Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 213

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213. After the soot settles

Marcus was indeed a politician.

It was only after Olf entered the city that he realized Marcus was approaching, and he felt sick as soon as he heard the report.

I felt like my head was spinning.

Was the retreat difficult?

no. There was no danger. Some cavalry only followed behind as escort.

‘He drove me into the city.’

Surrounding him after that, did this bastard really turn around?

After the surprise, anger came as expected.

Still, I shook my head. If I lost my mind here, it would be over.

Can you defeat the Border Guard army if you build from within?

It was an unthinkable sound. This is right after I made a deliberate move and lost.

Morale was at a low point, and time was needed to properly reorganize.

Marcus stole that time from Olph.

Time to get your mind together.

Time to get ready.

Time to call in reinforcements, etc.

Nevertheless, Olf managed to keep his wits about him and held a military conference.

“Ask everyone to come in!”

My voice grew louder as I was in a hurry. I was lucky that I wasn’t nervous.

Soon, everyone who would be deployed to military operations gathered together.

“I will go out and kick you out. Give me one hundred infantry and cavalry!”

One of the lieutenants said angrily.

Is this kid normal?

If you were chased, would you have been beaten like that on the previous battlefield?

He was Greg’s successor.

“Shut up.”

Olph answered and turned away from the adjutant. No matter how much he picks and chooses, there are bound to be some tactless and assholes.

It’s surprising that a bastard like this got promoted to lieutenant.

“It was politics. “Thanks for hiding it well.”

The adjutant who was good at flattery tried to appease Olf, but there was no way such words would reach Olf’s ears right now.

The butt attached to the chair is heavy.

My chest feels heavier.

My hands and feet couldn’t move as I wanted.

Who owned the unit without a coat of arms?

It was under the command of Count Molsen. The main force was Viscount Bantra’s army under the Count, but the swordsman sent by the Count himself was also killed.

Some of the surviving members of the Viscount Bantra returned immediately after hearing the news of defeat.

As they left, they looked like defeated soldiers, and the same was true for the Martai army.

Olf’s eyes trembled.

Should I be eaten like this?

Outside the city, Marcus has slowly established a siege.

When did you start preparing? Was this all planned from the beginning?

They set up the barracks. They started setting up their tents, and I heard that the five guys in front of them were watching Martae’s walls.

Pins were scattered across the strategic map. One loose pin had fallen to the side, and Olf thought that was his situation.

‘You crazy bastards.’

When I remembered the five people who went to the battlefield and started messing with me, I became irritated. Isn’t he the main culprit who ruined the battlefield?

Olf bit his molars. He suppressed a rising feeling of nausea.

When do you lose a fight, when do you lose your evil and gangster nature?

The eastern mercenary spirit awakened in him.

Even if we can’t win the battle right away, we will have to at least break Marcus’ dagger.

“Everyone get out.”

Olf said.

It was time to pull out the ace, the ones I had prepared just in case, but could not use in the end.


The clueless adjutant asked back.

I will definitely kill that bastard once this battle is over.

I missed Greg again.

Of course, Greg lost. The assault company was the first to be completely defeated, and it was Greg who led the battalion.

The only one left unharmed was Zimmer, the 2nd battalion commander.

Zimmer looked at me and said.

“The general said. “Everyone get out.”

At his words, a group of deputies rushed out the door.

Zimmer, who was the last to leave, turned around.


“Let’s think about it. “I’m out.”

At Olf’s words, Zimmer put his hands on his waist and lowered his head, even though he did not have a sword.

Olf nodded roughly.

After the group of adjutants left.


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“Come out.”

Olf spoke into the empty space, and behind him, from the shadow where the light did not reach, something erupted.

Something sticking out looked like part of a shadow or like soot spreading from a fire.

Anyway, the black mass rose upward from the ground and turned into a three-dimensional shape.

Then he soon became a person wearing a black robe. I can’t see the face at all inside the robe, so it’s doubtful whether it’s a person, but the back of the hand that is exposed is white and the skin is fair.

“Have you made up your mind?”

The man in black robes asked.

The voice was like a clarinet. It was clear and nice.

It is often said that a deal with a wizard is similar to a deal with the devil. As far as Olf knew, that was the case.

The point was that you couldn’t get anything without paying for it.


Olf answered.

The price of the contract is high. Does that mean you get beaten up and the city is taken away? That can’t be possible.


I remember the guy who announced his name on the battlefield. Martai’s troops were sliced ​​and diced around him, the man with the black hair sticking out between his helmet.

Olf knew Payne. Therefore, he decided that if it was possible to break the sword that was the reason, he did not know yet.

* * *

“I don’t think anything will be resolved if we just surround ourselves like this.”

Assessing the height of Martae’s walls, Encrid opened his mouth.

‘Should I go over it?’

Our troops do not have siege weapons such as mangonels, siege towers, or tributaries. The only means of attacking the castle wall is a ladder.

But it looks like they didn’t even prepare a separate ladder.

Therefore, I have no intention of going over it.

Then, by force?

The castle gate was visible. There is no moat here either.

If Auddin decides to swing his hammer, wouldn’t he be able to destroy one place?

It is a thick dark brown wooden door. Although it looked strong, Auddin’s arms also looked just as strong.

No, it seemed even harder.

‘I don’t think there’s any need for a ladder if you climb under the cover of night.’

The walls of the castle, weathered by the ravages of time, were cracked and uneven here and there.

There is a place to catch it. It wasn’t impossible if you set your mind to it. There was no real need for a ladder.

Encred predicted what would happen that night in his head.

‘If I can get over it.’

Rem, Ragnar, Saxony, and Audin would also be possible.

If only five people pass, it’s over. Audin opens the door, and the others hold on.

‘What if I keep archers on standby?’

How do I stop that? I don’t think avoiding it will solve it.

So should I at least take a shield?

There’s no such thing as a tactic, but I fought while maintaining my formation.

I’ve used similar formations before and even moved as part of them, but this time it was completely different.

The destructive power, the fact that he became the center, and the fact that everything was under control from start to finish.

It’s a new experience.

Experience makes people grow. Encred was also growing again.

Tactics and strategy, what is possible and what can be done with the power of the five of us, including ourselves?

A few people decide the outcome of the battlefield, and this is why knights change the course of the battlefield.

Encred was clearly realizing this.

“Why are you worried about that?”

Beside me, Rem said, picking his ears.

“Imitating the commander.”

Rem chuckled at Encred’s odd joke.

“Nauri, the commander of a company with less than ten people, let’s fill our stomachs.”

I moved my body like crazy. Her blood, corpse, brain marrow, bones, eyeballs, severed arms and fingers, etc. were strewn in the middle of the battlefield.

I don’t have an appetite right away. But isn’t it impossible to remain hungry before the battlefield?

I had to forget what I had to forget and eat when I had to eat.

“Wash up first.”

There was a well outside the gate that was used by those who farmed.

It would have been difficult if he had released the poison, but would he have had the spirit to do so?

After drawing water and washing up, Rem, Ragna, Saxony, and Audin also took off their armor and poured water on their heads.

Ahhhh, the pouring water splashed in all directions.

I put some stones on the floor so I didn’t have to step on the mud. Encred really liked that.

“You look great.”

“When did you come?” Finn said, raising his thumb.

Everyone only covers their lower body.

“I see, it looks good.”

The fairy company commander and Chrys were also seen next to him. Behind him, Dunbakhel stood calmly.


Ester also sat down and blinked her blue eyes. It seemed as if she was observing each of the five bodies with her eyes.

“Where are you coming from?”

Encred spoke, ignoring the surrounding gaze and the mutterings of Finn and the company commander.

The black leopard raised its front paw and scratched my neck.

‘You don’t even listen with your ears.’

Well, what does it matter?

Just because Ester isn’t there doesn’t mean you’ll get stabbed to death.

“Company Commander, if there is an empty spot in the unit, please accept it too.”

While I was waiting to wash up, there were several soldiers who were talking nonsense.

I was given time to do personal maintenance, so I took a shower.

Since there is no battle right now, everyone has relaxed to some extent. However, we will not neglect our vigilance. The Border Guard standing army is of a high standard. It also meant doing my job properly.

“Are you serious?”

The soldier just raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Encred was also tired and passed by.

Even if you say it sincerely, you won’t get it. It’s not like it’s going to be a company-level force right away, so what’s the point if a few people come in?

‘I’m glad it doesn’t end up being a toy for Rem.’

I washed and cleaned my armor. Leather that has already been saturated with blood does not lose its smell or color. I just applied a moderate amount of abrasive and left it on.

This will be enough. After adjusting the gauntlets and boots, I grabbed the sword.

It’s black iron. If it is not properly maintained, it will rust quickly.

In particular, more care had to be taken with the blood-stained sword.

“Please use this.”

Meanwhile, a soldier from the 1st Company handed over a palm-sized earthenware bottle made from baked clay.

“It’s linseed oil. “It’s precious.”

“… … “Why that precious thing?”

“Please write.”

The soldier just left the items and walked away.

“Seeing them fight like that on the battlefield gave me a lot of respect. It’s just showing respect. “It’s respect and respect.”

Kreis, who was watching from the side, said.

is it? It was insignificant.

As I was cleaning my sword with linseed oil, Rem came up next to me and held out his axe.

“Boishu? “My teeth fell out.”

Isn’t it more surprising that it’s still intact after being swung like that?

“This guy also says he wants to eat oil. “Give me a raise, give me a raise.”

Having met an evil spirit trapped in an actual demon sword, I don’t think any demon sword would say something like that.


It was an amount that was okay to share.

After I finished cleaning my sword, I pulled out the sword I picked up on the battlefield.


It wasn’t a great thing. Since I was only wearing one bag, it felt empty so I picked it up.

It was worn by a commander, but the owner of the sword was unable to draw the sword and was pierced through the throat by Saxony, killing him.


Was it a non-fatal stabbing?

Erase the intent and erase the presence. After that, all that remains is action.

Isn’t that sometimes the case, when something is clearly visible but you look at it wondering if it could possibly be true?

Saxony’s thrust gave me that feeling.

It was at a speed that made it seem like I couldn’t reach it and that I could just avoid it.

A stab that is slow and has a simple trajectory.

If I came to my senses, it would be after he stabbed me in the neck.

How is that possible?

I saw it right next to you. My heightened insight has opened up a new perspective.

‘Instantaneous acceleration.’

Just before stabbing, Saxony’s sword becomes faster than ever before. So much so that it disappears in an instant. Similar speed to Rem’s beam axe, or faster.

‘I think I can apply it.’

In some ways, it seems like it could work.

Besides that, there was a lot to learn from Ragnar, Rem, Audin, and everything around me.

That’s not all. He had everything to learn, whether it was the enemy he killed or the enemy he passed by.

You can see things that were not visible before.

When the battle is over, it is a reflexive recovery and preparation for a new leap forward.

“Fencing again as soon as it’s over?”

When did it arrive, the fairy company commander asks. I can’t tell what he’s thinking just by looking at his face.

Since he was swinging his hand blades in the air with his thoughts, anyone who knew Encred would know what he was doing.

“It’s fun.”

“I see, there is no battle for the time being. This is an order for everyone to take a rest. fiance.”

“Yes, OK.”

The sun is setting. There are several barracks built by the Border Guard army.

However, I don’t think building the barracks will be the end.

‘Because we haven’t even secured a supply route.’

Will the remaining food last for four days?

I don’t think that will work either.

I was curious what Marcus was thinking, but there was no strategy meeting right now.

Some units were on watch and on guard duty, while the rest were forgetting about victory and giving in to fatigue.

Since alcohol was not supplied, Encred sipped the cider he had saved.

“I heard you drank it all.”

Rem grumbled, so I handed over a small bottle.

“Good job.”

“Well, the captain fought well with his fingers shaking.”

Have you seen everything?

My muscles were trembling because I had overused my superpower.

How could it not be so?

It was to serve as one person among them. It’s that kind of group. Of course it was okay now. Recovery is faster than before.

By clenching and opening his hand for no reason, Encred checked its condition.

It’s still fine.

“You’ve grown so much. “Our captain.”

Rem muttered.

Sometimes, trivial words would come out without thinking. Encred was like that now.

“I was originally taller.”

Are you saying that Rem was joking when Encred said that? He shook her head.

Saxony pretended not to know, and Ragna opened his mouth indifferently.

“You just need to train your jokes.”

What kind of crazy sound is this?

In terms of wit rather than swords, being compared to them was an insult in itself.


Auddin started praying next to me, so I just kept quiet.

Aren’t they the ones who so faithfully followed my orders today?

He wanted to ask again why, but Encred decided to keep his mouth shut.

It’s a pointless question.

If I had originally examined their actions one by one and asked ‘why’, I wouldn’t have been able to live the way I am now.

We just made eye contact one by one for no reason.

“I can fight too.”

While staring, Dunbakeel opened his mouth.


But right now, if I let him out, he was just going to die.

If I was going to use it as a meat shield, I wouldn’t have accepted it in the first place.

If you have already received it, it is right to use it properly.

I rested my chin, looked around, and lifted myself up onto the thick cloth. I was able to sleep soundly.

I could faintly feel the stones and the uneven texture of the floor, but it wasn’t enough to prevent me from sleeping.

As I closed my eyes and fell asleep, I felt Ester come into my arms.

Encred gently held the black leopard in his hands.

Time passed and it was early morning when everyone was asleep.

Esther, who seemed to be sleeping soundly, slipped out of Encred’s arms.

A strange energy was settling over the tent.

So, it was originally something close to Esther’s world, something called mystery and spell, or magic.


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