Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 211

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211. My name is Encred.

Turtle Heavy Armor, 1st Company Commander Graham did his job.

“Who are we!”

To the captain’s dock.


A chorus of subordinates follows.

“We are the wall! “It’s the Border Guard’s moving wall!”

At the captain’s shout once again.

“We are the walls!”

A member of the turtle heavy armor company abused his vocal cords and let out something similar to a roar. Even so, the meaning was conveyed. Morale soared in proportion to the abuse of the vocal cords.

Regardless of the activities of Encred and his party, Graham wanted to become a castle wall.

It was originally what his company did best, and it was an operation promised from the beginning.

What Graham expected was Greg’s assault force, his archenemy.

The Martai’s Assault Company and the Border Guard’s Heavy Armor Company were long-time rivals.

But there was really no chance to deal with Greg.

Greg and the assault company were split up on the Encred side where the five of them came together.

After seeing that. Graham’s fight was leisurely, even though it was a battlefield.

“Raise your shield!”

The unique strategy of heavy armored infantry could be broadly said to be one.

Raise your shield and hold on.


Close the gap. chuck! chuck!

Two means two steps forward. Although it was slow to move with a uniform stride through training, it was uniform and stable.

The turtle crawled forward.

“Hit me!”

The third command is to close the distance and swing a heavy blunt weapon.

They were all armed with iron hammers with round weights on the ends.

Bub bub bub!

It is a violence that cannot be prevented by any amount of armor or leather helmet.


A hammer struck the shield of a Markai infantryman. The circular wood shield was split vertically.

Afterwards, you have no choice but to block the flying hammer with your head.


It was natural for his skull to break and he to fall down bleeding.

Even if you remove the spear or blade, what can you do with the hammer?

In front of the heavily armored infantry, the number of enemy soldiers’ bodies increased.

There were some who dexterously dodged and stabbed their swords in between shots, but ting!

The heavily armored infantry units are equipped with plates and chain mail, pouring out Crona.

Even if the enemy’s blade was lucky enough to pierce the chain mail, it could not pierce the thick fabric and leather-lined internal armor.


One of the Border Guard turtles, which had been stabbed in the side, opened its mouth and swung its hammer.

The hammer fell from top to bottom and struck the shoulder of the soldier who had pierced the spear.


If one arm is tied by a single blow, what happens next?

He is pushed by the shield, falls down, and is trampled to death.

Graham’s heavy armored infantry was the turtles that walked slowly but possessed terrifying grip strength.

Slow violence struck and struck the entire battlefield.


‘Even if you do this.’

Graham’s company will not receive any attention.

On one side, Encred and his party are mercilessly increasing the number of casualties on the battlefield.

Just five men can do what fifty heavy infantrymen cannot.

People called those people extra-standard forces, and those who stood at the top among them were called knights.

I guess we can’t call them knights now.

‘At least an associate knight.’

Graham also had eyes to see.

“Raise your shield!”

Afterwards, simple heavy armored infantry tactics followed. And there was no one to stop him.

Those who should be stopped have already been torn, burst, hit, cut, stabbed, and cut by someone else’s hands.

* * *

The frontier guard commander looked to the side and asked quietly.

“May I ask your name?”

A group of detachments were seen moving ahead.

Everyone moves quickly.

Should I say this is the second dagger prepared by Martai?

That would be correct.

The frontier guard commander knew at a glance that this detachment was a unit targeting them.

The nickname of the frontier guards is Frontier Slater, the frontier slayer.


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It is a nickname given to them because they cut well, cut well, and fight well, and the enemy resembles themselves in that it is the special power of a small number of elites.

As a frontier slayer, that nickname no longer seems fitting.

‘These days, it seems like just being a border guard is enough.’

Why not?

There is a class that allows a small number of people to dominate the battlefield and develop strategies and tactics based on them.

It’s an article.

So, when there are no knights, will we fight like before? no. What was created to represent the tactics of the few elites and knights would be the collectivization of the few elites, a special force.

Until now, the prestige of the frontier guard had been buried neatly by the prestige of Encred and the Mad Company.

But that wasn’t something I was dissatisfied with.

‘You can tell just by looking at it. ‘Because that’s me.’

The garrison commander acknowledged Encred.

In fact, who within the Border Guard Standing Army would not recognize this?

Everyone would admit it.

Encred is a guy who makes people feel good just by looking at him. He’s the kind of guy who gets something boiling over. He’s a guy you can’t hate because he’s that kind of guy.


At the end of my thoughts, I heard the fairy company commander’s words of rejection.

Are you not even telling me your name?

I am thirty-six this year.

He is a fairly old guard commander. His pupils fluttered. Of course, no one saw it. He lowered his head so that the fairy could not see him.

Even though it is officially a position of the same level, the commander of border defense is a special position, like the commander of the 1st company.

When the border guard battalion commander’s tone is low, sometimes the words of the frontier defense commander carry more weight.

However, the fairy company commander did not seem to care at all.

‘You didn’t even tell me your name.’

The frontier guard commander, who was soon approaching middle age, calmed down.

It was time to let go of the excitement that had finally arrived and go to battle.

However, I added one more question.

“Do you really have that kind of relationship with Encred?”

Sinar looked at the frontier guard captain and said.

“Wishing for something and achieving it are two different things.”

It was a colorless expression. It was a tone that did not reveal any emotions.

The frontier guard kept his mouth shut, then spoke again.

“It’s Zenok.”

The second regret made me spit out my own name.

Sinar didn’t even nod.

Meanwhile, Torres approached from behind and stabbed the captain in the side.

“I told you not to do it.”

The captain didn’t answer.

Torres stopped him before he could do it.

But what can I do?

If my pure heart burns and I don’t say something now, who will be responsible?

“Today, I fight passionately.”

said the captain. Torres nodded his head. After that, the core forces of the frontier guard all brightened up.

For the heartbroken captain.

Their eyes chanted. Soon, the dagger prepared by Martai arrived at the promised point.

Fairy company commander Shinar has come here to provide support, but no subordinates have come with him. There was no one under my command capable of matching the strength of the border garrison.

The commander of the Martai Detachment looked urgent. Military discipline was disorganized and the formation was also disorganized. When a commander is anxious, the soldiers under him are also affected.

This may also be because the speed of the advance was increased rather than checking the surroundings.

The border guard rushed to his side.

“For a broken heart!”

cried one of the garrison men.

“Who is that bastard!”

The captain also shouted.

One of Martai’s detachments turned to the side. He was a warrior with dual swords, but his eyes were slit and he had a fierce look.

Everyone turns around, starting with him. It is a fight between the detachment targeting the flank of the Border Guard’s main force and the garrison attacking the flank of the Martai detachment again.

The warrior holding the dual swords had an extraordinary reaction speed.

The guy aimed the sword in both hands at the head of the fairy company commander who was approaching.

My hands and feet are fast. The reaction was also excellent, and there was no hesitation in the movements leading to the attack. It was first-class.

Sinar, who had been standing still with his hands on his hips until then, moved.

He takes his foot back, takes out his sword, and raises it towards the point where the twin swords intersect. A sword resembling a leaf split the sunlight and also split the sword.


“Where are you aiming?”

Sinar answered boredly and danced with his sword in hand.

Every time they are swung, a mist of blood rises. Those who had been cut and stabbed fell to the floor.

Torres had just pulled out a dagger hidden in his wrist and slit his throat while standing close to the guy holding the sword and shield.

The nape of the neck was split open by a well-timed blow aimed between the helmet and the armor.

I pushed the guy with blood pouring out to the side.

After killing that guy and looking next to my captain, I saw Sinar dancing with his sword just as much as Encrid.

“If you don’t fall in love when you see that, are you human?”

The captain muttered.

“Do you fall in love with that?”

Torres responded by inwardly shaking his head.

Isn’t that just massacre?

Of course, this is a battlefield and she is an ally, so it is not a massacre but an action.

What was certain was that that fairy was absolutely not beneath Encred or that crazy company.

So, can there be a fight?

“You crazy bitch!”

Among the enemy troops, there was a group of warriors with tattoos on their faces, and their leader, who seemed to be their leader, let out a roar.

The captain and some of the crew members moved at the words mixed with profanity.

“Tear that mouth off!”

The subordinate ran, led by the cry of the frontier guard captain who had fallen in love. This fight was also one-sided.

This is thanks to the influence of the main team’s victory. The side that moved first was at a disadvantage in the fight, but Martai’s detachment moved first, and as if it wasn’t enough that this side launched a surprise attack first, the performance of Fairy Company Commander Sinar was also dazzling.

Now is the time to think about reducing the number of casualties, not to worry about losing.

* * *

An elite catching knife.

Since when was that your name?

My memory is vague.

He hid his presence. Even the sound of my steps was muted.

As I passed through the dying allies, I looked at some of the enemy soldiers.

I saw a guy with a fierce temper encouraging his subordinates and shooting arrows repeatedly.

If we catch that guy too, it will be helpful on the battlefield.

He licked his lips with his tongue and got rid of his desire.

That can’t be possible. Did they come all the way here just to catch that guy?

Lower your posture. I also hide my breathing. Regardless of his skills, he crawled or walked through the gap between the enemy and allies.

Sometimes, people who attack without knowing what they are doing are quietly dragged in and then strangled to death by twisting their necks.

Killing silently was one of his talents.

So I’m walking.

“Are you going to give up being a squire?”

Memories of the past pierced my brain like bits and pieces. These were the last words of the swordsman teacher.

What did you say to him?

I nodded without the slightest hesitation.


“Are you going to let your talent rot like that?”

When you become a knight squire, you are responsible for running errands and miscellaneous tasks for knights and quasi-knights. That was the beginning.

Afterwards, if your skills are recognized, you become a semi-knight, and if you step down, you become just a swordsman or warrior.

After becoming a semi-knight, if you can adapt ‘Will’ to the whole body, you will become a knight.

What did you say about that stage? Did you say flow? I think it was also said to be an unending flow.

It’s not important. There are only a few knights, and their stages are all different.

Anyway, he gave up even though he was told that the way up was open.

“You idiot.”

The teacher got angry. But he wasn’t angry.

Because there is no reason to be angry.

It was easier to kill than to fight, so it was okay to do so, but there was really no reason to do so.

So he gave up being a squire and joined the knights.

He wandered around, and while he was in the midst of his activities as a mercenary, Count Molsen approached him.

He was a count called the king of the frontier.

I thought it was an arrogant name, but it wasn’t a bad offer.

“Are you interested in working for me?”

I nodded.

“Do you have any regrets about not being able to walk the path of becoming a semi-knight?”

the count asked. The man answered with a smile.

“Even if you can’t become a quasi-knight, you can kill a quasi-knight.”

That was the answer. The man learned to walk silently and held a sharp knife instead of Will. One day, he saw the Needle, a weapon exclusive to the Fairy tribe, and searched for a sword similar to it.

The sword he obtained was strapped to his waist, chest, and both forearms.

It is a sword that resembles a stiletto, but resembles an awl with a sharp tip.

It was made by an unknown craftsman who had seen the Carmen Collection, a master swordsman of the past, and was intended to pierce anything, including plate or chain, to create a hole in the opponent’s body.

It is a sword made entirely of Valery steel.

It was also a gift from Count Molsen, and because of this weapon and his skills, he was soon nicknamed the Elite Slayer.

If a small number of people dominate the battlefield, isn’t it possible that there would be a special sword to kill only those small numbers?

His goal is to one day make a hole in the neck of the knights.

In fact, there was a history of threatening the life of a paramedic in the nick of time.

There was even a time when I got some fingers instead of my neck as a gift.

“That talent is a waste.”

The words of the paramedic who lost a finger came to mind.

What do you know?

It wasn’t something the guy who hit me would say.

My memory fades and I see the current battlefield. The man’s goal was clear.

‘The black-haired bastard.’

The five become one and conquer the battlefield.

The one who was at the forefront, the one who made his name known, the one who stood out from the beginning.

It’s a cub named Encred.

He looked like a semi-knight. So I was more excited. Because he could kill someone that size.

‘Catch one and hide, then do it one by one again.’

It is rare to find someone with both eyes and skills. Therefore, his opponent will not even recognize him.

Like most quasi-knights, they must be full of arrogance.

He was wearing regular soldier’s clothes and helmet and rolling around to cover his opponent’s eyes.

He shuffled closer, his whole body stained with someone else’s blood and dust.

After calculating the gap between the blond and widening the distance, I ignored the ax madman running rampant on the other side.

I came in between the narrow gap and caught the side of Encred.

Joy and excitement filled him.

‘Even if it can’t be done, it can be killed.’

Those were the words that guided him.

He holds a crafted assassination dagger in his hand. He holds his breath and stabs at the opening. He kicks the ground in one go and closes the distance. It is a deadly move.

The step of kicking the ground is something I learned when I was a squire.

The fight is already over, as it has reached close range with bated breath. With that thought in mind, it is the moment to stab the sword.



I could see that the tip of my sword was blocked. The black painted side of the dagger was visible.

“What are you?”

Disappointment? regret? After the voice mixed with something like that.

A dizzying slash came from behind. The man reflexively rolled forward.

A dot appeared in front of it. No, it’s not a point, it’s the tip of a knife. The man lowered his head.

Just avoiding it twice was amazing.

There was absolutely no way to avoid the last blow.

Something that looked like a log flew across the floor.

Snap, pop!


It was Audin’s bottom kick. Both legs were broken with one blow.

It was incredible strength and skill.

The body didn’t fly away, but was broken exactly.

His upper body sank down, and he fell head first to the floor, then bounced up, and soon ended up sitting down.

It is an unintentional stunt created by a powerful kick.

Before I could come to my senses, a sword fell on my head. Blue eyes appeared in the man’s eyes.


That was the end.

I turned my head to the side and the sword cut off my shoulder. Because he dodged the sword, he didn’t die right away, but he fell to the floor, his blood flowing.

It was a life that would die soon.

The man fell and wriggled.

The owner of the blue eyes looked at himself and then turned his head.

The dying man’s last swordsman teacher came to mind.

“Why are you throwing away your talent?”

he asked.

The man should have answered then.

‘It’s not that it was thrown away, it’s that it’s gone. ‘You frustrating bastard.’

If I could go higher, I would have done it. But there were only pure monsters around. It was full of people like that.

I quickly realized the limits of my talents.

It was from then on. His goal changed from being a knight to becoming a knight-killer.

The man’s dream is over.

The sword of Count Molsen, whose name he had forgotten and who lived as a sword for hunting elites, was broken like that.

Encred, this is something we cannot possibly know.


“Are you crazy?”

Rem’s words said it all. Are you planning on jumping into this?

It was literally the same as running into the middle of five semi-knight-level people.

Moreover, not one of them is a sloppy human being.

Encred made the best move at any moment and in any situation, swung his sword, and put his sincerity into everything around him.

Whether it’s a sword that kills an opponent or just a single step, it’s the best for everything. He was originally that kind of person.

In a way, this aspect may be the reason why he can be called a monster.

In between, there was Saxony, which was both insidious and sad.

Saxony waited for the bastard to make up his mind and burrow into the center before catching him.

Should I say it’s an easy hunt?

‘I guess you could call this hunting.’

Rem thought to himself and struck the ax blade.


“Fight more!”

Rem could have shouted like that.

Suddenly, the surrounding soldiers retreated. A vacant lot appeared around them.

It is an empty lot made of corpses, blood, severed limbs, and internal organs.

Meanwhile, Encred looked around and felt his muscles tremble.

It is the aftermath of an unreasonable battle with a heart of great strength. So is there a problem? does not exist. Although it’s a bit stiff, it’s not so bad that I can’t use it.

Look around. The sky was clear. It was not rainy and the smell of blood was in the air, but the banner of our army, drunk of victory, was pushed back.

I came in as if I was stranded in the middle of an enemy army, but before I knew it, I felt like I could hear Vengeance’s voice from afar.

After recognizing the entire situation, Encred’s curiosity soared again.

“My name is Encred.”

Just one word.

It was just words.

However, when those words reached the enemy soldier’s ears, there was no reaction like before.

In the middle of the battlefield, a cold silence spreads around the clearing created by Encred.

“If you attack any further, you will die.”

Encred said.


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