not at night, that’s okay, right? Isn’t it dark? “It’s more dull.”

If the suspected disease was discovered here, all they had to do was kill the three people and collect the bodies inside.

There was life in the eyes of the wizards.


As soon as he made up his mind, the soldier standing last hit the guy with good sense on the back of the head.

“f*ck, I can’t sleep when I hear things like that. stop.”

“You crazy bastard, hit your head?”

“Hey, stop. “I’m on patrol.”

The soldier in the middle stopped him and the other two argued, and so the three patrolmen walked away.

There is no problem.

There are a total of five wizards who stepped forward.

One of them is responsible for the cognitive impairment spell.

The other one spreads the scent of sleep.

Another spell called ‘Dream of the Bottomless Pit’ once again caused those inside to lose consciousness.

It may be too much for preparation, but you have already seen five crazy soldiers fighting.

‘I can’t help it if I have a semi-knight.’

Aside from looking down on the swordsman, those who enlightened ‘Will’ were a pain in the ass.

Will, or what we call willpower.

Part of the qualification of a quasi-knight is to awaken ‘Will’.

Is there anyone who can control willpower?

It is difficult to notice just by watching.

However, there was one guy who showed signs of that.

‘The blonde one.’


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There was a guy who took off his helmet and threw it away, probably because he was frustrated during the fight.

A guy with neat red eyes, blond hair, and incredible sword-wielding skills.

The leader had seen semi-knight-level power several times. The wizard’s sense said. That guy is the most dangerous.

“It’s done.”

A subordinate spoke next to me.

The captain rolled back the tent and entered.

Even if he was at the level of a semi-knight, he wouldn’t be able to come to his senses properly.

It was enough preparation.

Even if there is a sane person, there will only be one.

This level cannot even be included in the adventure axis.

This is inside the tent that was opened like that.

Thanks to a cognitive impairment spell, I saw two bright blue lights in a place where no one was there.

It looked like an ‘evil flame’, an evil spirit made entirely of flames.

Of course it wasn’t a monster.

“… … leopard?”

The black panther was spewing fire from its eyes.

The leader had a hunch.

Those fire-filled eyes are a mixture of magic and mystery, or something similar.

The wizard who came with the leader both had young soot peeling off their entire bodies.

These are the two wizards who revealed themselves.

It’s a leopard blocking their path.

There are no words. There is no sound. Heavy air filled the tent.



The leopard sneezed.

‘… … sneeze? Doesn’t that suit the current situation? ‘The tension is gone.’

The leader thought.

* * *

Esther thought about the past days.

In short, I was able to tell you about the most important event in my life.

‘f*ck, curse.’

Because of the curse, my life was messed up. It was really twisted. It was really shit, but it was still okay. I’ve calmed down a bit now.

Breaking the curse was like untangling a skein of thread.

It takes time to unravel the twists and turns one by one, but once it starts to unravel, the rest is only a matter of time.

It was thanks to the loose thread.

Now Esther was able to tap into and use a part of her world again.


The leopard bared its fangs.

“… … “Is it a familiar?”

It refers to a being that a wizard can control with a spell.

Sometimes I wrote about animals, sometimes I wrote about something spiritual.

It was an illusion, but it was worth it.

Esther looked at the two guys who came in without paying attention. No, the magical power swirled around my body and stayed in my eyes, and I could see beyond, that is, all of their tricks.


Perception Impairment, Wind Spell, and Rest Spell.

After using three spells to blind you, take away your senses, and make you lose your mind, you came in?

I probably didn’t come here to have fun.

Encred seems to have fallen asleep thanks to the duet of sleeping scent and magic.

No, maybe I was tired to begin with.

Esther thought the others had fallen asleep too.

So, is the only one who can stop it you?

“Kill it.”

The wizard man said. Soon Esther felt the spell world moving.

It’s been a really long time. It’s nice to see a spell being imitated properly.

Directly above your head, a blade of wind appears and falls vertically. It was a guillotine made entirely of mystery, a blade of execution, and death made of wind.


Esther kicked the ground. It was enough for him to jump to the side with a thud.

The wind blade that cut through the air hit the ground and disappeared.

The curse was so cruel, I couldn’t use a proper spell with this body.

If you use it, there will definitely be a reaction.

Afterwards, another wizard started waving his hand and muttering something.

It is chanting and hand gestures.

The words are babbled to the point where it is difficult to understand. Since the opponent cannot understand and prepare for it, I personally would have created a new spell rune.

Hand gestures are used to guide magical energy along with chanting.

Esther recognized everything at a glance.

What can I say about the level of the opponent’s spell?

‘It’s the same.’

The shadow stretched out from beneath the male wizard’s feet and tried to snatch the leopard at terrifying speed.

Esther hit the ground with her front paw. It is simultaneous with hitting. Change has begun.

It wasn’t something internal.

It was a change in the physical appearance itself.

The threads were unraveling, and most of them were thanks to Encred’s strange powers.

In other words, there was no need to handle the reaction with the leopard’s body.

It also meant that it could return to its original form, albeit briefly.

The order that is just around the corner is for redemption.

“Get drunk on my scent.”

The transformed Esther stretched out her hand and said. It was a hand, not a foot.

The toenails retract and pure white skin is revealed. It seemed like there was some kind of shine. Afterwards, the approaching enemy’s restraining shadow turned into a black robe and covered Esther’s entire body.

As the leopard’s fur disappears, it turns white and grows larger. It was natural that it quickly took on a human form.

And thanks to the other person’s magic, I was able to avoid being naked.

A black robe was draped over pale skin.

A short, heavy, and cold silence oppressed the barracks. In particular, the eyes of the two opposing wizards grew wide and their trapezius muscles tightened.

The mouth of the woman who had transformed from a leopard to a human opened again.

“… … “It’s been a really long time.”

Esther, transformed back into a human, was thrilled. The curse has been really long, and it still hasn’t been completely resolved, so it’s like a brief outing, but that’s where it is.

I would have been trapped for my entire life, but now I could get out for a little while.

The air outside the prison was fresh, clear and clean.

There were enemy spells mixed in between them, but even those didn’t bother me.

Her long, black hair flowed down over her shoulders and down to her back.

The outstretched fingertips and nails were sharp.


When the black-haired beauty greeted, the leader and the wizard were both shocked and unable to open their mouths.

A leopard turns into a human?

What is this? I’m scared.

“It’s not a familiar language?”

The wizard next to the leader said.

“… … “Come to your senses!”

The leader raised his voice. He was embarrassed and surprised. You took the spell my subordinate casted, recombined it, made it into clothes, and covered it up?

Does that make sense? No, you can’t. Is this a strange illusion? Illusion magic?

A white milkweed was glimpsed through the robes she had made.

There is no time to feel anything sexual.

The leader swallowed.

The opponent was a wizard. It’s also clear that he is high-ranking.

“Well then, let’s get started.”

Esther was very happy. How long has it been since he was able to properly cast spells and manipulate parts of his world?

That joy comes to life at her fingertips.

“Demullaire’s scythe.”

When the spell was activated, a black scythe appeared in the air. It was similar to Blade of Wind, but it was a higher-level attack spell one level higher.

“A life companion darker than pitch black!”

The leader quickly shouted. Then the defense spell engraved on my body was activated.

Esther’s eyes sparkled. While he was under the curse, he seemed to have created a new form of spell.

It was a type I had never seen before. It is a type of defensive spell, but it is not used by borrowing the power of another world.

However, if you look at the implementation speed alone, it was very fast.

I followed the flow of magical power with my senses. Where did the source of that magic come from? It was the skin inside the robe.

‘A tattoo engraved with magic?’

It is a method that borrows the form of a magic circle and implements it as a chant.

To put it more simply, it’s like having a magical power tattoo tattooed on your body.

‘It’s worth using.’

It’s efficient, but high-level magic won’t work that way anyway.

It would be useless.

Quad deuk!

A black scythe and a curtain met in the air. As the curtain tore and broke, part of the scythe also broke.

Black pieces scattered like glass and fell to the floor.

Esther snapped her fingers in the air.


With a snap of a finger, the scythe disappeared.

“Heoheok heoheok.”

The leader took a deep breath. He knew from one contest. He wasn’t my opponent.

“Ask everyone to come in!”

The leader shouted. There are four subordinates. So it was time for the five to join forces.

Esther was a wizard who knew how to fight.

Before the curse, I had dealt with wizards several times.

When it comes to spell warfare, I’ve tried it to the point where I’m sick of it.

“It starts as an ember and becomes a fire that will embrace you.”

I didn’t stop chanting.

There was a lot to enjoy about being back as a human after a long time.

Part of her spell world opened and sparks flew out. It immediately rose from beneath the opponent’s feet.

“Stop it!”

The group of wizards who rushed in quickly began waving their hands. A defensive curtain was soon established.

“Dang. “It is a wrong answer.”

Esther said, twisting her red lips.

It’s the same time. Is it because of the time when he turned into a leopard?

As she hit the ground, her body left an afterimage and clung to the side of a wizard.

Spell, Burning Hand.

The palm glows red. Let’s just grab the wizard’s neck.


The skin melted away to the point where the neck bones were exposed. The screams soon stopped. My vocal cords and neck bones are burning so I can’t scream.

Grumble, Sisisik.

Just an unpleasant sound came out of my throat.


Esther smiled, showing her fangs. Her red lips stood out.

“What the f*ck!”

The leader realized the difference in level. He didn’t think he could survive.

A feeling of intimidation that he had never felt even when dealing with his teacher threatened him.

I was demoralized before I even started. I couldn’t even think of running away.

Esther grabbed two more with her burning hands.

The difference in physical abilities was also evident.

Then the leader and the other beheaded with Demullaire’s sickle.

There was no need to use any great spells. I couldn’t really use deep level spells right now.

Still, this was enough.

The severed head rises into the air.

“I thought you were my beauty.”

Rem’s voice, who was pretending to be asleep, rang through the tent. He lay on his side lazily, resting his chin on his fist.


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