Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 208

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208. Damn the walls

“Cavalry and detachments, plus a group wearing drab cloaks.”

Saxony faithfully carried out Encred’s orders.

After seeing the people in the back, I pinpointed where they were staying on the military map.

It was clearly and neatly marked on the map, with the same skill as that of a painter.

In other words, it was good to look at and easy to understand.

Putting it all together, this is what Encred just recited.

A part of the cavalry that had been left behind, a detachment with a fierce-looking company-level number, and finally, five people wearing capes.

The fact that only five people caught Saxony’s attention meant that they were not ordinary people.

Sixth sense and intuition.

It’s purely a feeling, but this is what Saxony saw and said. Encred didn’t ignore it.

“What do you think?”

Encred asked Saxony, who had returned with his arms crossed.

Saxony was shaking off the dust from his armor.

The dust that was shaken off suddenly flew into the air and fell to the floor.

It’s still hot. Although the season to feel cool was far away, Saxony didn’t even break a sweat.

Was it leisurely enough, or were you just taking your time? Encred thought about random things and waited for an answer.

“I think he’s a wizard.”

Five wizards.

The moves that Martai prepared were truly formidable.

What is the best move here? I do not know. Encred attacked Chrys.

“Now, what do you think would be best to do next?”

I ask because I don’t know, but it shows confidence. If you don’t know, just ask for someone under his command. I do what I learned.

“Do you think you will lose if you go out and fight?”

Wangnuni asked instead.

Encred assessed the level of the enemy soldiers, what he saw and learned, and the strength of his allies.

I didn’t think I would lose.

What’s more, didn’t they put on something similar to a play to avoid showing the enemy their skills?

Audin didn’t fight properly, and Encred didn’t bother to change ‘tuk’ to ‘tak’.

“This plan was planned with all-out war in mind from the beginning. “If a street fight breaks out within the walls, the damage will be incredibly large.”

It’s Chrys, his eyes shining. Encred also understood and moved. The decision was up to the battalion commander. The idea that an all-out war is necessary is purely our opinion.

Externally, you will have to open the gate yourself and go out with troops that are at a disadvantage.

“I’m going to report.”

Encred immediately quickly found the command center and spoke to Marcus.

“It’s gonna be fun. fiance.”

The fairy company commander who was listening next to me called me by his title. Funny enough, no one pointed that out.

Everyone must have gotten used to it, so they ignored it after hearing it.

The 1st company commander, other commanders, and even the battalion commander’s adjutant are like that and refuse to listen.

Since I have a position that also serves as a secretary, I work hard to write it down, but will the three letters ‘fiancé’ be included in it? It was just a random thought.

Everyone seemed to ignore it.

More important words are being exchanged than strange nicknames.

“We will take control of the separate unit that was left behind.”

The frontier defense commander came first. He was quite proactive.

Marcus had nothing to say. The battalion commander gave orders with a smile on his face.

“Open the gate.”

Looking at the battalion commander like that, I couldn’t help but wonder.

From Encred’s perspective, it was a very natural question.

No matter how much you believe in it, isn’t this a bit excessive?

“Generally speaking, I think it’s an act of suicide, don’t you think?”

The power difference is clear. To engage in a melee with such an opponent is in itself crazy. That’s usually the case. Considering the strategic and tactical aspects, the commander who carried out this strategy would be called an idiot.

At those words, Marcus looked at Encred.

Then he asked.

“Do you think so?”

Encred shook his head at the question that came back instead of an answer.

“Not really.”

Why not?

Rem, Ragnar, Audin, and even Saxony.

Even if the number of opponents was greater, Encred was not afraid.

It was also more convenient to have a battlefield where the enemy was clearly visible rather than turning the fight into a street battle.

Well, it wouldn’t be inconvenient if it was a street fight.

More than anything.

‘I don’t think I’ll lose.’

This is the first thing that comes to mind.

Encred also knows how to compare power and read the direction of battle. It was natural.

If I hadn’t been able to do even that, I wouldn’t have survived until now.

“I gave my name, and even though I told him to leave, he stayed. “I think it’s time to show them.”

Marcus said with a soft smile. Seeing Encred talk about the times when he revealed his name countless times, I guess that was very impressive.

Encred nodded.


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“I will take the lead.”

The place I always dreamed of, in front of the battlefield.

Now I can stand there.

Because no one is stopping Encred.

Encred, holding the sword, took a step at the very front of the open castle gate.

There was a possibility that our troops showed signs of anxiety.

“They say the troublemaker will leave first?”

“Then that’s it.”

No one shows any signs of anxiety. Because I couldn’t see it properly, I was attacking it like that.

If the enemy had encountered them on the battlefield, it would have been right to use a different strategy simply because there was a company of troublemakers.

But Martai remained calm. The other person’s reaction was absurd, but it was something like, “Just try making a joke.”

What can I say, it was thanks to Marcus’s good deception.

At least Kreis saw this as a political victory.

Or the victory of trickery.

It was effective to spread some of our troops’ strength, especially the activities of the Mad Company, in a false and abridged manner.

Anyway, winning was important. Whether it’s politics or tricks.

“Why wasn’t it an all-out war from the beginning? “I was so bored waiting, I almost passed out.”

Rem asked as he went ahead. Kreis thought back to what he wanted to say.

Destroying the siege weapon was unexpected, but the reason was to get on the enemy’s nerves rather than fighting by touching the supply route.


‘That’s because I have to finish it all at once.’

If the fight is prolonged, the side with fewer numbers is at a disadvantage.

In addition, the opponent even carried the troops of a nearby noble on their backs, and our side burned one of the Black Sword branches to the ground.

You never know what kind of tricks the black knife might do. Moreover, didn’t they also beat up the students from the Magic Church Holy Land Church recently?

It is said that the people with whom he had a bad relationship were slapped in the face one after another.

Therefore, there was nothing good about it being longer. As the battle goes on, your weaknesses increase.

Kreis also drew this from the beginning.

Ending everything in one fight.

To do this, the enemy’s attention had to be focused entirely on this side. I should have been annoyed. I had to lose my temper and fight back.

Should I say that it is a strategy similar to psychological warfare?

“Just like that.”

Kreis didn’t really explain anything to Rem. Encred understood a few words well, but when I tried to explain it to Rem, it took longer. You can also save your words when necessary.

‘That’s me.’

Kreis muttered to himself.

Above all, nothing changes just because Rem knows.


Rem laughs and walks out. Even though I noticed why Wangnun was reluctant to talk, I wasn’t annoyed. All that matters is that it’s time to swing the axe.

Kreis trusted his men. I thought the force they possessed would be something overwhelming.


Still, I feel a bit of anxiety. Can not help it. This is personality.

It was the same for Marcus.

He too was armed and went out as a member of the infantry. Although he was a commander and was positioned in the rear with his escort troops, it was true that he was with his infantry.

Marcus looked at the battlefield through the eyes of a commander.

The response of Encred, who took the lead, will determine many things in this fight.

This is a fact that touches both your head and your skin.

‘It’s dizzying.’

Still, what can I do, this is the best.

“I’m nervous.”

Marcus was inwardly surprised, thinking the adjutant had read his mind.

Still, he didn’t show it outwardly. Rather, she showed her composure by asking back.

“Is that so?”

“Are you going to be okay?”

“of course.”

After answering so confidently. Commanders are people who inherently have to have confidence.

Marcus could see the enemy main force approaching in line.


At the shout of the leader, the lead unit moves forward. After taking one step.


The air resounded with the shouting together. The dust seemed to be moving this way.

The military spirit resonates. A dizzying feeling pierces and wreaks havoc on the soldier’s mind. It is the power of a refined soldier.

However, the Border Guard standing army was not an idiot.

This person was also a hero who fought against the odds and survived by fighting in the mountains, fighting in the water, fighting with monsters, and fighting with Azpen.

There was no need for Marcus to step forward.

“Light bulbuuun!”

He is the 3rd company commander. Was he chosen because of his loud voice? That wasn’t it, but the loud voice seemed to reach the entire team.

“from now on!”

At the sharply cut off words, the main unit of the friendly forces also takes a step forward.



In the same way, they raise their military standards and respond. Apart from that, the Mad Company, including Encred, was moving forward.

I could see the two armies walking languidly across the gap between them.

Now is the moment when the melee that follows the assault is promised.

A commotion broke out in front of the enemy army.

To be precise, something was rushing towards the space where the two armies faced each other.

It’s unexpected timing, it’s a piece of artistic strategy.

This attack started while both armies were watching each other.

Of course, Encred and his party were also taking advantage of the confrontation to move forward.

Doo doo doo!

The ground began to shake. The ground trembled from the vibrations and people could be seen running towards the source of the sound.

It is a light armored cavalry unit with iron plates added to the horses’ heads and shoulders.

The opponent’s spear, causing dust, was first.

Doo doo doo!

The sound of horses galloping reached our soldiers’ ears. It also caught Marcus’ ears. Of course Encred and his men also heard it.

If you target the main force, the damage will be extreme and you will start off defeated.

At the head of the cavalry was the commander of the uncrested troops.

Of course, Marcus also had the cavalry’s location in mind, so he continued to move scouts in that direction to check.

But the cavalry came out from the other side.

So, those were the guys on the strategic map reported by the Mad Company.

It was one of the secret weapons hidden by the enemy.

The dagger was running toward our main force, and in the middle of their path was a company of madmen.

“I’m going to be crushed to death!”

the adjutant shouted.

Marcus thought that this bastard kept saying what he wanted to say first. Of course, he only said it to himself.

A commander must not create anxiety among his allies.

Doo doo doo!

The speed at which the cavalry runs is scary. In front of a galloping cavalry, the infantry is no different from a rotten tree branch, and if they collide with it, they will break, break, and be shattered.

Marcus believed in Encred. I believed in the strength of that unit.

But even against cavalry? Is it okay to deal with someone who attacks with good intentions?

It was an unexpected blow.

You Martai bastards, you pulled out your secret weapon from the beginning.

It was like I got it right.

* * *

The commander of Viscount Bantra said he would go first. A guy named Greg resisted, but it was out of the question.

“Breaking the enemy’s discipline and momentum from the start is the basis of strategy.”

It is not the strategy of a single city, but the strategy of a person leading a noble cavalry.

He was different from the infantry commander in the countryside.

Even Greg had to admit.

That author’s words were more efficient, effective, and lethal.

Just like that, the commander of Viscount Bantra brought out his cavalry.

Fifty’s elite cavalry.

Although they are light armored cavalry and are not specialized in charging, they are still cavalry.

Usually, the strategy was to flank the enemy unit, but today the opponent was infantry.

Even if you attack it like this, it is said that this side has the advantage. This is essentially the fight between cavalry and infantry. This side will also use soldiers to counter the long spears, so it will be a one-sided development.

“Wipe out the entire army of insolent Border Guard hillbillies. “Do you have any objections?”

At the commander’s words, the fifty cavalry gathered their mouths and shouted.

“doesn’t exist!”

“let’s go.”


Calculate the charging distance and attack. Is it difficult?


The commander thought as he prepared his horse and rode on.

‘You idiot.’

Was it when we went out to provide support to a pioneering village?

‘Encred Castle Wall? ‘That’s terrible.’

I decided then. I made up my mind that if I ever met this pretentious guy, I would crush him.

Originally, they were only going to cut off half of the tongue, but now they will cut off the neck instead of the tongue.

Their cavalry had light barding, and those who rode on top of them avoided heavy weapons and often used glaives. It was a unit nicknamed the long spear cavalry.

It is a formation where the spear handle is attached to the side and saddle, and the infantry is cut to the side and passed by. When blades were added to the cavalry’s speed, it became a terrifying slash.

That was their talent. If it runs, it cuts and slices.

The less than ten infantrymen standing in the front and middle running like that were, so to speak, appetizers.

The original target was the enemy main force.

It will be a matter of quickly cutting through the lead.

The commander was overcome with excitement. Joy followed. This person is riding a horse, and the other person is walking.

It was a relative advantage. How can you not be excited as you run through the battlefield where victory is promised?

Blood boiling, heart racing, the commander shouted.

“Damn the walls!”

It was a heartfelt sound that resonated deep in my heart.


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