Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 207

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207. Discomfort and leading

What do those facing each other have?

One soldier was obsessed with stabbing.

Another soldier was very skilled at holding the middle of a spear and swinging it like a club.

Another soldier had poor spear-wielding strength, but he was sharp enough to look for an opening.

It’s an innate feeling. I would say it is the realm of talent.

However, I felt that the training was insufficient.

I lacked endurance, and I lacked even more strength.

The reaction speed wasn’t bad, but that was about it.

Each group of soldiers carried something they had learned and trained, carrying it, standing it, swinging it and charging at it.

Even though we did the same training, each person developed differently.

Even though they all hold spears, they all have different ways of using them.

Encred caught it all in his eyes.

A shaking spear tip, a shaking eyeball.

The habit of moving the left foot forward.

He must have learned the Valen-style mercenary sword, albeit clumsily, and pretended to have lost his footing.

Meanwhile, there are many soldiers who show signs of training without rest.

I feel it again, but if there is anything scarier than overwhelming talent.


Even though its fingers are cut off, the enemy charges at it while biting its molars.

The courage and distribution were different, and the determination was different. A glimpse of spirit was evident in his bloodshot eyes.

Encred did not act half-heartedly at any moment. I didn’t deal with him in vain.

Hiding one’s skills was one thing, but swinging a sword with sincerity was another matter.

When I change my stance while looking at the approaching spear blade, the opponent drops the spear and runs at me. It looked like they were about to attack with force all at once.

Encred recalled the battlefield where he obtained the heart of the beast, bent his knees and caught his opponent with his back.

I used all my strength and threw it backwards.

The soldier who flew away fell from his shoulder and rolled on the floor.

‘Heart of the Beast.’

A person with a strong heart is fiercer than a person with great talent.

Encred once again reflected on how important the heart of the beast was to him.

I never forgot it.

How can you forget everything you learned by repeating it every day?

When you’re stuck in ‘today’, you start to think about everything you have one by one over and over again. How can you forget?

After that, I kept watching the soldier’s movements over and over again.

‘A strike by twisting the body around the left foot.’

It was similar to a one-handed thrust with a sword, but there were also soldiers who threw spears similar to javelins by extending the spear forward and placing it.

It was an unexpected blow and a creative attack.

Still, it wasn’t threatening. From the beginning, our times were different.

There is a body made with the heart of a beast, a single point of focus, a sense of avoidance, and techniques of isolation.

It was an amazing technique, but it could have been avoided.

The moment I saw it, my body reacted first.

Restoration is over. Now all they have to do is put their skills and effort back into their bodies.

After that, it took time.

I looked back as I retreated, but there was no significant black smoke rising above my head.

They tried to set it on fire, but it was quickly extinguished.

Therefore, it did not cause much damage to the supply base. However, the perception will remain that you were beaten without being prepared.

And no matter how little damage there was, the fact that the supply base caught fire was itself a blow.

It wasn’t difficult to get out.


Esther walked next to me at a lighter pace than ever before.

This leopard rarely came into my arms these days, except when it was sleeping.

As I run, Esther raises her eyes from below. I thought it had clear and big eyes.

No, it seems like my eyes are bigger than before.


It seemed as if the leopard was asking what it was looking at.

If this friend were a person, he would have been as temperamental as Rem.


Encred calmly ignored Rem.

“Over there!”

As I was going through the bushes, I heard a cry coming from behind. It was a group of soldiers chasing him.

Encred listened to the soldier’s voice and roughly estimated the distance.

It is a method of seeing through hearing that I learned from Saxony.

After calculating the location and distance of those chasing him based on his keen senses, Encred decided that it was not a problem to ostracize him.

It was relaxing. This is the thought that comes to mind at the same time.

What I felt while understanding and observing the habits of enemy soldiers.

Someone, that is, the squad leader, used his brain even in such a busy situation.

“Bring the net!”

He shouted like that and tried to catch Esther and himself at the same time.


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It was something he said as he pulled back and kept his distance.

It wouldn’t have been unreasonable if they had decided to kill him, but he didn’t feel the need.


He does amazing things.

As I was preparing my net, an arrow flew by.

The enemy soldiers who had surrounded the surrounding area retreated for a moment at the word “shoot.”

It is a promised move. Above all, I listened faithfully to what the squad leader said, showing my trust in him.

Shouting that it was a net was a trick, and what he actually prepared was an arrow, but of course he wasn’t hit.

Instead, as I had some free time, various thoughts filled my head.

I remembered the time when it was snowing, when we were still called the Troubleshooter Squad, and when we were leaving to deal with the Gilpin Guild.

“Give orders. Then those who can do it will do it.”

Ragna said:

Encred caught a glimpse of the enemy squad leader’s actions, such as the way he used his brain, individual tactics, and the squad’s combat, and realized that this was not his area of ​​expertise.

However, I knew I needed something different.

The same goes for the current battle. Mercury alone is not the answer. Attacking the supply route is not even possible at this level.

This was literally like peeing on frozen feet.

So, what should I do?

‘If you crave Chrys.’

The answer will come out.

Didn’t you learn something from that winter day? If he can’t do it, he can just tell someone who can.

In any case, leading a unit was not usually a difficult task.

‘I can’t do something like a battalion commander.’

It’s a lame thought.

Anyway, all I had to do now was go back.

There is no time to learn and master strategies and tactics right away. However, he wouldn’t be able to fight like this forever while holding the title of company commander.

‘You just have to learn them one by one.’

Don’t you need to know something to give an order?

You must understand the intent of someone when they speak, so that you can properly serve as a commander.

A knight was someone who walked ahead, but he was also sometimes a commander in charge of troops.

And even if it doesn’t have to be that way.

‘If all my allies die under my command.’

Moreover, if that happened because he was lazy in learning, it was something that Encred could not afford to ignore.

* * *

“Has it happened again?”

Olf didn’t get angry indiscriminately. Her eyes were also fine.

He was not a dull person, no matter what anyone said.

‘I feel uncomfortable?’

It is not a significant blow. There wasn’t just one supply route, and they only touched the supply base near the fire pit.

I literally touched it. It is not a fatal blow.

This alone does not have the effect of shaking the entire battlefield.

However, the fact that it keeps happening is getting on my nerves.

“What about him?”

Olf asked. Greg answered the commander’s question with sweat dripping from his forehead.

“I missed it.”

Assault leader Greg.

A subordinate specialized in chasing down retreating enemies regardless of personal force. Even if a battle breaks out, he is not someone who will be easily pushed aside.

In fact, he was a warrior with a reputation for single-handedly wiping out two colonies even before the rumor about Encred had spread widely.

When looking at prestige, which is usually divided into villages, cities, and continents, it is natural to regard warriors as city-level or higher.

If there’s a guy under my command who’s better than Greg, should we take good care of him?

“Did you miss it?”

What’s more, Greg, who specializes in charging, running, and striking, lost his opponent.

‘Marcus, you crazy bastard. ‘What kind of trick are you playing?’

Olf asked inwardly. I don’t know what the other person’s intentions were, but there was definitely something there.

An uneasy feeling builds up in my chest. But it wasn’t the time to get angry.

“It’s just a clumsy move, and what’s more, I haven’t even properly shown the troops I brought with me yet. “If we keep tightening and pushing them like this, there’s nothing they can do!”

The actual commander of Viscount Bantra’s army said. In Olf’s opinion, just hearing the name Encred was enough to make him feel uncomfortable.

His relatively young face showed both confidence and arrogance.

Doesn’t the facial expression speak for itself?

He said he was better and that he could step forward.


No, this is the commander of the Viscount Army. Some even said that he was the illegitimate son of a nobleman.

On the other hand, the opponent is a soldier from the streets who has inflated his body.

No matter what happened, the feeling of discomfort was still the same.

Olf didn’t just bring in troops.

Naturally, he also prepared a few tricks.

For example, there was a case where the emblem was erased and hidden as a display by a nobleman’s private soldier who joined.

Since there is something to hide, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to keep the battlefield like this.

Maintaining the status quo itself can be advantageous to our allies.

“Let’s wait and see for a few more days. Watch the other person’s reaction for two days. Afterwards, we will attack the walls again.”

Time was on his side, Olf decided.

I believe this is a moment when you need to be cool-headed instead of angry.

After spending the night like that, the morning of the fourth battlefield dawned.

For breakfast, Olf ate well-baked bread, fresh cabbage, beef jerky, and dried fruit, and washed his mouth with water mixed with wine.

Even if it was a battle, it was just a small unit coming out and fighting.

Was there any significant damage to our troops? does not exist.

It was time to erase the discomfort with a cool-headed judgment, roughly wipe my face, and put on my armor.


A messenger rushed into the command barracks.

The eyes of all the commanders who had gathered after breakfast fell on the messenger.


Greg was in a sensitive state thanks to the weight he had missed the previous day. His tone of voice was naturally harsh.

“The enemy is coming.”

“… … ?”

Sigh. Sigh.

Everyone just blinks.

“Where do I come from?”

2nd Battalion Commander Zimmer asked.

“I’m out of town.”


It was so absurd that the words I had in my heart came out of my throat without permission.

“… … yes?”

How would the messenger know that?

Doesn’t Zimmer know that?

“What are you doing when you come out?”

Even Greg, who used to be rough, blinked at the absurdity, and his voice became much gentler.

“We are reorganizing our battle lines.”

The messenger reported what he saw and heard.

A river of silence swept through the command center. It seemed like a silent clamor was shaking the barracks.

Why are you here?

Is everyone crazy?

Reorganize your battle lines? Let’s start an all-out war?

Why? Leave the walls behind?

Even if there is a castle wall, this is the advantage, right?

No, why did you come out to die? What do you believe in?


He was the one who stood tall like a scarecrow. The illusory commander of a force without a coat of arms expressed his impressions.

“I guess I’d rather rebel than be locked up.”

The commander of Viscount Bantra also spoke.

It was difficult to think of any other reason.

However, the discomfort that Olf had forced to erase began to spread from his chest like a spilled wine stain on a carpet.

So are you going to get out of here?

He will remain a subject of ridicule for the rest of his life.

If he were a bard, he might have been nicknamed a cowardly general.

In the battlefield, there are times when you have to fight even if it is an unwinnable battle.

Now, no matter who sees it, this side has the upper hand.

But, back off?

This is not the time to step out just because you feel uncomfortable.

“I will use all the cavalry. Block the front with a diagonal line. “If you come to me in an all-out fight, wouldn’t it be right to accept it?”

Olf said emphatically. No matter what the opponent is aiming for, since he has abandoned the castle advantage, destroying his troops will be enough.

Then this discomfort will disappear.

‘Where did you request reinforcements?’

No, that won’t happen. They surrounded the city as soon as they advanced, and even if they sneaked out and asked for reinforcements, who would send troops?

Count Molsen? That guy also deployed troops with the emblem erased to tear down the border guards, right?

‘In the center?’

That doesn’t happen. What is the probability that the central Naurilian army will intervene? The probability of a passing crow eating out a knight’s eyeballs would be lower.

“let’s go.”

All commanders stood up at the general’s words.

“Please leave the vanguard to me.”

Greg stepped forward.

“Of course.”

Assault leader Greg is a warrior who will not be easily defeated by anyone based on his skills.

“The supply routes have been more thoroughly fortified. “Even if it’s a diversionary operation, we won’t suffer any more.”

2nd Battalion Commander Zimmer also helped. He is a meticulous and error-free commander.

Olf nodded with a satisfied face.

Lastly, he is the 3rd battalion commander who leads the cavalry and reconnaissance corps. His name is Letley.

Even though his personal military power is worse than Greg’s, his troop management skills to exploit the gaps in the camp are better than his own.


“Yes, I’m ready.”

This isn’t the end either.

“My side is ready too. In fact, it was already over. “I will take down this brat-filled bastard and put an end to the subject of clumsy rumors.”

There is also a cavalry unit secretly prepared by Viscount Bantra.

That number is over fifty.

Now, who has the advantage in this fight?

Olf asked Marcus, the enemy commander who could not be seen in the distance.


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