Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 210

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210. Marcus hides Encred

Saxony expected the cavalry to stop without going very far. If you die in one charge, that’s the natural choice for a commander.

So he did not face the charge, but instead began to move with a low posture.

When everyone looked at the charging cavalry.

When keeping an eye on those who defeated that charge.

Saxony aimed for a place where the cavalry could stop and moved ahead.

Saxony moved ahead of the horse, and was confident that if it was a short distance, assuming it ran with determination, it would not be far behind the horse’s speed.

This is the result.

I kicked the calf of the guy who was leaning sideways after being stabbed in the neck, took my foot out of the saddle, and pushed it to the side with my own hand.

This is a commander who falls with a thud. Saxony was relaxed.

I climbed onto the saddle and patted the horse’s neck with my hand.

The horseman, who was writhing in defiance, soon became quiet.

Without even looking back, Saxony rode his horse back to Encred’s side.


The sound of horses’ hooves spread cheerfully through the silence.

The cavalry group that was watching was so calm that they missed the moment to attack.

“Anyway, you little wild cat sucks honey alone.”

Rem welcomed Saxony back.

“Crazy barbarians, just fight ignorantly.”

Saxony also expressed his joy and got down, hitting the horse’s buttocks.

The horse let out a hissing sound and ran to one side, clattering its hooves.

Naturally, this is a place where troops are not gathered.

The dust that arose as the horse ran rose like a haze.

Apart from that, bloody glances were exchanged between Rem and Saxony, who were welcoming each other, as if they didn’t care even though they were in the middle of the battlefield.

Encred, who was supposed to be stopped, was lost in thought and suddenly opened his mouth.

It was something I had been thinking about a while ago.

“Wouldn’t it be okay to swing the spear instead of hanging it behind you?”

Then, even if the sword breaks, all you have to do is place the spear, but because the heel of the spear was made by making a loop in the side and barding, the reaction was delayed.

I thought that was why the response to the first blow was poor.

So I have no choice but to suffer.

Looking at Encred, who had been talking nonsense from earlier, Rem sighed and answered.

Thanks to this, the snowball fight with Saxony ended. Saxony also shook his head and averted his eyes.

“If you brace your back, you have to withstand the force of a horse running and the impact of a collision, so how could you possibly break your back? “It won’t break, right?”

Encred won’t break. But what about everyone else? Those who lack discipline could have done that.

I understand.

The gist of what Encred said was this.

The opponent’s attack was too simple and linear.

How about putting a spear in the side? While making a cutting attack? It may be effective against the relatively weak, but it was natural that it would not be able to move in this situation.

That’s why we couldn’t prepare for this type of attack.

Encred unintentionally identified the core of the enemy cavalry.

Originally, glaive assault cavalry specialized in chopping down those who were not prepared for a counterattack and those who were relatively weak.

‘You should have trained your muscles instead of hanging a spear in your back.’

After dealing with it, I saw something to fix.

I realize it again.

Encred knew that he could see and point out the other person’s shortcomings.

That’s another possibility for development.

‘good night.’

Aside from blocking the cavalry’s charge, Encred’s eyes glowed strangely.

The remaining cavalry, seeing this, was unable to do anything and then ordered to charge again.

“Charge! “Kill them all!”

In a way, he’s a guy with great courage, and even after going through the situation a little while ago, he’s planning on attacking me again.

Encred aimed his drawn sword forward and faced the charging cavalry again.

I’ve done it once, but I can’t say it twice.

When fighting the cavalry charge a little while ago, Lady Luck did nothing.

It was the result of skill rather than luck.

“Is this crazy ant hell?”

Marcus, who saw this, commented, and enemy commander Olf, who was watching from the other side, cursed the foolishness of the charging cavalry, but made the best decision in the moment.

It was such a foolish thing to walk away from here.


Soon Martai’s infantry took off. It was the beginning of a melee.

Before the infantry charged, the cavalry fell and retreated.

Since this was accomplished entirely in the hands of the Five, it was only natural that the morale of the charging Martai infantry was low.

* * *

“Ragna in the front, me on the right, Rem on the right, Saxony on the left, and Audin in the back.”

Before coming here, as the person leading a unit, Encred was concerned about formation rather than random fighting.

It wasn’t a deep concern.

The idea is to keep each person’s position and fight in a way that is reasonably unobstructed.

In a melee, the damage to allies increases. He abandoned the idea of ​​deploying defensive tactics to reduce damage.


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Because this is not something that a small number of elites can do.

Instead, it is. In order to reduce damage to allies, all you had to do was increase damage to enemies in a short period of time.

So this was the ‘appropriate formation’ I created.

Because it seemed like it would be more effective if we came together rather than fighting apart.

“Watch the distance.”

Originally, they were not the ones who were concerned about the framework.

Even if Audin, Ragnar, and Saxony say yes, will that crazy bastard Rem actually listen to them?

Encred was also curious.

If Rem didn’t listen, I was thinking of just leaving it alone.

‘Then Ragna will be in the front, and I will be on the right.’

Saxony, Ragnar, and Audin might not listen either.

If that happens, give up and fight. There is no time or energy to persuade.

From then on, it was all about communicating with the enemy with the sword.

When the topic of formation came out of his mouth, Encred had already made up his mind.


“I confirmed it.”

Rem took his seat first. It’s on the right. The interval is approximately three steps. Even if I swung my sword, I couldn’t reach it, but it was at a distance where I could help if I wanted to.

“The interval would be three steps. All right.”

Saxony also moved to the left.

Starting with Rem and Saxony, Ragna also took two steps forward.

Finally, Audin caught up.

“… … “Why don’t you run out alone?”

Encred asked, looking at Rem without realizing it.

Don’t you listen to me very easily? There is no way not to be surprised.

“What are you saying? “With those bastards coming right now, do you even have time to clean your mouth?”

does not exist. The enemy infantry was attacking like crazy.

There was no time to ask others.

“… … from now on.”

Encred muttered. Although it was small, it was a voice that would definitely resonate with those around him.

Ragna fell in step with Encred. No matter what anyone said, the center of the formation right now was Encred.

Is it like this? Are you this good at listening?

It was absurd, but it wasn’t something to argue about.


Amid the shouts of enemy soldiers.

“Kill them all!”

“f*ck you, you idiots!”

“You f*cking bastards!”

Some of the soldiers at the forefront showed fear, some showed madness, and some showed calm.

Everyone is different.

Swearing and shouting rang out like harmony among the soldiers showing fear, madness, and calmness.

It was a battlefield orchestra.

Encred didn’t run. He only slightly increased his walking speed, and his allies moved along with him.

The morale of our allies is much higher.

The difference was in the spread of military discipline.

Encred felt it with his own skin.

“Waaah- you idiots!”

Hearing the shouts of allies from behind, Encred faced his first enemy.

The impact of the cavalry’s charge was greater the second time.

The first ended in a bewildering tone, but the second was a bit different.

Even though I already knew it, the same scene was repeated once more, and that wasn’t enough, I was deader than before.

The cavalry that had been swept away was driven back. If he had charged further from there, it would have been safe to call him the biggest asshole on the continent.

So, the reason why the calm and madness suddenly disappeared from the eyes of the soldier standing in front of me and only fear remained was probably not because of anyone else.

The blades fly, and hot heat rushes through them.

Encred struck down his sword. An honest cut to the top of the head from top to bottom.

Pop, pop!

The first blow hit the soldier in the head.

The head was broken as if it were being cut open, and blood and brain fluid splattered everywhere.

Drops of blood also poured down on Encred’s leather helmet.

And while blood was pouring down, Encred was already horizontally cutting another soldier’s chest and left arm.


If swordsmanship is important, wouldn’t weapons also be part of the technique?

After thinking about that, Encred took full advantage of his sword’s abilities.

The blade, which had extraordinary cutting power and strength, cut through the waves of soldiers rushing forward.

Effect of formation? I didn’t care about that. I really only saw one.

Let’s band together and fight.

The intention was clear. En Creed cut through the enemy like the tip of his sword.

Naturally, everyone, including Rem, followed him around. The Mad Company’s rush was like a knife digging into a soft apple. He would soon be in the middle of the enemy army.

What would happen if we delved into it like that?

It’s a siege. To put it conversely, it could be said that it was a situation where the surrounding area was filled with enemy troops.

Is this a bad tactic? It wasn’t like that.

“Brothers, to heaven!”

Audin, who was in charge of the rear, shouted.

His fists and club moved faster than breathing.

Boom, boom! Hook, hook!

On the right, Rem laughed and swung his axe.

The beam of light from the ax swirled in all directions, striking the opponent’s sword, splitting his head, and splitting his armor.

“Come more, I’m in a high mood right now.”

Rem said while covered in blood.

Only gray eyes blinked between the red-stained helmet and face.

As fear descended on the enemy army, the group of soldiers charging from the front hesitated.

“You guys!”

Then, a guy suddenly rushed at me from the left.

Encred didn’t know it, but it was the 1st Battalion Commander named Greg.

The sword General Olf believed in was blocked by Saxony, who was holding a thin sword.

This is an opponent who has never been noticed before.

Greg didn’t look down on the other person, but he didn’t make a big difference in himself either.

He swung a hexagonal mace.

It’s a heavy blow and a tricky trajectory.

Aim diagonally at the clavicle. If you dodge, the formation will be disrupted, and if you do not dodge, it will be difficult to block, and the difference in strength was evident.

Encred checked it out of the corner of his eye, but wasn’t worried.

‘There’s no way around it.’

When faced with head-on, did Saxony seem the most formidable?

Apparently, the other person was wandering around Rem. However, instead of attacking Rem, I decided to turn to the left.

It was aimed at Saxony.

The red-brown haired soldier greeted the club with a thin blade.

If you couldn’t avoid it, just spill it.


Hold the heavy mace with the blade surface and use force to throw it to the side.

Metal was worn away and sparks flew. Saxony still had an expressionless expression. The argument is that you are doing your job.

For that matter, it was a pretty high level of shedding.

It appears that he has clearly learned the basics of Yugeom.


Greg, contrary to his intention, tried to forcefully change the direction of the flowing mace.

“You idiot.”

Saxony muttered when he saw that. Greg heard it clearly.

This guy? Cursing with his eyes, Greg controlled his mace and slammed his foot into the ground.

The plan was to press it again with force.

If he did something like this again, I was going to drop my weapon and rush at him and break his neck.

He was also confident in martial arts.

For a moment, Greg envisioned the direction of the battle and predicted that he would break the enemy’s neck.

The strange thing is that that scene is repeated countless times.

He puts down his mace and rushes in. Break her neck. Wow!

He puts down his mace and rushes in. Break her neck. Wow.

He puts down his mace and rushes in. Break her neck. Wow.

Then suddenly the world spun and I looked down to see that the guy who had called me an asshole was already stabbing in another direction.

I saw a soldier screaming through his visor as his eyes and head were pierced by a blade.


‘Why do I see all this?’

Greg looked down in doubt and saw, wow! I saw a body with blood gushing out. The body, which had lost its strength, fell forward with a thud, scattering red paint everywhere.

Blood poured out like a tilted bucket from where the head was hanging.

The armor the fallen guy wore was very similar to his own.

That was the end. My thoughts were interrupted, and darkness engulfed everything.

* * *

Ragna delivered a blow as soon as the guy targeting Saxony was pushed aside.

There was no need to cut, so he showed a steel cut.

The armor covering the neck looked quite tough, but it was meaningless.

Squeak, squeak!

Cut off armor, neck bones, tendons, etc. It is a heavy sword-type steel cut.

The head flew through the air and strangely appeared to be blinking.

After that, I lost interest.

Ragnar was in full excitement.

‘Fun guys.’

I was talking about everyone, including Encred.

Where can we get these guys?

Something created through overlapping coincidences.

A prank played by the goddess of luck.

Something like that would have created this situation.

‘No, there might not be such a thing.’

Isn’t life originally starting from coincidence and ending with necessity?

It may be something that happened independently of luck. If it weren’t for Encred, he wouldn’t have stayed here, so it was inevitable.

But wouldn’t Rem or others have a role to play?

In my boring life, I saw people with vaguely similar skills. Of course, it made me stop.

Coincidence, inevitability, and useless thoughts disappear.

Joy, fun.

Ragna was saturated with things that he could not easily feel while swinging his sword. Such joy filled him, and he overflowed to the point of overflowing again.

That was why.

Ragnar’s sword became stronger, more sophisticated, and busier.

At some point, Encred also had to join forces with Ragna.

When he took the lead and started swinging his sword, he was literally no different from the Shinigami.

Something beyond fear and incomprehensible fear began to appear in the eyes of the enemy.


“help me!”

“It’s a monster!”

Crying, not shouting.

Screams and cold sighs began to color the battlefield.

The orchestra was coming to an end.

“… … “What kind of monsters are these?”

The squad leader who had once tried to catch Encred on the supply route had also joined the battlefield.

A frustrated sigh came from his mouth.

If he had survived, he could have been a great commander and an outstanding soldier, but he could not survive.

Before he knew it, the ax came and hit him in the chest.


My chest bone caved in and my heart exploded. A terrible pain rushed through my whole body. Just like that, the squad leader collapsed, shedding bloody tears.

It was around this time that the number of those who died exceeded 100 million.

* * *


Olf sensed defeat.

No, it’s not like I had a hunch.

This was at a level that was incomparable.

‘Semi-chauffeur, five?’

f*ck you, you hid it so well.

Olf felt dizzy beyond disappointment. Five quasi-knights, this is not even a knighthood, what is this?

No, even if they weren’t quasi-knights, how did they hide five people with that level of power?

Olf couldn’t admit it.

He didn’t lose the war.

This is a victory for politics. A well-hidden victory.

This happened because Marcus hid Encred well.

“Keep fighting.”

In the meantime, the commander without a sentence who followed ran and spoke.

There was nothing else to do but keep going.

The flow of the battlefield was not his.

From now on, my life, the beginning, and the end all depended on Marcus.

Beyond morale and victory, everything on the battlefield was in the hands of politicians.

“What a son of a bitch.”

Who knows how devastated Olf felt, as he was unexpectedly struck by a sudden attack while relying on the strength of his subordinates.

Should we call this the area of ​​strategy and tactics?

How well did you hide the power of the five?

If someone were to give this battle a name, it would be fitting to say it this way.

Marcus hides Encred.


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