Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 212

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212. Truly a masterpiece

The moment the battlefield turned completely, Marcus fell back instead of establishing a siege.

As the flag was waved as a signal to retreat and the trumpet was blown according to the designated signal, the Border Guard troops, who had been running wild with excitement, stopped walking.

“Stop, that’s it!”

As the allies, starting with the advancing turtle heavy armor company, retreated, Rem grumbled.

“Well, it’s just the beginning.”

Blood dripped from Rem’s ax blade.

In such a situation, when I spoke with a smile, several of my allies who were about to cheer turned their eyes away.

Encred looked scary even to look at, but that doesn’t mean he was a crazy person swinging an ax at his allies.

‘I’ll swing my fists, though.’

It’s just random thoughts.

Even those who were called knights would become fatigued after a long battle.

Is it any different with Rem?

There were times when I wondered if the delicacy of the ax I was swinging had become a little dull.

Five people cut down dozens, no, more than a hundred people.

It didn’t take a long time either.

Anyone who watched this battlefield would not be able to forget the names of the five people standing in the middle of the battlefield.

Moreover, right after Encrid said his name, the enemy stopped walking. I was terrified. I was scared. The momentum was lost.

It was as if Marcus had given the enemy a way to retreat at the right time.

Marcus caught a glimpse of Encred and his group in the distance and looked in the other direction.

I saw a blue flag rising high.

It was a signal from the border guard moving to the right.

‘We also captured a separate unit.’

Looking only at the damage done to the front, it was ridiculous to say it was a great victory.

The opponent lost to five.

The victory of politics, the victory of trickery.

This is the victory of the commander who hid Encred well.

“Aren’t you chasing me?”

He is the 2nd company commander. He came closer and said, out of breath. Marcus shook his head.

“Let go. “Even a rat, when cornered, will bite a cat, and even a ghoul, when cornered, will use up a handful of brains.”

Kreis, who was secretly located in the command center, in what he thought was the safest place on the battlefield, listened to the battalion commander’s words and thought.

‘Let me go.’

Even though it is a fight of death and death, does it mean that we are within the fence of the same kingdom?

‘It’s a pity, though.’

It is the commander’s choice. It wasn’t for him to come forward and say something.

Even if it’s not a crazy company right now, it seems like an opportunity to catch the enemy general even if they just use heavy armored infantry or border guards, so they’ll release it, right?

There was no intention of capturing the enemy commander in the first place.

Rather, are you planning to use this opportunity to show the power of the Border Guard?

Still, it is disappointing.

‘If you catch the enemy general, you will receive a lot later.’

In exchange for capturing and releasing the enemy general, we were able to take a lot from Martae.

‘Securing trade routes.’

Border Guard is now ready to become one of the trading cities in name and reality.

In that case, securing a trade route, especially penetrating the Martai region, would be very important.

This is the easiest advantage to gain if you catch and coordinate with the enemy.

Is that the end? no.


If he is a general or whatever he calls himself, he must have a lot of wealth.

When a noble-level person is caught, it is routine to release them in exchange for Crona.

This is a common occurrence when dealing with enemies that kill and kill.

What’s more, isn’t he the mayor and general of Martai? Externally, they were allies.

Martai was nicknamed the mercenary city, and Kreis knew the structure of stacking Krona.

So it was disappointing.

‘I must have earned a ton of krona.’

At this point, Battalion Commander Marcus is either a stupid person or a person without greed.

‘I don’t think I’m stupid.’

Kreis scratched his chin.

I know this from what I have done in the past. A tactic of hiding Encred and deliberately drawing in the enemy.

This wasn’t something a fool could do.

What’s more, entrusting all achievements and victories and defeats on the battlefield to just one person.

‘Is your liver so swollen that it’s so swollen?’

It was a strategy so bold that it could be considered crazy.

This is what it looks like now after it worked.

Shouts erupted across the bright blue sky.



“If you attack me!”

Raising the spear.


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He shouts while striking the floor with the tip of his spear.

The morale of the surviving allies was higher than ever.

That’s why it’s even more disappointing.

If we had chased after the retreating enemy, the battle would have been more efficient than ever.

Isn’t it true that you suffer more when you are chased than in an all-out war?

The one chasing it will be in the most advantageous position.

“There are almost no cavalry left, right?”

I heard Marcus’ voice again. Kreis perked up his ears.

“Yes, I caught them all. Some cavalry units stayed back from the beginning.”

The adjutant answered.

“If we hadn’t opened the escape route, those bastards would have rushed out and taken only Olf.”

It could have been so.

Kreis nodded inwardly.

This is unexpected. Still, it would have been worth a try.

After that, Marcus was silent for a while. The enemy retreated, kicking up dust.

Because it was a battlefield full of humans, there were no demons or monsters wandering around.

In a battle of this scale, even brainless ghouls would run away.

As silence passed, the adjutant was the first to speak up, probably feeling frustrated.

“Are you retreating?”

It was a moment to step back, reorganize, and celebrate victory.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to open a bottle of wine, soak your stomach with wine, and enjoy various ingredients.

But Kreis felt that it was inefficient.

‘What did I gain from this battle?’

For Chrys, who compared everything around him to Crona, he gained nothing from this battlefield.

The joy of surviving? The exhilaration of crushing an attacking enemy?

What’s the use if it doesn’t turn into Crona?

Well, these are things that will only turn into crona later, but there is no immediate reward, right? That’s very unfortunate.

Still, I thought the battlefield was over and it was time to go back.

Marcus, who had not answered the adjutant’s question for a while, opened his mouth.

“The entire army is advancing.”

“… … ?”


Kreis tilted his head. This time he couldn’t hide his true feelings. Fortunately, the only person who saw it was Finn, who was next to him as an escort.


Finn asked.

“They say they’re advancing?”

Kreis whispered. But where are you going?

The adjutant standing next to Marcus in the front also asked in surprise.

“Where are you advancing?”

“Where would it be?”

Kreis could see Marcus’ face then.

That was not the face of a commander drunk on victory.

It was an expression that a politician or businessman might make when he was happy that things were going his way.

So that means it’s not over yet.

“let’s go.”

Marcus said, baring his fangs. That year, Kreis recognized his true intentions through his clear smile. His teeth reflected the light.



From the beginning, you had no intention of ending the battle without any benefit.

A brief realization struck Kreis’ head. A small but powerful shiver arose. Even if it wasn’t a lightning strike, it felt like I was hit by something similar, it was an epiphany.

Kreis learned something new.

‘If you let go and chase after him.’

The enemy will return to his home.

The cornered mouse bites the cat, but if I let it go, it will return to the place full of the treasures I have collected.

It’s an opportunity to gain wealth.

Kreis thought one step further.

I read Marcus’s intentions.

Is this just pressure?

A threat to not hit the border guard next time?

‘no way.’

No way.

If Martai cooperates, you can gain trade routes and various benefits.

But what if you take over the city?

Then the story changes. The game changes. Trade routes are not the problem.

It will be like giving wings to a trading city called Border Guard.

Martai is nicknamed the mercenary city of the East.

Power, strength, and position are all useful.

If only I could eat it, if only I could digest it.

“A truly exquisite dish.”

Kreis muttered.

Marcus may have heard that or not, but he spoke again with his fangs showing.

Light still reflected from his teeth.


“We are going to fight against Martai.”

Marcus ordered the advance, and the order was spread by his adjutants.

* * *

Naturally, Encred, who was in the lead, heard the same command.

“Advance from here?”

For a brief moment, put a few situations in your mind. What Kreis said, the current situation, the morale and strength of our troops, and the problems that would arise if we advanced like this.

does not exist.

No, there was one awkward problem left behind.

The five wizards hidden by the enemy were nowhere to be seen.

Is that a secret tactic, or are you just going to throw it away when you see that the odds are in your favor?

That’s something you don’t know.

Rather than using his brain, Encred understood Marcus’s meaning purely intuitively.

‘Eat the city.’

What will happen if the Border Guard, who is growing in size, swallows Martai?

‘It would be nice, whatever.’

What do you need to know about what happens next? Encred did his job in the given situation.

“If you’re having a hard time, you can leave.”

A gentle greeting to the remaining four.

“Are you crazy?”

“My name is Ragnar, and I can still run.”

“Hehe, brother, company commander. “Please go.”

Rem, Ragna, and Auddin chattered in that order, and Saxony waved his sword in the air without a word and threw it away.

Then he scanned the floor and picked up an armored sword that was still intact.

Let’s take a quick look, Saxony muttered.

“Because the blade was damaged.”

They said it was an advance, but there was no need to go fast.

Marcus, the commander’s intentions were clear.

Breaking news at a reasonable pace while maintaining morale.

Encred was naturally the leader.

“Ragna, were you teasing me earlier?”

Encred asked as he walked, and Ragna tilted his head and answered.

“I just said it with sincerity. “My name is Ragnar, the man who doesn’t back down, that’s me.”

After hearing that, Rem also said ‘My name is Rem’ next to him and started giggling.

They weren’t normal to begin with, but now they’ve definitely become crazy.

Encred thought about that and continued walking.

The sun beat down on his back as he walked forward and again.

Since it is heading east, the sunlight is leaning towards the west.

For a moment, the Border Guard soldier who was looking at his back looked like Encred was shining.

Of course it is in vain. It was something similar to a mirage.

However, it was true that he earned military honors that made him shine.

The soldier, who showed a talent for coming up with lyrics on the spot, began to chant a song.

The lyrics were crude and the melody was ordinary. It was a combination of melody that we had heard before, but everyone shouted the last lyric in unison.

“Who is the flower of battle?”


“Who is the strongest border guard?”


It was a painful song. Encred walked ahead and smiled unconsciously.

Once again, it hit me that we were the first group in the unit to possess the greatest military force.

Cheers and cheers, my name is Encred! Well, a song with lyrics like that continued.


Rem asks from the side. The grinning face was annoying, but he answered without bothering to point it out.

“Not bad.”

* * *

Marcus was in no hurry.

There was no need to show oneself to the enemy.

Half a day has passed since General Olf entered the city.

Quietly and silently, as if they were lynxes, they began to build a camp in front of the city.

Olf could not afford to send a scouting party back.

It was natural. It’s a defeat. It was a crushing defeat. I came back alive because the enemy opened the way. Do you have time to look back?

He came back with his shoulders slumped.

“Damn you.”

Olf was determined to kill Marcus at the next opportunity.


Out of frustration, shame, anger, and contempt, I hit the wall with my fist.

Part of the tree was caved in.

“I heated up the bath water.”

These are the words of the inner chamberlain.

“I get it.”

After disarming, washing, and suppressing and discarding various emotions such as fatigue and irritation, it was time to rest.

Olf didn’t want to see his wife and daughter either, so he headed to his office.

‘Let’s sleep in the cot today. ‘That would be nice.’

With that in mind, I entered the office, but there was no way I could fall asleep.

It wasn’t that long ago.


The office door opened. It was so urgent that it seemed as if the adjutant had rushed in like a messenger.

Olf, wearing casual clothes and a silk shirt, rose from the cot with only his upper body.

“What’s going on?”

What can I say, the moment I asked, a cold sweat broke out from my back. The tension tightened my heart.

“We’re surrounded!”

said the adjutant.


Did you attack him after watching him lose at Border Guard? where? Could this have been planned by Count Molsen?

“This is the Border Guard Standing Army!”

The speaking soldier’s eyes were constantly shaking.

He’s not in his right mind right now either.

However, Olf did not have the presence of mind to check it.

“… … what?”

Olf opened his mouth in surprise. Why do those bastards come here? We fought until a day ago and let him go. But why did you come here?

When I asked the adjutant with my eyes, the adjutant opened his mouth and spoke.

“How do I do this?”


Olf drooled from the corner of his mouth without realizing it.

Even when things got messy, they got stuck tightly.

He lost the war, his troops were demoralized and their numbers were reduced, even the troops of nobles he knew were replaced, and he even broke the sword given to him by Count Molsen.

That was also my fault for misunderstanding the Border Guard’s strength.


Saliva dripped from the corner of Olph’s mouth for the second time.

Neither the adjutant nor the messenger thought it was dirty.

They too were in a state of panic.


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