Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 209

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209. Victory in politics

Encred placed his hand on the sword grip and took a deep breath.

The leader, the tip of the sword, the cutting edge, whatever you call it, it was the very front.

A large-scale battlefield emerged like that.

The terrain is so flat that it can be safely called a plain rotation.

I had expected the cavalry to invade.

No, it was something anyone could have known.

That’s why it’s crazy that it came out like this.

From the other party’s perspective, they would have wondered if there were any normal people here.

I didn’t expect that the cavalry would rush in from the beginning just because the situation was like this.

Doo doo doo!

The ground trembled even though the cavalry group was still charging from afar.

Apart from the earth-shaking sound, it was quite far away, so it wasn’t enough to start a sword dance right away. Still, it was fast. The distance was rapidly narrowing.

The wildness emitted by horses, the dust rising from their hooves, and cavalrymen equipped with uniform weapons.

Everything seemed like an object of fear.

“What? “Okay, I’m dying?”

Bright-eyed Rem said as he saw the cavalry commander approaching. He’s wearing a helmet that covers his face. Can you see his expression?

“Do you see that?”

“Because it feels right.”

Rem snorted and said.

Are the senses of the barbarians just as terrifying as those of Saxony?

Or is it just an instinct that kicks in reflexively when you see someone who looks down on you?

Anyway, Encred felt something similar.

I estimated the number of galloping cavalry. Over fifty.

The people standing here are myself, Rem, Ragna, Saxony, and Audin.

Finn, Dunbakel, and Esther were pulled back.

“I can fight too.”

Dunbakel resisted just before coming out, but that was not something a prisoner who followed Audin and returned with his head broken would say.

The bandage was wrapped from his left ear to his forehead.

“Hehe, sister. You almost fell. If you want to go to heaven, just say it. “I will send it to you right here.”

Auddin’s polite death threats silenced Dunbakhel. He followed Auddin and was wounded in a fight. Of course, even if he wasn’t hurt, he had no intention of taking them.

“He was too weak to fall.”

Rem muttered next to me and said he would see me later.

Just because my usual attitude was light, it did not mean that the words I spoke were light in weight.

What can I say, Rem’s words of “wait and see” were terrible to listen to.

Although Dunbakhel did not notice at all.

Encred threw away a brief thought. The cavalry was now right in front of him. Dududududu, the ground is shaking and the running guys show their weapons.

A long spear with a wide blade shining through the sunlight was placed diagonally towards the floor. It was a glaive, a weapon that was wielded rather than used for stabbing.

Even though the day was clear, it was too clear.

Encred thought that the clear sunlight and the blade of my sword went well together.

Then, it’s something you can use.

Cheer ring.

I pull out the sword, grasp the grip with both hands, and twist it slightly.

“Damn the walls!”

Meanwhile, the guy at the head of the approaching cavalry unit shouted.

Encred used the Valencian mercenary sword technique.

Valencian mercenary sword attack aircraft.


The terrifyingly well-honed blade reflects your face like a mirror.

It reflects the sunlight and presents glare based on the approximate eye size of the other person.


When the sun shined in the eyes of the charging guy, he raised one hand and hesitated. Even so, his horse did not flinch, and the running speed remained the same.

Still, I felt like I was losing steam.

Whether the sun was shining or not, the blade of the approaching glaive cut through the air, trying to cut Encred’s throat as well.

A wide spear blade that cuts through the air at an angle.

Reflected sunlight, one’s terrifyingly sharp sword, opponent, enemy, sun, ground, horse, dust, battlefield, leader.

For a moment, Encred remembered everything around him, and once again forgot everything and immersed himself in it.

Forget yourself, forget the world, and only enemies and swords remain.

The heart of strength beats in sync with the flying blade of the glaive.

If the courage gained from the heart of a beast allowed him not to blink at the flying spear blade, his sharp senses allowed him to read the timing.

Just like that, Encred swung his sword vertically and struck the glaive’s blade.


That cheerful sound was the beginning of everything.

The strength of young muscles in both hands and the rare mastery of a sword combine to create a harmony.


Against the army of spear blades lined up, Encred broke the first spear blade.

There is no time to look at the broken spear blade. In a world where only the enemy, the sword, and yourself exist, all you have to do is swing the sword.

I struck away the attacking spear blades, swatted them away, and split them when I found an opening.


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The blade that cut through the barding cut off the horse’s right front foot.

Warm, hot blood flowing, heehee! The horseman’s screams of pain were heard.

Soon the screams faded away, and even after that, the spear blades continued to fly. The original cavalry charge was like this. Once you start, you can’t stop.

In Encred’s mind, in a world where only the sword, the enemy, and ‘I’ were left, the words Ragna had said to him in a brief moment came to mind.

“When we go into the application of Junggeomsik, we practice two types of cutting.”

Normally, I think that in order to train someone, you have to first explain the usefulness of the technique, but this is something that cannot be expected from Ragna.

“Lion Slash and Steel Slash.”

The explanation was crude, but Encred understood it well.

Lion slashing does not refer to cutting down an actual lion, but refers to chopping up a dynamic target with a single blow that is enough to cut down a charging lion, and steel slashing refers to cutting through refined hardness even if it is stationary.

Dynamic and solid, respectively, at first glance.

In later times, it refers to cutting two pieces at once.

“If you want to get Will, you’re going to have to have those two.”

Ragna’s last words left a deep impression on me, and I also realized that the ‘cutting’ technique he showed earlier started with two double sword-style cuts.

Encrid thought of cutting down a lion while cutting down a charging horse.

A trace of swordsmanship remained in my mind. The body reacting with a sense of avoidance, the hands, feet, and sword cut down the charging horse.

Whoop, whoop, whoop!

Three types of dizzying noises passed through my ears at the same time.

Dead horses and cavalrymen were cut off from head to forelimbs and fell to the ground behind them.


The scream of a cavalryman falling from his horse rang out. It was an unlucky cavalryman. The last scream was the final one.

He fell and hit his head accidentally, causing his limbs to tremble and he died.

One charge passed like that.

Of course, no one died on Encred’s side.

* * *

In the cavalry, the horse itself was also a weapon. Face a horse’s charge head-on?

Giants and procs would do such tricks.

Really, is that a smart thing to do?

Even if you block one animal, what about the group that comes in right after?

If being crushed to death by the weight of a horse and barding is your hobby, that might be a good idea.

Yes. Normally, it would be crazy to face a cavalry charge head-on.

No matter how confident you are, that’s the case, so what are they?

Marcus saw them reacting to an enemy cavalry charge.

Starting with the scene where Encred catches the blade, all the way up to the largest soldier.

Perhaps because of his size, he was the first to catch my eye.

‘Was his name Auddin?’

A faithful soldier who starts his day with prayer.

Yet, he is a soldier who is good at killing people, beasts, and monsters.

He took the brunt of the cavalry charge. He struck down the charging spear blade with a short, forearm-length club in his hand, caught his horseman’s head with his palm, and turned it sideways.

Is it true that if you hit that thing, the blade will bounce back?

Was it possible to change the direction of a charging horse using just the strength of one’s arms?


The change in direction was not the end. With that one blow, the horse collapsed to the side. It absorbs the full force of the attack and throws it to the side. Marcus, who saw the cavalry’s charge being dealt with like that, was beyond impressed and was taken aback.

‘That doesn’t make sense.’

It’s an amazing feat. In fact, it wasn’t clear to Marcus, but Audin didn’t even hit the spear blade directly.

I hit the spear shaft exactly where the joint of the spear blade was.

All the opposing cavalry had to do was attach a spear pole to the hole in the back of the saddle and hold on to the middle. That was also a key tactic. Because it is a strategy of cutting according to the speed of the charge.

Audin didn’t back down at all against him.

The faithful Gomtaengi, who had killed one cavalryman, ducked his head to avoid the spear blade that flew after him, and then struck the head of the third horseman he met with his club.


This time the horse died without a scream. His horse’s armor burst through his head and his blood splattered. In the meantime, Audin smiled kindly, but it was still not visible to Marcus.

Audin wasn’t the only one who stood out. If it started with him, the next one is a madman with an axe.


With enthusiasm, Rem struck the blade of the glaive with the ax blade. Strangely enough, the ax blade and the spear blade stuck together and did not fall off. Then, as if tangled in vines, it got stuck on the blade of the spear and was pushed back along with the horseman, and soon showed amazing feats.

He grabbed the middle of the pole in a pushing position, stepped on the horseman’s head with his foot, and climbed on top of the horseman.

Even as Marcus watched, he couldn’t understand what had happened.

In fact, this was only possible if you had faster feet and reaction speed than a cavalry soldier, plus an incredible amount of strength.


On top of that, he presented an ax blade to the cavalry’s head.

As I was moving sideways toward the next horse, one of the cavalrymen tried to pull out the esterk from his belt.

The Estork was a rapier only used for stabbing.

Before the cavalry could even pull it out, his shoulder was cut off.

It was magic created by an ax blade that shined like a flash.

Rem killed the two cavalrymen and rolled to the ground.

He managed to avoid getting hit by the horse’s hooves, and did well to dodge to the side.

Marcus doesn’t understand and doesn’t understand the English language.

It was no different from an acrobatic troupe that was occasionally seen in central cities.

Encred also stood out. The first spear blade that approached was broken with force, and then the next one was cut again and again. The sight of an entire horse and cavalry being cut down between dodging and slashing movements was at first glance ignorant, but just looking at it also showed a truly mind-blowing slash.

Next to him, a friend named Ragna also showed a similar movement.

However, the difference from Encred is that it only shows a level of subtle thrusting and thrusting of the sword rather than an exciting sword slash, making the horse’s charge useless.

That, too, was an amazing feat.

The scene where Encrud’s weighty sword slash broke the horseman’s charge was exciting and exhilarating just to watch.

Meanwhile, one person wasn’t even visible, but what did it matter?

No one even cared about him.

The important thing was this.

The cavalry charged, but dozens of cavalry disappeared from the side that charged, and those who were the targets of the charge were unharmed.

The blood of the horsemen and cavalrymen stretched out on the floor.

It is the blood made by a horseman riding a dead horseman. Those whose heads were exploded or cut in half by slashes left blood on the floor like a fountain.

The dust created by the horse’s hooves mixed with the blood and looked red.

Marcus’ mouth opened after seeing it all.



“Who brought them all together?”

The adjutant recited the facts he had already known through the investigation.

“I am the former battalion commander.”

“That idiot also did something useful.”

The former battalion commander probably did not intend for the situation to be like this.

Starting with assaulting superiors, the plan was to group the people who were causing various problems into one unit and deploy them in meat shield or attrition operations to make a modest profit.

That bastard has always enjoyed stealing the achievements of his subordinates, so he must have thought that if they died fighting, it would soon become his.

It would be a waste to throw them away and it would be a pain to harvest them.

In fact, it may have been intended to be used as a throwaway knife.

Do you really need to gather all these guys into one unit?

The intention was to use it as a card to discard them without a second glance.

‘A guy named Encred went in there and became a painting.’

Politician Marcus noticed the beginning of the troublemaker squad from where he sat.

Yes, the former battalion commander was an asshole, and I didn’t mean to.

“A good thing is a good thing. “I really want to give you a medal.”

It was truly a godsend to unite them and appoint Encred as the squad leader.

Look, isn’t it amazing?

If Marcus was amazed, the enemy unit commander who ordered the charge was bewildered.

Master of the infantry-cutting cavalry under Viscount Bantra.

He had no choice but to stop. He had to finish his charge and assume a turning shape. He had to rebuild the formation, and twelve out of fifty died.

You came back to life? It was luck.

If you were in their range, you would be the one to die.

The commander saw the blade passing by.

I also saw the owner throwing away his sword in front of him.

The name was Encred. The name I first heard posted on a castle wall, the owner of absurd rumors.

‘That was a bluff.’

It was full of empty rumors.

It was a ploy to make this army retreat by inflating its body, right?

So, I had to cut them all up and turn them into pieces of meat in this attack.

Is this a dream?

“What the hell is this?”

said the commander. He almost lost his will to fight for a moment.

But that wasn’t possible. Isn’t the battlefield just beginning?

While circling and getting into formation, the four survivors were seen.

I could see the blue eyes of a man with black hair wearing a rough helmet.

He seemed to be deep in thought about something. Then, I also saw him muttering to the side. I couldn’t hear what she was saying.

Seeing that was a moment where I regained my composure.



Suddenly, a blade was thrust into my neck. It felt like someone had pierced my neck with a torch. The burning pain started in my neck and spread throughout my body. For a moment, my body stiffened.


I heard a subordinate shouting from behind me. He opened his mouth but couldn’t get the right words out.

If your vocal cords were cut and your throat was punctured, that was the way it was supposed to be.


The commander’s head fell to the side as blood foam formed at his mouth.

The cause of death was a stab wound to the nape of the neck.

The person who gave it as a gift was a man with reddish-brown hair named Saxony.

The sound disappears. There is no buzzing. In a moment of surprise, while everyone was looking, Saxony moved around.


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